UNIVERSITATEA „AL. I. CUZA” IAŞI BULETINUL GRĂDINII BOTANICE IAŞI TOMUL 13 Editura Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” IAŞI - 2006 IMPORTANT: Din 1993, titlul revistei “Culegere de studii şi articole de biologie”, editată de Grădina Botanică Iaşi, a fost schimbat în “Buletinul Grădinii Botanice Iaşi”. IMPORTANT: Since 1993 the title of the “Culegere de studii şi articole de biologie”, edited by the Botanical Garden of Iaşi, has been changed into “Buletinul Grădinii Botanice Iaşi” ISSN 1224–2357 Consiliul ştiinţific al Grădinii Botanice Iaşi: Prof. dr. MIHAI MITITIUC Prof. dr. TOADER CHIFU Prof. dr. NICOLAE ŞTEFAN Prof. dr. ION BÂRA Conf. dr. CĂTĂLIN TĂNASE C. S. I dr. ADRIAN OPREA Biolog dr. VIOLETA TĂNĂSESCU Conf. dr. MARIA-MAGDALENA ZAMFIRACHE Comitetul de redacţie: Prof. dr. MIHAI MITITIUC – redactor responsabil C. S. I dr. ADRIAN OPREA Biolog pr. dr. VIOLETA TĂNĂSESCU Tehnoredactare computerizată: ing. MONICA MURARIU GRĂDINA BOTANICĂ „ANASTASIE FĂTU” IAŞI Str. Dumbrava Roşie nr. 7-9 http://botanica.uaic.ro E-mail: [email protected] CUPRINS CIOCÂRLAN V. – Taxonomia şi variabilitatea unor specii din flora României .............................. 5 TOMESCU C. V., CHIFU T. – Asociaţia Fraxino angustifoliae-Quercetum pedunculiflorae Chifu et al. 1998, din bazinul râului Suceava ....................................................................... 11 ŞTEFAN N., SÂRBU I., MÂNZU C. – Contribuţii la studiul vegetaţiei din lacurile Dranov şi Belciug (Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării) II ................................................................... 19 TĂNĂSESCU VIOLETA, TEODORESCU GEORGETA – Plante exotice utile cultivate în Complexul de Sere al Grădinii Botanice din Iaşi (Nota II) ................................................... 33 CIOCÂRLAN V. – Jasione heldreichii Boiss. et Orph. este sinonim cu J. jankae Neilr.? ............... 43 ZAMFIRESCU OANA – Conspectul florei vasculare de pe malul stâng al lacului de acumulare Izvorul Muntelui Bicaz ......................................................................................................... 47 CIOCÂRLAN V. – Variabilitatea speciei Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb.................................. 59 COSTACHE I. – Contribuţii floristice .............................................................................................. 63 BLAJ IRINA – Asociaţia Lathyro aurei - Fagetum (Dobrescu et Kovacs 1973) Chifu 1995 din bazinul râului Vaslui ............................................................................................................ 73 CIOCÂRLAN V. – Contribuţii la cunoaşterea unor specii rare din flora României.......................... 81 MÂNZU C., MÂNZU ISABELA – Aspecte privind flora vasculară din bazinul râului Moldoviţa (judeţul Suceava) .................................................................................................................. 85 POPA DIDIA, CHIFU T. – Asociaţii vegetale din ordinul Potentillo-Polygonetalia din Podişul şi Câmpia Covurluiului ............................................................................................................ 91 DARABAN MIHAELA – Analiza florei vasculare din parcul natural Vânători – Neamţ ................ 99 CIOCÂRLAN V., MARIA SIKE – Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth. (Poaceae) în flora României............................................................................................................................... 105 RĂDUŢOIU D. – Specii endemice şi de interes floristic identificate în Bazinul Cernei de Olteţ ..... 109 MARDARI C. – Istoricul cercetărilor botanice în bazinul Negrei Broştenilor (Carpaţii Orientali)... 113 POPA LOREDANA – Contribuţii la studiul florei lichenologice din Munţii Bistriţei...................... 119 CONTENTS CIOCÂRLAN V. – Taxonomy and variability of some plant species in the Romanian flora ........... 5 TOMESCU C. V., CHIFU T. – The association Fraxino angustifoliae-Quercetum pedunculiflorae Chifu et al. 1998, from the River Suceava Basin ................................................................. 11 ŞTEFAN N., SÂRBU I., MÂNZU C. – Contributions to the study of vegetation from the Dranov and Belciug Lakes area (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve) II ............................................. 19 TĂNĂSESCU VIOLETA, TEODORESCU GEORGETA – Exotic useful plants cultivated in the Greenhouse Complex of the Botanical Garden from Iaşi (Note II) ...................................... 33 CIOCÂRLAN V. – Is Jasione heldreichii Boiss. et Orph. a synonym to J. jankae Neilr.? .............. 43 ZAMFIRESCU OANA – Conspectus of the vascular flora from the left side of the Izvoru Muntelui-Bicaz reservoir....................................................................................................... 47 CIOCÂRLAN V. – The variability of species Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb. ......................... 59 COSTACHE I. – Floristic contributions............................................................................................ 63 BLAJ IRINA – Lathyro aurei - Fagetum (Dobrescu et Kovacs 1973) Chifu 1995 association from the Vaslui River Basin ......................................................................................................... 73 CIOCÂRLAN V. – Contributions to the knowledge of some rare plant species in the flora of Romania ............................................................................................................................... 81 MÂNZU C., MÂNZU ISABELA – Aspects of Moldoviţa River’s Basin vascular flora (Suceava county) ................................................................................................................................. 85 POPA DIDIA, T. CHIFU – Vegetal associations of the Order Potentillo-Polygonetalia from the Plain and Tahleland of Covurlui .......................................................................................... 91 DARABAN MIHAELA – The analysis of the vascular flora from the natural park Vânători – Neamţ ................................................................................................................................... 99 CIOCÂRLAN V., MARIA SIKE – Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth. (Poaceae) in the Romanian flora ...................................................................................................................................... 105 RĂDUŢOIU D. – Endemic species and species of floristic interest identified in the Cerna of Olteţ river basin .................................................................................................................... 109 MARDARI C. – The historical of botanical researches realized in Neagra Broştenilor river basin ... 113 POPA LOREDANA – Contributions to the study of the lichen flora from Bistrita Mountains ........ 119 5 Buletinul Grădinii Botanice Iaşi Tomul 13, 2006 TAXONOMY AND VARIABILITY OF SOME PLANT SPECIES IN THE ROMANIAN FLORA V. CIOCÂRLAN∗ Summary: the author has analyzed the variability at 3 (three) plant species, namely: Silene supina Bieb., Alkanna tinctoria Tausch, Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. After this analyze, there are two new subspecies, depicted here for the first time: Silene supina Bieb. subsp. longicarpa Ciocârlan subsp. nova şi Alkanna tinctoria Tausch subsp. petrosa Ciocârlan subsp. nova. As concerning Himantoglossum, there is a mention that in the flora of Romania is growing H. hircinum subsp. caprinum (Bieb.) Sunderm., and not H. hircinum subsp. hircinum. In this paper, is showed that a synonymyzation of the species S. supina Bieb. with S. spergulifolia (Willd.) Bieb. is an error ! The same is the situation of the synonymy between Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. şi H. caprinum (Bieb.) Sundern. Key words: variability - Silene supina - Alkanna tinctoria - Himantoglossum hircinum – Romania. The infraspecifically variability at the vascular plant species in the Romanian flora, has been relied, in a large measure, on the leaf features, i. e. just on that organ which is the most plastic one, as well as the most variable one. The fruit’s features, as well as the seed’s features, are more constantly, having a larger sistematic value, but they have been less used. It has been described a very large number of varieties and forms of plant species. In the lately Floras, often, the infraspecifically variability is stopped at the level of subspecies and, rarely, at varieties. In this paper, it has been analyzed the variability at 3 (three) plant species, namely: Silene supina Bieb., Alkanna tinctoria Tausch, and Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng.. The results are the next ones: 1. Silene supina Bieb. This species has been described, more or less unitary in all the Floras; only the calyx is depicted, within great differences, thus: - Schischkin (Flora of U. R. S. S., 1936): the calyx has a longer of 14-20 mm; - Klokov (Flora of Ukraine, 1952): the calyx has a longer of 17-24 mm; - Chater & Walters (Flora Europaea, 1964): the calyx has a longer of 17-20 mm; - Chater, Walters & Akeroyd (Flora Europaea, 1993): the calyx has a longer of 11-20 mm; - Jordanov & Panov (Flora of Bulgaria, 1966): the calyx has a longer of 12,5- 14,5 mm. In all the references sources, the capsule is more or less equally in length, having a pubescent carpophore. Our samples has been collected from Dealul Pietros – Agighiol, Tulcea county; the calyx is of 17-23 mm in length, the capsule is of 8-10 mm in length, equally in length with the carpophore, which is of 7-12 mm in length; it means that all of these data are alike with those ones from the reference material. ∗ Universitatea de Ştiinţe
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