EXPRESS Joy overflowing at Augustana There’s a marvelous, has a high regard for the other. upbeat spirit on the Augustana As Dr. Doug Owram, Provost of campus following the decisive the University of Alberta said, vote by the Camrose Lutheran “Augustana fills a long-desired College Corporation on June niche in the total learning 13. With 80.8 per cent of the environment at the U of A.” For delegates supporting the move, the first time, the University of the vote authorizes the Board Alberta will have a respected of Regents to enter into negoti- and high quality Faculty of ations with the University of Arts and Sciences in a rural Alberta and the Alberta setting. Government Ministry of On July 1, the administra- Learning, with the expectation tion at Augustana changed. I that the results will lead to will be retiring to Lethbridge, Augustana becoming a faculty Alberta, where I will be on a of the University of Alberta. leave of absence, giving atten- Augustana will maintain tion to long-delayed surgery its reputation for small class requirements. Dr. David W. sizes and personal interaction Dahle, Academic Dean and between students and profes- Vice-President for Academic sors. The institution’s heritage, Affairs will be on leave study- tradition and Lutheran cam- ing in Greece. Coming on pus ministry will be honored. board was Mr. Ted Langford, The move also assures that who will be the Interim government funding for stu- President and the chief guide dents and capital projects will for negotiation with the be at a level similar to that of University of Alberta and the the University of Alberta. The Rev. Dr. Richard Husfloen Ministry of Learning. Dr. Roger There will be no change in the Epp, a long-time professor at cost of tuition for the upcoming academic year. Augustana, became the Interim Academic Dean and Faculty, staff and administration are overjoyed at Vice-President for Academic Affairs. the vote result. The alliance with the University of After seven years, it’s nice to depart on a high note, Alberta will mean higher salaries and increased bene- knowing that the university college has made immense fits for all Augustana employees. There is also elation progress since July 1, 1996. Augustana has enjoyed a in the City of Camrose: one of the region’s largest cor- long and extraordinary history. The journey is not over. porate ventures will continue to make this a desirable Like the captain of an aircraft on an oceanic crossing, it community in which to live, work and retire. has been my privilege to “fly” one leg of this trip. With But, the top winners in all of this are the students. high hopes and expectations for Augustana’s future – Enhanced course offerings, increased service to rural and the future of the University of Alberta – I depart Albertans and better access to one of the best research in peace. universities in the country will be hallmarks of the Richard L. Husfloen Augustana/University of Alberta alliance. Each school President Express,Volume 14, Number 1; July, 2003. Interim President Ted Langford; Managing Editor, Dan Jensen. Thankyou to all who contributed with stories and ideas: Ray Hook, Susan Malone, Berdie Fowler, Audrey Topping, Richard Husfloen, Michelle Munroe, Gordon Jensen, Ted Langford, Roger Epp, Wynn McLean, Marie Minaker, Jackie Dojack, Arlene Person, Brett Browne. Correspondence and address changes should be addressed to: Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Augustana University College, 4901-46 Avenue, Camrose, Alberta, T4V 2R3. Phone (780) 679-1105, toll-free (800) 590-9992, extension 1105. Fax (780) 679-1101. http://www.augustana.ca. Materials may be reproduced with permission of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations. Augustana University College is a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Augustana is open to students of all backgrounds and beliefs. The motto of the university college is Ducere et Servire, To Lead and To Serve. 2 The many faces of the debate over the future of Augustana By Dr. Gordon Jensen (Class of ‘79) take decisive action. Their vision for Assistant Professor of Reformation “We are challenged, now, to Augustana might be viable after all – History and Theology, ensure that Augustana becomes and it might provide a new expression Lutheran Theological Seminary, stronger, that new doors open up, of the vision that has always defined Saskatoon, Saskatchewan that the people at this place and Augustana’s mission. It was a momentous decision. Over this school can continue to be a As I watched the debate, I looked 80 per cent of the Camrose Lutheran into the faces of those who were in College Corporation delegates voted to place of God’s grace, capturing great pain at the thought of losing convey Augustana University College and preserving the best of our Augustana as a school of the church. to the Government of Alberta and the Lutheran tradition.” You could hear their passion for the University of Alberta. The vote came school in their speech. For many, this after passionate debate that lasted at an indication that the right decision was a wake. We grieve with them. least three hours. was made. Faces of worry and trepi- Others, however, saw a resurrection – As I watched the debate, I looked dation were replaced with faces filled a hope for a new life for Augustana. into the faces of staff and faculty with a future and a hope. As I watched the debate, I thought members of the Augustana communi- As I watched the debate, I looked about the gifts we have in the church, ty.In a way,their fate was being decid- into the faces of the Board of Regents and the strength and vision of so many ed by people who may not have been and the administration. They knew people at Augustana. The gift some dedicated to the mission and values that the proposal they had brought have of being prophetic, and challeng- for which Augustana has aimed over forth was not going to be a popular one ing the church to be more, to think the years. I saw the helplessness in for many. They faced criticism. They beyond the box. And I think about the their faces, for they could do nothing. had been accused of mismanagement. gift we have offered to our society of a It must have been painful to watch, to But mostly they had been questioned gifted school with gifted people serving know that those on the convention about how they could give up the at this school. We are challenged, now, floor could grant them hope or snatch founders’ visions for Augustana. There to ensure that Augustana becomes it away. Perhaps it was a good thing was worry that the motion might not stronger, that new doors open up, that that Augustana has one of the finest pass. Letters of resignation were ready. the people at this place and this school paramedic training programs around! But the worry lines began to soften as can continue to be a place of God’s The relief on the faces of so many,who they sensed the delegates understood grace, capturing and preserving the had come to listen to the debate, was the perilous situation, and the need to best of our Lutheran tradition. 3 A watershed day in Augustana’s history Students can look forward to revitalized, expanded programs Friday, June 13, 2003 was a water- assured Augustana will not forget you. shed day in Augustana’s history. The vot- As a Board, we are mindful that this ers at the Camrose Lutheran College opportunity does not come without cost. Corporation general meeting that was For more than 90 years, Augustana has held that day authorized the board to been associated with the Lutheran church. negotiate a transfer of Augustana to the Many of us mourn the loss of those close Alberta public post secondary system with ties. As we come to terms with loss, we a preference that Augustana become a urge you to look for opportunities to sup- part of the University of Alberta. port the Church’s mission in education at The events of the Corporation Augustana. There will be many places for meeting are covered in a separate story you to contribute your time and your tal- in this edition of the EXPRESS. ents. On Friday, June 20, the University It has been a privilege to serve as of Alberta Board of Regents voted chair of the Board of Regents for the past unanimously to authorize its part in two years. I want to take this opportunity the negotiations. to thank all of the Board members for Students, faculty, staff, the their hard work and dedication. It is a Alumni Board, and the Board of Board of Regents Chair Board of diverse backgrounds, talents and Regents are excited about the poten- Jackie Dojack experience, but one absolutely united in the tial for Augustana’s growth and devel- goal of ensuring a long and bright future for opment. If an agreement is reached, the resources of a Augustana. large, internationally respected Alberta university will My thanks and best wishes to President Richard be combined with the supportive environment charac- Husfloen and Dr. David Dahle as they leave senior adminis- teristic of Augustana. That environment is something tration at Augustana. the University of Alberta intends to nurture on the Welcome to Interim President Ted Langford and Augustana campus and, where possible, export to the Interim Vice-President Academic, Dr. Roger Epp. We main U of A campus in Edmonton. have an exciting several months ahead of us.
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