AUGUST 2011 RESULTS OF THE LOCUS SURVEY THE MAGAZINE OF THE SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY FIELD • ISSUE 607 • VOL. 67 NO. 2 • $6.95 INTERVIEW Paolo Bacigalupi THE WINDUP BOY Complete Coverage of the Locus Awards & the SF Hall of Fame Ceremony The Sturgeon & Campbell Awards Winners KAREN LORD: Dual Reality Martin H. Greenberg 1941–2011 T A B L E o f C O N T E N T S August 2011 • Issue 607 • Vol. 67 • No. 2 44th Year of Publication • 29-Time Hugo Winner CHArles N. BroWN Founder Cover and Interview Designs by Arnie Fenner & Francesca Myman (1968-2009) lIZA GroeN TromBI Editor-in-Chief KIrsTeN GoNG-WoNG Managing Editor mArK r. KellY Electronic Editor-in-Chief CArolYN F. CusHmAN TIm Pratt Senior Editors AmelIA BeAmer Editor FrANCesCA mYmAN Associate Editor HeATHer sHAW Editorial Assistant 2011 Science Fiction Hall of Fame Lucite Blocks for Gardner Dozois, Harlan Ellison, Vincent Di Fate, and Jean Giraud (Moebius) Jonathan sTrAHAN Reviews Editor I N T e r V I e W TerrY BIssoN GWeNDA BoND Paolo Bacigalupi: The Windup Boy / 6 sTeFAN DZIemIANoWICZ Karen Lord: Dual Reality / 64 GArDNer DoZoIs rICH HorToN m A I N s T o r I e s / 5 & 10 russell leTsoN ADrIeNNe mArTINI 2010 World Fantasy Awards Nominations • McDonald and Landis Win Campbell and Sturgeon FAreN mIller Awards • 2010 British Fantasy Awards Finalists • Borders to be Liquidated • Shirley Jackson GrAHAm sleIGHT Awards Winners Tom WHITmore GArY K. WolFe C o N V e N T I o N s Contributing Editors KAreN BurNHAm Locus Awards/SF Hall of Fame Weekend / 5 Roundtable Blog Editor P e o P l e & P u B l I s H I N G / 8 WIllIAm G. CoNTeNTo Computer Projects Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about George r.r. martin, BeTH GWINN Patrick Ness, Katherine maclean, robert silverberg, Neil Gaiman, Charles stross, robert Photographer J. sawyer, maureen F. mcHugh, and many others Locus, The Magazine of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $6.95 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland T H e D A T A F I l e / 11 CA 94611. Please send all mail to: Locus Publications, PO Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) Readercon 2011 • Night Shade Probation Update • 2011 Mythopoeic Awards Winners • Free 339-9196; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-9198. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Individual subscriptions in the Encyclopedia of SF • Amazon News • Doctorow’s little Brother Adapted for Stage • Sturgeon US: $34.00 for six issues, $60.00 for 12 issues, $108.00 for 24 issues via periodical mail. 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Subscriptions by phone are available at Locus Awards • Readercon • This Issue/Next Issue (510) 339-9196; 9:30AM to 5:00PM PST, Monday – Friday. Official Locus Website: <www.locusmag.com>; Locus Index to Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror 1984- L O C U S l e T T e r s / 63 1999:<www.Locusmag.com/index/>; The Locus Index to Science Fiction Awards is at <www.Locusmag.com/ Margaret Menzies • Kenneth W. Davis SFAwards/>. L O C U S L O O K S A T B O O K S p. 18 & 23 Gardnerspace: A short Fiction Column by Gardner Dozois / 15 F&SF 7-8/11; Jesus and the eightfold Path, Lavie Tidhar; Asimov’s 6/11; Asimov’s 7/11. short Fiction reviews by rich Horton / 17 F&SF 7-8/11; Asimov’s 8/11; Interzone 5-6/11; Realms of Fantasy 6/11; Lightspeed 8/11; Fantasy 8/11; Conjunc- tions 56; The monkey’s Wedding and other stories, Joan Aiken. reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 18 This shared Dream, Kathleen Ann Goonan; The Bible repairman and other stories, Tim Powers; Paradise Tales and other stories, Geoff Ryman; Pardon This Intrusion: Fantastika in the World storm, John Clute. reviews by Faren miller / 20 Kathleen Ann Nights of Villjamur, Mark Charan Newton; of Blood and Honey, Stina Leicht; The Tempering of men, Sarah Goonan (2011) Monette & Elizabeth Bear; Heart of Iron, Ekaterina Sedia; Twilight robbery (in the US as Fly Trap), Frances Hardinge. p. 20 reviews by russell letson / 23 This shared Dream, Kathleen Ann Goonan; rule 34, Charles Stross; SHORT TAKE: Angel of europa, Allen Steele. reviews by Adrienne martini / 25 The magician King, Lev Grossman; Geek Wisdon: The sacred Teachings of Nerd Culture, Stephen H. Segal, ed.; No Hero, Jonathan Wood; ready Player one, Ernest Cline. short reviews by Carolyn Cushman / 27 Kindling the moon, Jenn Bennett; The Girl of Fire and Thorns, Rae Carson; Girl Genius Book Ten: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian muse, Phil Foglio & Kaja Foglio; Hexed, Kevin Hearne; Dead on the Delta, Stacey Jay; resurrection Code, Lyda Morehouse; Downpour, Kat Richardson; The Whitefire Crossing, Mark Charan Courtney Schafer. Newton (2008) reviews by Divers Hands: stefan Dziemiznowicz, Gwenda Bond, rich Horton, Tim Pratt, & Tom Whitmore / 28 p. 20 other Kingdoms, Richard Matheson; The Name of the star, Maureen Johnson; Faerie Winter, Janni Lee Simner; Naked City, Ellen Datlow, ed.; supernatural Noir, Ellen Datlow, ed.; Teeth, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds.; loss of separation, Conrad Williams; eutopia, David Nickle; The New Digital storytelling: Creating Narratives with New media, Bryan Alexander. Yesterday’s Tomorrows by Graham sleight / 31 The 4-Dimensional Nightmare (reissued as Voices of Time, J.G. Ballard); The Drowned World, J.G. Ballard; Concrete Island, J.G. Ballard; super-Cannes, J.G. Ballard. Terry Bisson: This month in History / 17, 19, 21, 23 Stina Leicht C o r r e C T I o N s To L O C U S # 6 0 6 ( J u l Y 2 0 1 1 ) (2010) In the Table of Contents we added an extra ‘‘e’’ to Mercedes In our New and Notable listing (pg. 55), we incorrectly Lackey’s name. We also spelled Toni Kelner’s name awarded a Hugo award to Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle and incorrectly, adding an extra ‘‘l’’ both in the Table of Contents both a Hugo and a Nebula to Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse- p. 25 and in Carolyn Cushman’s review of Home Improvement: Five. Both books were nominees for the respective awards, Undead Edition. We apologize for the errors. but neither book won. Paolo Bacigalupi ....................(LT)1 Jay Lake ......................... (FM)61 Karen Lord .............................(LT)1 P H o T o l I s T I N G Pat Booze, Peggy Stewart, Martin H. Greenberg ............... (F)1 Doug Booze, Shawn & Hall of Fame Blocks ............. (FM)3 Eileen Gunn ................... (FM)59 Cate Gaidheal ................ (FM)60 Katrina Marier ................ (FM)61 Kathleen Ann Goonan ...........(LT)4 Paul Park ........................... (FM)59 Elizabeth Stephan, Hall of Fame Inductees, Mark Charan Newton ............(AB)4 Dale Ivan Smith, Julie McGalliard, J.A. Pitts ......................... (FM)60 Presenters, and Stina Leicht ........................(F/FC)4 Jerry Kaufman, Linda Deneroff, Torrey & Jon Wenger ........
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