Nodc Name 1499999999 Misc. Prey 1500000000 Phaeophycophyta

Nodc Name 1499999999 Misc. Prey 1500000000 Phaeophycophyta

Nodc Name 1499999999 Misc. prey 1500000000 Phaeophycophyta (brown algae) 3448000000 Foraminiferida (protozoan) 3450000000 Textulariina (foram) 3600000000 Porifera (sponge) 3630000000 Hyalospongia (glass sponges) 3700000000 Cnidaria 3701000000 Hydrozoa 3702000000 Hydroida (hydroid) 3704050000 Sertulariidae (hydroid) 3704050200 Sertularia sp. (hydroid) 3715000000 Siphonophora 3717010000 Agalatmidae 3730000000 Scyphozoa (jellyfish) 3733010100 Atollidae Atolla sp. 3733060101 Periphyllidae (jellyfish) Periphylla periphylla 3734010201 Pelagiidae (jellyfish) Chrysaora melanaster 3734030101 Ulmaridae Phacellophora camtschatica 3734030203 Moon jellyfish Aurelia labiata 3740000000 Anthozoa (anemone) 3752000000 Pennatulacea (sea pen) 3760010900 Liponema sp. (sea anemone) 3760020000 Actinostolidae (anemone) 3800000000 Ctenophora (comb jelly) 3807010100 Ctenophora (comb jelly) Beroe sp. 3900000000 Platyhelminthes 3935000000 Digenea (flatworm) 3960000000 Cestoda (flatworm) 4300000000 Rhynchocoela 4700000000 Nematoda (worm) 4900000000 Acanthocephala (parasitic worm) 5000000000 Annelida (worm) 5001000000 Polychaeta (polychaete) 5001010000 Aphroditidae (sea mouse) 5001020000 Polynoidae (polychaete) 5001020201 Polynoidae (polychaete) Antinoella macrolepida 5001020203 Polynoidae (polychaete) Antinoella badia 5001020301 Polynoidae (polychaete) Arcteobia anticostiensis 5001020402 Polynoidae (polychaete) Arctonoe vittata 5001020500 Polynoidae (polychaete) Eunoe sp. 5001020503 Polynoidae (polychaete) Eunoe nodosa 5001020601 Polynoidae (polychaete) Gattyana amondseni 5001020800 Polynoidae (polychaete) Harmothoe sp 5001021500 Polynoidae (polychaete) Polynoe sp. 5001021501 Polynoidae (polychaete) Polynoe canadensis 5001021502 Polynoidae (polychaete) Polynoe gracilis 5001022301 Polynoidae (polychaete) Tenonia kitsapensis 5001060000 Sigalionidae (polychaete) 5001060101 Sigalionidae (polychaete) Pholoe minuta 5001110000 Euphrosinidae (polychaete) 5001110105 Euphrosinidae (polychaete) Euphrosine multibranchi 5001130000 Phyllodocidae (polychaete) 5001130200 Phyllodocidae (polychaete) Eteone sp. 5001130205 Phyllodocidae (polychaete) Eteone longa 5001130500 Phyllodocidae (polychaete) Mystides sp. 5001131000 Phyllodocidae (polychaete) Phyllodoce sp. 5001140000 Alciopidae (polychaete) 5001200000 Tomopteridae (polychaete) 5001200100 Tomopteridae (polychaete) Tomopteris sp. 5001230000 Syllidae (polychaete) 5001240000 Nereidae (polychaete) 5001250000 Nephtyidae (polychaete) 5001250100 Nephtyidae (polychaete) Nephtys sp. 5001250103 Nephtyidae (polychaete) Nephtys caeca 5001250113 Nephtyidae (polychaete) Nephtys californiensis 5001260000 Sphaerodoridae (polychaete) 5001260203 Sphaerodoridae (polychaete) Sphaerodoropsis biseri 5001270000 Glyceridae (polychaete) 5001270100 Glyceridae (polychaete) Glycera sp. 5001270101 Glyceridae (polychaete) Glycera capitata 5001280000 Goniadidae (polychaete) 5001280103 Goniadidae (polychaete) Glycinde armigera 5001280200 Goniadidae (polychaete) Goniada sp. 5001290000 Onuphidae (polychaete) 5001290100 Onuphidae (polychaete) Onuphis sp. 5001290101 Onuphidae (polychaete) Nothria conchylega 5001290103 Onuphidae (polychaete) Onuphis iridescens 5001290104 Onuphidae (polychaete) Onuphis holobranchiata 5001290105 Onuphidae (polychaete) Paradiopatra parva 5001300000 Eunicidae (polychaete) 5001300102 Eunicidae (polychaete) Eunice valens 5001310000 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) 5001310100 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) Lumbrineris sp. 5001310104 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) Lumbrineris latreilli 5001310107 Polychaete Lumbrineris japonica 5001310127 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) Lumbrineris minuta 5001310146 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) Lumbrineris bifurcata 5001310147 Lumbrineridae (polychaete) Lumbrineris cervicalis 5001330000 Arabellidae (polychaete) 5001330100 Arabellidae (polychaete) Drilonereis sp. 5001330103 Arabellidae (polychaete) Drilonereis longa 5001330104 Arabellidae (polychaete) Drilonereis falcata minor 5001400000 Orbiniidae (polychaete) 5001400102 Polychaete Haploscolopos elongatus 5001400301 Orbiniidae (polychaete) Scoloplos armiger 5001410000 Paraonidae (polychaete) 5001410200 Paraonidae (polychaete) Aricidea sp. 5001410301 Paraonidae (polychaete) Lavinsenia gracilis 5001430000 Spionidae (polychaete) 5001430500 Spionidae (polychaete) Prionospio sp. 5001430502 Spionidae (polychaete) Prionospio cirrifera 5001430506 Spionidae (polychaete) Prionospio steenstrupi 5001430510 Spionidae (polychaete) Prionospio nova 5001430804 Spionidae (polychaete) Boccardia californica 5001431002 Spionidae (polychaete) Spiophanes kroeyeri 5001440100 Magelonidae (polychaete) Magelona sp. 5001490000 Chaetopteridae (polychaete) 5001490100 Chaetopteridae (polychaete) Chaetopterus sp. 5001490300 Chaetopteridae (polychaete) Spiochaetopterus sp. 5001490301 Chaetopteridae (polychaete) Spiochaetopterus typic 5001500000 Cirratulidae (polychaete) 5001500300 Cirratulidae (polychaete) Tharyx sp. 5001520101 Cossuradea (polychaete) Cossura longocirrata 5001540000 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) 5001540100 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) Brada sp. 5001540101 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) Brada granulata 5001540102 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) Brada villosa 5001540200 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) Flabelligera sp. 5001540202 Flabelligeridae (polychaete) Flabelligera affinis 5001570000 Scalibregmatidae (polychaete) 5001570100 Scalibregmatidae (polychaete) Scalibregma sp. 5001570101 Scalibregmatidae (polychaete) Scalibregma inflatum 5001580000 Opheliidae (polychaete) 5001580101 Opheliidae (polychaete) Ophelina acuminata 5001580301 Opheliidae (polychaete) Ophelia limacina 5001580400 Opheliidae (polychaete) Travisia sp. 5001580402 Opheliidae (polychaete) Travisia forbesii 5001580403 Opheliidae (polychaete) Travisia pupa 5001580600 Opheliidae (polychaete) Ophelina sp. 5001580700 Opheliidae (polychaete) Thoracophelia sp. 5001590000 Sternaspidae (polychaete) 5001590101 Sternaspidae (polychaete) Sternaspis scutata 5001600000 Capitellidae (polychaete) 5001600101 Capitellidae (polychaete) Capitella capitata 5001600306 Capitellidae (polychaete) Notomastus latericeus 5001620000 Arenicolidae (polychaete) 5001630000 Maldanidae (polychaete) 5001630301 Maldanidae (polychaete) Maldane sarsi 5001630400 Maldanidae (polychaete) Maldanella sp. 5001630402 Maldanidae (polychaete) Maldanella harai 5001630500 Maldanidae (polychaete) Nicomache sp. 5001630501 Maldanidae (polychaete) Nicomache lumbricalis 5001630502 Maldanidae (polychaete) Nicomache personata 5001630600 Maldanidae (polychaete) Notoproctus sp. 5001630801 Maldanidae (polychaete) Axiothella catenata 5001630900 Maldanidae (polychaete) Praxillella sp. 5001630901 Maldanidae (polychaete) Praxillella gracilis 5001630902 Maldanidae (polychaete) Praxillella praetermissa 5001631000 Maldanidae (polychaete) Rhodine sp. 5001631600 Maldanidae (polychaete) Micromaldane sp. 5001631601 Maldanidae (polychaete) Micromaldane ornithochaeta 5001640000 Oweniidae (polychaete) 5001640200 Oweniidae (polychaete) Myriochele sp. 5001650000 Sabellariidae (polychaete) 5001650102 Sabellariidae (polychaete) Idanthyrsus armatus 5001660000 Pectinariidae (polychaete) 5001660200 Pectinariidae (polychaete) Cistenides sp. 5001660203 Pectinariidae (polychaete) Cistenides hyperborea 5001670000 Ampharetidae (polychaete) 5001670100 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Amage sp. 5001670200 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Ampharete sp. 5001670206 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Ampharete reducta 5001670208 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Ampharete acutifrons 5001670300 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Amphicteis sp. 5001670500 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Melinna sp. 5001670501 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Melinna cristata 5001670602 Ampharetidae (polychaete) Sabellides borealis Ampharetidae (polychaete) Glyphanostomum 5001670901 pallescen 5001680000 Terebellidae (polychaete) 5001680101 Terebellidae (polychaete) Amphitrite cirrata 5001680402 Terebellidae (polychaete) Neoamphitrite groenlandi 5001680600 Terebellidae (polychaete) Nicolea sp. 5001680700 Terebellidae (polychaete) Pista sp. 5001680703 Terebellidae (polychaete) Pista elongata 5001680800 Terebellidae (polychaete) Polycirrus sp. 5001681100 Terebellidae (polychaete) Artacama sp. 5001681102 Terebellidae (polychaete) Artacama proboscidea 5001681600 Terebellidae (polychaete) Lysilla sp. 5001690000 Trichobranchidae (polychaete) 5001690100 Trichobranchidae (polychaete) Terebellides sp. 5001690101 Trichobranchidae (polychaete) Terebellides stroemi 5001700000 Sabellidae (polychaete) 5001700100 Sabellidae (polychaete) Chone sp. 5001700103 Sabellidae (polychaete) Chone cincta 5001730000 Serpulidae (polychaete) 5001730500 Serpulidae (polychaete) Spirorbis sp. 5001950000 Capitellida 5001960000 Eunicida (polychaete) 5001970000 Phyllodocida (polychaete) 5001971000 Glyceriformia 5001980000 Sabellida (polychaete) 5001990000 Terebellida (polychaete) 5004000000 Oligochaeta (worm) 5012000000 Hirudinea (leech) 5085000000 Mollusca 5100000000 Gastropoda (snail) 5102040203 Great key-hole limpet Cranopsis major 5102100200 Gastropoda (snail) Bathybembix sp. 5103200500 Gastropoda (snail) Rissoina sp. 5103330000 Turritellidae (turret snail) 5103430101 Horse mussel Modiolus modiolus 5103620204 Checkered hairy snail Trichotropis cancellata 5103640202 Grand slipper shell (snail) Crepidula grandis 5103660000 Lamellariidae (snail) 5103660404 Ribbed velvet snail Velutina plicatilis 5103730000 Atlantidae (heteropod) 5103760000 Naticidae (snail) 5103760200 Gastropoda (snail) Natica sp 5103760402 Naticidae (snail Polinices pallidus 5103780101 Oregon triton (snail) Fusitriton oregonensis 5105040000 Buccinidae

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