< 411 the NfcWS ul SECTKJft BCD B,im •ad Sanpqndliii Towns I FetrlcssU' anil mthoof Bias ONE -v. VOLUME LX.NO. 34. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1939. PAGES 1 TO 124 Po»ten And Lieneck If You Expect To State Apple Men Acting-Postmaster New School Trustees Methodist Church Dance You Must File Papers Of Named at Highlands Red Bank Prepares John U- Plllsbury and Elbert D. .C. Mel Johnson, Jr., began his du- Frlmpter .were re-elected members ties today as acting postmaster of of the Atlantic, Highlands board of Pay The Fiddler Incorporation Highlands: He was appointed Mon- education at Tuesday night's election day by Postmaster James Farley and Financial Budget and Norwood H. LJndell was defeat his name will be sent to the senate To Decrease Debt In So Much Word* the Chamber Organize to Further Encourage ed for re-election. Elected In Mr. later for confirmation. Mr. Johnson LJndtU's place wai Harry Fosten, of Commerce Directors Serve the Ute of Apples Grown in succeeds John P. Adalr, who held the who was high man on the ticket with 277 votes. Five ran for the Notice on Non-Members Tak- Now Jersey — Promotional Job 19 years, He was. first appointed three vacancies. The other defeated by Woodrow Wilson. Under New Plan ing Part in Co-Operatire Sales Campaign Begun. Before Mr. Johnson was appointed and Reduce Taxes candidate wag Hollls A. Hart. The vote Was as follows: Posten. 277, the names ot Mr. Adalr and Mahlort Plllsbury 194, Frimpter 194, Llndell Through the courtesy of the Inter- New Jersey fruit growers Monday F. Drake were submitted to the sen- Weekly Subscription* of 145 and Hart 13S. nal Trade committee of the Red filed with the Secretary of State in- ate by President Roosevelt for the Eatontown Board Action Taken by Mayor job, bui were rejected by that body Eugene Lleneck defeated Dr. Peter Sank Chamber of Commerce a num- corporation papers for New Jersey 800 Shares at 25 Cents ber of merchants who are not mem- ITruits, Inc., an organization to pro- following an adverse report by the Has Short Session M. Mortenson for the short term to postofftce committee. All three men and Council to Purchase v ftll the vacancy caused by the death bers W the Chamber have bean mote the use of apples produced In Each, to Take Care of of Arthur Irwln. Lleneck received part in recent co- this state. took the competitive examination for A short business meeting of the Bonds Scheduled to Be 160 .votes to 150 for Dr. Mortenson. operative sales cqnd<(cted by the The new organization, sponsored the job. Highlands is a third-class Eatontown board of education was committee and endorsed by the by the State Horticultural society, office and the postmaster's salary is held Monday night at the borough ; Everything. Chamber, of Commerce. Some of proposes to establish a promotional $2,100. , ' • • hall. Milton Smith, vice president, Retired in 'The Fifties'* these non-members have not appre- and advertising campaign to lft- presided In the absence of Daniel S. Little Silver ciated the courtesy to the extent1 of crease the use of apples produced Morris, president. meeting their financial obligations on New Jersey farms. Bills amounting to $4,800 were or- with the Internal Trade committee or Incorporators of New Jersey Fruits, Red Banker Will dered paid and Principal Fred G. May Do Away Adopts Budget; with the Chamber of Commerce and Inc., are C. B. Lewis, Rlverton, Law- Steelman read his' monthly report. Saving of $6,688 Made this has caused a deficit in the oper- rence J.' Smith, South River; Rob- Preside At State The attendance for January was foiling Of f idfcts Tax Rate Lower ation of the last two sales. At a ert H. Allan, Glassboro; Joseph Bar- 00.1 per cent By Eliminating Interest meeting of the board of directors of ton, Marltoni Frank App.Bridgeton; J. J. Mount, Inspector of school ac- the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday Lester Collins, Moorestown; Tunis Brotherhood counts for New Jersey, in a com- Amount to be Raised by Taxa- morning a resolution was unanimous- Denlse, Freehold; W. Hubbart Park- munication stated that the books of A "windfall" for the taxpayers • The nuance-committee of the Firjt ly adopted recommending to the In- hurst, Hammonton; L. M. Apple- G. Howard Lippincott in Charge the Eatontown board, kept by Dis- Methodist Episcopal church of Red tion Thi* Year i* $4,522 Leu ternal Trade committee officials that gate, Freehold; Edgar Llchult, Allen- trict Clerk Richard B. Roberts, were of Red Bank was announced Mou- Bank has unanimously agreed on a Than 1937—Estimated Tax hereafter no merchant be allowed to dale; S. D. Inslee, Newton; B. L. of Annual Convention-to be In excellent condition. day night at the meeting of tha conservative and constructive pro- take part in these co-operative sales Heritage, Glassboro and L. B. Cod- It was reported that rapid pro- mayor and council when a motion grain of financing the church for the Rate it $38. conducted by the Internal Trade dlngton, Bound Brook. Held in Orange Washington's gress was being made on the addi- was passed to have an ordinance current year which will close Decem- committee unless he la a member of Officers of the new association are Birthday. tion to the school. drawn whereby borough bonds to ber 31 next. Heretofore the fiscal The mayor and council of Little the Chamber. The only exception to C. B. Lewis, Riverton, pravdent; the value of $15,000 and not falling year has closed on February 28.' Silver at the regular meeting Tues- be made will be at the holiday per- Lawrence Smith, South River, secre- due for U years or mow will be day night adopted the borough bud- iod, when every merchant In town is tary; Joseph Barton, Marlton, vice The 32d annual convention of the purchased and retired immediately. This plan; was put before the of- Presbyterian Brotherhood of New All Tickets Sold ficial board of the church together get for 1938. Public' hearing was expected to extend his co-operation president; Prof. A, J. Farley, New This action was taken at the sug- held to give the public an opportun- in the civic movement to make Red Brunswick, treasurer. The executive Jersey will be held Tuesday, "Febru- gestion of Mayor Charles R. Eng- with, the budget report of the com- ary 22, Washington's birthday, at the mittee and officially adopted as the ity to comment on the budget, but Bank a more inviting place for the committee consists of the officers of lish, who stated that he had learned First Presbyterian church of Orange. For Lincoln Day a few days previous that the bonds financial plan ofOperation. there were no objections.' The people of Monmouth county to do New Jersey Fruits, Inc., and R. H. Power For Christian Living" will be amount to be raised by taxation this their holiday shopping and then, of Allen, Glaasboro. could be bought from a New Tcrk The total amount thought,neces- party. He 'said be considered this •ary for the church's operations over year la $25,000 as compared with $29,- course, every merchant Is expected The apple promotion campaign Is Dinner And Dance 522.12'in. 1937. to meet his proportionate share of to be financed through a direct as- a good investment because It would ' this period U JU.4O0. Estimate in- mean a saving of $6,688 by ellmlrnt- . The approximate tax rato for the Btreet decorations and holiday adver- sessment on the growers of one cent tising. ' per bushel. Growerswe gtven~~th~e Annual Affair to be Held Satur- Ing interest on bonded Indebted-! borough Was set at $35 per thousand, ness. years. Is J1.000, leaving $10,100 to be in note, taxes, etc., as pro- as compared with $39.58 last year. The attention of the board was privilege of subscribing to the fund day at Elks Home by Red and the assessment Is not compulsory. railed by personal subscription. This vision for all ot these has been mad* This is a reduction ot $4.53 per thous- drawn to the matter of local assess- Bank Young- Jrfcn's Republi The bonds- will fall due for pay- In the budget ments being Increased, principally The campaign will Include news- ment in 1952, 1958, IBM snd 1965. budget requires a weekly Income of and. Collector Clark P. Kemp'ex- V approximately $200. "We will not be spending any more plained that the rate given for this upon the business sites In the heart papers, radio, direct dealer co-opera- can Club. The cost of buying them will_ba_ -^Hev: HerbertTJ.~8mltli Is the chuRn money for the yearly maintenance of year Was Hot the actual Tatr because of -Red-Bank's-comniereial -district tion,—leaflets, restaurants-and- other about $i?,66o; due to the fact that agencies that uae apples. News- because of the excellent financial' pastor. Under his guidance and with the church program than in termer the county tax rate Is not yet known. There was quite some discussion on Everything Is in readiness for the years, but we will be doing this work papers will constitute tto bulk^ of condition of this community Its the hearty co-operation of the r How0vsr,:H waastatedJhat thavat the matter, with the result that Pres- annual-Lincoln's day-dinner and ho mem- in a mannsrthat will; bring greater latlon, if any, would be slight, as an ident HaroM S.
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