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()$'.*'+. <C<A )')1"%#1 A<C=; ".':#(4**4* *"(($#($')%'!=;;D((*$ ".(#))$))$')#.)"*) ' '&*() . 4#.$#".(*")#')!*).$*"*() ""' $ )$ '+ 4!(!")(*"(($#()$$*)$#%4 )$'($'$#)'*)$#(#!*#,(1#,%*!)$#(1")# ##$*#"#)(1 *''#)((*()#"$!!*( (1$%$()#(1$#)'*)')!( 6#!*# $#$# '('%'$)(71()')(1#($).$""))'%$')(4!)'$#(*"(($#(' %'''2$#))))$',)#.&*()$#(4 $)))(*"(($#( ' #$) %' '+,1*)' $'$#)#)##'!)#4 NEWSLETTER OF THE FRESHWATER MOLLUSK CONSERVATION SOCIETY "!$ #!!( " % & ' President’s Message The holidays are probably behind us by the time you read this issue of Ellipsaria. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and all of us should be thankful for being employed and having a career as a biologist. These are tough economic times and we all have to be diligent and constantly on guard in order protect our natural resources. During the past year, many FMCS committees and their members have been very active, especially the Environmental Quality and Affairs committee. Numerous environmental issues have been addressed that require FMCS support in the form of a letter. My feelings are that as a conservation society we have to continue to support legislation or environmental groups that seek to protect our natural resources. I would prefer to be pro-active rather than non-active on these matters. Financially our society is in great shape and I want to give thanks to all for our careful management of FMCS funds…always thankful for Heidi Dunn. We made a profit at our July 2008 SCB/FMCS workshop/symposium, largely the result of World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and Tennessee Valley Authority sponsorship and careful negotiations by Rachel Muir. I can’t stress enough the importance of gaining sponsorship monies when we have a workshop or symposium. I would encourage each and every one of you to continue to pursue new memberships, especially resource managers responsible for protecting our resources, and find sponsorship monies for the 2009 international symposium. The National Strategy for the Conservation of Freshwater Mollusks will be updated. The board decided that Rachel Muir will chair this committee. Rachel has been requested to form a committee to help her with this task and have a draft that can be presented to the board next April 2009 at the international symposium. Anyone that would like to help her with this process please contact her. The 2009 international symposium will be held in Baltimore, Maryland and hosted by Catherine Gatenby. Catherine and her committee have done an excellent job with this and I hope all FMCS members and non-members will attend. The costs associated with hosting a symposium keep accelerating and we need to offset those costs with sponsorship monies. The money generated by sponsorship helps to defray hotel costs, registration fees, and coffee breaks which are very expensive. One final note, we need quality items for the auction so please consider what the auction monies go towards…student sponsorship. Steve Ahlstedt, FMCS President ~~ FMCS Officer Nominations – President-Elect and Secretary ~~ The FMCS is seeking nominees for two offices: president-elect and secretary. Nominees must be current FMCS members in good standing. You will receive a ballot in early 2009; both positions will be voted on before the April meeting in Baltimore. The new president-elect will take office in April of 2009, become president in 2011, and then serve as past-president until 2014 for a total of six years of service. The secretary will take office in April 2009 and serve for two years. The deadline for nominations is January 9, 2009. The nominations committee will select the two candidates for each office who receive the most nominations and who are willing to run for that office. Position statements from the candidates will be mailed out with the ballots after nominations close. Send nominations to Leroy at [email protected] or Leroy Koch, USFWS, J.C. Watts Federal Building, Room 266, 330 West Broadway, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 1 FMCS 2009 SYMPOSIUM LAST CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ** Due January 16, 2009 ** The 6th Biennial Symposium of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society will be held at Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland from April 19 - 24, 2009. The theme is Healthy Mollusks = Healthy Rivers = Healthy People. A plenary session will open the meeting and provide a variety of international and ecosystem perspectives on freshwater mollusk conservation. Platform and poster session topics covering all taxa of mollusks (gastropods and bivalves) are welcome, and include: • Advances in Propagation of Mollusks • Maritime, Roads, and Rail: Transportation, • Pearl Culture Impacts and Opportunities • Life History & Population Ecology • Water Quality and Ecotoxicology • Physiology and Reproductive Biology • Status of Mollusks on Tribal Lands • Systems and Community Ecology / Freshwater • Conservation of Margaritiferidae Mussel Ecosystem Services • World Atlas of Freshwater Mussels • Habitat Restoration/ Fish Passage/ Connectivity • Evolution and Systematics • Outreach that Works Visit http://www.cpe.vt.edu/fmcs2009/ for current information on the symposium. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Submittal form: Abstracts should be submitted as an email attachment in Microsoft Word® or Rich Text format to Patricia Morrison ([email protected]). File name should include presenter’s last name and initials (e.g., jonesjm.doc). Acknowledgment of abstract receipt, if requested, will be provided by e-mail. Limit abstracts to 300 words or less (including title, authors and affiliations). Abstracts with greater than 300 words will be edited. Submittal format: The abstract should contain the title in BOLD, CAPITAL letters, followed by the author(s), and address(es). Underscore the presenter's name. Skip one line and begin the text including a clear summary of presentation including objectives, results, and conclusions. Example: AN EXAMINATION OF FEED QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS FOR RIFFLESHELL MUSSELS (EPIOBLASMA SPP.) HELD AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS NATIONAL FISH HATCHERY, WEST VIRGINIA A. L. Bush 1, R. J. Neves 1, C. M. Gatenby 2, and D. A. Kreeger 3. 1Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, MC 0321, Blacksburg, VA 24061. 2White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery, 400 East Main St., White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986. 3Delaware Estuary Program, Box 7068, 25 State Police Drive, West Trenton, NJ 68628. Knowledge of feed quantity requirements is essential to successful captive care of freshwater mussels. An optimum ration was determined for riffleshell mussels Epioblasma spp. held at White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery, West Virginia. Cumberlandian combshell E. brevidens, oyster mussel E. capsaeformis, snuffbox E. triquetra, and northern riffleshell E. torulosa rangiana, along with the rainbow mussel Villosa iris were fed one of four rations (20,000 cells ml-1, 40,000 cells ml-1, 80,000 cells ml-1, or 120,000 cells ml-1) of the alga Neochloris oleoabundans for two-hour trials in June (15°C), August (18°C), and December (11°C), 2006. Measurements of filtration rate and absorption rate were used to determine milligrams of feed mussels absorbed per hour (net absorption rate). Optimum rations were based upon observed net absorption rates, and were compared among Epioblasma spp., Epioblasma vs. Villosa, between sexes, and among seasons. No differences were observed among Epioblasma spp. (P > .05), nor between genera (P > .05), or sexes (P > .05). Net absorption rates in June were significantly lower than in August (P < .05). Scheduled tests will determine net absorption rates of mussels in December. Optimum rations for Epioblasma spp. fed N. oleoabundans were 40,000-80,000 cells ml-1 in June (15°C), and 80,000-120,000 cells ml- 1 in August (18°C). At the bottom of the page, please type: 1. The name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail of the presenting author; 2. Preference for Platform or Poster presentation and willingness (yes or no) to convert from one format to another; and 3. Regular or Student* attendee *Note: All students submitting abstracts, provided they meet eligibility requirements, will be judged for the best student platform or poster presentation, unless otherwise indicated. Oral Presentation Requirements Not to exceed 20 minutes (15 for talk and 5 for questions and answers). Slides and LCD projector visual aids only (no overheads). Poster requirements The poster should be readable from 5 feet, titles from 10 feet, and the poster should not exceed a size of 4 feet high by 8 feet wide. Authors must be present at the designated poster session. ABSTRACTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 16, 2009 2 Treasurer’s Report – Total society assets: $61,357.82. 2009 FMCS Professional Award Banking was revised to a better system. A spreadsheet of Nominations the current P&L is available from Heidi. Motion to accept
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