ALNAVCO’S QUICK REFERENCE CATALOG Following are the listings of selected lines carried by Alnavco. In these lisitngs you will find models of virtually every ship that participated in WWI & WWII. The prices listed are the latest and take precedence over any other listings. For more basic information, click “Basic info & FAQ” on the front page of this site. This catalog will be updated periodically. Our cart is presently under repair but you can order by using our toll free number 1-800-446-4422 or emailing your order to us at [email protected]. Our manufactures are comparatively small companies who produce a wide range of models which means that they cannot keep us supplied with their whole lines all the time. We suggest you keep a “want” list on file with us which will guarantee that you get what you want in the shortest possible time. You can of course download this catalog. Lines in these listings in order of appearance: Neptun 1:1250 (WWII) The Neptun Camouflage series The Neptun/Saratoga Pearl Harbor Collection The Neptun Measure 21 Camouflage Series Saratoga 1:1250 (WWII, mostly) Spider Navy 1:1250 (WWII, mostly) Superior 1:1200 kits (WWII) Figurehead 1:1200 kits (WWII) Cap Aero 1:1200 aircraft kits (WWII) Navis 1:1250 (WWI) Note: For listings of other lines carried such as Argos and Mountford who produce models of post WWII ships as well as GHQ & Superior 1:2400 WWII & WWI models, refer to the listings elsewhere on our website. We plan to add these to this online catalog in the future. NAVIS/NEPTUN WORLD WAR II 1:1250 SCALE SHIP MODELS These are incredibly beautiful, minutely and accurately detailed models. They come to you completely assembled and hand-painted in battleship gray (See page 1 on this site for examples.) . Note that 1:1250 scale in the metric equivalent of 1:1200 (1"=100'), the international recognition scale. This line is considered by many to be the best of its kind in the world. Navis refers to the World War I line, Neptun to WWII. The models are manufactured in Germany. To see photographs of most of the Navis (WWI) / Neptun Models (WWII) models, go to our general listings and just click on the code numbers. Note that the photos are 50% to 100% larger than the actual models but that the latter are crisper in detail. By the way, "Neptun" is the German spelling of "Neptune." UNITED STATES Battleships 1300 $109.50 IOWA (BB-61) 1943 1300A $104.50 MISSOURI (BB-63) 1945 1300B $107.50 NEW JERSEY (BB-62) 1944 1300C $107.50 WISCONSIN (BB-64) 1945 1301 $ 85.50 ALABAMA (BB-60) 1943 1301A $ 85.50 SOUTH DAKOTA (BB-57) 1944 1301B $ 82.50 INDIANA (BB-58) 1943 1301C $ 82.50 MASSACHUSETTS (BB-59) 1944 1302 $ 89.50 NORTH CAROLINA (BB-55) 1945 1302A $ 85.50 WASHINGTON (BB-56) 1941 1303 $ 79.50 WEST VIRGINIA (BB-48) 1945 1303A $ 83.50 COLORADO (BB-45) 1945 1303B $ 72.50 MARYLAND (BB-46) 1945 1303C $ 82.00 WEST VIRGINIA (BB-48) 1941 1304 $ 86.00 TENNESSEE (BB-43) 1945 1304A $ 82.50 CALIFORNIA (BB-44) 1945 1304B $ 82.50 CALIFORNIA (BB-44) 1941 1305 $ 76.50 IDAHO (BB-42) 1942 1305A $ 76.50 NEW MEXICO (BB-40) 1943 1305B $ 78.50 MISSISSIPPI (BB-41) 1306 $ 92.50 ARIZONA (BB-39) 1941 1306A $ 78.50 PENNSYLVANIA (BB-38) 1944 1307 $ 82.50 OKLAHOMA (BB-37) 1941 1307A $ 78.50 NEVADA (BB-36) 1945 1308 $ 82.50 TEXAS (BB-35) 1945 1309 $ 83.50 ARKANSAS (BB-33) 1309A $ 78.50 WYOMING (AG-17) Aircraft Carriers 1310 $101.50 ESSEX (CV-9) 1943 1310 $101.50 FRANKLIN (CV-13) 1945 1310B $101.50 TICONDEROGA (CV-14) 1945 1310C $129.50 RANDOLPH (CV-15) 1945 $129.50 1311 $ 60.50 INDEPENDENCE (CVL-22) 1943 1312 $ 79.50 WASP (CV-7) 1942 1313 $ 94.50 HORNET (CV-8) 1942 1314 $ 94.50 YORKTOWN (CV-5) 1942 1314A $ 94.50 ENTERPRISE (CV-6) 1945 1315 $101.50 RANGER (CV-4) 1940 1315A $119.50 RANGER (CV-4) 1943 1316 $107.50 LEXINGTON (CV-2) 1936 1316A $112.00 LEXINGTON (CV-2) 1942 1317 $107.50 SARATOGA (CV-3) 1944 1318 $ 84.50 LANGLEY (CV-1) 1318A $ 91.50 LANGLEY (AV-3) 1941 $91.50 1319 $149.50 MIDWAY (CV-41) 1943 $147.50 1320 $ 61.50 COMMENCEMENT BAY (CVE-105) 1321 $ 57.50 CASABLANCA (CVE-55) 1944 x 1322 $ 57.50 PRINCE WILLIAM (CVE-31) 1943 1323 $ 57.50 BOGUE (CVE-9) 1944 1324 $ 60.50 SANGAMON (CVE-26) 1944 1324A $ 60.50 SANTEE (CVE-29) 1325 $ 67.50 CHARGER (CVE-30) 1944 Battlecruiser 1330 $ 84.50 ALASKA (CB-1) 1945 Heavy Cruisers 1331 $ 61.50 BALTIMORE (CA-68) 1943 1331A $ 61.50 ST. PAUL (CA-73) 1944 1332 $ 55.50 WICHITA (CA-45) 1944 1333 $ 55.50 MINNEAPOLIS (CA-36) 1940 1333A $ 55.50 QUINCY (CA-39) 1940 1333B $ 55.50 NEW ORLEANS (CA-32) 1942 1333C $ 55.50 SAN FRANCISCO (CA-38) 1945 1334 $ 55.50 INDIANAPOLIS (CA-35) 1941 1334A $ 55.50 PORTLAND (CA-33) 1944 1335 $ 55.50 CHICAGO (CA-29) 1940 1335A $ 55.50 NORTHAMPTON (CA-29) 1940 1335B $ 55.50 LOUISVILLE (CA-28) 1945 1336 $ 55.50 PENSACOLA (CA-24) 1922 1336A $ 55.50 SALT LAKE CITY (CA-25) 1944 Light Cruisers 1340 $ 55.50 CLEVELAND (CL-55) 1340A $ 55.50 COLUMBIA (CL-56) 1944 1340B $ 55.50 VINCENNES (CL-64) 1944 1340C $ 55.50 MIAMI (CL-89) 1945 1340D $ 73.50 FARGO (CL-106) 1944 1341 $ 41.50 ATLANTA (CL-51) 1942 1341A $ 41.50 OAKLAND (CL-95) 1944 1342 $ 55.50 BROOKLYN (CL-40) 1942 1342A $ 55.50 HELENA (CL-50) 1943 1342B $ 55.50 HONOLULU (CL-48) 1942 1343 $ 42.50 OMAHA (CL-4) 1942 1343A $ 42.50 MARBLEHEAD (CL-12) 1945 1343B $ 43.50 DETROIT (CL-8) 1944 Destroyer Escorts 1350 $ 20.50 EVARTS (DE-5) 1351 $ 20.50 BUCKLEY (DE-51) 1944 1351A $ 20.50 BUCKLEY (Modified) 1352 $ 20.50 CANNON (DE-99) 1944 1352A $ 20.50 CANNON (Modified) 1353 $ 20.50 RUDDEROW (DD-224) 1943 1353A $ 20.50 RUDDEROW (Modified) 1354 $ 20.50 TACOMA (PF-3) 1943 Destroyers 1360 $ 25.50 SUMNER (DD-692) 1944 1360A $ 25.50 GEARING (DD-710) 1945 1361 $ 25.50 FLETCHER (DD-445) 1943 1361A $ 25.50 MCCORD (DD-534) 1943 1361B $ 25.50 STEVENS (DD-479) 1943 1362 $ 22.50 LIVERMORE (DD-429) 1941 1362A $ 22.50 BENSON (DD-421) 1939 1363 $ 22.50 SIMS (DD-409) 1939 1363A $ 22.50 MORRIS (DD-417) 1943 1364 $ 22.50 CRAVEN (DD-392) 1937 1364A $ 22.50 BLUE (DD-387) 1937 1364B $ 22.50 STACK (DD-406) 1943 1365 $ 25.50 SOMERS (DD-381) 1942 1366 $ 22.50 MAHAN (DD-364) 1936 1366A $ 22.50 MAHAN (Modified) 1941 1367 $ 25.50 PORTER (DD-356) 1942 1368 $ 22.50 FARRAGUT (DD-348) 1934 1368A $ 22.50 HULL (DD-350) 1944 1369 $ 20.50 PEARY (DD-226) 1940 1369A $ 20.50 BRECKINRIDGE (DD-148) 1944 Submarine 1370 $ 8.50 GATO (SS-212) 1943 Miscellaneous 1380 $ 22.50 HAMBLETON (EMS-20) 1944 1381 $ 20.50 HOGAN (DMS-6) 1940 1382 $ 13.50 RAVEN (AM-55) 1943 1383 $ 12.50 SCOUT (AM-296) 1943 1384 $ 12.50 AVOCET (AVP-4) 1940 1385 $ 20.50 WILLIAMSON (AVP-2) 1944 1386 $ 20.50 REEVES (APD-52) 1944 1387 $ 10.50 PC SUB-HUNTER 1943 1388 $ 4.50 ELCO (PT-103) 1942 1389 $ 51.50 ASHLAND LSD 1944 1389A $ 20.50 LST-2 1944 1389B $ 12.50 LSM 1944 1389C $ 6.50 LCI I 1944 1389D $ 6.50 LCI II 1944 1389E $ 6.50 LCS (L) 1944 1389F $ 6.50 LCT 5 1944 1389G $ 6 .50 LCT 6 1944 1389H $ 5.50 LCM 6, LCM, 3, LCV, LCVP 1390 $ 40.50 DOBBIN (AD-3) 1924 1391 $ 18.50 BARNEGAT (AVP-10) 1941 1392 $ 42.50 BAYFIELD (APA-33) 1944 1392C $ 42.50 GRIGGS (APA-33) 1944 1393 $ 42.50 PECOS (AO-65) 1943 1393A $ 47.50 CIMARRON (AO-22) 1943 1393B $ 47.50 NEOSHO (AO-23) 1942 1394 $ 41.50 LIBERTY SHIP 1943 1394A $ 48.50 ALAMOS (AK-156) 1944 1396 $ 80.00 CURRITUCK (AV-7) 1944 1396A $ 79.50 TANGIER (AV-8) 1944 1397 $ 63.00 TERROR (CM-5) 1397A $ 22.50 CAMPBELL (WPG-32) 1936 1397B $ 13.50 TAMPA (WPG-48) 1921 1397C $ 10.50 TAHOMA (WPG-80) 1934 1397E $ 28.00 CHELAN, USCGC 1928 1398 $ 13.50 DIVER (ARS-5) 1942 1398A $ 13.50 CHANTICLEER (ASR-7) 1942 1399A $ 11.50 OCEAN FLEET TUG 1399B $ 10.50 OCEAN RESCUE TUG 1942 1399C $ 9.50 OCEAN TUG 1919 1399D $ 10.50 YTB & YTL 1943 1399G $ 24.00 MUNSEE (ATF-107), Fleet Tug 1942 Computer Generated Models PL001 $ 39.50 FLUSSER (DD-368) 1945 POST WWII ERA 2300 $112.50 WISCONSIN (BB-64) 1990 2340 $ 72.50 ROANOKE (CL-145) 1956 JAPAN Battleships 1200 $ 97.50 MUSASHI 1944 1201 $ 97.50 YAMATO 1945 1201A $109.50 YAMATO 1941/1942 1202 $ 85.50 NAGATO 1942 1202A $106.50 MUTSU 1941 1203 $ 92.50 ISE CV 1944 1203A $ 86.50 HYUGA 1939-40 1203B $ 89.00 HYUGA 1942 (As rebuilt) 1204 $ 84.50 FUSO 1939 1204A $ 84.50 YAMASHIRO 1935 1205 $ 81.50 HIEI 1939 1206 $ 81.50 KONGO 1939 1207 $ 81.50 HARUNA 1939 1208 $ 81.50 KIRISHIMA 1939 Aircraft Carriers 1210 $132.50 SHINANO 1941 1211 $ 98.50 UNRYU 1943 1212 $106.50 TAIHO 1943 1213 $103.50 SHOKAKU 1942 1213A $103.50 ZUIKAKU 1944 1214 $ 98.50 HIRYU 1942 1215 $ 98.50 SORYU 1942 1216 $ 64.50 RYUJO 1942 1217 $106.50 AKAGI 1939 1218 $106.50 KAGA 1939 1219 $ 85.50 HOSHO 1945 1221 $ 66.50 CHUYO (TAIYO class) 1943 1222 $ 78.50 CHIYODA (CHITOSE class) 1944 1224 $ 98.50 JUNYO 1942 1226 $ 86.50 SHOHO 1942 1226A $ 96.50 ZUIHO 1944 1228 $ 84.00 MIZUHO, Seaplane Tender 1941 Heavy Cruisers 1230 $ 63.50 TONE 1941 1231 $ 66.50 MOGAMI CA/CV 1944 1231A $ 63.50 SUZUYA 1942 1232 $ 66.50 ATAGO 1944 1232A $ 66.50 MAYA 1944 1232B $ 66.50 CHOKAI 1944 1233 $ 63.50 NACHI 1940 1234 $ 77.00 AOBA 1945 1235 $ 45.50 FURUTAKA 1939 Light Cruisers 1240 $ 40.50 OYODO 1942 1241 $ 45.50 YAHAGI 1944 1242 $ 33.50 KATORI 1939 1243 $ 29.50 YUBARI 1939 1244 $ 39.50 SENDAI 1941 1244A $ 39.50 NAKA 1941 1245 $ 43.50 NAGARA 1937 1245A $ 39.50 ISUZU 1943 1246 $ 39.50 KUMA 1937 Destroyers 1260 $ 22.50 MATSU 1944 1261 $ 26.50 SHIMAKAZE 1942 1262 $ 29.50 AKIZUKI 1941 1262A $ 29.50 YOIZUKI 1944 1263 $ 25.50 YUGUMO 1941 1264 $ 25.50 KAGERO 1939 1265 $ 25.50 ASASHIO 1937 1266 $ 25.50 UMIKAZE 1940 1267 $ 25.50 HATSUHARU 1940 1268 $ 25.50 HIBIKI 1940 1268A $ 25.50 URANAMI 1944 1269 $ 22.50 MUTSUKI 1928 Submarines 1271 $ 18.50 I54/B3 U-BOAT 1945 1272 $ 18.50 16/C1 U-BOAT 1941 1272A $ 18.50 I 16 & Small U-BOAT 1941 Escort Ships 1280 $ 15.50 OOTORI 1937
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