PEr5>,^^.v-' • • ‘^ • •'• • ♦ • ' '■ . - s . t| I *■ _ r. ' ._ . % t^kClti rOUKTBBII Manchester Evening Herald TinmSDAT, MARCH 22, IMS Average Daily Circulation The Weather Forecast ef U. S. Weather Barcaa Tests to determine their quali­ t Local Man Just Misses ntembrancs of PieMratioa; Good Fog the Meath of Fehmaiy, 1846 fications as prc-avlatlon cadets are Being Called Puddin’ Head Ten Selectees Commanding Officer Final Sermoh Friday, 10 a. m„ the Way of the ASHES and RUBBISH | F'air and cnntiaiied mol toalghi; About Town being ^ven to ,the following local Crofip (for children), and 12 no<m. 9,116 . ■Saturday Increasing high elaadl- boya at Kecaler Field, Biloxi, Passion Service of the Three Hours REMOVED ■em and warmer. Miss.: Pvt. Harold M. Dickinson, To disturb the peace and qpnducted by the rector. ' rf— of the Aadlt quie't on Main street at nine Sent to Posts This Evening Ikralo son of Mr. and Mra. Merrill DlCki T*8«rgt. Roy M. Thompson, 19. this morning. It took just an Tomorrow night a special meet­ TELEPI^ONE 8963 PinriT od Oiaolaaahe' Bon of Mrs. Lucy Thompson of 618 Inaon of 673 Hartford Road; Pvtj ing has bean called for 7:30 o'clook Manchester^A City of Village Charm Sylvian Edwin Ofiara. son of Mr. innocent HtUc thing like a diah GAVELLO ft B. SCHULZ I OutUr strest, « former p«r»ch«te and Mr*. Andrew Ofiara of 102 of flea pudding. Two Go to Navy and Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Mid­ to dlscuas a proposed $15,000 serw tnapector employed In the Pioneer An early-rinlng third floor ice men's loan fund. The special (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE in REE CENTft ^ Parachute Company plant, has Wetherell, street and Pvt. Charles Remainder of Loral (Claeliiaed Advorttetag on rage U) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1945 Frank Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. .housewife In the Rublnow dletown, totc IVeaeh To- guest will be the Rev. LoyaUT. yOL. L xrv., NO. 146 been awarded the Air Medal with Fank C. Smith of 15 Oval Lone. I .building had finished making Men Go Ihto Army. Graham LLI, S. T. D., lector of four Oak l>af cluatera for "merl- her <h-^h of pudding at that night at Stt. Malary 8. (3irlst church, Stratford, and a torlouB achievement” during aerial I early ho\ir and had set it on former Army chaplain. warfare. He la attached to the Mtes Jean Henry, oldest daugh­ Ten local draftees left yester­ Rev. Clyde D. Wilson. D.D.. rec­ Strawberry ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. j the window sill to cool. The Graves of Marines Killed on Iwo 8th Air Force In England and la a j pudding became dirr.y, or day for Army service and two^ tor of Holy Trinity church, Mid­ veteran of more than 30 aerial Henry of 14 Starkweather street, ' something, and In le.ae time were assigned to the Sampson Na- --- - , Silesian Offensive ‘Monty’ Seen Ready combats as a member of a B-17 who ia to be married on Saturday than It takes here to tell It, it val Training Center. Sampson, dletown, will conclude his series of Plants Flying Fort. He entered the to Corporal Alex Pantua, who ia was splattering off- the edge of New York. The list of those who five Lenten addressee in St. Mary’s Oil Burners service In April, 1943. stationed at the Bradley Field Air the market's awning on the left in the draft were: FOR ^ALE Base, was honored with a green­ Navy. church at eight tonight. The ex­ and ground flbor. periment of holding these mid­ On 80-Mile Front; back shower at her home last A pedestrian stopped short George C. Ringatbhe Also Cow Manure Jonn N. Calvert, son of Mr. and night. About 30 relative* and Walter R. Holland \ week services on TTiursday has For Rhine Crossing; Mrs. Robert B. Calvert of Phelps In his tracks to avoid all but a Furnaces by the Load. friend* were present. A mock wed­ splatter or two, remarking, Army met with considerable success. It I ivad Is sapected home tomorrow ding wa* one of the amusement Harold A. Hartley \ was felt that, if the services were A Few Stin Available. * for the spring recess from Admiral features, and a delicious buffet "Everything happens to mel" Howard A. Gibson held on the night all the Manches­ 5 Cities Menaced Blllard Academy, New London. He lunch was served. An. onlooker consoled him, Alme L. Raymond ter stores were open, people could KACKLIKKB o il CO. Peilo Bros. will return April 2. saying. "Maybe It does but in Renato C, Cimiano save gasoline by doing their shop­ 'Tel. Hertford 7-8181 this case it didn’t. Another Stephen R. Kosakowskl 898 Mspis Avenos — Hartford .364 Bidwell St. TeL 7405 Bridgehead Widened In the item In yesterday’s Her­ atop and you'd have been a ping early In the evening before Russians Drive Toward ald regarding the death of. Mra. pudding head." Gbrdon S. Krar going to church. The series has Martha A. McDonnell of Porta- Emery A. Bouffard blen well attended. Inner Mountain Fort­ T-Men Eye down, Ireland, on March 17, the James E. Devlin Major Walter O. Oowlea Dr. Wilson will meet the people name of one of her sons was inad­ Richard E. Klein of St, Mary's In the vestibule of ress Where SS Men Berlin Expects Grand' vertently omitted, namely Charlea Mary Buahnell Cheney AuxiH- Stephen O. Pleaelk NOW IS THE TIME Lush Boys GET A NEW arj', No. II, United Spanish War Camn Gordon, Oa., March 22.— the ehurch after the service to­ Auto Collision Said Making Prep­ Warplanes Hit War Crimes Scale Operation on' V. McDonnell of Ensign street this Veterans. Is making plan* for the Major waiter G. Cowles of the 2nd night. During the first fow In this To Improve the Appearance town. series it was suggested that the 65rMiIe Front; Ro» H Y . POWER celebration of its 25th anniversary. Serirl. Linclsav Regiment, 5th Bn.. (Infantry Re­ of Your Property. Get a Body, Fender arations for Last For Tipoff Tuesday evening. March 27. The placement Training Center! Camp people be allowed to depart with­ Hard at Ruhr Group Work QUIET Herbert Swanson, chairman of program will begin with a supper Gordon, for the past several out Interruption in order that they Beautiful Colorado Stand by Germans. porters Cramped by publicity for the local committee at 6:30 in the Maeonic Temple. Wins Air Metlal months ha* been commanding an might be able to gloe thou|^tful Work and Security Curbs; ThiH MUFFLER for the United National Clothing Infantry Battalion here. consideration to the eostent a t tile BLUE SPRUCE London, March 23.—(/P)— Giving Resorts Careful For Third Day Draws Fire Collection during April, and mem­ Dr. Eugene M. Davis will spend Major Cowles has had overseas evening’s address. This was done, Army Takes Maiaz bers of hia committee are holding An Eighth Air Force Bomber V/j to 3 Feet High. Painting Marshal Ivan Konev’s new Going Over to See »S7.’40 B u ic k ........ .13.00 the week-end in New York and re­ Station. England -Sergeant Albert aervice In the Southwest Pacific, and tonight parlahkmen will have 3,000 Trees To Pick From. Silesian offensive rolled for­ a meeting to formulate plane, late turn Monday of next week. V, Lind.say, Jr., 20, of Mancheater. New Zealand. New Caledonia, the opportunity to meet and thank How Spending Jibes Fury of Aasault Con­ Some House Foreign And Landau; First »39-’40 Cadillac.... .. 7.75 this afternoon In the High school Conn., nose gunner and bomb fog­ Guadaloanal, Rendova and New the oc^iictor of these fine serv­ Dug as you pick them. SOLIMENE & ward along art 80-mile front »29-’32 ChcTrolet .. .. 2.50 building, main floor. The Manchester Kiwanis Club Georgia Islands (Battle of Mun- ices. Bring a box. With Income Returns. centrated on Supply Captures Neuwied- a">'"i gier on an Eighth Air Force B-17 today toward the inner moun­ Affairs Committee^ *33-’36 ChcTTokt . .. 3.75 has voted to contribute $100 tu Flying Fortress, has been decorat­ dal. He enlisted In Company “K”, During Holy Week the following FLAGG, INC. tain fortress of Germany IJnes; Heavies from men Demand That •37-’39 Chevrolet .. • 3.85 the Red Cross Drive. This Is Uie ed with the Air Medal. 169th Infantry. February 24. 1931 Important sarvicea have been an­ CHEF OSANO where Adolf Hitler’s SS men Washington, March 23— (iP)— bulletin! •. 5.50 TALL CEDARS same amount the club donated la.st The award was for "meritorious —promoted to 2nd L t April 7, 1937 nounced for St. Mary's: Maundy 155 Oak Street 634 Center St. TeL 5101 ’38-’41 Chrysler ... yean achievement" during boipbing at­ —1st Lt. July 2, 1940 — Captain Tliuriday, 10 a. m.. Holy Com­ have been reported making The big shot easy-come-easy-go Italy Also Hit Reich. Congress Take Hand. Paris, March 23.—{/P}—. ; .... .. 5.50 Lieut. Gen. Omar N. Bradley , •38-’41 D e^to tacks on Nazi war industries and June 18, 1942 and to Major April munion, and 8 p. m„ service of Re- preparations for a final stand, boys are getting the eye of Uncle White crosses In the volcanic ash of Iwo Jlma, mark the graves of Fifth Marine division dead who \ ♦39-Ml Dodffe ......... • • 5.50 Trinity Past Noble Grands As­ military targets in cooperation 3, 1944. with swift tank-led ruahes.
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