CHRISTMAS IS ADVERTISEMENTS AROUND SHOULD BE THE CORNER. THE CARROLL RECORD REAL NEWS. VOL. TA-NEYTOWN, MARYLAND, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929. No.24 THE AUTO HORN BOARD OF EDUCATION. $1250. FOR QUART OF PEAS. A COMMUNITY TREE FOR Its Misuse a Common Cause of High- MARYLAND GRANGE IN Various Actions taken at Last Regu- GRUNDY IS NAMED TO Carroll Women Enter National Can- way Accidents. lar Meeting. ning Contest. -- TANEYTOWN The intention of the use of the auto WESTMINSTER The regular meeting of the Board SUCCEED VARE Great interest has been occasioned horn is to serve as a timely warning 0 of Education was called to order in among local housewives in the an- to others using our highways, but as the office of the Board Wednesday, nouncement from Chicago of the Chamber of Commerce undertakes a matter of fact it does more harm An Interesting Program and Very Dec. 4, 1929, at 10:00 A M. Commis- The fight to prevent his Confirma- prize winners in the National Can- than good, in most cases. Good Attendance. sioner Slingluff was absent. tion, a failure. ning Contest held recently. Among its first Public effort. To the pedestrian who attempts to I The minutes of the previous meet the Carroll county women who had he thinks is his right ing were approved as read. entries in the contest were: Mary exercise what Ma- Another chapter was opened in the The Chamber of Commerce, of Tan- to use a crossing at a street corner, The annual convention of the The list of bills presented to the Hardy, Mt. Airy; Mrs. Jonathan Dor- eytown, decided at a special meeting, who ryland State Grange was held in board, paid and unpaid, were ordered Pennsylvania Senatorial vacancy sit- sey, Woodbine; Millicent Warfield, of or at an alley intersection, or uation. Last week, Senator-elect on Monday night, Dec. 9, to have a perhaps ventures at times to walk Westminster, from Tuesday to Thurs- paid. Sykesville; Miss Hollis Criswell, of Community Christmas Tree. This day, this week, the sessions being The following schools have raised William S. Vare, whose election was Sykesville; Emma M. Bixler, West- along the edge of a public highway, protested by the Senate since 1927, event will be held Dec. 23, at 2 P. M. the auto horn is, in most cases, not held in Firemen's Hall with several the indicated sum of money for equip minster, Md. If the weather is inclement that day, is al- hundred delegates in attendance. The ment in their school: Baile, $10.00; was finally denied his seat, the Sen- The grand champion winner in the sounded until the pedestrian ate exercising its right to determine the event will be held the following ready in danger of being run-down; following is a condensed report of the Deer Park, $18.00; Newport, $16.59; contest was Mrs. Mary Hvass, of day at the same hour. proceedings taken from the Balti- Woodbine, $10.00; Cranberry, $10.00; the fitness of its members, regardless Kennan, Wis., whose entry of a quart and then the short loud blast of the of "states rights" in the matter, and The following committees have cause him or her to more Sun. Mt. Vernon, $15.00; Westminster of green pease brought her $1250. horn is apt to A. immediately Mr. Vare announced his been appointed to take care of the make a quick jump, or step, in the Tuesday morning, State Master Elementary, $184.00; Cherry Grove, Mrs. Hvass was awarded first prize event. Secure the tree—Charles G. Ensor, presiding. Reports of com- $10.00; Black's, $16.98; Fairmount, determination to enter the state prim- of $250 by the judges for the best wrong direction. aries next May, and vindicate himself Cashman, Ghm., Harry Mohney, Wil- The same is largely true in cases in mittees and officers, with discussion $17.16; Hooper's, $13.57; Uniontown, entry in the vegetable class, and bur Fair. one on the Grange as an organization in $40.00; Brandenburg, $11.62; Mexico, On Wednesday of this week, Gov. $1000 as grand sweepstakes prize for which the horn is sounded when Fisher exercised his authority to fill Decorate the tree, H. I. Sies, Merle to pass another. Watch the state, its needs and opportunities, $28.00; Finksburg, $14.57; Pleasant the finest jar of food in the three car wants being Dr. T. B. the vacancy, by appointing Joseph R. S. Ohler. and see whether the use of the horn the participants Gap, $30.00; Lowe, $26.01; Middle- classes of vegetables, fruits and Collect funds, Charles Arnold, J. Symons, L. C. Burns, Miss Edith burg, $22.36; Winfield, $30.00; Sandy Grundy, president of the Pennsylva- meats. is not delayed, in about half of such Association, with Keller Smith, Norman R. Baumgard- already Turner, Ruth Nesbit and H. R. Shoe- Mount. $10.00; Washington, $13.50; nia Manufacturers' The first prize of $250 in the meat cases, until the car behind is the understanding that he will enter ner. in the act of passing, and too late for maker. West End, $71.63; Royer's, $24.03; class went to Mrs. Dudley Brooks, of Purchase treat: S. C. Ott, A. G. At the night meeting, the speak- Deep Run, $17.44; Cross Roads, $10; the primaries next May in opposition Roba Red, Ala., for a jar of chicken, the slower driver in front to have to Mr. Vare. Riffle, C. G. Bowers, W. W. Troxell. reasonable time to get off to the side ers were: Dr. Raymond E. Parson, Stonesifer's, $12.00; Morelock, $10.00. while Miss Margery Drew, of Athol, A. Mr. Grundy is almost as objection- Program: Rev. A. T. Sutcliffe, of the road to safety? president Md. University; Dr. They were each granted the usual Mass., won the prize of $250 on a jar Merwyn C. Fuss. Norman Ward, president W. M. Col- sum of $10.00 toward this equipment able to certain Senators as was Mr. of pears adjudged first in the fruit The short blast of the horn, with- Vare, largely due to his attitude in Taneytown will therefore try an out any slacking up of the driver's lege, and Representative John C. except Westminster Elementary, class. experiment—largely sentimental. in Hetcham, Michigan, the latter speak- which according to the general rule, favor of high tariff rates, and to the In all $5825 in cash prizes was dis- own car, is almost the rule in the fact that he has been active in raising character—that most progressive large number of instances in which ing on the subject of the Federal having raised over $100.00, received tributed to the 208 winners in the towns have apparently found to be Farm Board. 10% of the amount raised. large campaign funds for the Repub- contest in which more than 25,000 timely warning should be given; and lican party in the state. desirable, and which is kept up every given by the driver that Among the needs of the farmers Miss Mildred D. Fowble was grant- women and girls from every section the excuse a When Mr. Grundy presented his year. In next issue we will give he "sounded his horn" is no reason- State Master Ensor mentioned ed the vacant scholarship from Union of the United States had entries. more of the details, and the program, greater protective tariff on farm Bridge District, to Western Maryland credentials. on Thursday, a group of Mrs. Hvass is a veteran canner and able excuse at all, for the good rea- Western Senators opposed his con- so that both town and community son that it came too late, and merely products; a revision of freight rates; College, discontinued by the former puts up yearly between 600 and 800 may know what to expect. hearty co-operation with the Federal incumbent. firmation in cutting speeches, pro- quarts of food to cut living expenses. as an imperious order to get out of claiming his unfitness, because of be- the way, not actually among the Farm Board, and if possible, relief A report was made on the trans- She had planned to put ten quarts of CHRISTMAS WORK OF CHIL- from a portion of the burden of tax- portation of pupils on the Finksburg- ing a "lobbyist" and as being active peas for home use this year, but took rights of the road. in raising huge campaign funds, but DREN'S AID SOCIETY. This misuse of the horn is often ation. Congressman Ketcham express- Westminster route. As Mr. Hook extra pains with one jar which she ed his belief that help would eventu- failed to meet the conditions of his the effort ended with just that, and decided to enter in the contest. From exercised in places in which the fast he was given the oath of office and It has been gratifying to the mem- driver is already violating the speed ally come from the Federal Farm agreement to the Board at the Nov. her vegetable patch she picked a Board, especially in the matter of meeting, contract was not issued, seated without a roll-call; and now milk pailful of peas and as she shell- bers of the Children's Aid Society to limits, as well as misusing what he his from that aiding the business of marketing by and the Blue Ridge Transportation he is just one of the Senators ed them she selected the peas by see the interest and enthusiasm may assume to be his "right of way." Pennsylvania. is manifested throughout the county It takes no account of "safety first" shortening the step between produc- Company will continue the hauling on hand and then carefully sifted out er and consumer, and by preventing this route for the remainder of this those of even size by use of a colan- with the Christmas work.
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