he nox ounty erald G* T K C H VOLUME SI $ KNOX CITY, KNOX COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, M A Y 17, I9S 6 NUM BER 34 l R E N E l Democratic Committee „ „( our short weeks jhor) on advertising. I r *n<i short on time. I Sets Election Filing Fees prom* you this will bo The Knox County Democratic omitted from the ballot. Executive Committee has figured Feos for county and precinct to mention 'hat the the approximate coat of the D im office-seekers amounts to 6 per­ Hospital ttatl en- ■ALxJu . rratic primaries at $2,5(10 and noti cent of the office's annual nalary. ^ooty (ommwstoner* fled each candidate of his prupor The offirew. coats of filing, and member* of the Uonate share of the exists, accord candidates' names, in the order •rd »n«l their wives. mg to Leroy Melton of Benjamin, llH-y will appear on the tgdiot, are y dorton and their committee chairman a* follow* B«ibcr> of the clinic Deadline for paying filing fees Associate Justice. Court of Civil Knox tVy and Mun' is midnight Saturday. May 19, Appeals. 11th Supreme Judicial ion* k»t week Melton said U a candidate fails District of Texas. 5 percent of hu • • • to pay the fee his name w*il be salary paid to the ebainnan of the r * held under a now State Democratic Executive t'oen- at the hospital. nuttee. Vilburn S. Long of Tay jtK use of hospital per- Five Seniors Receive lor County Congres* 11th Dtstnrt of Texas, « • • Diplomas at O ’Brien *25 UP Frank Ikard of Wichita ■ rtrpoet wa* christened County Robert H. King, supimnte-ndent port because M wax of the Rochester Schools, address­ State Senator. 23 rd Dialnot, throuirh funds made ed yirmbers of the O'Brien High $101X1 George Moffett of Harde­ S' ttaff selling cof School graduating class at their man t'oimti and Jack Banner of while the Hospital commencement exercise* Monday Wichita County i cm closed! Hay 14 State Representative. 83rd Dis­ • • • Milton Rowan, representing tile trict. $10 00 Bill Sams of Knox 3in Horace Finley'* | Board of Education, awarded di M J Cloud of Has­ irt »-a> crowded out by plomas to Donato I ewix, Vernon kell County of the lag catfish at Donaldson, Katnm- Allred. Kay District Judge. 50Ch Judicial , of this page we fig Davis and Glenda King District $13500. Roy A Jones of Cottle County and lewu M. Wil­ Nsdert would be more n\r- t m » Vermin, son of Mr and Mrs O liams of Knox County. to seemi! the huge fish TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS Mtmb#r» of tho Knoi City High School C. Donaldson, was valedictorian Egonbochor; Jimmy Burt, ton of Mr. ond Mrt. C. L. Burt; Jonotto District Attorney, 5(Rh Judicial «Xnt! the sad news that with a four year average of Clftftt of '56, who will bo honored »• BoccoUuroofo oorvicot Sunday Hodgot Oliver, daughter of Mr. ond Mrt. Goorgo Hodgot ond wifo 88 2 District $112 50. A W Davit Jr. j farther ami farther Glenda, daughter of Mr ami Mrs. night ond rocoivo their diplomat at groduotion oiorcitot Friday of Rott Mac Oliver; Kenneth Day, ton of Mr. and Mrt. Roy Day; of Cottle County our rain' E C King, was xalutatonan with night, May 25, ir« top row, loft to right Bobby Tenkortloy, ton of County Democratic Chan-man, • • • and Donna Worley, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. L. V. Worley. a 87 4 average Mr ond Mrt E H Tankortloy Jr.; Floronco Roovot, daughter of Bottom row, loft to right; Mai Bradloy, ton of Mr. ond Mrt. Guy i Iwroy C. Mehon report.' that along about Mr. ond Mrs. Bud Roovet; Cocil Beauchamp ton of Mr. and Mrt. The evening's program was as County Attorney. $284 00. Tom hot year it was raining Bradloy; Jo Chafin, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. CarIChafin; Wyndoll follows H. R. Boaurhamp, Goorganna Fitigerold, wifo of Jimmy Fitigorald; Stephen*, ton of Mr. and Mrt. C. W. Stephens; Bottyo Hooker, L W Bulling!on the frogs were croaking Processional. Mrs Main-! Pyeatt, Sherrff. $264 00 H. T Melton i by this date in '53 we j Corl Bradloy. ton of Mr. and Mrt. Banty Bradloy; Jo May Now daughter of Mr. and Mrt. W. W. Hooker; Glen Bruce, ton of Mr. brough. daughter of Mr and Mrt. H F Newbrough; ond Donold invocation. M S Denton, saluta­ and Olen Coffman Jirs of moisture, while j and Mrt. Elmer Bruce; Mary Hitchcock Roovet, daughter of Mr. tory. Glenda King; "Tenderly." Tax AxaeiMortloUector. $264 00. Tonkor tloy, ton of Mr and Mrt. Jock Tankortloy year we have had only : end Mrt. Jette Hitchcock and wife of Harley Roovet; and Martin Lowell Rowan; valedictory. Ver­ M A Bumpas Jr Middlo row, loft to right Sammy* Darr, daughter of Mr. ond Mrt. Lewit, ton of Mr. ond Mrt. H. B. Lewit. non IkonaldNon; class song. "Be­ County OommtoHoner Precinct R. L. Dorr of Durongo, Colif.; Wotloy Melvin, ton of Mr. ond Mrt. Three other members of the clott, honor groduotet, ore pictured yond the Sunset” , address. King: I No 1. $258 00. T. C. Carter. ;1 worry, some day J. J Melvin Barbara Egonbochor, daughter of Mr and Mrt. Erwin eltewhere. presentation of awards. Wayne County ( iimimsaioner Precinct : up in a hurry! Gruble, sponsor and pnm-ipal. \o 3. $258 no. J B Fubank Jr , scholarship awards, Ray V Stark, Horner A Martin and C. A. Bul­ Baccalaureate Service Sunday Night Missionary Film School Board to superintendent; awarding of di lion T Resident plomas: benediction, le o n a r d Constable Prectnrt No 6. $36.00, C l / _ _ . To Be Shown at Study Revised Plans Force. and recessional, Mrs Pye­ A K Done in California att. Constable I“rcomet No 5. $36 00. For Knox City Graduating Class Foursquare Church For Heating System Baccalaureate services were held Frank I. McAulry. la-wu C. Floyd roched friends here re- the preceding night Rev Mart and Ia-roy liavta tbe death in California — . The motion picture, "Beyond The Knox City school hoard will Baccalaureate services for 24 Hardin, pastor of the O'Brien Bap Public Weigher. Knox City, jl*»rk', former Knox City the Bell*," will be shown at the meet in special session Tuesday members of the 195b graduating j txst Church, delivered the sermon ISO '»| I s v\ . • . • • wd Wi! Foursquare Church in Knox City night to study revised plans for class of Knox City High School Ixwvell Rowan played the proees- ham Lincoln Bolin Sunday night. May 20 at o'clock. the heating system in the now fa lived here a number [ will be held Sunday night, May 8 , siqi^ al and _^ccc*»u>r««! and Hev ITecinct Chairmen: *Tr- was arnmimrfxt this week b v« hiffi. school timkkrn winch w now in the early 1900's, op- i 20. in the school auditorium be Woyne \fote. pastor o7 the Oltrter Ben)amtt» cvRttns Mom-houae the pastor. Kev Floyd Bailey under construction barber shop in partner- 1 ginning at 8 o'clock Methoihst Cliunh, gave the invo­ Tnra'ott. C. C Browning Charley Shaw The shop Patricia Compton will play the "This motion picture," Kev t Present plans call for individual cation The benediction wa* said frit bland. Dol(>h Martin west of the old First processional Sup! Chas E Silk Bailey said, "is a fascinating true room radiators, as are now used by S N. Reed Veca. W M Ford [Bank In the early 1920'x will give the invocation and a life story of a missionary's work : in the elementary building The Goree. J W Lanmngham to Orange, Calif , where I quartet will sing "1 Bowed on My among the Sinonose Indians Af new plan is forced air healing North Munday. E H Nefson. i in the barber bun- j Knee* ami Cried Holy " ter seven years of hardships, al­ from a boiler located outMile of Smith Munday, M L Wiggins. Kev Hilly Fra/.ier. pa.tor of the most beyond endurance, in the I the building The plan was sub­ Bumpas Elected Rhineland. Jno N. Albus “is died Thursday, April Ftrut Baptist Church, will read primitive swamps and jungles of mitted to the board by Clowe and Ja* Partridge. Roe Myi-rs ■ Bolivia, a modern day marvel oc Cowan of Aqianllo through the North Knox City. J. C Mctiee ■ Gty o f Hope Sanaton the scriptures an:! John Harv.cn Rowland Plumbing Co of Vernon, *», Calif Funeral ser wiU sing "I Walk With God.'' 1 curred God performed two mir- South Knox thty. Abe Watson. aclt-s for the missionary plumbing contractors for the new President of State Brack. Lee Smith held Saturday, April The baccalaureate sermon wall construction It-roy Davis, listed as a candi- W Lawn Cemetery in he delivered by Mitchell Greer "The transformation of a tribe ( k»tc for con-stable m the Knox Calif minister of the Church of Christ, ” of Indians from savage heathen-, A furniture showing and bidding Tax Men's Ass'n City precinct, ba* previously an­ and Kev Walter Driver will pro­ wm to civtliied Christians unfolds will also be held Tuesday night include- the wife, a , nounced through the Herald that nounce the benediction June Cox in beautiful color This dramatic Furniture equipment firms have a aon and two grand M A Bumpas Jr . Knox County- hi- will not be a candidate will play the recessional story was filmed in the beauty j Ik-('n notified and several have in tax assessor -collector, was elected and darkness of the ‘Green Hell' du-ated plans to have displays at Judge I»ewis Williams will ad president of the Tax Assessor-Col­ Mr Parks' passing | country of Bolivia the school and representatives at 1 another old-time Knox drew, the graduates at their com lectors Association of Texii* at "The story ends as the mission- ' the board meeting.
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