March 11, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E351 the community, he located his family in the business, community; they were all part of a sion of being honored with the Eighth Annual middle of it, and then helped lead it. broader sense for the greater good. It is trite Rebecca Lukens Award by The Greystone So- Dick Cooley grew up in the midst of this to say, but he was truly a unique human ciety of Coatesville, Chester County, Pennsyl- dramatic change in the region. I had a con- being. I’ve never seen anyone tie together vania. As an outstanding candidate for this nection being in an adjacent high school dis- those pieces the same way in such shy, quiet, recognition, Molly was chosen for this honor trict, Centennial, next door to him. His high unassuming fashion. He was smart as a whip for the same love of community she has as school alma mater was David Douglas, which and credentialed, but he didn’t care about sta- the award’s namesake, Rebecca Lukens. was then the largest high school in the state tus and credentials, for himself or anyone A Chester County native, Molly Morrison of Oregon. It was then a symbol of excellence else. He was still the kid from David Douglas, learned to appreciate the importance of land and Dick Cooley fit right in. It’s where he de- who just happened to be student body presi- preservation by spending time on her grand- veloped the characteristics and skills that dent, an athlete, an actor, a successful scholar parents’ farm in northern Chester County, a would serve him so well later in life. He was who went off to Harvard. He didn’t just wear place where her German immigrant ancestors far more than a planner; he was a successful this well, he disguised it. What he cared about had been farming since the early 1700s. developer and builder who also had a career was the human connection. If you knew Dick After pursuing an English degree at Ursinus in banking and later, was in key business po- well, that was what you expected; you almost College and Masters in Communications at sitions in the real estate arm of Pacific Power took it for granted. If you went on an early Syracuse University, Molly worked at the and Light, Pacific Development. This company morning walk, he was the guy with the flash- Brandywine Valley Association and then for took the audacious step of buying a huge tract light for you, maybe an extra bottle of water Chester County, where she served in a variety of urban central city property known as the wondering if you’re going to be late for your of positions over a 21-year period, most re- Lloyd district, well over 100 acres of oppor- next appointment. He was always asking how cently as Director of Policy and Planning. In tunity that has continued to be a source of de- you were. It was a detailed sort of checking in, that role, she oversaw the development and velopmental activity, to be a key new district about how you were really doing, your family, implementation of the County’s nationally rec- now blossoming within the central city. Dick what you were thinking, who you were con- ognized open space program, as well as the Cooley was an investor who made strategic nected with. policy development of and program implemen- property purchases not just on the highest rate His men’s group was a critical part of who tation for planning, parks, water resources, of return or the fastest rate of return, but work- Dick was for two decades, but he wanted to and community development. ing to put the pieces together to create long- share and understand that type of experience. As President of Natural Lands Trust, she term value. He encouraged others to stake out their own has been instrumental in creating conservation It was this combination of the instincts of circles to have the same connection. Dick will strategies for complex land transactions, in- planner and an investor that made him a nat- always be connected to us. Truly an extraor- cluding the acquisition of the 1,263-acre ural choice to follow in his father’s footsteps to dinary human being, who left us too soon, but ChesLen Preserve in Newlin Township. In ad- become a member of the Multnomah county who lived an amazingly rich and full life. We’re dition to providing strategic leadership and planning commission. all richer for that connection with him today, fundraising for a staff of 60, Molly oversees a I was pleased to appoint him to the Portland which continues every evening at 6:30 as his network of 42 nature preserves and 361 con- Planning Commission where he was an ex- friends pause to remember Dick and what he servation easements, totaling more than traordinarily valuable leader in the important meant to us all. 44,000 acres. Molly has also served on a vari- activities of the late 1980s and 1990s. He pro- f ety of boards, including the YMCA of Greater vided leadership not just as the chair of the West Chester, the Chester County Art Asso- planning commission, but understanding how JACOB BACK ciation, and the Chester County United Way, to help people come together to create value. among others. He played a vital role in helping shape and HON. ED PERLMUTTER Mr. Speaker, in light of her years of im- guide my Albina community plan, which was OF COLORADO measurable contributions to the community perhaps the high water mark in Portland’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and litany of outstanding accomplishments, I planning for people. This lead to the revitaliza- ask that my colleagues join me today in recog- Tuesday, March 11, 2014 tion of some of Portland’s most troubled nizing Molly K. Morrison on the occasion of neighborhoods. Streets you wouldn’t feel com- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise her being honored with The Greystone Soci- fortable driving down then, you can now stroll today to recognize and applaud Jacob Back ety’s Rebecca Lukens Award. with visitors to show Portland at its best. Dick for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service f was essential in bringing fellow planning com- Ambassadors for Youth award. Jacob Back is missioners, citizens and the city council to- a 9th grader at Standley Lake High School WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH gether to make it happen. and received this award because his deter- Yet his planning, patience and investment mination and hard work have allowed him to HON. ALAN GRAYSON strategies were most compelling when it came overcome adversities. OF FLORIDA to people. It started with his circle of family The dedication demonstrated by Jacob Back IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and friends, especially his loving 20 year rela- is exemplary of the type of achievement that Tuesday, March 11, 2014 tionship with his wife Leslie. It was a joy to be can be attained with hard work and persever- around them both. No one worked harder at ance. It is essential students at all levels strive RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF STATE being a parent then my friend Dick, and his to make the most of their education and de- REPRESENTATIVE KAREN CASTOR DENTEL children, Sarah and Alex were never far from velop a work ethic which will guide them for Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in his thoughts. the rest of their lives. honor of Women’s History Month, to recognize Whether Dick was planning, being a father, I extend my deepest congratulations to State Representative Karen Castor Dentel. husband, friend, he was always giving of him- Jacob Back for winning the Arvada Wheat Karen is a third-generation Floridian raised in self. He never forgot that he was a kid from Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Tampa. She earned a degree in Elementary mid-Multnomah County, David Douglas High I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- Education from Vanderbilt University, a Mas- School, and he would return to his community cation and character in all of his future accom- ters from UNC Chapel Hill, and a PhD from roots time and time again. Most notably and plishments. the University of Florida. recently, the countless hours he spent trying f Karen taught in a number of local elemen- to assist his former neighbors contend with a tary schools before her passion for teaching community that is now fighting decline. He RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS led her to become a voice for education in worked with them helping realize their vision OF MOLLY K. MORRISON Tallahassee. When state policies regarding for the gateway area, long after he left the teacher evaluations and an increasing empha- planning commission. HON. JIM GERLACH sis on testing began affecting her students, He could not keep himself from providing OF PENNSYLVANIA children, and colleagues, Karen sought elec- leadership. He provided leadership until last IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to the Florida House of Representatives in year for the Portland street car, another Dick order to make an impact on education poli- Cooley contribution to revitalizing our commu- Tuesday, March 11, 2014 cies. In 2012 she was elected as State Rep- nity and inspiring cities across America. Dick’s Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to resentative for District 30 covering parts of Or- values blended seamlessly. Friendship, family, congratulate Molly K. Morrison on the occa- ange and Seminole counties. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:53 Mar 12, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MR8.013 E11MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E352 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2014 Karen comes from a long line of public serv- Saint Petersblog named Amy one of ‘‘30 for progressive causes.
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