HOUSE JOURNAL EIGHTY-FOURTH LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION PROCEEDINGS EIGHTY-FIFTH DAY Ð MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 The house met at 10:09 a.m. and was called to order by the speaker. The roll of the house was called and a quorum was announced present (Recordi1831). Present Ð Mr. Speaker; Allen; Alonzo; Alvarado; Anchia; Anderson, C.; Anderson, R.; Ashby; Aycock; Bell; Bernal; Blanco; Bohac; Bonnen, D.; Bonnen, G.; Burkett; Burns; Burrows; Button; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Coleman; Collier; Cook; Craddick; Crownover; Cyrier; Dale; Darby; Davis, S.; Davis, Y.; Deshotel; Dukes; Dutton; Elkins; Faircloth; Fallon; Farias; Farney; Farrar; Fletcher; Flynn; Frank; Frullo; Galindo; Geren; Giddings; Goldman; Gonzales; GonzaÂlez; Guerra; Guillen; Gutierrez; Harless; Hernandez; Herrero; Howard; Huberty; Hughes; Hunter; Isaac; Israel; Johnson; Kacal; Keffer; Keough; King, K.; King, P.; King, S.; King, T.; Klick; Koop; Krause; Kuempel; Landgraf; Larson; Laubenberg; Leach; Longoria; Lozano; Lucio; MaÂrquez; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; McClendon; Metcalf; Meyer; Miles; Miller, D.; Miller, R.; Minjarez; Moody; Morrison; MunÄoz; Murr; Naishtat; NevaÂrez; Oliveira; Otto; Paddie; Parker; Paul; PenÄa; Phelan; Phillips; Pickett; Price; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Riddle; Rinaldi; Rodriguez, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Romero; Rose; Sanford; Schaefer; Schofield; Schubert; Shaheen; Sheets; Sheffield; Simmons; Simpson; Smith; Smithee; Spitzer; Springer; Stephenson; Stickland; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Tinderholt; Turner, C.; Turner, E.S.; Turner, S.; VanDeaver; Villalba; Vo; Walle; White, J.; White, M.; Workman; Wray; Wu; Zedler; Zerwas. Absent Ð Murphy. The speaker recognized Representative Keough who offered the invocation as follows: Father, you teach us in your scripture that you are the God who made the world and everything in it. You are Lord of heaven and earth. I believe that you have brought us together in this unique time in the history of our state for a purpose. I thank you, Father, for those who have led us, for our speaker, for Jesse, for Chris, for Robert, for CharlieÐall of these people and so many moreÐfor our committee chairs, our staffers. For sure, Lord, there is some disappointment for some people who are here today. Others, great elationÐvery exciting. I just thank you so much that you have put us here, and we are part of a group that only we can really understand. Whereas I think of all of our members, all of our friends, brothers, and sistersÐI thank you for them. I thank you for their sacrifices, who virtually have paid to come here. They ve' left their families, they ve' left their 6028 84th LEGISLATURE Ð REGULAR SESSION homes, their businesses, and made tremendous sacrifices and worked so hard in their campaign to come here and to do thisÐto leave, to start all over again. And no one more can really understand but each of us who are here today and you as you watch faithfully over us. This makes us a family and we thank you. Lord, I know that it is easy for all of those on the outside watchingÐmany peopleÐto criticize, to talk ill of the accomplishments here in the house. Father, I pray that you would give those who would be critical a spirit of discernment, that you would stop words that are wrong, that you would turn their minds and their hearts to what really happened here and all the good things that we have accomplished. And as we go back into the districts, each of us, that you would give us a spirit of favor, expectation±±that you would in your grace remember us, each of us, for what we ve' done here. You give us wisdom and understanding to deal with our constituentsÐalways being kind and loving even to those who speak against us. Father, I pray that you help us to avoid words that we have come to just acceptÐwords like compromise, words like consensusÐand focus upon the word agreement. Now, as we come to a close and we remember these days here and prepare for this next session, help us to look for agreement. Focus upon those things which bring unity and a healthy community and a healthy state. Give us wisdom and understanding of the needs of those around us. And with this closing scripture I pray, Father, that you will put this in our hearts. Let love and faithfulness never leave us. Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. We need your favor, Father. Give each of us a good name. We pray in Jesus ' name. Amen. The speaker recognized Representative Howard who led the house in the pledges of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. CAPITOL PHYSICIAN The speaker recognized Representative Geren who presented Dr.iLinda Ball of White Settlement as the "Doctor for the Day." The house welcomed Dr. Ball and thanked her for her participation in the Physician of the Day Program sponsored by the Texas Academy of Family Physicians. (Workman in the chair) MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A message from the senate was received at this time (see the addendum to the daily journal, Messages from the Senate, Message No. 1). HR 3399 - PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED (by MaÂrquez) The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution: HR 3399,iCommending Capitol Nurse Tim Flynn for his service to the legislators and state employees of the Capitol Complex. Monday, June 1, 2015 HOUSE JOURNAL Ð 85th Day 6029 INTRODUCTION OF GUEST The chair recognized Representative Geren who introduced Tim Flynn. HR 3386 - PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED (by Otto) The chair laid out the following previously adopted resolution: HR 3386,iHonoring the participants in the Sam Houston State Universityi2015 Austin Internship Program. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS SIGNED BY THE SPEAKER Notice was given at this time that the speaker had signed bills and resolutions in the presence of the house (see the addendum to the daily journal, Signed by the Speaker, House List No. 35). HR 3644 - ADOPTED (by Dutton) Representative Dutton moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi3644. The motion prevailed. The following resolution was laid before the house: HR 3644, Congratulating the Phillis Wheatley High School Class ofi1965ion the occasion of its 50-year reunion. HR 3644 was adopted. On motion of Representative Dutton, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi3644 as signers thereof. HR 3533 - ADOPTED (by Wu, D. Bonnen, Kuempel, K. King, and Geren) Representative Wu moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi3533. The motion prevailed. The following resolution was laid before the house: HR 3533, Congratulating Amy and Steve Bruno on the adoption of their son, Alexander Peter Theodore Bruno. HR 3533 was adopted. HR 3412 - PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED (by Vo) The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution: HR 3412,iCommending the Chief Clerk s' Office. On motion of Representative Krause, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi3412 as signers thereof. 6030 84th LEGISLATURE Ð REGULAR SESSION INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS The chair recognized Representative Vo who introduced the staff of the Chief Clerk s' Office. HR 3405 - PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED (by Ashby) The chair laid out and had read the following previously adopted resolution: HR 3405,iCommending the staff of the office of the House Journal Clerk. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS The chair recognized Representative Ashby who introduced the staff of the House Journal Clerk s' Office. (Galindo in the chair) HR 3636 - ADOPTED (by Martinez Fischer) Representative Martinez Fischer moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi3636. The motion prevailed. The following resolution was laid before the house: HR 3636, Recognizing June 2, 2015, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in Texas. HR 3636 was adopted. HOUSE NOTIFIED A committee from the senate was announced at the door of the house and, being admitted, notified the house that the senate has completed its labors and is ready to adjourn sine die. HR 3583 - ADOPTED (by Howard) Representative Howard moved to suspend all necessary rules to take up and consider at this time HRi3583. The motion prevailed. The following resolution was laid before the house: HR 3583, Commending the staff of the State Preservation Board for their service. HR 3583 was read and was adopted. On motion of Representatives Geren and Naishtat, the names of all the members of the house were added to HRi3583 as signers thereof. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS The chair recognized Representative Howard who introduced the staff of the State Preservation Board. Monday, June 1, 2015 HOUSE JOURNAL Ð 85th Day 6031 COMMITTEES APPOINTED The chair laid out and had read the appointment of the following committee to notify the senate that the house has completed its labors and is ready to adjourn sine die: Morrison, chair; Bernal, P.iKing, Keffer, and Parker. The chair laid out and had read the appointment of the following committee to notify the governor that the house has completed its labors and is ready to adjourn sine die: Phillips, chair; Sheets, Meyer, Lucio, and Wu. (Speaker in the chair) ADDRESS BY REPRESENTATIVE AYCOCK ON A MATTER OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE The chair recognized Representative Aycock who addressed the house on a matter of personal privilege. (Murphy now present) SCR 50 - ADOPTED (Naishtat - House Sponsor) The following privileged resolution was laid before the house: SCR 50, Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in SBi968. SCR 50 was adopted by (Record 1832): 147 Yeas,
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