UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII LIBRARY a n a n a s V a r i e t y ® ™ * ( s f i j w e « s Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 - . Saipan, MP 96950 - ©1992 Mananas variety T uesday ■ A ugust 4, 1992 Serving CNMI for 20 Years' -4 Post-Washington meeting set Guerrero, Legislature to resolve imrmgration, labor problems in CNMI By Qaynor L. Dumat-ol tinue our immigration and mini­ mum wage,” Manglona told mem­ GOVERNORLorenzoI. Guerrero bers of the Saipan Chamber of will meet with legislative leaders Commerce. upon his return this week to resolve The US Congress too, t. :ording the labor and immigration problems to Manglona, has indicated it was in the Commonwealth, acting Gov­ allowing the CNMI to continue ex­ ernor Benjamin T. Manglona said ercising immigration and labor con­ yesterday. trols “provided we (CNMI govern­ Guerrero and other delegates to ment) take action to correct the la­ the July 30 hearing in Washington bor problems.” are coming home with the news that Manglona said the planned meet­ the US is not taking over immigra­ ing between executive and legisla­ SIX HUNDRED grade and high school students from Japan arrived on board the cruise ship Fuji Maru fora one- tion and labor controls. tive leaders would be the first step to day visit to World War II memorials and other tourist attractions in Saipan yesterday. “One good news that will be fulfilling the vow the CNMI gov­ Bluesea and Greenland, a non-profit organization in Japan, had been sponsoring such trip each year the past brought by thedelegates is thatas far ernment delegates made in Wash­ 15 years for the children to see remnants of the war 43 years ago and, according to tour coordinator Toshiro as the federal government is con­ ington on July 30 to correct the Hayashi, to teach them to aspire for peace forever. The Japanese youth held a memorial service in honor of their cerned, they would like us to con- fallen elders at the Banzai Cliff. continued on page 3 APIL calls for review UMD A net income may exceed $5M of Air Mike fare rates THE UNITED Micronesia De­ UMDA had not given dividends velopment Association to stockholders and that a recent By Rafael H. Arroyo (UMD A) is in the best financial stock offering was made only health as assets and income to a select few. He said UMDA LEGISLATORS from the Pacific continue to expand, the paid dividends to its 1,200 region have asked the US De­ company’s top officials said stockholders twice in recent partment of Transportation to re­ yesterday. years.. In 1990, the company view passenger and cargo rates Joseph W. Waechter, UMD A declared a dividend of $2.50 of Continental Air Micronesia to chairman and chief executive per share. determine whether the people of officer, said the company real­ “All of tbs shareholders were the region are being “over­ ized about $2.8 million during offered the right to participate charged.” the first six months of 1992 and in our recent offering,notjust a This was the recommendation was projected to earn more than select few....,” he said. made in a resolution adopted $5 million for the whole year. Clarifying its interest in during the Eleventh General As­ To date, assets total about Continental-Air Micronesia, sembly of the Association of Pa­ $21 million while stockholders ’ the UMDA said Air cific Island Legislatures (APIL) equity is about $10 million. Micronesia, which was formed held July 29-31 in Palau. “UMDA is stronger finan­ in 1968,had combinedits route At the same time, APIL mem­ cially than it has ever been in its authority with the operating bers expressed appreciation for 26-year history,” chief finan­ capability of Continental Air­ the efforts being exerted by the cial officer Michael T. lines Inc. to service routes firm to provide ample travel ser­ Benavente Guerrero Grandinetti said in a statement throughout the Western Pacific vices for the island people of the released yesterday. and Asia. APIL nations. UMDA issued the statement Waechter said accusations APIL’s Committee on Eco­ to refute reports that the com­ that he' or other officers nomics passed Resolution No. pany was in financial trouble, misappropriated company 12 asking the Department of #CONTINEIMTALE3Z that its officers misappropri­ funds were “absolute fabrica­ Transportation to review Conti­ ated company funds and that tions.” nental Air Micronesia’s rates and AIR M ICRONESIA UMDA only had “paper own­ “We have acted at all times to request the airline company to ership” of Continental-Air in good faith and in the best submit all future changes in rates Micronesia. interests of the company," he to the various member entities of by Continental Air Mike impose sored by the CNMI delegation Grandinetti pointed out that said. “Our total focus now, as it the APIL. upon the limited incomes of most composed of Vice Speaker the company’s total assets, net always has been, is to increase The committee said air trans­ of the people of the Micronesian Diego T, Benavpnte and Rep­ income and stockholders’ eq­ our stockholders equity and portation in the region is mo­ region represented by the APIL,” resentatives Pedro R. DL. uity in UMDA had increased provide a significant return on nopolized by Continental Air the committee said. Guerrero and Crispin I. DL. dramatically in the past four invested capital.” Micronesia and that air fares in “There is currently no mecha­ Guerrero. years under the leadership of UMDA’s stated policy is to the region substantially exceed nism other than market pressure The APIL, which is com­ its present directors and man­ seek investment opportunities rates charged to passengers on available to regulate the passen­ posed of members of the vari­ agement. The company is au­ throughout Micronesia which, similar types of aircraft used in ger and cargo rates charged by ous legislatures in the Pacific dited annually by Deloitte and will bring increased value to its other parts of the world. the airline company,” the com­ region, holds its annual gen­ Touche. shareholders, and to invest prof­ “We realize the excessive eco­ mittee said. eral assembly at the home Grandinetti also denied that its back into the community. nomic burden the rates charged The resolution was spon­ nation of its current president. Foe H euJspofr 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TUESDAY-AU6UST 4.1992 TUESDAY, AUGUST 4,1992 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VJEWS-3 .S13!?'' I V i « 'V WQrld Affairs ''3 X S * State agrees to look into visa issue K orea urges Visa waiver for aliens in CNMI Workers in South Africa Iraq to follow following alternatives to allow sentative or US Attorney, as the to obtain a visa waiver through qualifying under one did not pre­ THEDEPARTMENTofStatehas sume qualification under the UN resolutions agreed to look into the possibility the entry of aliens to the US from examining officer solely to con­ the INS office in Guam. of adopting a new policy to allow the CNMI in times of emergency: duct the interview, a procedure In addition to emergency cir­ other. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - the issuance of a US visa waiver * Authorizing the Guam Immi­ that must be met prior to issuance cumstances, Babauta brought up Talks regarding this issue are begin nationwide strike South Korea on Monday urged to aliens in the Northern Marianas gration and Naturalization Ser­ of a non-immigrant visa. the possibility of an alien obtain­ ongoing between Babauta’s of­ Babauta, during the meeting, ing anon-immigrant visa in other fice and the Dept, of State. By BARRY RENFREW strike call, heading for work on a to death outside Durban, it said. Many blacks are disillusioned Iraq to fully comply with under emergency circumstances. vice (INS) office to process the cited an incident in which a Fili­ instances such as a family trip to Lide offered to contact the INS cold winter morning. Some said Atleast 17 people died in politi­ or apathetic over the political UnitedNations resolutions and In a statement released yester­ application and issue a visa waiver or humanitarian parole; pino resident in the CNMI, mar­ the mainland. offices in Washington D.C. and JOHANNESBURG, South Af­ they opposed the strike or could cal violence Sunday and Saturday, process to end white minority rule. eliminate tensions in the re­ day,ResidentRepresentativeJuan ried to a US citizen, was .unable Barkell said it was improbable in Guam to determine if policy rica (AP) - Tens of thousands of not afford to lose wages. police said. Some black groups, Talks rai a new constitution have gion. N. Babauta said he had met with and * Designate a federal officer to travel from Saipan to the that Dept, of State regulations could indeed be instituted allow­ black workers began a nation­ Three black men were shot to including the ANC’s main black had little impact on die bleak life South Korea’s Foreign Min­ William Barkell, acting director for the Office of Freely Associ­ physically present in the CNMI mainland where a member of his governing issuance t>f visa would ing for the issuance of a visa wide strike Monday to demand death Monday by police and four rival, the Inkatha Freedom Party, and chronic violence in the black istry said in a statement that such as the US District Court family was hospitalized and had be altered and, as the US and waiver for aliens from the CNMI an end to white rule and police police officers were wounded in a oppose the strike. townships. ated States, and Frances Lide, visa the situation in the Gulf can be judge, TIA (Office of Territorial undergone major surgery.
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