![SÃO PAULO Rua Da Estação No](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A WEEKLY RECORD OF TRADE AND FINANCE VOU X RIO DE JANEIRO, Tuesday, April 23rd, 1907 No. 17 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Philadelphia,a(Established Penn. (Established 1831)BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO, Proprietors. 1831) i«««m«tiv« to every variety of service, and are built accurately to standard gawges and TWfin ensines aro adapted Passenger and Freight I^omotives, tempK. íjke parTS StiSS&SiNnff «f sam/class perleetly interchangeable. "a"&2Stf££2t£?%.S,?ta? S&iãZyu SS? HeeSS, b, O» BaIdWin-WeStt»gl.»«Sc C.mb.n»ti.n. of custoniers. AU Work Thoroughly Guaranteed.Illustrated Catalogue furnished ou application «te CO Ld., 58, RnaPrimeiro de março, FCio de Janeiro Sole Representatives in Brazil: 3NORTON, MEGAW || THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY, Pittsburg, PA., U. S. A. Manufacturers of the WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE house Air Brake Co. is prepared ¦ Sole Kepresentatives in Brazil: - NORTON, jyiEGfíüü & CO. jj'Dh RUI PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO NO. 58 Rio de Janeiro «^^M^^—Q--j - _I Éf-J#\ 1 BORSIG BERLIN -TEGEL ESTABLISEED — 1837 2 Granas Prix20—Highest Awawls ííarròw -^* -nwio-litf Locomolive Enffinea adapted to every variety of service, for standard and gauge. Resident Emrineer in Rio de janeiro CAILLER c. e. ALFRED V ^A,>P1irATiow59 RUAj^kjjtl DOx^w CArtMO-P. O. BOX 911 III LSI KATED TATALOGIJES ON APPLICATIONogr, Tlie Best National Mineral TaMe-Water A^ _—.— Recommended as the Ideal Digestive Water Sole Agents CO CITO IRMÃO & Co. SÃO PAULO Rua da Estação No. 23-P. 0. Box 275 RIO r>J£ JANEIRO 67 - F, 0. Box 70« PRAÇA TIEÀDENTES No. j£^"*- ^*y üksk&ímhs&S :iW^;V*>;*«' M~SSB~Bm~SSM ^^^^Mmm&ZZMS^Mi MÊÊ^ê L RANARSES, UlITEO Telegraphic Address "Epidemia" These Mills are the LARGEST in the SOUTHERN HEMIS- PHERE and are fitted throughout with the most MODERN Post Office Box N«. 486 MACHINERY. For the superiority ot their flours they were award- Mills. Rua da Gamboa, No. 1 ed a GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION HEAD OBB1CE: of 1889 and the "FIRST PRIZE of BRAZIL" at the ST. LOUIS London : 48, Moorgate Street, E. C. EXHIBITION oí 1904, the brands of same, which are duly BRANCHES: Commercial, are as follows : 8. Paulo 4, Rua da Quitanda. registered at the Junta Rosário:1075, Calle Santa Fé. ".NACIONAL" a SAVOIA 9. Buenos Aires: 335, Calle B. Mitre. "BÜDA-NACIONAL" "BRAZ1LEIRA" "SE MOLIN A" A GENCIES: Victoria, Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Daily production oi Flour and Bran: 10,000 Bags Ceara, Maranhão and Para Curitiba, Desterro,llio Grande, Pelotas Rio de Janeiro and Porta Alegre Office: 57, Rua do Rozario, LIDGERW00D MANUFACTÜRING COR/IPAMY LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Of Cableways, Derricks, Hoisting Engines, Steam Winches, Fixed and Portable Engines and Boilers, Pumping and Excavating Machinery, W. 1. Piping, Black and Galvanized, Contractòrs' Supplies. Extensive Local Works in Brazil for convenience of repairs etc. AVENIDA CENTRAL No. 39 ' ç^h A[I Suffolk House, 5, Laurence Pountney Hill London E. C, ENGINEERS, MERCHANTS ~ AND mm 10 w enal, et -FOUNDATION >> TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS LONDON RIO DE JANEI ^JpC^ ^^HBsajs^ "Fry" (_# Teleí![rains. R 1.° DE IVIfl^ÇO, 73 0. Box 211 Bahia—JSlatJiai} & Co. Pernambuco - fiathan Caixa do Correio, 157. — "NATHfllN." — Telegrams : BAHIA 0- do Correio, 118 —Telegrams: "MTHAN."—PERNAMBUCO. ,Y, LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY. LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA - NEW YORK OFFICE, 35 BROAD ST. SAO PAULO, 7 RUA DIREITARID D3 JANSIR3, 76 AVENIDA CENTRAL The city of São Paulo, which is the capital of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is situated in the valley of the Tietê River, 800 msters above the sea lavei and 35 miles from Santos, the sea port of this State. The climate is delightful throughout the year, rksumbling very closely that of Southern Califórnia. São Paulo is a city of 300,000 inhabitants ani may easily be seen by travellers touching at the ports of Santos or Rio de Janeiro, the journey from S intos to São Paulo by railway taking 2 hours and from Rio to São Paulo 12 hours. On account ofthe natural resources ofthe State of São Paulo and owing to its peculiar location, the City of São Paulo is one of the most important commercial cen- ters in South America. THE SÃO PAULO TRAMWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO. LTD. operates ali the tramway lines in São Paulo and supplies ali the electric light and power. Electricity is developed hydraulically, utilizing the falls of the Tietê River, some 3> kilometers below the city. 12,000 H. P. is developed there at present and works are now in progress for a large increase to the plant to enable the Company to meet the constantly increasing demand for power. Four distinct circuits on two separate steel pole lines convey the current from the Power House to the Substation in São Paulo where the current is converted for tramway, light and power uses.The Company operates 125 kilometres of track, covering the entire city. The population ofthe city being largely Italian good labor is readily obtained. This and the cheap rates for power is causing many new manufactories to be built. Information concerning the resources ofthe country and that relative to the establishment of new industries, prices for power etc. can be obtained by application to any ofthe offices ofthe Company. nwitasf* nõatm THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY (INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER IN 1839) WEEKLY SAILINGS TO EUROPE AND THE RIVER PLATE Tons Tons Tona Tons Araguaya. 10,500 Aragon 10,000 D.mube 6,500 Clvde 6,000 Amazon... 10,000 Nile 0,500 Thames 0,000 Magdalena 5,800 Tel. ROYAL Rio 1». O. B. SI Ageney: 73, RUA Io DE MARÇO E. ü. HARRISOH- Agent. RUA DO AQUEDUCTO No. 108—SANTA THEREZA «10 DB JANEIRO—Telephone No. 134.1,000 FEET A BOTE THE SEA.Telegraphic Addffess--MENTGES—RI<*. Splendidly situated on one of the Mghest poínts and in the healthiest part or Rio, thus assuring geod air and comrnr.nding the MOST MA- GNIFICENT VIEWS. Highly rcommended FIRST-CLASS AND OLD ESTA- BLISHED HOTEL FOR FAMILIES AND TRAVELLERS. The rooms are fresh, airy and quiet.Baths: plunge and shower. ¥^-My0V"-'^?\ ^^J,';-'_r'$$ \y t*j_>_t^^7> Xoted for excellent cuisine and its well-selected wiaes. Rpecialities: LIQUEURS, WHISKY, COCK-TAILS, BEERS *and refreshing drinks of the best quality Ali meals served at separate tables. Spacious dining, music, smoking aiul BILLIARD7ROOMS. —service ROOM FOR BANQUE PS, BALLS, etc. de luxe, LIBRARY with ali the GARDKinS. principal newspapers. Electrie-Trams pass tlie door every 20 minutes. Proprietor, FERDINAND MENTGES. at Rio, to see to the leggage and eonaferô, N B - A Represbntative meets ali the passenger steamers arriving guests' seívicésof interpreteis or güides-beingiherefore^unecessary. !j*í and personally conducts thejn tofhe Hotel, the T qj^^s''v'Ç?feJtVTT;?'*'''''.ll"'*' os PBÇRW !".-'í-:^¦¦'•;¦',:''¦'.' W^ ' Í?4.?:ivj.rr-:<.:}-y-uq-yy- ,. - «v-. êyy M PHOSPHOíiOS mmJm^m9/ffmTm'm^ YflB sõ 7:.-iV^fl H f-MmmW MARCA ; ; y--' mm'.*Sm W'^M W PH0SPH0R0S lí TOíC fi 1 K'H 1 --'MMmmW -' áí TREVO ?y SAo YBIBO ff OS ' æ¦ H-^HKBI AWM ^K^^MmmmM^BÍ^H¦flt f-l|K '' ' - : æIIIí VENDA Pelhoí^es ••' wmmmWV'Amm\ mmsÊk, 1 JRm msmf^MMY'£mBa Eli NAO GDODÀSS USEM AS CHARUTARIAS NACIONAL BRAZILEIRA | l^^â^'í^;pBtoÍ*-:'"de iP y^m^-:c::: PBOSPHOBCS de SEGURANÇA soaswm 8t C'.A s,; paülo ^^ft»KB^i.:'y-'-r ' .^i-lih.:'.* ..BRITTO - -1- - ..._-::'.l.J^^^-_/.t.-...-..».. ¦ t0áâ| SOCIETE FINANCIERE ET COMMERCIALE FRANCO BRESILIENNE Succs: of NATHAN & CO. S. PAULO, Rua de S. Bento 43, Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) K. Telegraphic Address: *»LUPTOJS" SANTOS, Rua Quinze de Novembro 13. Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) 147 Telegraphic Ari «Ire* n : "WYSARD" IMPORTERS, EXPORTERS, JkJST> GENERAL MERCHANTS £^è. Ttgg^ 4)mmm% ^S^ ^^ ^^ -<S*-«~€fr-« SPECIALITIES: Cement, Belting, Paints, Railway Material, Calcium Carbide. Agricultural and Industrial Macliinery. Sole representatives in the State of São Paulo OF General Hardware, Gas and Water The Standard Oil Co., Pipes and Fittings. OE NEW YORK Iron, Steel, Gopper, Brass and (Thompson k Bedíord other Metals. Department.) -#>¦ ^-4i^-#>- CATALOGUES REQUESTED HEA? OEEXCE IN PARIS: RUE CHAUCHAT No. m to act^pt solt Apares In the BM® ©f São fml% #i' 3Hi« rtòlimt mm K '17;'lp "* VOL. X RIO DE JANEIRO, TUESDAY, Aí>ril 23rd, 1907 No. Offices: Rua Visconde de Inhaúma No. 42 "REVIEW" P. O. box. 472, Rio de Janeiro Telegraphic Address — — Riojaneiro EDITOR-MR. J. 1». N II_I_n AX MANAGER— JIR. W. G. 1IIAIN.< KI.I.OR Subscription 60$ per annum. Payable abroad by sight draft or cheque, crossed British Bank of South America, at the rate of exchange of lfíd. to the milreis as follows : — £sterliug. £ 4.0.0 | Pesetas 100.00 | hire 100.00 Francs. 100.00 I Reichmarks. M 80.00 | U. S. Gòld Dollars. l 20.00 Separate copies i$2oo | _b$íie_k numbei'8, 2$OOG Bio de Janeiro — Crashley & Co., rua Co Ouvidor 36São[Faulc — C. Hiléelrand & Co., rua 15 de Novembro 40 I oitdon — G. Street & Ce. Int.. < cniliill 30 Annouucements of births, deaths and marriages concerning subscribe. s and friends are inserted in this "REVIEW" free of charge WESTEWTOLEWWJ OOMMNr ^«^ i_J_7tí*~^*__ Jltí? AND ALÜED TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. ^á3%i\ DIRECT CABLE ROUTE TO EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, ÁFRICA, ÁSIA and OCEANIA, *lso with URUGUAY. ARGENTINA, CHILI, PERU,BOLIVIA AND ALL PARTS of BRAZIL. * CMILE STATIIOWS ________________________ * TÂEiUFE- *"... LONDON, LISBON,MADEIRA,ST VINCENT,.CdeV). PARA, MARANHAM, CEARA, PERNAMBUCO, GREAT BRITAIN , FRANCE, GERMANY, RIO DE JANEIRO, SANTOS, fc. 5 00 BAHIA, ______[___¦ ___r * «____k_i_______É l_V.\ HOLLAND, BELGIUM, DESTERRO, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, PORTUGAL, fc 5 45 à fl ^_Jt'lRpO J_5>STPt-RSBURO*^\ MONTE-VIDEO, BUENOS AIRES, M ^»#jK_^^B ____K* lBl_____L<^__0_S__^ É _3___i^^ B_____Sff_sSf*í»^__ SPAIN,, .
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