BROMLEY CIVIC CENTRE, STOCKWELL CLOSE, BROMLEY BRI 3UH TELEPHONE: 020 8464 3333 CONTACT: Lisa Thornley [email protected] DIRECT LINE: 020 8461 7566 FAX: 020 8290 0608 DATE: 27 June 2017 To: Members of the RENEWAL AND RECREATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Councillor Michael Rutherford (Chairman) Councillor Julian Benington (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Vanessa Allen, Douglas Auld, Nicholas Bennett J.P., Alexa Michael, Sarah Phillips, Teresa Te and Michael Tickner Nominated Non-Voting Co-opted Member Nicolas Weaks, Bromley Youth Council A meeting of the Renewal and Recreation Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee will be held at Bromley Civic Centre on WEDNESDAY 5 JULY 2017 AT 7.00 PM MARK BOWEN Director of Corporate Services Copies of the documents referred to below can be obtained from http://cds.bromley.gov.uk/ PART 1 AGENDA Note for Members: Members are reminded that Officer contact details are shown on each report and Members are welcome to raise questions in advance of the meeting. STANDARD ITEMS 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS 2 APPOINTMENT OF CO-OPTED MEMBER (Pages 5 - 8) 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4 QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ATTENDING THE MEETING In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions to this Committee must be received in writing 4 working days before the date of the meeting. Therefore please ensure questions are received by the Democratic Services Team by 5 pm on Thursday 29 June. a QUESTIONS FOR THE RENEWAL AND RECREATION PORTFOLIO HOLDER b QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAIRMAN OF RENEWAL AND RECREATION PDS COMMITTEE 5 MINUTES OF THE RENEWAL AND RECREATION PDS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 5 APRIL 2017 (Pages 9 - 14) 6 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES AND UPDATES (Pages 15 - 18) HOLDING THE RENEWAL AND RECREATION PORTFOLIO HOLDER TO ACCOUNT 7 PRE-DECISION SCRUTINY OF RENEWAL AND RECREATION PORTFOLIO REPORTS Portfolio Holder decisions for pre-decision scrutiny. a BUDGET MONITORING 2017/18 (Pages 19 - 24) b PROVISIONAL OUTTURN 2016/17 (Pages 25 - 34) POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND OTHER ITEMS 8 CRYSTAL PALACE PARK: REGENERATION PLAN (Report to follow – This report is being prepared for the Executive meeting on 19 July and is, therefore, following Executive Committee timescales. The report will be released to the R&R PDS Committee following completion of the officer review process.) 9 CONTRACT AWARD FOR THE PROVISION OF LIBRARY SERVICES - PART 1 (Report to follow) 10 OPPORTUNITY SITE G - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND LEASE - PART 1 (Pages 35 - 38) 11 ORPINGTON BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) PROPOSAL – RENEWAL FOR 2018-2023 - PART 1 (Pages 39 - 86) 12 TOWN CENTRES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME UPDATE (Pages 87 - 94) 13 RENEWAL AND RECREATION PORTFOLIO PLAN (Pages 95 - 132) 14 PLANNING APPEALS MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2016 TO MARCH 2017 (Pages 133 - 162) 15 PLANNING APPEALS - COSTS 2016-2017 (Pages 163 - 172) 16 ENFORCEMENT MONITORING REPORT (APRIL 2016 TO MARCH 2017) (Pages 173 - 176) 17 DELEGATED ENFORCEMENT ACTION - APRIL 2016 TO MARCH 2017 (Pages 177 - 190) 18 RENEWAL AND RECREATION PDS COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2017/18 AND RE-APPOINTMENT OF THE BECKENHAM TOWN CENTRE WORKING GROUP (Pages 191 - 196) PART 2 (CLOSED) AGENDA 19 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) (VARIATION) ORDER 2006, AND THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 The Chairman to move that the Press and public be excluded during consideration of the items of business listed below as it is likely in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings that if members of the Press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information. Items of Business Schedule 12A Description 20 CONTRACT AWARD FOR THE PROVISION OF Information relating to the LIBRARY SERVICES - PART 2 financial or business affairs of any particular person (including (Report to follow) the authority holding that information) 21 OPPORTUNITY SITE G - DEVELOPMENT Information relating to the AGREEMENT AND LEASE - PART 2 financial or business affairs of any particular person (including (Report to follow) the authority holding that information) 22 ORPINGTON BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT Information relating to the DISTRICT (BID) PROPOSAL – RENEWAL FOR financial or business affairs of 2018-2023 - PART 2 (Pages 197 - 212) any particular person (including the authority holding that information) 23 BIGGIN HILL MEMORIAL MUSEUM Information which is subject to any obligation of confidentiality. (Report to follow – This report is being prepared for the Executive meeting on 19 July and is, therefore, following Executive Committee timescales. The report will be released to the R&R PDS Committee following completion of the officer review process.) Agenda Item 2 Report No. London Borough of Bromley CSD17078 PART ONE - PUBLIC Decision Maker: Renewal and Recreation PDS Committee Date: 5 July 2017 Decision Type: Non-Urgent Non-Executive Non-Key Title: APPOINTMENT OF CO-OPTED MEMBER Contact Officer: Lisa Thornley, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 8461 7566 E-mail: [email protected] Chief Officer: Mark Bowen, Director of Corporate Services Ward: N/A 1. Reason for report 1.1 Following Andrew Wolckenhaar’s resignation from the Committee, the Bromley Youth Council has nominated one of its members for appointment as a non-voting Co-opted Member for 2017/18. In this regard, Members are requested to consider the appointment of Nicolas Weaks. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That Nicolas Weaks be appointed as a non-voting Co-opted Member of the Committee for 2017/18 for the consideration of public reports only. 1 Page 5 Impact on Vulnerable Adults and Children 1. Summary of Impact: None Corporate Policy 1. Policy Status: Existing Policy: Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees are able to appoint non-voting co-opted members to assist them. 2. BBB Priority: Vibrant, Thriving Town Centres: ________________________________________________________________________________ Financial 1. Cost of proposal: No Cost: 2. Ongoing costs: Not Applicable: 3. Budget head/performance centre: Democratic Services 4. Total current budget for this head: £343,810 5. Source of funding: 2017/18 Revenue Budget ________________________________________________________________________________ Staff 1. Number of staff (current and additional): There are 8 posts (7.27 fte) in the Democratic Services Team 2. If from existing staff resources, number of staff hours: N/A ________________________________________________________________________________ Legal 1. Legal Requirement: None: 2. Call-in: Not Applicable: This report does not involve an executive decision ________________________________________________________________________________ Customer Impact 1. Estimated number of users/beneficiaries (current and projected): N/A ________________________________________________________________________________ Ward Councillor Views 1. Have Ward Councillors been asked for comments? Not Applicable 2. Summary of Ward Councillors comments: Not applicable 2 Page 6 3. COMMENTARY 3.1 PDS Committees may appoint non-voting Co-opted Members to assist their work and to allow representation from key groups in the community. Co-opted Members bring their own area of interest and expertise to the work of a PDS Committee and broaden the spectrum of involvement in the scrutiny process. In this respect, the Bromley Youth Council (BYC) is keen to nominate its members to the R&R PDS Committee. 3.2 In light of Andrew Wolckenhaar’s resignation from the Committee, a nomination has been received from Bromley Youth Council for Nicolas Weaks to be appointed for the 2017/18 Municipal Year as a non-voting co-opted Member for the consideration of public reports only. Non-Applicable Sections: Policy/Finance/Legal/Personnel Implications. Background Documents: (Access via Contact Officer) 3 Page 7 This page is left intentionally blank Agenda Item 5 RENEWAL AND RECREATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting held at 7.00 pm on 5 April 2017 Present: Councillor Michael Rutherford (Chairman) Councillor Julian Benington (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Vanessa Allen, Peter Dean, Alexa Michael, Michael Tickner and Stephen Wells Also Present: Councillor Peter Morgan 69 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Douglas Auld and David Jefferys. 70 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The standard declarations of Members were noted as previously reported at the R&R PDS meeting held on 5 July 2016. No further declarations of interest were received. 71 QUESTION S FROM COUNCILLORS AND MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ATTENDING THE MEETING 71a QUESTIONS FOR THE RENEWAL AND RECREATION PORTFOLIO HOLDER No questions were received. 71b QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAIRMAN OF RENEWAL AND RECREATION PDS COMMITTEE No questions were received. 72 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL RENEWAL AND RECREATION PDS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 7 MARCH 2017 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the special meeting held on 7 March 2017 be confirmed and signed as a correct record. 30 Page 9 Renewal and Recreation Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee 5 April 2017 73 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES AND UPDATES Meeting held on 7 March 2017 - Minute 65 – Proposed Public Realm Project and Market Reorganisation for Bromley High Street Recommendation 9 – ‘Plans to install a number of 3m x 1.7m electronic advertising boards
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