Saberettes help stir school spirit - New s, A9 Your hometown newspaper Beyond basics serving Plymouth and Plymouth S q u a sh Township for 117 years It's m o re h th a n b u t­ te r and s u g a r B1 September 22,2002 75 cents V o l u m e 1 1 7 N u m b e r 8 www.observerandeccentnc.com © 2 0 0 2 H o m e t o w n C ommunications N e t w o r k BY TONY BRUSCATO the financial condition of the city at the And, if you consider that m 1997-98 Christiansen “I think the (state’s) eco­ STAFF W RITER end of the 2001-200^ budget year, the city recorded a general fund deficit nomic situation isn’t as rosy as predict­ Plymouth Finance Director Mark of more than $22,000, there’s been a ed, but I’m not that concerned ” No matter what financial cute the next Christiansen said he’s confident the city turnaround of more than $880,000 in Christiansen not only points to the governor of Michigan decrees to balance will end up the year adding $284,000 to just five years $860,000 he expects to have in the gen­ the state’s budget, cily offiaals believe die generd fiind That would increase ‘No matter what happens at the state eral fhnd, but the $550,000 budget sta~ they’ll be able to weather the storm die eity’s available fund balance to level, I don’t have any real concerns PLEASE SEE F U N D ,A 5 ■ Radio writers "t^ile awaiting the auditor’s report on $860,000 about our financial position,” said Moosehead Comedies in Ann Arbor has announced Theatre of the Air a 15 minute radio show written and produced by local play Wrights Mike Davis of ADs among fans of Plymouth and Marc Holland of Ann Arbor The show can be heard onWSDSAM 1480 at 745am Sundays starting Sept 29 Moosehead (rfficiais tout the show as a hilarious new show with an old time feel with episodes featuring offbeat characters starting with Nick Addams, a bumbling 1940s era detective Davis 38 and Holland 37 perfo;med Murder After These Messages at the BY TONY BRUSCATO game Friday or Saturday Plymouth Fall Festival this STAFF WRITER because of the ram year In While football is generally addition to For Canton High School played m all types of weather, the murder Athletic Director Sue the athletic directors at mystery Hemzman, a day like Friday Plymouth-Canton need to be dinner the was the nightmare she and her particularly aware of field con­ ater fellow athletic directors have ditions because just one game- engage endured for several years turned-mud bowl could rum ments It was raining in the after­ the playing surface for the theyve noon, and Hemzman was busy entire season produced throughout the scheduling and rescheduling “With so many teams that metro Detroit area their three junior varsity football games need to play on the field, we published plays have been that needed to be played on the need to be careful,” said performed from Spokane only varsity footb^l field at Hemzman ‘TSTot many schd Wash to South Africa PljTnouth-Canton Educational have this much traffic on one Park In the mix was a decision field ■ Family affair on whether the high school An exhibit by artist Nora football team would play its PLEASE SEE F IE L D , A6 Mendoza helped the Plymouth Community Arts Council kick off its year long Celebration of Women earlier ^ is week The exhibit runs through Oct Ethics inquiry could 17 Each month exhibits work shops demonstrations and lectures will focus on the var led aspects of women close in 2-3 weeks throughout the ages and around the world Mendoza was named Michigan Artist of BY BRAD KADRICH Munfakh has been accused of the Year in 1999 and is a reap STAFF WRITER violating the township’s ethics lent of the Governors Arts policy by representing Salem Award She will speak about The cloud hanging over Township m that municipality’s her work at the fall ArtReach Plymouth Tbwnship TVustee bid to get hooked up to the S luncheon at the PCAC at 1130 Abe Munfakh may be about Detroit water sj^tem Critics am Oct 1 Cali the PCAC (734) ready to lift say Munfakh shouldn’t have 416-4278 for details Attorney Michael Schwartz, gotten involved because hired by the township to con­ Plymouth Township often suf­ ■ Tall order PAUL HURSCHMANN | OBSERVER duct an investigation into fers from poor water pressure, Varsity and JVRockettes claims MunfalA violated the and that Detroit water should from Salem High School got township’s ethics policy, should deny water to Salem until it can more than they bargained for Isbister Big Top be ready to file his report, provide sufficient service to at a recent car wash fund First-grader Julian Alverio, m costume as a lion, watches the First Grade Circus under the big top m the gymnasi­ hopefully within two to three existing customers raiser when Canton firefight um at Isbister Elementary Wednesday The entire first grade put on a show for parents at the end of the school weeks, according to township ers stopped by with one of the day. offering a;iimal acts, high wire performers, clowns and acrobats For the story and more photos, please see supervisor Steve Mann PLEASE SEE ETH IC S, A S township rescue rigs Page A3 Here's your chance to win a shopping spree The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Townshiji), Newton Furniture (Bloomfield drawn The deadlme to enter is 5 p m Team members^isa and 12 area merchants are teaming up to Hills, Livonia, Novi and Sterling Heights Thursday, Oct 24 Stemmerman Kristen send 12 lucity winners on home furnishings locations), Pine Tree Lightmg (Lake Onon), Look for the entry form in your Thursday Bernacik Courtney Gariepy shopping sprees Recherche (Waterford), Watch Hill Home and Sunday Observer and in participating Courtney Gromacki Kim It’s all part of Fabulous I^imiture 2002 m Interiors (Birmingham) and Walker stores beginning Thursday, Oct 3 Martin Heather Cornell our A t H o m e section on Thursdays, Oct 3, Buzenberg (Plymouth) Don’t miss the Thursday, Oct 3, edi­ Ashley Schopieray and Missy 10 and 17 Winning is easy E a ^ participating mer­ tion on Dining Rooms and Kitchens fol­ Lachowski scrub the rig while Twelve IucIq^ winners will receive a $1,000 chant will have official Fabulous Furniture lowed by the Thursday, Oct 10, edition tmari Patel and Emily Arble gift certificate to shop at Avenue Gallerj^ displays at their stores and entry forms which features Living Rooms and Great await their turn The car wash (Birmingham, Rochester, Ann Arbor and av^able beginning Oct 3 You may enter Itooms The At Home section of Oct 17 was held in the parking lot of Novi locations). Classic Interiors (Livoma), one time at each store You’ll want to visit will highlight Bedrooms and the Rite Aid store at Ford and Eclipse Window Tinting (Redford each store (several merchants have multiple Bathrooms Canton Center roads Township), Woven Treasures (Birmingham), locations) and increase your chances of win­ Here’s a chance to spruce up your William C Franks Furniture (Wayne), ning home and read about the latest m fur­ ■ Voter registration Laurel Furniture (downtown Plymou^), You must be at least 18 years old to enter niture styles and decorating tips in A t Time IS running out on any NA. Mans Building Center (Canton All entries have an equal Aance of being H o m e Fabulous Furniture 2002 one hoping to cast a ballot in the Nov 5 general election who isnt already registered Registration deadline is CONTACT US INDEX Monday Oct 7 at the city or Newsroom - (734) 459 2700 township clerks office or at Apartments E2 New Homes El Stage fun Newsroom fax (734)459 4224 Automotive F2 Obituaries A5 any Secretary of State branch Classifieds 1800 57^SELL See how kids auditioning D.E,F office Call the city clerks Home delivery (734) 591 0500 Classified Real Estate n Classified Index 04 Service Guide E11 for the Whistle Stop office (734)4531234 or town Crossword D6 Sports D1 Players fared in Thursdays ship clerk (734)4533840 Jobs E6 Taste 61 Observer K (P) Observer & Eccentric | Sunday September 22 2002 L O C A L K E W S WWW observerandeccentnc com Publisher: Hometown papers stay relevant to local readers BY TONY BRUSCATO our journalistic focus is differ­ "There is a difference between reporting generalities without tnbute to the business success STAFF WRITER ent from the New York Times, of our advertisers, to provide the dailies (Detroit News and having thought about what they mean to people in their daily fulfilling careers for our HomeTown Detroit Free Press) and the staffers, and to earn a fair Communications Network, Ann Arbor News lives.' profit Inc, founder, owner and chair­ Power, who admitted he was “At the end of the day, that’s man Phil Power said his group a member of the Rotary Club what we are all about,” he said of 70 hometown newspapers is years ago but had to quit Phll Power “We think those words get to successful because they stick because he couldn’t make the HomeTown Communications Network inc the heart of what we spend a to the theory of community meetings, said he likes the great deal of time and passion journalism changes in downtown doing” “We want to make commu­ Plymouth munity, and is accomplished take the information and use it Power began HomeTown nity newspapers the essential “I would say that the down­ by putting the reporter in the in the ordinary conduct of Communications by publish­ tool for people for the read­ town today IS the fulfillment of shoes of the reader their life’ ’ ing SIX newspapers in western ers and their families to live the dream that people I knew “There is a difference For Power, who began his bi­ Wayne County with a staff of the good life in their own in Plymouth 25 years ago were between reporting generalities weekly
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