Cranford, N.J

Cranford, N.J

I—': •V >•••' ' ••••',•.•: • • ; :; •• .../—.. —.——r1 Kelly, 17JV 477. aying the girl, Robin, SECTION 4 This Ordinance S»»ll take .Tuesday. January 22. !974\and will be eitecl' upon publication: after final considered, (or final passage, after New chairs, Tiew4aces at Kathy / Boardman passage as provided by law and Shall be public hearing, at another Meeting of YFW Ladies L. ylCretroactlve.lp January 1, 1974. ..:' "said Township Committee atrMunlcipal •.r • •24 -13 'Dettra^i who' is appearing at High series in the("Urictoln Million Impossibles 34 U fbimding:55~y ears—excellent — productionsr~Tn Hertry E Hinsenkarnp. Jr., funding, Cranford, N.J. op Monday.' •V: -' •--•>• Early efrjls ' CDC fdir the first-time. An , '•••' ' Chairman, Townshiitypjp offorrimlttee . February !!, l?N at £:30 Avenue School PTA league U , 15 ago, the Cranford Dramatic surroundings which convey an x iijune Kiftgof the' •'Grinjie.iHiV'if 27 17 Elizabeth resident. Mrs. ATTEST . -. - • (prevailing.time I 0 _ high game in the '-—-"-'were ,rolle•d «,-_..Maryan—n sw,no.rt; Club <» has presented! season "opening night" ambience, Wesley N Philo ' " r WesleyK^-Rhllo Fire Protection Systems team /* 21 IB Dettra -leaehes~ clothing at . Township Clerk . Bdrszevi/ski, 483, Maryann D.D.T.'S 21 IB after season;, othe 'best in every night-. • Bloomingdale Avenue School Federal Belles V fiOTICE ' X- • ' . ' paled January 24,'. bowled the year's high game 20 Hillside High School.-,/ -;•-• Pastuzyl 433, and Betty Paperclips popular hits of .the day/tried With the opening of "Under The \foregoing ordinance was . in- PTA league were Marie 18 21 -t=ee:. JU.88 of 268 in a 526 series this week i Triple Threat. Yum-Yum JTree' on Appearing as Irene,- - the ' troduced and passed.ori first reading at a FrungiUo, 180; Elma Munster, Ewing,_.,.--, 429• . Bowling„ hig_ h 18 21 and true.' classics, comedies, mm ft < in - the Cranford V:F.W. BOwlIng bags February 8. the CDC pirhlic previous tenant of Robin's meeting of the Township (To f*t4* -" - 23V7 dramas and musicals. the Townshjp-^ot Crao'ord,' N.J. on ' TOWNSHIP.Of; CRANFORD. Ladies' Bowline League i^andrUe^'ififrtKi^apE^r'. games were. Jean Trotta, 192f, strike<Vspa>es • 54'', y'r^:W-,-. • 28 Performing first in Jocal will JL1joy;jfpj*-thejirstJime a apartment is June Coles^A . ,Tu.esda.Vj.^anuary 22, 1974-«nd.<w;il be CRJUTJifORD, NEW JERSEY -Others who bowled high Bruns ana Mary Ann Jones, Maryann Borygzewski, 166V pm up, r —considered—toi—tinat~jiassage, a'ter' -PHOPOSBDGRDWA'NCE-NOr-M-V- -}-'• sDecTal "^*ThT~ ^ iitiei iiieBiino' ol AMCNOING-Sii series -were—Marian Cym^ Standings tra":new seating-which has -graphed many iCM -TIOK-73-58 OF Posting high series were iFlo has been housed in its own balyk, 545; Ceil'S6nk~505; ,W Mrs tho ™« Building, Cranford. NJ orj Monday, AND-PARKING, OF _THE ^REVISED theatre at 78 Winans Avenue been acquired for theJVirs. the .cop- February 11, 197/al-8:30 o'clock p.m. 6«©JNANcesoF THfeTOVVNSHIPOF Carol Cla^T—465*. Minha Christiano, 428; Marie Steam Rollers , .• .: '•.34 . 14 Connie Wood bowled a 209 Serving Cranlbrd. KenilwoTth and ^arwood audiences'comfort; ~ "(prevailing timy )' '. " CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY C1948) FYurtgillo, 427; andLoig Bruns; Alley-oojp • ;.: 30 : • 18' since 1957. HereTlocal theatre the JayCee- Snyder, 451; Jan Gangaware,. Downers'. .-— 28' i 19" a high game in a 501 series in the , ... • ;/ . Wesley N Philo "BE IT (JBDAINEO 'BY THE "423. \ • ""•"""•""""" -": ••"•" goers are treated to ar- The * new chairs were thesponsored Junior 'Miss ... ./ - Township Clerk 45()f Stasia Heins, 445; Teddy Busy Bowlers. 28 20. -Suburban Women's League, TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF THE 24' 22- VOL. Bl No. 5" Published Every Thursday tistically - and •" technically unanimous choice of a special pageant. ./'**" Dated;. January 24, 1974 ,: ... TOWNSHIP OF .CRANFORD, NEW- Gregory, 444, and Qail Snyder, ; Others posting high series Thursday. January 31. 1974 E'Z Scorers 25' a 22'3 Set'ond Class Postage Paid Cranfqrd, N.J. 07016* 15CJENTS -testing—committee_ehosen_lo_ &; ...441,.. -'..f.._-._._-•_: .^.' .._• - .__ "Dlpsy Dips r Liol»» Weights^ ? -—24~- -24- included Barbara GeiBt, 517; THlSlWEEKENpT J-Qihers-jnUhekrast are Kri of Chapter. 23, Lrepresenjt every possible body .Robinson, Chuck Leonard, Bill Section I. Section 23 Slandlnflt Spoilers Fast Sassy Dames. 22>-3 Mary Jane McCormick, 481; Traffic and, Parking, if. the Revised "3" Chicks 26 ''. W Bowling Bags tall, large'small, Powers and-Bob'Johnson. The Ordinances of the Tgvtgn Plus One Morning Glories 20' 27'i Mickey Pallitta, 468> Marty --d the^same Lehigh Essp D4ng A Ling sisters antfpf course^ problem baicksjdirector ;is Jim Lyon. ^ ^ 33. Dreamers 20 28i McGfll, 463; LiUian MoUicja^ J rr0 GoGlrli 23 58.; Regulations of I6t./-a4-^W5"r^eMOT><>'Tmr; "30 -HopeMts—— ~~Tttff-CDC-boxofficirte open" Swingers 19 T;~ahd SueHTchards^ 452;" - KANANEj. Surrogate of the County pf . (a) Parklrig meters shall be installed Friendly Bar- 2» Wow Wow Wow- " comfort, audiences will Union, made on the 18 da'y of Jan. A.p., Standings CaEWATKW PLAYHOUSE. weekday evenings frpin.Bj:9:30 •n this lot' to provide parking for a period DeHart Builders .-. 28 Terrific Trio ' VplnUps . , ' ~1974, Upon the application, of the urv Bloopers;. • . • W —' ' offered onstage a com p.mrfdr~tickfet res'ervationsr of 12 hours. ' . • 0. ' ",' Team 7 ..'.•,— t • • ' 26': 30' dersigned, as Executor of the esta"te of Twelve Eyes „ which takes potshots at (b) The meters.In this, lot shall be in Mike Faver's Shell 26 31 Call 276-7611; ', ' "'••;. '_ said deceased,, notice Is hereby given to U .30 24 operation between the hours ol 4:00 A.M. GrlnneHF.P..SyMems fashion ;for findin_ Ihe creditors pf said deceased to exhibit 25 32- Sun Risers" : Roosevelt 30 U and 6:00 P M. on Mondays through Axelrod Bindery NOTICE to the. subscriber under oath or • af 25-' 32 . M • •" 25 "psychological adjustment"- Saturday^, except Legal Holidays. PhlllpCreterCo.. : Unda Tonnesen rolled a 204 At a meeting of the Board of Ad firmatlon their claims and demands 20 37 Altolllca . 28,:-' 24 Meters^ sfciaJ! not be in operation on •Following a public hearing Sherman ;and Cleveland will language program to, be in- levy is the lowest in six years. Jby posing a situation in which iustmento* the Township of Cranford on against the estate"-of "said^-" deceased game in a 520 series in the Richards 28 - 24 Washtolsky Planetarium •» at Sundays. ' " \ TO' attended by only 25 residents. no_^longer_^_fuxictio^_>-as tqtfie ...'...a girl wants to test the com- January 7, 1974, it was- RESOLVED, (hat within six mohths-.frbm the date of said Roosevelt School PTO league. Tllnftn ••_ troduced in the seventh grades -He-said-a -residentowninga Hillsidp-Avenue-Junior-lJigh- the application of CVan Bar Co., No. 39- order, or they will be forever tarred • (c) During thehours and days set forth. Livingston Sherman DeNlsl 24'/3 the Board of Education vote* elementary schools." he patibility, of her /bmance in paragraph' (b) of this section, no --Other top. bowlers were Lehrman ' .will involve retaining two home with a market value of Schodl, a project of three 73; for a variance' to permit this use pf the' from prosecuting or •recovering the V 30 7-1 Tuesday night to adopt a remarked. „ I6RIMD2IDWE before marriage. ' ., ' • . entire structure, with' less than the same against the subscribe/. '. person,shall park or.permit any. vehicle Gelst. ..;-; 23'/3 30'/^; , teachers that would have been $50,000, would pay an adforme- r ^students The facility 1 to remain parked in any metered space At Clark Lanes this week," High _.l_§he tells her fiance tha t'--'the required oft street parking spaces on Lot ; Sanford M. Danieis. Carrtevale 22'/3 school budget of $9 251.175 for Before, voting to-adopt the. lost •through", normal attrition, ditional $34 in taxes^ _ has never been used.- 14r Block 5A. known ^S:;TT6 Walnut irrthisnoj'without ,depQ5l,tlna~ln thtrad-1 Janet McWhorterJ>o*led high School .Ellsworth:. 20.-. l iacent parking meter the proper coin or the "l97 4-75 schdoj year. budget, theboard"conducted "BaechtoidsaidtertwiiriTehd v Itrue test of a relationship isn't Avenue, is hereby approved sublect to ' Alan J. Gutterman. Attorney "You should either put coints at the rate.of 25 certts for each 12 game of 185 in the Livingston a Xine.-, item* accounts that fun- and games, ab all; butthe following conditions: 2424 Morris Ave Amounts to be listed, on. the " '..jipur/long. presentation' on change in the average class something in it or or tear it 1 1 That a building permit be secured Union; N.J, hour period. .-.••' • ' . '•• -. \ AVenue School bowling show decreases include stress !^~ And" stress-is—what shall park or permit the budget proposals. The' size. .... : ' . downy" he said -Peer electibh are $6,813,666 for major increases include Massa,. who explained the central administration, down" he- tL hv Sifi.SSS Whifh uia« -at- Strom" sBitl the.~hO3rd cut Building Code_and Zoning Ordinance of TOWNSHIP OF..CR_ANFOftD rs of 2:0 15:00. _, -—, C Brown, 172v,L.Kurek, —The~rop~of the league Gramling, 212-, JaclLiiajiL % current, expense, and $70,690 $39t>'.lB9 lor insiruciional ' ~ ' afrahgement-produces. the Township of Carnford be compiled NOTICE OF.SALE OF LAND A.M became a little tighter ajJhe_ plant operation account, said tHhiited to tr^p rp JiilU>Ou.QULof-ihe budget which__ : Paraone thTFd with J72. 168; X^Bunting.. 168; and-L.'. .Brunt,-.218-and -21H- Die for,-capital~outlaytltl ~ next with'.""" :""""". ~ "- PUblicnptice is hereby given that.the:::Section 2. This ordinance.shall take -•:-;••••-- •••—•sajariesr." $104:055 -'jfnr-"nlatit *he Iritrease-c'ahlie altriblited effect Immediately ^ipbri publication ^Eleanor Henne totaled 470 ,Tami, 168* league-leading Lodge team June of fortner _^MT,.

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