Page 8 THE GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE SECTION TWO. Sunday, July 3,1921. DJID D u u D D D E All DIT Ai roBMELY gft SEXTON M bHrMUL TODAY AND TOMORROW The Picture They Are All Talking About m is n Hit tfje fêreat jfallô theaters! Shown above are: 1.—Tom Mix and Kathleen O'Connor in "Prarie Trails." 2.—Monroe Salisbury and Jane Novak in "The Barbarians." 3.—Leatrice Joy in "The Tale of Two Worlds." 4.—"Fatty" Ar- buckle in "The Traveling Salesman." 5.—Will Rogers and Molly Malone in "The Unwilling Hero." MM from James Forbes' noted play, the a complete change of program today famous comedian is the central figure j and again Thursday night. Tuesday is of a love romance and weds the girl ; amateur night. in the story, after he had saved her property from the schemes of the M 'Y* unscrupulous villains. It is interesting to note that in "The Round T'p," the first Paramount picture in which the comedian starred. he played the part of the fat sheriff. 8 In that picture, the object of his affec­ tion refused to take his love-making ACK /CNNE> 'seriously and Fatty ends the picture with the statement: "Oh, what's the / PJ^E S EM T use? Nobody loves a fat man." Betty Ross Clark is the girl in the j FILM E new picture and Frank Holland. Wil- | ton Taylor, Lucille Ward, Jim Black- j well, Riebard Wayne and other favor- ' Foremost Independent Distrib­ A /MALI TOWN IDOL »tes are also in the cast. Joseph Hen- utors to Broaden Activities abery handled the megaphone and Karl Brown was the cameraman. Under Arrangement. P-3—2 Cot A SPECTACULAR TOM MIX In one of the most important mo­ AT THE IMPERIAL. tion picture transactions in recent HI//IX REEL years, the present American stockhold­ Tom Mix's wild leap across the can­ ers and American management of Pathe was int/odueed by Charles Pathe as VISION OF ASTOUND­ yon in "Desert Love" is surpassed by activities in this field will be noted I ITALIAN PICTURES HERE. Exchange. Inc.. foremost independent the first news pictorial, is now seen under the new arrangement. 1 The first Italian pictures to have COMEDY-DRAM A his latest feat of daring in "Prairie distributor of films in the world, have by 20.000,000 motion picture patrons ING GORCEOUSNESS Trails." which opens at the Imperial I come to this country since 1913 were just acquired control of the $7.000,000 weekly. When Selznick pictures require a I just brought over by Samuel Goldwyn theater today for three days. With­ Particular attention has been paid scene reflecting life in New York City out any protection for his face or arms, company from Pathe Cinema, Ltd., of J on his return from abroad. The first Paris. by Pathe to the development of the the players have only to cross the ! two for release are the great s» ^jfeatun ns^ he dives head first down the face of a scientific department of motion pic­ Hudson from Fort Lee. N. J.. on the cliff to attack his enemies who are Announcement to this effect is made j tacles, "Theodora." from the story »V >cn Turpiu v.nariieMurri\ in a cable from Paul Brunet, president tures. as well as to the purely educa­ first, double ended ferryboat ever {Sardou, and D'Annunzio's 'The Ship?" struggling at the bottom. This is only tional side of the cinema, and increased launched and get to work. one of the many daring exploits in of Pathe Exchange, Inc., who has been \ 1 ane IVevos t Phvlli;t hyII15 H' AVer "Prairie Trails." in Paris for several weeks arranging Most motion picture directors re­ the details of the transaction with the hearse every scene many times before officials of Pathe Cinema. Ltd. "shooting" but it is not generally I Charles Pathe, founder of the world Associated Pivducevs Production known that Tom Mix rarely goes wide organization bearing his name, through any bit of action more than retains a large share of the stock in once. the American concern. The reason for this is apparent to The transaction means that, here­ all who have seen Tom Mix on the after the American stockholders of screen. The secret of his success is Pathe Exchange, Inc., will direct the spontaneity. He is in rapid action policies of the organization. There from the beginning of the picture to will be no change in the general pol­ U '<?» X' Added Features the end. and if hp rehearsed he might icy, but there is indicated a broaden­ Capitol Orchestra of 8 lose much of the dash and speed re­ ing of its activities. The policy rigidly 2 Reels Showing quired to make the action real. And adhered to since its inception of re­ there are certain scenes that, from maining out of the field of theater own­ î" their very nature, could not be re­ ership will continue t'o be implicitly T*.U hearsed—for example, the great dive followed by Pathe Exchange, Inc. Mr SLAYING THE HIPPOPOTAMI REGULAR PRICES over the cliff in "Prairie Trails." Lynch Heads American Stockholders. The scenario at this point calls for At the headquarters of Pathe, 35 i! it Mix. as Tex Benton, to scramble down West 45th street. New York City, it M the face of (he cliff, leap upon a horse was learned that Mr. Brunet was ac­ —AND— and get away before the men who ar-.> companied abroad by Edmund C. rsii y ^ hilarity in "A Small Town Idol," there parents were killed in China during the fighting at the bottom are aware of Lynch, of 120 Broadway, who heads j is a veritable army of beautiful girls— Boxer uprising, is kept in ignorance of what has happened. When the di­ the group of American stockholders five hundred of them assembled in a her real nationality for several years. rector. George Marshall, read the script taking over the majority interest in At the. single episode. and there are ingenious Through the machinations of a Tong and explained this scene, Tom Mix the Pathe American company, and Celebrate the 4th "stunts." thrilling escapades and wild­ leader, the beautiful girl is about to remarked: Paul Fuller of Coudert Brothers, each ly developed chases. The production is become his bride when an American "Don't you think it would he better of whom has been a member of the ä an Associated Producers release. finds her in San Francisco's China­ if T dived over the cliff?" board of directors of I'«thc Exchange, —AT THE— town. rescues her, and in the end "What do yon mean—dive?" asked Inc., for five years. Mr. Lynch's as­ .^ /%/ c marries her. Theaters WILL ROGERS the director. "The cliff is about 40 sociate, Charles Merrill, also has been ' m AT THE ALCAZAR The colorful story from the pen of feet high." a stockholder for five years. Bern- ( Gouverneur Morris, one of Goldwyn's "That's so," said Mix. "but I think hard Benson, vice president of Pathe After having a job thrown at him. Eminent Authors, has been superbly I could do it. If I scrambled down it Exchange. Inc.. is associated with Mr. (lie hero's task in Will Rogers' latest staged and directed fey Frank Lloyd. would give those fellows a chance to Lynch and Mr. Merrill. j o This Week .if* 1 Goldwyn picture, "An Unwilling Hero," To maintain the artistic verities, the see me coming. I'll take them by sur­ Complete details are lacking in Mr. \ 4 is to avoid work. In this story by the Goldwyn company built a reproduction prise if I come down head-first.'* Brunei's cabinet, received at the £ PANTAGES VAUDEVILLE famous short story writer, O. Henry, of a street, in San Francisco's China­ "It sounds crazy to me." said the Pathe offices in the Pathe building, AT THE GRAND Will Rogers is a delightful tramp who town on the grounds of the Culver director, "but you know what you can but it is known that Pathe will not de­ is any thing but heroic. But chance Odeon The Three Deslys, three pretty City, Cal., studios. do. and it's your own neck, any ay " viate from its policy of releasing the misses known as the'"Franco Ameri­ makes a hero of him. Nevertheless, he Leatrice Joy plays the role of the "Camera!" cried Mix, and over he product of the foremost independent o can girls'' will be seen in a program surmounts the honor in his own way, abducted American girl, and is sup­ went, in as clean a dive as any expert motion picture producers. Mr. Brunet to the delight of all who are fortunate ported by J. Frank Glendon. Wallace swimmer ever took. He landed in the will leave France probably in a'month of songs and novelty dance creations enough to see him in this latest hobo on the Pantages vaudeville bill at the Berry, Dwight Crittenden, Jack Abbe shelving sand within a few feet of the from now. and on his arrival here is r.S Monday Night characterization. and others. struggling men and before they saw expected to give full particulars of % Grand theater next ' Tuesday and Those who remember Mr. Rogers' This production, which has just been him he had bowled them over with his the whole transaction. u Wednesday nights. Thev wear many characterizations in "Jnbilo." "Honest change* of beautiful gowns and in­ released, cost Manager Johnson a fists.
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