HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology , Mr? , DEEL 132 '^^Ai^S^9 S^P O ^ '990 TIJDSCHRIF^^^-v'O VOOR ENTOMOLOGIE UITGEGEVEN DOOR DE NEDERLANDSE ENTOMOLOGISCHE VERENIGING Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, deel 132, 1989 NEDERLANDSE ENTOMOLOGISCHE VERENIGING BESTUUR (BOARD) Voorzitter (Chairman) J. Krikken Vice-voorzitter (Vice-President) S. A. Ulenberg Secretaris (Secretary) M.J. Sommeijer Address Afdeling Sociale insekten RUU, Postbus 80086, 3508 TB Utrecht Ie Penningmeester (Treasurer I) L. P. S. van der Geest Address Doornenburg 9, 1211 GP Landsmeer Penningmeester II) 2e (Treasurer A. P. J. A. Teunissen Address Strausslaan 6, 5251 HG Vlijmen Bibliothecaris (Librarian) P. J. Duffels Address Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH Amsterdam Lid (Member) C. J. Zwakhals TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ENTOMOLOGIE Redactie (Editorial Board) E. J. van Nieukerken, J. van Tol, C. van Achterberg and S. A. Ulenberg Address Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden Samenstelling van de index (Compilation of index) R. T Simon Thomas The journal serves the publication of papers on Insecta, Myriapoda and Arachnoidea. Subscription rate: DFL 300. — per year. Volume 132 appeared in two issues on 3vii and Lxii.1989 ISSN 0040-7496 INHOUD (CONTENTS) Askew, R. R., G. G. Cleland, D. A. L. Davies & T. W. Harman. — A report on a collection of Odonata from North Sulawesi, Indonesia 115 Gijswijt. — position of the Pachyneurini Assem, J. van den & M. J. The taxonomie (Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) as judged by characteristics of courtship behaviour 149 Aukema, B. — Annotated checklist of Hemiptera — Heteroptera of The Netherlands 1 Baldizzone, G. — A taxonomie review of the Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) of China. Contribution to the knowledge of the Coleophoridae, LIII 199 Batten, R. — Two new Mordellidae (Coleoptera) from Kashmir and Sumatra 105 Belle, — Phyllogomphoides indicatrix, a new dragonfly from Mexico (Odonata: Gom- J. phidae) 155 Belle, — Epigomphus corniculatus, a new dragonfly from Costa Rica (Odonata: Gom- J. phidae) 158 Belle, — revision of the World genus Neuraeschna Hagen, 1867 (Odonata: J. A New Aeshnidae) 259 Blackith, R. E., see Butlin, R. K. Blackith, R. M., see Butlin, R. K. Brooks, S. — dragonflies (Odonata) from Costa Rica 163 J. New Butlin, R. K., R. E. Blackith & R. M. Blackith. — Eumastacidae (Orthoptera) from the Project Wallace Expedition to Sulawesi (Indonesia) 109 Cleland, G. G., see Askew, R. R. Davies, D. A. L., see Askew, R. R. Cicadidae) Duffels, J. P. — The Sulawesi genus Brachylobopyga (Homoptera: 123 Duijm, M., see Landman, W, and see Oudman, L. den. Gijswijt, M. J., see Assem, J. van Harman, T W., see Askew, R. R. Heijerman, Th. & H. Turin. — Carabid fauna of some types of forest in The Netherlands (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 241 Helsdingen, P.J. van & E.J. van Nieukerken. — Alexey Diakonoff, 1907-1989 161 Kanaar, P. — A new 5'i?^n'«Äj- from Irian Jaya (Coleoptera: Histeridae) 285 Landman, W., L. Oudman & M. Duijm. — Allozymic and morphological variation in Ephippiger terrestris (Yersin, 1854) (Insecta, Orthoptera, Tettigonoidea) 183 Landman, W, see Oudman, L. Oudman, L., W. Landman & M. Duijm. — Genetic distance in the genus Ephippiger (Orthoptera, Tettigonoidea). — a reconnaissance 177 Oudman, L., see Landman, W. Platel, Th. G. H. — The egg laying and larval development of Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin) (Araneae: Pholcidae) 135, 288 Rossem,G. van. — The genus Crypt us Fabricius, 1804of the Canary Islands (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) 251 Turin, H., see Heijerman, Th. Wittmer, W. — Die Gattung Polemiosilis Pic auf Sulawesi (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). (41. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae) 129 Book reviews and announcements 114, 122, 128, 162, 182 DEEL 132 AFLEVERING 1 1989 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ENTOMOLOGIE UITGEGEVEN DOOR DE NEDERLANDSE ENTOMOLOGISCHE VERENIGING MCZ LIBRARY AUG 2 2 1989 HARVARD yHlVER^iî^^ ^Q^K o"^^ — Tijdschrift voor Entomologie A Journal of systematic and evolutionary entomology since 1858 Editors: E.J. van Nieukerken and J. van Tol Co-editors: C. van Achterberg and Mrs. S. A. Ulenberg. Advisory board: M. Brancucci (Basel), Y. Hirashima (Fukuoka) and M. R. Wilson (London). The 'Tijdschrift voor Entomologie" is published in two issues per year by the "Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging" (Netherlands' Entomological Society), Amsterdam. Editorial address: c/o Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Nether- lands. All enquiries of membership of the Society, as well as correspondence regarding subscription and possibilities for exchange of this journal, should be addressed to Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging, c/o Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Plantage Middenlaan 64, 1018 DH Amsterdam The Netherlands Subscription price per volume for non-members: Hfl. 300. INHOUD CONTENTS B. Aukema, Annotated checklist of Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Netherlands 1 R. Batten, Two new Mordellidae (Coleoptera) from Kashmir and Sumatra 105 R. K. Butlin, R. E. Blackith & R. M. Blackith, Eumastacidae (Orthoptera) from the Project Wallace Expedition to Sulawesi (Indonesia) 109 Book announcements and reviews 114 R. R. Askew, C. G. Cleland, D. A. L. Davies & T. W. Harman, A report on a collection of Odonata from North Sulawesi, Indonesia 115 Fauna Malesiana Foundation 122 J. R Duffels, The Sulawesi genus Brachylobopyga (Homoptera: Cicadidae) 123 Book announcements and reviews 128 W. Wittmer, Die Gattung Polemiosilis Pic auf Sulawesi (Coleoptera, Cantharidae). (41. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae) 129 Th. G. H. Platel, The egg laying and larval development of Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin) (Araneae: Pholcidae) 135 J. van den Assem & M. J. Gijswijt, The taxonomie position of the Pachyneurini (Chalci- doidea, Pteromalidae) as judged by characteristics of courtship behaviour 149 J. Belle, Phyllogomphoides indicatrix, a new dragonfly from Mexico (Odonata: Gomphi- dae) 155 J. Belle, Epigomphus corniculatus, a new dragonfly from Costa Rica (Odonata: Gomphi- dae) 158 Publilshed 3 July 1989 ISSN 0040-7496 ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA OF THE NETHERLANDS') ) by BEREND AUKEMA Abstract Aukema, B., 1989. Annotated checklist of Hemiptera-Heteroptera of The Netherlands. - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 132: 1-104, figs. 1-120, tab. 1. [ISSN 0040-7496]. Published 3 July 1989. A list of 586 species of Heteroptera recorded from The Netherlands is presented. Local distribution is indicated by data on the presence in the twelve Dutch provinces, while for new, rare and endangered species the records are included in more detail. Eighteen species are recorded for the first time from The Netherlands: Deraeocoris flavilinea (Costa), Tytthus geminus (Flor), Brachyarthrum limitatum Fieber, Criocoris sulcicornis (Kirschbaum), Reuteria marqueti Puton, Heterocordylus genistae (Scopoli), Lygus adspersus (Schilling), Lygus wagneri Remane, Lygo- coris populi Leston, Capsus pilifer Remane, Capsodes sulcatus (Fieber) and Trigonotylus caeles- tialium (Kirkaldy) (Miridae), Temnostethus longirostris (Horvath) and Scoloposcelis pulchella (Zetterstedt) (Anthocoridae), Coranus woodroffei Putshkov (Reduviidae), Kleidocerys privignis (Horvath), K. truncatulus ericae (Horvath) and Scolopostethus pseudograndis Wagner (Lygaei- dae). Kleidocerys privignis is new for Western Europe. Key words. - Heteroptera; checklist; faunistics; distribution maps. Berend Aukema, Pomona 66, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Introduction Schilling), or sunk as synonyms {Monosynamma Between 1853 and 195 1 five editions of a check- nigritulum (Zetterstedt), Orthocephalus ferrarii list of Dutch Heteroptera appeared (De Graaf & Reuter and Neides favosus Fieber). On the other Snellen van Vollenhoven 1853, De Graaf, Six & hand Microvelia pygmaea (Dufour), Saldula palus- Snellen van Vollenhoven 1860, Snellen van Vollen- tris (Douglas), Amblytylus brevicollis Fieber and hoven 1868-1878a, 1878, Fokker 1883-1899 and Eurydema ventralis Kult had to be added, because Reclaire 1932-1951). Because the last supplement their origin and/or identity, questionable at the to the list of Reclaire was published in 1951 there time, could be established. Furthermore, two taxa was a growing need for a new updated list. previously included as varieties have been raised to Reclaire (1932-1951) listed a total of 5 14 species specific status, viz. Drynius ryeii Douglas & Scott from The Netherlands. In the present, sixth list, and Megalonotus sabulicola (Thomson). 586 species are included. Fourteen species of the The specimens of Coranus tuberculifer Reuter list of Reclaire are omitted, because they are either recorded by Blote (1954, as f. nov. spec.) belong to considered incidentally introduced {Stephanitis py- C. woodroffei Putshkov. rioides (Scott), Pinthaeus sanguinipes (Fabricius) Callicorixa wollastoni (Douglas & Scott), Eury- and Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda)), misidentified colpus flaveolus Stal, Phytocoris hirsutulus Flor, {Sigara venusta (Douglas & Scott), Velia rivulorum Peritrechus distingendus (Flor), Stictopleurus cras- (Fabricius), Chartoscirta geminata (Costa), sicornis (Linnaeus), Sciocoris umbrinus (Wolff), Orthonotus cylindricollis (Costa), Phytocoris ju- Sehirus dubius (Scopoli) and Geotomus punctula- niperi Frey-Gessner, Xylocoris parvulus (Reuter), tus (Costa) are listed erroneously for The Nether- Piesma capitatum (Wolff) and Rhopalus rufus lands by Stichel (1955-1962). The recording of Callicorixa producta (Reuter) from The Netherlands (Polderman & Van der ') Dedicated to the
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