REStltvc CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA SINCE 1927 VOLUME 75, NUMBER 17 WWW.HURRICANE.MIAMI.EDU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28,1997 in this issue IFC sanctions Lambda Chi sanction came as a result of violations of selves We decided Ihis would be best • Fraternity will remain underage drinking at a brotherhood event this for the chapter - to admit to oui dry until Fall 1998 semester. faults." said a source who asked to The Interfraternity Council Judicial Board remain anonymous. By SARAH GUARNACCIA (J-Boarcl) a panel ol six greeks, issued a sanc­ According to junior Andrew Paul, News Editor tion last Wednesday after about two hours of chiel justice ofthe J-Board. the board Looking out from inside the Lambda (hi delegation. used two of lhe potential sanctions Alpha house, the red ribbons tied around the ' rhe |J-Board| took appropriate action on the brothers proposed trees throughout the University ,md fraternity the evidence presented." said Gregory "The judiciary board accepted the row promoting alcohol awareness seem to •Singleton associate dean of students. "The sanctions with modification.' have lost their meaning lo the brothers. chapter was well prepared They admitted Singleton said. Within Iheir house, the choice to drink does guilt.' However, the list ol'potential sanc­ not exist any longer. While determining Lambda Chi Alpha's tions, authored and voted on by all 88 The brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha lost their sanction the J Board considered lhe frnlerni- brothers, not used in deciding lhe right to have alcohol in their Iraternity house tv s guilty plea to the violaiions and a list of sanction. The J-Board mandated a VANtSSA ALVAREZ / Layout Editor and al greek social events until May l*W<S. The possible sanctions proposed hy the brothers DRY: The Lambda Chi Alpha house will remain We wrote pretty severe sanctions tor our­ See LAMBDA • Page 2 dry until Fall of 1W8 ' MIAMI TRAMPLES TEMPLE • UM is back in the race for the Big East championship UN Day brings after routing Temple 47-15 Saturday at the Orange Bowl. students closer is" said Ona Nunnumen COISO • Patio becomes president The ml "rnaii m.i tudent organi­ carnival of cultures zations served food trom their By STEPHANIE NOEL homelands and some also per­ Hurricane Staff Writer formed tiadifional dances like a University of Miami siudenis label routine by ihe Latin American gathered on the University Center Siuilenl Association and a step rou­ Patio Friday to celebrate United tine by the African Students Union Nations Day. called Gumboot The event, held worldwide in "Gumboot was originally per recognition of humanitarian efforts. formed bv African miners to relieve was especially significant Ihis year stress. said ASU Vice President Lee due to lhe deaths ul two famous Ferguson When I performed it. I humanitarians. Princess Diana and left good because I was presenting Mother Theresa Mvrethng that was old. yet also new The celebration ol UN Day was LM The routine is uncient .n sponsored by the Council of • car culture, but it, was brand International Student Organization- nc-v 'o UM students who have never witnessed something like ihis iCOISO). The internatiunal theme before ii ihis year's UN Day was "A World Without Boundaries." UN Day was an oppoi tunny fur SOUTH PARK STUDY BREAK COISO also incorporated ils own students lo show pride in then dif­ ferent cultures • Catch the latest craze on theme inlo the festivities: "In the J.J. GAMA-LOBO / Photo Edi< We wanled lo show people how (omedy Central, South Park' Spirit of Humanitarians." rich out culture is. Ihere are many every Wednesday night at the "United Nations Day is a means Kathskeller. ON PARADE: In authentic (ostumes tudents perform native dames at United Nations Day last Friday. to educate Ihe UM community on The worldwide event was celebrated at UM with the theme, "In the Spirit of Humanitarians," exactlv how diverse the community See UN-» Page i ACCENT, page 6 Students stay MIAMI LOVE OR HATE Holocaust event tomorrow • Miami: You'vi got to love it - or do youf1 Visit the stages silent for peace al campaign to i crease holo­ ago the concern with Ihe survivor of the C umbodian of an out of-state student's • Lang-Stagg caust awarene- National Holocaust ad in the Hurricane holocaust tree dinner with sur­ love affair wilh Miami . survived Pol Pot sponsors include tie Righteous it would .help healing process ' vivor mo'Ily from he World Persons Found, nn and Ihe said Dr Palncia Whilely vice- War 11 holocaust." said OPINION, page 8 regime Holocaust Docu •.enliilinn and president for Sludenl Affairs Ullmann It s a program that Education Centei Inc "We I'ell whv not do n on our people have been to it say it campus It's an important issue impacts voui life forever" Bv VICTORIA BALLARD "We were appi 'ached by the for students to be educated Ihe video presentation is a news briefs Assistant News Editor Holocaust Documentation and Education Centei and it was I about in terms of Nator) documentary about Ihe history The University of Miami will iremendous idi t." said Dr. The program has been hosted ot the Holocaust host the first Holocaust Steven Ullmann. vice provost on many othei campuses across \Mutely said. Tt was shown LOWE ART MUSEUM OPENS Awareness Day "A Living for Faculty Adininislraiioii and the countiv on othei campuses and is very NEW EXHIBIT ON AFRICAN- Memory Through Education" University Administration "Il's "It's repeated every couple rl powerful" . tomorrow from 44.30 n.m m AMERICAN ART co-sponsored bv iiufny groups yeaifi as the siudent body The program is funded by The Lowe Art Musuem at the lhe Mahoney/Pearsr i c, leteria •round campus changes." said Ullmann. "I've lhe Righteous Persons University of Miami is hosting featuring Sophal 1 tr% 'Mugg. a K The Univei-nv decided lo heard it's a program where if Foundation, of which Steven "Family Funday" on Saturday sumvoi of lhe ( • • dian host this evenl heeaus- of lhe people come, ihey will stay. A Spielberg is Ihe chair "Your from 1 to 4 p.m. The Lowe Art holocaust need for uwaicnes* aboul the number of other univeisitier feelings and thoughts are really Museum is inviting all families The event i being i i dinat Holocaust, following a series have done it belore and il had impacted, said lilmann. it's to (clebrate an afternoon o' ed by seveial gioup- 11 hiding of events a few years ago In an impact on Ihe sludenl popu an outcropping front Alt nan- American art and cul­ Studeni Government Hillel. April ol IWfi. Ihe Hurricane lalion." Schindler' List" ture. Families will be able to Multicultural Sludenls printed an advertisement epics The lull program lasis loir The program lullows the enjoy two special exhibitions Association and the tioning whether the Holocaust and a half hours same format but has a clillerenl The Studio Museum in Hat It m IX'partmenl of Sludenl Allans. ever occurred. "ll involves an award win Twenty five years of Atriian- The program is part ol a nation­ LUIS COBAS/Staff "hotoniaphet "We fell that given two years ning video I presentation by a Set' DAY • Cage . Amerk.in ,irt and Four Pl.uv SILENT ACCORD: Students and families l nlk'i Imn. Among olher things to enjoy is the Lowe's perma­ who attended UN Hav reflected on peaic. nent collection. Activities lot High attendance at Family Weekend '97 the family include (ollage- • 'Seven minutes of making workshops, storytime, silence' dedicated to • Largest her husband visited from a treasure hunt, blues nuisie, Clearwaler. IT. and facepainting demonstra­ peace turnout since "We're very pleased lo see tions. For members the how our daughter Cristina has entrance fee is $2. By LUIS HERNANDEZ 1993 adapted lo college life." said Gans. Nonmembers will pay $4 and Hurruane Slaft Writer By KRISTINA LEMMON For some parents, it was the studenls entei tree with their On United Nations Day. members oi the UM Hurricane Staff Writer ( ane ( ard. For more informa­ lirst time Ihey saw then s.m ot community, in conjunction with individuals, Six-hundred and eighty- tion on this event contact daughter's new living environ­ groups and organizations around the world seven family members came Si.uey Mencn, Curator of ment .simultaneously |omed in seven minutes of from all parts of the country to cduc ation. "This is oui fiisi iimeal UM. silenl prayer and meditation lo share Ihe spirit Ihe Universily ul Miami lor we wanted lo see our son and ol peace on earth. Family Weekend, the lughcsi visit his home away-from - Seeking to locus Ihe world's attention on Ihe turnout since I9S93 home." said Jana Warecki from international and inter-religious spirit of the I .uuily Weekend takes place Massachusetts, it's evening lo |.|. GAMA-LOBO •'I'hott i 1 ilitot today's weather United Nations, the observance offer' people annual!) md offem parents an he ;i part of all the activ mes on REUNITED: families registered for the weekend's activities. ol every countiv M opportunity lo transcend opportunity tu spend tune with Partly cloudy with a 20 IHI campus " their individual and national ulcnlitics and |oin their sons and daughters. cent (hance ol showers. Highs Registration lor incoming two lacullv forums "How to lessor ol Religion. all humanity, even il just for a short time. attending various campus in Ihe mid 80s and evening handles began al 9 a in on Publish your Lite Story," fea­ According to "Family Deborah Sampson, the vice presideni for events lovxac in the upper 70s.
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