Grosse Pointe ews VOl. 47-No. 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 22, 1986 30 cents 46 Pages • for your information Amnesty officials wait • • • Barnes is location of one office By Peter A. Salinas owe the state back taxes to VISit "We ObVlOuslyhope the program one of the amnesty offices <Ill m Their slogan IS, "Get to us before ISsuccessful," Kolt said "We hope 55 counties> and determine what fyi we get to you," - good adVIce con- the $50 mIllion estIma te IS a con- they owe Amnesty means paying SiderIng the state Will have shffer servatIve one" back taxes mcludmg Interest With. The state has authOrized $2 fines, more auditors and a new out penalty or prosecutIon. computer system that will enable millIon to Implement the program One woolly writer Kolt Said when the amnesty the Department of Treasury to Kolt said $750,000has been allotted The Grosse Pomte News pub. penod ends June 30, those still catch and prosecute more tax for advertIsmg, and the additIOnal lisher and an editor accepted an dehnquent will face flOes and scofflaws $1.2 mIllion Will pay for temporary mvitation from Mayor Coleman penalties double what they are cur- MlChlgan's tax amnesty pro- help and forms Young to tour DetrOIt and speak rentlv gram took eflect May 12, and ah ot "The m:JJonty of the $1 ~5 with some of its leaders The Treasury people will give per- May 15, one Grosse Pomter had mIllion Will be used for purchasmg sonal help," Kolt said "They Will event, billed as a MlChlgan taken advantage of the program at and mallmg forms," he Said check the mdlvldual's file, deter- Media Seminar, was the first of an amnesty offIce located at Yvonne Pomter, account ex- its kind for the city and It was mme what you owe and the in- ammer, and Joseph Watkms, Barnes School In the Woods favorably received by the terest. They WIllwalk through the auditor, MIchIgan Department of outstate journalists who were OffiCIals said there IS no mcen- process step by step to make sure Treasury, areat the Barnes School mvited tIve for tax evaders to come 10 and (the person) gets amnesty" locatIOn pay their taxes at the begmning of Writers came from as close as Kolt said thiS WIll be a one-tIme Pomter saId whIle only one per- Grosse Pointe and Hamtramck, the program, but noted If the taxes only chance to get amnesty He son has taken advantage of the which Karen Spang , general and mterest owed the state are not stressed that tax fraud could mean program, there have been several manager of the Hamtramck paId before June 30. they Will pay a poSSible prison sentence, but that mquIrIes Citizen, remmded us IS com- penalties two times greater. They by paymg durmg the amnesty pletely surrounded by DetrOit WIll also be more hkely to be penod, a person can aVOid prose- The school is located at 20090 They came as far away as caught because of a larger staff cutIOn Mormngslde, Grosse Pomte Escanaba which took Pegg) Robert Kolt, amnesty program The state hopes to collect about Woods Bryson, editor of the Escanaba media coordmator, said Governor $50 mllhon m back taxes through Other amnesty offices In the Dally Press, seven hours to James Blanchard encouraged leg- the program KoIt noted that the area mclude Harper Woods Com- drive. Islators to pass an amnesty pro- state legislature has already ap- mumty Center, 19748 Harper, But the prize, If there had gram which was proposed by state proved a tax rollback amountmg to Rep Wilham R Bryant Jr of Harper Woods, and Cannon Re- been one, for the Journalist who $50mlllJon The move lowers MlCh. Grosse Pomte creatIOn Center, 5020 Cadieux, traveled the farthest would Igan's tax rate trom 5 1 to 46 per- The program allows those who DetrOit have gone to Trevor Holm who cent hails from Australia. Trevor, who has been 10 the Umted States for one week, is work 109 at a paper in Ann Arbor in an exchange program He will be here until October when his wife will Join hIm and they Will spend some time touring thiS land Dr. Gerald Lanier tacks up an elm bark beetle trap to a tree on His 100 acres, which he says public property near Lake St. Clair. The traps are equipped with is small by Austrahan stan- a pheremone which attracts the beetles. dards, IS populated With 300 sheep. Keeps him busy, he says When you think about It, both fields have something in com- mon - gathermg wool and Elm expert sets traps gathermg words Damp and in Park, Detroit Circumstances Dr Gerald N Lanier, the ento- not mature and mfect other trees mologist from the State University Lanier, who has done pIOneer A little bit of ram dIdn't inter- of New York hired by the Park to fere With the festiVities at the work with cacodylic acid, has Cliildr.en's Home of DetroIt SOIl-- ClNlkQ.l thfulp~.aLUutch elm dI- worked with other commumties in sease, was in town last week for the country settmg up manage- day, when tqe home for emo- four days. tionally and educatIOnally im- ment programs for the control of He surveyed the City's public Dutch elm disease paired children in Grosse Pointe and private trees With Bob Tara- Woods celebrated ItS ses- bula, a UnIversity of Michigan quicentennial. The ceremony graduate and forester hired by the was well-planned, well-attended Park for the summer. They, along and well.. wet It dIdn't just .. rain, it poured WIth city offICIals, met for foresters from DetrOit and obtam- Lisa Mower Gandelot and ed permission to place some. elm Lorrie Howenstein, co- bark beetle traps in Detroit near chaIrmen of the event, were the Grosse Pointe Park border ready, however. The cere- Photo by Peter A Salmas A trap consists of a large piecE.' Woods goes Hollywood monies were staged under a of sticky paper holding a one-inch huge tent, big enough to accom- by one-mch pIece of cardboard There was lots of excitement on South Rosedale Friday night as cast and crew members of modate the 1st Michigan Col- covered WIth a pheremone that at- "The Rosary Murders" used the Woods home of Carol and Tony Alfonsi for a scene in the movie. onial Fife & Drum Corps, tracts elm beetles About 50 traps, numerous local and state • More photos are on Page 11A. m groups of four, were stapled to dignitarIes and a large crowd of utility poles and non-elm trees, well-Wishers Tarabula said, with about one-half "We decided to plan for ram," placed in the Park and one-half in Gandelot said "Of course, we DetrOit Board discusses transfer policy didn't plan on this." Tarabula WIll mspect the traps InSide the tent, good SpIrIts The Board of EducatIon next rolJment polley and argued the the transfer aren't adversely af- on a regular baSIS and count the kept the proceeding from bogg- month WIll take up a changed In- pros and cons of such a program fected Those class sizes are ten- beetles that are caught 109 down, so to speak Early on, dlstrrct stUdent transfer polley The changes m the m-dlstrict tatively set at 22 students for Lamer is expected to return m Joe Muer, master of that loosens up the rules for stu- transfer polIcy takes some of the kmdergarten through third grade June At that tIme, he plans to 10- ceremomes and chairman of the dents to attend schools outSide language of the open enrollment rooms and 24 and under for fourth ject cacodylic acid into diseased Michigan Sesqulcentenmal, their attendance area:; document, accordmg to school of- and fIfth grade classes elms bordering the Park. The aCid A close-up of a trap - the slipped up and mtroduced Bar- black insect to the left of the The board began diSCUSSIOnof fiCials Teacher preference and turns the tree mto a trap tree, 10- the pohcy last month. when bara Levin, there representmg dime is an elm beetle. The other The biggest change would allow athletiCS, however, remam unac- surmg that the beetles mside will Superintendent John Whntner her husband, Senator Carl black insects are gnats. transfer for famIly convenIence If ceptable reasons for requestmg a Levin, as "wife of Sander prepared a draft for an open en- class sizes at the school acceptmg transfer, accordmg to the new Levm " Muer got tit for tat later polIcy Transfers may be granted when another presenter thank- If It IS deemed 10 the best emoti- ed "Mr. Chuck Muer " Honor the Throughout the ceremomes, the ram stopped and started. war dead Teacher preference Unfortunately, when the one The commumty IS inVIted to and athletics ... re- part of the ceremony arrIved attend the annual MemOrIal main unacceptable rea- that had to be done outdoors, It Day serVICe Monday, May 26, was pourmg buckets Muer and at 11 a.m, at the War sons for requesting a Jerry D. Roe, Michigan MemOrIal transfer _ _ . historical commiSSIOner, ven- The program will be held tured into the downpour under outdoors (mdoors If It rams) IOnal and educatIonal mterests of <Continued on Page 9Al and Will mclude a concert by a stUdent, while not disrupting the First Michigan Colomal Fife other aspects of the educatIonal & Drum Corps, a color guard program under the proposed and volley by the U S. MarIne policy J/eginnillg Corps, and a Jet flyover by the DISCUSSIOnof the polIcy has 127th AIr NatIOnal Guard from sparked a good deal of mterest, this week SelfrIdge Base accord 109 to school offiCials.
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