THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 FEATURES SPORTS Students get to Women’s hockey create a new looks for good design for the season with bad Laker mascot Page 5 Page 13 rink Vol. 79 No. 4 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie Pa. 16546 October 5, 2005 THE MERCIAD Garvey Park controversy Faculty Senate proposes the renaming of Garvey Park to Advent Park for many.” By Joshua Wilwohl The senate passed the proposal on a Editor-in-Chief unanimous vote, according to Clemons, and shows the strongest stand yet of Mercyhurst College Faculty Senate the faculty in response to the allegations is proposing a name change to Garvey of Garvey. Park, the college’s central plaza infor- “I personally believe that the fact that mally named after Dr. William P. this proposal was passed unanimously Garvey, Mercyhurst’s ninth president. by all those in attendance speaks to the The senate wishes the park to be commitment of the faculty to live the renamed Advent Park after the liturgical values of the Mission and to the well- season preceding Christmas. being of the college. According to Dr. Randall Clemons, “The Faculty Senate was perform- Faculty Senate president, the proposal ing its proper role as a recommending was made during the Sept. 29 faculty body,” Clemons said. meeting. Garvey responded to the vote with a The four-page application outlines the prepared statement on Friday night. rationale for the change saying, “…this “For 43 years I was privileged to help proposal has (…) been inspired by the Mercyhurst and the Sisters of Mercy in suffering we have witnessed, endured fulfi lling the dreams of its founders,” and been made aware of during the he said. last two years.” “The value of that wonderful experi- The change would connote healing ence and the thousands of students I in the college community and hopes taught will not be diminished by chang- to bring forth the “advent of a new ing the name of a park. era for Mercyhurst,” according to the “As hurtful as the action may be, I proposal. remain one of the college’s staunchest The new change would encompass admirers,” Garvey said. renaming the area on campus extending The proposal process, according to North-South from the Grotto to Bald- Clemons, begins with the senate – which win drive, and the contiguous area from is only a recommended body – and then Preston Drive to the Mercy Suites. gets passed along to the administration Katie McAdams/Photo editor Mercyhurst President Dr. Michael and the president. The president then The area known as Garvey Park has recently come under close scrutiny by the entire college campus. McQuillen opposes the change though has the option to gather the opinions of he recognizes the will of Advent Park. the constituents – students, the board, of one tree. McQuillen, however, said will probably not be met. “The col- Sophomore Chris Geer said, “What- “I understand the spirit in which the the Sisters of Mercy – of the college, the deadline is a little premature. lege is trying to defi ne the landscaping ever Dr. Garvey did with his personal Advent Park proposal has been pre- and then either decides to squash or “It’s a complex issue about how to plans,” he said. “(It) speaks to a timing life does not change the hard work he sented by the Faculty Senate,” he said. continue with the proposal. bring healing on the campus,” he said. issue.” put into this great school.” “However, the proposal as submitted The senate requested a Dec. 4 dead- “It requires more time for discus- In addition to the debate of faculty involves dropping the name Garvey line in which the park would be formally sion.” and administration, some students are Park, which would be deeply divisive dedicated with the ceremonial lighting Clemons recognizes the deadline wary in changing the park’s name. Please see Garvey on Page 4 Fall formal ends in fi asco Destructive student behavior could jeopardize future dances way formals will be held for the students There are not many places in Erie By Dana Moderick of Mercyhurst College. that can accommodate the number of Contributing writer According to Darcey Kemp, director students a formal can bring, so why of the student union and advisor of the are so many places refusing services to The types of school formals we have Student Activities Committee, safety Mercyhurst? attended in the past years, as we know has become a huge issue at these dances, Because of actions from students in them, are over. not to mention the amount of work that previous years. Students have ruined In recent years, formals have become is created for the staff. carpets, put holes in walls, ripped things more of a safety concern for students In the past few years, Mercyhurst off walls and even broken a toilet by then an evening of dining and danc- has used four different facilities for trying to fl ush small liquor bottles down ing. Most recently, this concern deals formals, most recently the Zem Zem the drain. with the formal that took place Friday, Shriner Club. These facilities are not only used by Katie McAdams/Photo editor Sept. 23. Three of these facilities will not wel- Mercyhurst College, but events are held Dr. Thomas G. Fox spoke to members of the college community. Underage drinking, massive consump- come Mercyhurst students back, while there before and after the school uses tion of alcohol and the destruction of the fourth can only be used for the the facilities, and the cost to replace property are a few reasons Mercyhurst senior dinner dance, both because of and fi x damaged items is expensive and Student Government and the Student the amount of people it can hold and time-consuming. Fox visits the ‘Hurst Activities Committee are revamping the because of alcohol. Kemp could not comment on the ment and sponsored programs at amount of damage done at Zem Zems By Zachary Ross Wheeling Jesuit University for three because they have not yet received Contributing writer years. a formal amount. Tapes are being He holds a Ph.D. from the University reviewed of those who participated Dr. Thomas G. Fox spoke to over 80 of Michigan and has been active in in any destructive behavior and those people at the PAC this past Monday international non-profi t organizations, students will be punished accordingly. about the challenges he would face such as Operation Smile. Actions at the last formal were and the progress that could be made at In the opening minutes of the almost enough to cancel all formals Mercyhurst if he is given the opportu- forum, Fox explained that the chal- altogether; however, SAC and MSG nity to “stand on the shoulders of the lenge of making improvements to representatives are currently working giants who built the institution.” Mercyhurst, along with his interests in on alternative events in order to keep Fox was the fi rst of three fi nalists its size and tradition initially motivated “formals” alive. in Mercyhurst’s presidential search him to pursue his candidacy. “I’m so proud of the way our execu- selected to visit the college and address “I am interested in the school’s Catho- tive board of students has responded to members of the student body, faculty, lic identity, Mercy heritage, liberal core this incident. They are good hard-work- administration and staff in an open curriculum and number of students,” ing students who came to me and said, forum. Fox said. ‘Hey, we’re worried about the safety of Fox currently serves as senior vice Mercyhurst has a solid foundation and the students’” says Kemp, “instead of president for advancement at Florida stated that he would “use the past as a Corrie Thearle/News editor doing away with formals, they want to Institute of Technology. He also was Destructive behavior at the Zem Zem produced disastrous effects. revamp them.” the senior vice president for advance- Please see Forum on Page 3 Please see Formal on Page 3 PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD October 5, 2005 NEWS To contact: [email protected] Career Opportunities World Briefs Get a jump on the job market with the help of Career Services International news qualifi ed staff member of the By Katie Walker Career Services offi ce. Compiled by Contributing writer The Offi ce of Career Services Corrie Thearle Delay indictment is under the direction of direc- A Texas grand jury indicted Graduating from college and tor, Robert Hvezda and assistant Rep. Tom DeLay on a new having to fi nd a job is a very director, Frank Rizzone. charge of money laundering frightening idea to many stu- These two gentlemen also Monday, less than a week after dents. serve as coordinators of the co- another grand jury leveled a However, the Offi ce of Ca- operative education and intern- conspiracy charge that forced reer Services at Mercyhurst can ship programs at Mercyhurst. DeLay to temporarily step down make the process a little less Through these two avenues, as House majority leader. daunting. several hundred Mercyhurst stu- Both indictments accuse De- The Offi ce of Career Services dents over the years have been Lay and two political associates located on the second fl oor of placed with successful companies of conspiring to get around a Old Main offers a variety of to complete an internship in their state ban on corporate campaign services to students and alumni chosen fi eld. contributions by funneling the who are looking for career op- Career Services can also help money through a political action portunities or looking into gradu- students when it comes to writ- Meghan Arnold/Contributing photographer committee to the Republican ate school options.
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