RED BANK limed Weekly. EnUred u Second-Clan Mattef at th. Poit- VOLUME XLVI, NO. 16. office it Red Dink. N. J., under th« Act of March 8d, 1879, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1923. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 12.1 G B th e CHURCH SUPPER FRIDAY, "] A DEN BAWlf PROPETYSOLD. ARK. | RED BANK'S RIVER FROlfT BIG FIRE AT SHREWSBURY THE COUNTY CAMPAIGN. ,rtt t!r^did r?or f rot"i^,Tv:;!NEWOWpSFORHOUSES RUMSON It Will bo Held by tho Methodiit | a soldier in the late war a.nd he is a I 1 *— | . • Young People'a Union. | BARN AND ITS CONTENTS DE- member of the American Legion.! FOUR DWELLINGS AND A LOT SIX PLACES SOLD THERE DUR- AMBROSE MATTHEWS HAS NOT MANY CHANG'ES DURING VERY LITTLE INTEREST OR EN/ The youni! people's union of the Many soldiers who were in the war SOLD LAST WEEK. ING THE PAST TWO WEEKS. ; BIG CRAFT IN HIS YARD. THE 1>AST FIFTY YEARS. ,* STROYED ON FARM. THUSIASM MANIFESTED. will vote for him regardless of Methodist church will hold a supper | Mr.. Chmrlea M. Pattanon't Build- Hot Scrap For Senator—Both Sidei party affiliations. He confidently The Salet Ware Made by Patrick -rwo Propertiei Were Fine Re,i. | on Friday niijlit of this weel. in tha He Hai It Almo.t Fini.hcd a,,d He , Eicept Near tho Foot of Broti ing Burned to the Ground and Seem to Agree that Dr. VanMater expects to be elected, as does also F. Kennedy and They Comprued dence. on River Road, Two | church dining hall The'first table Plan! to Put It on Barnegat Bay; Street, in the Buiinei. Part of Ul« Jamea Riordan, Who Renta the Will be Elected Sheriff—All the Mr. Corlies. Three Red Bank Houiei, & Fair Other Propertie. Were Bunga-! *}\ >Je served at half-past five Next Spring—Plans Auto Trip to Town, tlio Kiver Front U Mat!) j'Firm, Loit Nearly Everything. Candidatei Say They Will Win. The Republican candidates for Haven House, and & Lot. low. .nd -Two Were. Vacant Lota. I ° Clock- J""1'1' J^™1'10'1' Mlf, Florida This Winter. Like It Wat Half a Century AlO« -C Laura McCoach, William Bennett A large red barn on the Patterson The political campaign this year freeholder are Harry Bnrden Four houses and a lot at Red Ambrose Matthews, in his front "Hod Bank has grown a t is very apathetic on both sides. Year and William M. Bergenrgen. They WiIli;Jm H. Hintclmann of Rum-! an(( j{j]ton Brown are jn charge of farm at Shrewsbury was destroyed Bank and vicinity have been sold son has'sold six pieces of property ^., ,:.," yam on fiast, j-ront sired, i.s inu.-sn- deal sinae. 1 livelivedd hero in 1870,'* by fire with nearly all its contents by yenr this apparent apathy in' freeholders for several a r c Register offlcll the past two ; I"rs'. ForresS!l ™r!\?""t Cnmptonl, *"K » large boat, or »™ sled, a., it i., Sili,l a Jailer at Th, •ears. They say they are running ***• Irs. Forrest Cnmpton, last Wednesday ' night. It was creases. People these days do not ncdy. * V' called, If is u combination scow last week, ''but tilings along form their opinions from campaign m their records, and, like the weeks. Two of the.se properties (Mrsr . Harry Cumpton, Mrs. William owned by Mrs.-Charles M. Fatter- Capt. Wright Johnson's house of were fine residencesidcs , ttww o Werwere bunbun-' : BBennett ""«M „ ^Alexander" McCoach and .houseboat, ten feet wide and river front are pretty much as ttp|J., son, who boards with Mrs. Robert speeches and from campaign meet- emocratic candidates, they say - •' • ... jorty ject long^ jt js -ran bjr a 1,.()1.(| were v,lu,n 1 moved away. N«W hey are confident of election. six rooms and a bathroom, on a lot,gaiovv3 and lots, and two wcre:an(j >yjrs> jfervin-F rancis. Members H•- . Vandervec"" ' r on th••' e corner of" ings'as they did in olden times, but g , an(j Mrs. MervinFrancis. Members automobile engine of 22-horse businesses have sprung up where tb*> they do a lot of thinking for them- The candidates for assembly seem 85x112% feet, on the east side of pieces f vacant land.. The finest: f the young people's union will . Branch avenue and South street, Hudson- avenue, between Harding of the two 0 residence properties was oserve the supper.- power. Sea sleds will weather ' siiiling. vessels formerly docked u4 Red Bank. When the burn was Helvcs. Long before tho political o be lost in thc shuffle. They are rough sailing. • Qn account of'their lluhbard'.-i bridge, and CoopejV ;oing around campaigning and road and Elm place, was bought by s0]j for $32,000 and was bought burned James Riordan, the farmer campaign opens many citizens, both Louis Lucari, a fruit dealer on Mon-; |,y Edward M. Crane of Rumson. nswici fliflipmii .... width they do nott draw much more briilgbriilgon. have been replaced witwi h itflO on tfyo place, saw the results of a men and women, have made up naybe by election day, which is water liuin a rowboa early two weeks off, some e,n- mouth street, lor $7,200. Capt.' xhis was known ns the "East place" BOSS CATFISH CATCHER ^and they can' bridges, but otherwise the hard season's work go up in flames their minds how they are going to Johnson, who is in military service .inj waa owned by the Pentalpha ': navigate in very shallow places. J has been slight. All the old and> smoke. Ho lost 400 barrels of vote. Their decision rests on their ;husiasm for them will be mani- 'ested. At present there is prob- at Camp Vail, owned the house and rcalty company. Tho property has I Mr. Matthews has a big cabin on '. alonj,- tho river aro still rec potatoes, fifteen tons of f^falfa hay, entire experiences of the previous r bly not one voter in a hundred in he sold the house because he is soon a frontage on River road of 100 HE IS HARRY KIRK OF RED | tho sea sled and it is fixed up real a|,ic- n10 town itself haa pj ten tons of straw and nearly all his year and not on a hastily made ver- to ' transferred to the Panama '• f t j about the same frontage on farm utensils. Tho barn was on the dict at some political rally. Monmouth county who could give ee !ln BANK AND HE KNOWS HOW. ' cozy and home-!il:e. He has been • out \n a\\ directions and I would g«V 1 the names of the two Republican canal zone. Mr., Lucari expects to; the North Shrewsbury river. The „ _• , -T" c " J "t . workint; on the boat during his1 lost in the maze of new Btteebi cast side of Shrewsbury averuie, a, Greater interest is indicated in He Caught a Big String of B,g that: . , , ] ind the. two Democratic candidates move into the house in November. • iot js about 1,200 feet deep.' The spare a]1 sumrnpr and all wbi( n s( c m to have bcen ai4 short distance north of Sycamore the. contest for state senator than ,g ; l ht: ^ 'or nRsembly. To relieve-this lack The house has modern improve- j grounds comprise nearly three j at the Re.ervo.r L..t Week • remains t0 bebl:doiii e now are a lew'heiter-skelterf' i , but the river andd the avenue. in any other of the county contests. l of knowledge on the part of so ments. j acres and are attractively planted "_.L. ," i4*. "°" - . r.°.i. finishing touches. .Next spring he t-,ond,tioi,3 along its shores are . Ml What caused the fire is not -Thhe interest even in this' contest Caught 32, Hii Biggeit Catch. great a number of voters The Eeg- Mrs. Annie Stiles Valleau, widow; with fine 6hade trees, evergf eens expects to take the craft to liarnc-j ijko what they were when I went knpwn. It must hav-e been smoul- is apparently not very great, but ister will state right, here that the of William Valleu, Jr., sold her' . d shrubbery. The house contains Harry Kirk of Herbert street, gat bay and spend the summer i y, that it ia hard to realize th»tt 1 it overshadows both the freeholder in awa dering a long time, for when it was names of tho Republican candidates house on the north side of Madison i reception hall, living room, dining Red Bank, is the boss catfish" fisher- j lhcrc. _ • j morethan a hal£ cuntury has pa»se4 discovered about lialf-past eight id the assembly fights. Governor a for assembly are Jacob G. Camp- avenue to F. E. Griggs of English-1 rOom, butler's pantry, kitchen, man of Monmouth county. Ho; Justice Frank A. Mulford of Fair slnce then." o'clock every part 06 the large Silzer came into Monmouth county bell and Edward A. Soxsmith, and building was ablaze and flames ast week and ho lambasted Sena the names of the Democratic can- were shooting through the roof. tor Stevens furiously for his votes didates are IJarry N. Johnson and The Shrewsbury firemen were the n over-riding tho governor's vetoc, Leo .7. Warwick. Unless" things first to get on the job and they of many laws, and for his courei chango between now and election were soon joined by firemen from in other legislative matters.
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