PAGE TWENTY FRroAY, AUGUST 14, 1970. Avcnpfe Daily Net Press Ron iitanrtiffilpr lEtt^ning U m lit For The W eA iMed The Weather Aagatf 8, 1670 / - / . 7 ^ Sunny, hot, dry (oday and Sun- Doctors’ Offices day with a chance of a thunder­ Stop Signs at New Sites 14,768 shower. High temperature both days 90 to 96. Fair, warm to- Chamber Tai^et Think o f TIm Manchester— A City of Villhge Charm J tig b t Low near 70. In Break Series Added as Traffic Grows be made one way west when Par khilU Joyce VOL. LXXXIX, N o. 269 Stop signs are being Installed (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1970 (Clatrilled A d r«rtl* g Yhge U ) ESigfat doctors’ offices and the in several new locations around this occurs. cm PRICE TEN CENTS Cbamber of Commerce office town. ’The announcement came A stop sign is also planned Flower Shop for Guard St, and all of the have been broken into in the from Police Chief James Rear­ Ftaak Gakeler, PrepHetor don. • driveways of Manchester Memo­ past two days. Mil MAIN ST., MANCAHOHBSra Th^ intersection of Fern St. rial Hospital. (Next to Hartford -Netleeal Two doctors* offices at ^ and Dartmouth Rd. will be Haynes St. were broken Into Mideast Settlement made a three-way stop. Chief o YES—WE DEUVEB o I Nerve Gas Burial sometime Wednesday night. Hie "7 Reardon said poor sight line for Young Readers Phooeoi office^ were ransacked and an Cars entering Fern St. from unknown amount of money was Dartmouth Rd. and the in­ taken from a cash box in one To Hold Party Hopes Diminishing creased traffic during school o t the offices. It was not known Delayed by Winds hours are the main reasons for The young people’s Moonshot OF MANCHESTER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Egypt and Jordan—includes a whether anything else was miss­ GO. Hopes for quick progress to­ ing. the new signs. Reading Club of the West Side ban on shooting for at least 60 Another stop sig^n is to be in­ Branch library will hold a party ward a kiDddle East peace set- days. It went Into effect a week SUNNY POINT, N. C. (AP)—^An aged Liberty ship Police said entry was gained stalled on Dartmouth Rd. oppo­ in the library Tuesday after­ 54 McKEE STREET 6494521 tiement dimmed today as gun­ ago. In agreeing to the cease­ loaded with poisonous nerve gas remained in port to­ by forcing a door which ied to site the first driveway to the noon at 2 o’clock to mark the fire, crackled across the Jorda­ fire, Jordan stipulated it could day, its trip to an ocean burial ground delayed by the . both offices with a heavy screw­ Now is file time to bring In your screens to be nepnlnd. 1^- Martin School. All of the drive­ nian border and Jordan accused not be held respoiuible for at­ driver or pinchbar. end of the summer progranc^. Storm window' glass replaoed. swirling winds of a tropical depression. ways to the Martin School will (Mrs. Gertrude Spless, librari­ Israel of trying to tot^do peace tacks by guerrillas, who have The Navy had plaimed today Another doctor’s office at 361 also have stop signs. efforts by violating the cease­ vowed to intensify their effotts to begin towing the hulk to a E. Center St. was broken into an, said about 80 youngsters Stop signs were recently in­ AUTO GLASS INSTALLED fire. against Israel. point In the Atlantic Ocean late last night. / are enrolled, and 60 have read stalled at the intersections of The Israeli command in Tel The IsraeU attacks came a where it was to have been sunk Police were notified by some­ 10 or more books. Plain certifi­ Gas Blast Porter, Autumn and Parker cates will be awarded those GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Aviv said one Israeli soldier day after Jerusalem accused on Monday. But Friday night, one in the neighborhood who was injured by light arms fire Egypt of violating the cease­ said that he had heard glass Sts. 'The intersections of Brook­ who have read 10 books, certi­ officials postponed the depar­ field and Durkin Sts. and Hil­ ficates with a blue seal to those MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) along the border. It did not say fire’s military standstill pirovl- ture at toast 24 hours because of Jars Town breaking in the building. Police whether the fire came from slon by moving missile em­ arrived but found no one in or liard and Broad Sts. were made who have read 10, and certifi­ the threat posed by the storm PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) Arab guerrillas or Jordanian placements to within 12 to 18 near the building. into four-way stops. cates with a gold seal to those bearing down on the Bahamas. aimy forces. miles of the Suez Canal. The In Kansas The witness said he saw two Future plans call for the in­ who have read 26 or more. If the operaUon is not held up WINDOW and PLATE GLASS The Jordanians accused the Egyptians have denied the males in the rear of the build­ stallation of a light at Haynes Refreshments will be served by a U.S. Court of Appeals hear­ Israelis Friday of two “fla­ charge. MELVERN, Kan. (AP) ing before the police arrived. and Main Sts. Armory St. will and games played. Tub Enclosure from $30 to $45 phis jns<«nn.tfaisi ing Monday, the ship is to be He could only say that one was grant” cease-fire violations, The latest laiael charge, filed sunk with its 418 vaults of obso- derailed tankcars of Uqui- while Isiraell officials indicated short and fat and the other W1 Friday with the U.N. truce su- lete Army nerve gas northwest petroleum gas exploded and and thin. He said that one ran their government would not sit perviser in Jerusalem, accused of the B^am as, 283 miles east hurled splashes of flaming fuel toward Walker St. and another down to talk imtll Egypt pulls the Egyptians of emplacing an of Cape Keimedy, Fla. over four blocks of this smaU back the defensive antiaircraft drove away in a car he could additional missile battery and A Navy spokeiiinan reported Eastern Kansas town. not describe. missiles it reportedly has resuming work on incomplete Friday night the storm was lo­ Five more doctors’ offices and moved closer to the Suez Canal and empty missile sites. cated just south of the Bahamas , -f® " truce line. IsraeU officials expressed bit­ the Chamber of Commerce Of­ .(Herald photo ^ Youns) chain and “ Its projected^ * course rnA wnrwlA fAwn ** oaI#! TjHmmaIh fice, all located at 2S7 E. Cen­ Outgoing* school g(uidance director Lewis Morgan, bearded, gives John Flek, his Israeli jets struck at Jorda­ ter disappointment in the United wiU put It in the disposal area at ter St., were broken into some­ replacement, a demonstration of some o f Bolton’s guidance aids. nian army positions and guerril­ States, holding Washington re­ ° Ume that could affect the J®"®®. ““ ‘‘■‘ant fire chief. time early this morning. la camps Friday. The Israeli sponsible for seeing to it that The fireballs started dozens of command said the Jordanian the Egyptians honor the truce J 1* 1 11. - fires In buildings and yards. 5 The building was last checked BUY NOW ! army strongholds were attacked and pull their missiles back. ^ Twelve of the town’s 400 resl- by police at 3:30 a.m. ’The first Bolton ^ u ld be d a m a ^ At the Ume, ^enu were Injured, some hit by break was reported shortly after because they assist Palestinian Deputy Premier Ylgal Alton guetrlllas and make it possible winds were 4(^46 miles p®r hour, flreballs, others seared as they seven. said over the army radio that gusUng to 63 mph. •' The Chamber of Commerce 1st MONTHLY PAYMENT NOVEMBER, 1970 '-‘for them to act against Israeli American faUure to get the mis­ Office was broken into first. En­ civilians.” siles removed would undermine H^«'® homes, the Methodist New Guidance Director Starts ^ dlU on^ d®Iay. Navy Capt. A. church, two citty maintenance try was gained through a win­ Jordan complained to the WasOiington’s credibility in the G. Hamilton, in charge of the sheds, a 4-H buUdlng and a dow which was opened by a John Paul Blek, formerly United Nations and the UiUted Middle East. “ I hope that a was bom in Massachusetts but counselor Jeffrey Heins taking sea p ^ e of the operation, said bridge that carried a street over crow bar. Between $46 and $60 lived most of his life in New States that the attack was the power of her stature knows guidance director of Coventry care of the lower grades. he will not start towing the Ub- the tracks were destroyed. OUx- was taken from a desk in the Jersey, gfraduatlng from high Over the roar of the air con­ second within 24 hours and how to honor commitments,” office. High School, began his duties charged that Istael was making Alton said. erty ship and its lethal cargo to er homes were damaged, school in Passaic. From there ditioner in the high school of­ PresWent Nixon waves to well-wishers in New Orleans Friciay. (AP Photofax) sea unUi he has a forecast of 96 Mayor BUI Kaatns esUmated The thief or thieves then left as Bolton’s guidance director he went to Fordham University fice Flek explained that he has a deliberate attempt to sabotage peace efforts.
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