; i ` L N.A.�� � � . BULL EC IN December In Two Sections 1955 Section 2 In the News Season's Greetings From the National President 555 1957 Annual Conference to Gather in Washington, D. C. 556 Friendly Rivalries Spur Chapter Competition 558 Lybrand Awards are for N.A.C.A. Authors 563 N.A.C.A.'s International Impact 567 In the Public Eye 561 Congratulations To 565 Chapter Competition 569 Chapter Meetings 570 N.A.C.A. BULLETIN Volume XXXVII, Number 4 o.a �flC�421 9 1 0 . Publi.rhed by NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS 505 PARK AVE., NEw YORK 22, N. Y. BULLETIN BOARD DO YOU KNOW THAT — l . You can provide yourself with means for ready reference to all Bulletin articles, Conference Proceedings, and Research Studies published by N.A.C.A. from the very beginning.... 2. In topical arrangement.... 3. Detailed under topics by title, author, and dates of issue.... BY MAKING SURE THAT YOU HAVE — M e m b e r Prime 1. Top i ca l In d e x to N.A.C.A. Publications ( April 1 9 2 0 to April 1946) .............................. 8.50 2. Topical Index Supplement ( May 1946 to August 1952) 8. 5 0 3. An n u a l Top ica l In d e x (N.A.C.A. Bul leti n, Se ct i on 4 , August 1 9 5 3 ; Section 4, August 1954 ; and Section 2, August 1955) . .........................( each) 8.25 One of the most important uses of N.A.C.A. published material has always been practical reference use in subsequent years. If you lack any of these indexes, you may want them, so that you may realize the full benefits of N.A.C.A. publications as a member service. Th is Bulletin is published monthly by the Natio n al Association of Cost Accountants, 505 Park Ave., New Yo rk 22, N. Y. Subscription price, $10 per year. Reentered as second -class matter September 22, 1949, at th e Post Office, Ne w Yo r k , N. Y., under the Act of March 3. 1879. COPYRIGHT 1 9 5 5 BY TH E NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS #rasan'$ (6mling8 Nrom 044, Natioual %rroibent THE CHRISTMAS SEASON brings to all of us a deep feeling of joy. The joy of giving, the joy of being with one's loved ones, the joy of being a little closer to our Heavenly Father. As I write this tonight, perhaps I feel a little bit lonely. I am in a small hotel room (grounded by the weather), after coming in off the snowy streets already lighted with traditional Holiday decora- tions. People are especially friendly at this time of year. The spirit of brother- hood, the warm friendly spirit which is as old as the ages, is evident on all sides. It is indeed regrettable that this spirit cannot be evidenced throughout the entire year. You must agree we would all lead better lives if it could. "On Earth, Peace, Good Will toward Men" carries a much richer promise than a seasonal catch - phrase. It carries our prayers, for a lasting peace. It carries the promise of man's brotherhood to man. Christmas is a time for thanksgiving Charles R. Israel We are thankful for our wonderful fami- lies, friends and associates and the country which makes all this possible. The traditional Christmas message from the President gives me the opportunity to wish you and yours all the fine things in life that I would wish for you if it were possible to talk to each of you personally. May the coming year bring to you all the blessings of life and to each of you a very Merry and Happy Christmas. CHARLES R. ISRAEL DECEMBER, 1955 s s 1957 Annual Conference to Gather in Washington, D. C. tion and informative in its reach and coverage, as well as the social events which regularly feature N.A.C.A. Annual Cost Conferences. Accompanying this account are several photographic remind- ers of scenes which make Washington at- tractive to visitors from all parts of the country. These scenes symbolize the na- tional unity which has made possible the homogeneous industrial growth reflected in N.A.C.A.'s own part in facilitating the The nation's Capitol Building where Senate and House Chambers are, as well as the Vice Presi- operation of America's enterprise econ- dent's office. omy. HE PRESENT STORY jumps ahead of Earlier Conferences T the engrossing events of the current In the earlier years of the Association, N.A.C.A. year to announce the approval varied sites in the Northeast and Middle by the Association's Board of Directors of West were chosen for the Annual Con- plans to hold the 1957 Annual Confer- ferences. The number of chapters was ence in Washington, D. C. from June 23 to 27, 1957. This will be the first time considerably smaller and almost wholly in in a history which w i l l then number 38 these areas of the country, which rendered conferences, that N.A.C.A. has met in the nation's capital. The sessions will take place at the Shoreham and Sheraton Park Hotels among the attractions which Washington offers to all Americans drawn there by business and /or pleasure and will occur shortly after the inception of a new Presidential term has marked another step in American history. Except for novelty of site, the plans for the 1957 Conference involve no foreseen changes. It is expected to offer a tech- The White House, home of America's Presidents since John Adams who moved to It in 1800 (re- nical program timely to the year in ques- stored after war damage in 1814). 556 N.A.C.A. BULLETIN practicable an attempt at rotating con- policy is not a rigid one and allows for ferences among the principal cities rep- new conference sites when this is desir- resented so long as these offered hotel able. facilities equal to the growing demands To Chicago-June 1956 of the Conference. Besides Chicago and The 37th Annual Cost Conference, as New York, these sites included Boston, has already been announced, will conform Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, to the pattern of recent years and will Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Springfield and take place next June 24 -27 at the Conrad Syracuse. Annual conferences were also Hilton Hotel in Chicago. As indicated in the Bulletin Board of last month's issue of the Bulletin, the columns of Sec- tion 2 in the six issues which remain be- fore it convenes, will contain an increas- ing amount of detail reflecting the de- velopment of the program and informing N.A.C.A. members of arrangements. Al- though the committees to have charge of Pow Washington's Home at Mount Vernon, Va. one of the principal tourist Mecca's of Capital and vicinity. held at Atlantic City, Hot Springs (Va. ) and West Baden, Indiana. Since 1941, with the exceptions of the 1943 Conference at Boston and the 1953 Conference which met at Los Angeles and was the first to travel to the far West, A view of the Lincoln Memorial which receives many visitors each year, who wish to pay homage N.A.C.A. has met in alternate years at to the Great Emancipator. New York and Chicago, which alone the preparations are still in process of have possessed the hotel facilities for a formation, they will be definitely in ac- conference the size of the N.A.C.A. an- tion by the time 1955 changes into 1956. nual meeting. This situation has changed Stories in the Bulletin will attempt to somewhat and is subject to further keep pace with developments, which will change. At all events, the 1953 con- have the objective of carrying the coming ference was — and the 1957 conference conference at Chicago to the heights of will be — assurance that the present its predecessors —and beyond. DECEMBER, 1955 557 Friendly Rivalries Spur Chapter Competition T THE CLOSE OF November the dead. of the inter - chapter contest, as will be A line for inter - chapter competition noted by many members from their Chap- challenges and acceptances for the 1955- ter Newsletters as the year progresses, is 56 chapter year passed, with 36 such con- the opportunity and stimulus to measure tests arranged for at the date of this writ- the chapter's performance, activity by ac- ing. These contests lend an added zest tivity, with that of another chapter —as to the year -long try for competition is less possible in the Chapter Competi- points. Of course, the goal of every tion as a whole —and so to "find the hole N.A.C.A. chapter is the winning of the in the line," ..spot the potential pass re- Stevenson Trophy or, failing that, the ceiver" or "run interference" in the most Remington Rand Trophy or the highest effective manner. place banner it can achieve. This is for Two Kinds of Contest the same reason that every college foot- ball team starts out for an undefeated A list of inter - chapter contests recorded season or a professional baseball team for at National Headquarters is given below its league's pennant. The top spot is the and its detail will doubtless provoke in- top incentive. Nevertheless, a rivalry be- terest. Shown there are many "ivy tween individual teams also finds its place league" pairings of neighbor chapters be- in sport and so it does, too, in the Chap- tween which the existence of friendly but ter Competition.
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