Anand Patwardhan

Anand Patwardhan

bpÅ Bfp-IÄ kÔn-bnÃm kac-§Ä \S-¯n-- \ntcm[\-§fpsS Imes¯ s¡mïmWv tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ sN¿p-¶-Xv. P\m-[n-]-Xys¯ kw_-Ôn-¨pÅ ]p- ¯³ ImgvN-¸m-Sp-IÄ ]¦p-sh-bv¡p¶, kmw 1 tUmIyp-saâdn kvIm-cnI cmjv{Sob CS-s]-S-ep-IÄ \nÀÆ-ln- ¡p¶ tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ¡v F§s\ Iq¨p- ImgvN-IÄ hn-e-§nSmw, F§-s\-sbÃmw \ntcm[n-¡m- sa-¶pÅ At\z-j-W-§-fmWv `c-W-IqSw hn sI tPmk^v \S-¯n-s¡m-ïn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. hnaÀi-\-§Ä D ¶-bn-¡p-¶, P\-§sf cmjv{So-b-ambn Nn´n- tUmIypsaâ-dn-IÄ Pohn-X-bm-YmÀ°y- Iyp-saâdnIÄ kmwkvImcn-I-hpw cmjv{So-b- ¡phm³ t{]cn-¸n-¡p¶ tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ §Ä¡p-t\sc At\z-j-Wm-ß-I-ambn hp-amb \ne-]m-Sp-I-fn-te¡v amdp-Ibpïm-bn. `c-W-Iq-Ss¯ ZpÀ_-e-s¸-Sp-¯p-sa-¶pÅ k©-cn-¡p¶ Hcp am[y-a-am-Wv. A[n-Im-cs¯ Ah a\p-jy-sc A]-c-·m-cm-¡p¶, hÀ¤o-b- `bamWv CXnsâ ASn-Øm-\w. tKm{X-hÀ¤- Akz-Ø-X-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶Xpw A[n-Im-c--¯n-s\ h-ev¡-cn-¡p-¶-, ln-µp-Xz`-c-W-Iq-S-¯nsâ ¡m-cpsS {]iv\-§Ä, \À½-Zm-{]iv\w, Bß- -Xn-cmb \ne-]m-Sp-IÄ kzoI-cn-¡p-¶Xpw A- \ne-]m--Sp-IÄs¡-Xncmb hnaÀi-\-§Ä D l-Xy-sNbvX IÀj-I-cpsS {]iv\§Ä, k{am- [n-Im-cn-Isf shÃp-hn-fn-¡p-¶Xpw Ah-cpsS ¶-bn-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. H¸w A[-n-Im-chpw Py-Xzhpw BtKm-f-h¡-c-Whpw P\-§sf GIm-[n]-Xy {]-h-W-XIsf Xpd-¶p-Im-«p-¶- s]meokpw `c-W-Iq-S-hp-saÃmw Xnc-kvI-cn¨ Zpcn-X-¯n-em-gv¯p-¶Xv F¶n-§-s\-bpÅ Xp-amb \ne-]m-Sp-I-fmWv tUmIyp-saâ \nc-h[n hnj-b-§sf DbÀ¯n-s¡m-ïp-h- H«-\-h-[n- hn-j-b-§Ä kÀ¡m-cn-s\-Xn-sc- dn-IÄ kzoI-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. AXp-sIm-ïp-Xs¶ cn-Ibpw Nqïn¡m-Wn-¡p-Ibpw sNbv-Xp. bpÅ Ipä-]-{X-ambn tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ Ah- tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ FÃm-¡m-e¯pw A[n- B\µv ]SvhÀ²sâ cmw sI \mw, cmtIjv X-cn-¸n-¡p-¶p. hÀKob {[p-ho-I-cWw kr Im-cn-I-fpsS B{I-a-W-§Ä¡v hnt[-b-am- iÀ½-bpsS ss^\ skmeyq-jy³ AS-¡- jvSn-¡p¶ lnµp-Xz-`-c-W-Iq-S-¯n-s\-Xn-sc- FRIDAY ¡s¸Sp¶p. BZy-Ime tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ apÅ tUmIyp-saâ-dn-IÄ lnµp-Xz- `-c-W-Iq- bpÅ {]Xn-tcm-[-§fpw {]Xn-tj[-§-fpam- S-¯nsâ Øm]nX Xm¸-cy-§sf shÃp- Wv ]pXn-b Imes¯ tUmIypsaâdn-IÄ `cW-Iq-S-¯nsâ Xmev]cy-§Ä A\p-k-cn- / 2018 JULY ¨pÅ t{]m{Km-ap-I-fm-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¶oSv tUm hn-fn-¡p-¶-h-bm-bn-cp-¶p. B\µns\-t¸mse krjvSn-¨psIm-ïn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. 20 ssewKn-I/sP³U-À \yq-\-]-£-§-fp-sS F³tK-PnwKv hn¯v sk£zm-en-än kz-Xzkw-LÀ-j-§-fp-sS Im-gv-N-bp-am-bn Anand Patwardhan cm-Pym-´-c N-e-¨n-{Xtaf to be honoured with \hZo]v iÀabpsS F tk^v t]gv-k¬ äp kv-{Xo-kzXzw t\-cn-Sp-¶ shÃp-hn-fn-I- Lifetime Achievement Award tSm¡v äp, A\pjv-I inhZmkn\nbpw am[pcn fp-am-Wv {_o-¯v A-h-X-cn-¸n-¡p-¶Xv. ground realities of such is- samlnµdpw tNÀ¶v Xbmdm¡nb {_o¯v, APnXm Ip-Sn-tb-ä-¡mÀ t\-cn-Sp-¶ B-´-cn-I- A daring film maker who delve sues. _m\ÀPnbpsS sF Bw t\m«v sZbÀ, anXmen {Xnth kw-LÀ-j-§-fmWv sF Bw t\m«v deep into the topic he choose, Znbpw KwKmZo]v kn§pw tNÀ¶v Xbmdm¡nb ¹okv ssa³ sZbÀ. Hcp {Sm³kvamsâ I®neq- Patwardhan’s documentaries like A strong advocate of secu- Uv Z Kym]v, A\nµy i¦À Zmknsâ \kÀ DTm sI tZtJm sS-bp-Å sa-t{Sm s]m-fn-ä-³ \-K-c-¡m Ram ke Naam, Pitra, Putra aur larism, Patwardhan has always F¶o Nn{X§fm-Wv F³-tK-Pnw-Kv hn-¯v sk-£zm-en-än hn-`m-K- -gv-N-I-fmWv ¹okv ssa³Uv Z Kym-]v. Dharmayudha, A Narmada Di- been an intimidating voice for ¯n {]ZÀin¸n¡p¶-Xv. A-Xn-k-¦oÀ-®am-b im-cocn-I am-\-kn- ary, War and Peace, Jai Bhim fundamentalist forces and na- Comrade, are examples of his in- Iu-am-c-L-«-¯n-se ssewKn-I kz-Xz-kw-LÀ-j-§Ä A-\p-`-hn- Im-h-Ø-I-fn-eq-sS k-©-cnt¡-ïn-h-cp-¶ tionalists. If his works Raam vestigative urge and relentlessly ¡p-¶ hn-ZymÀ-°n-bp-sS am-\-kn-Im-h-Ø-I-fmWv F tk^v t]gv-k¬ sP³UÀ \yq-\-]-£-§-fp-sS shÃp- Ke Naam, Pitra, Putra aur questioning mind. äp tSm¡v äphnsâ {]tabw. s]¬-ku-lr-Z-§-fp-sS A-XnÀ-h-c-¼p-Ifpw hn-fn-I-fmWv \kÀ DTm sI tZ-tJm. Dharmayudha revealed the Most of his works faced the hidden and ugly side of Hin- wrath of governments in power dutva politics, War and Peace as Patwardhan’s movies always exposed the political realities raised disturbing questions tar- behind India and Pakistan’s When There Is Nowhere To Go, Nowhere Is Home geting political parties and their nuclear weapon tests. Chinese film maker Ai Weiwei’s re- a gruesome picture of the displaced interests. Patwardhan’s alter- A winner of almost every alistic work The Human Flow will be people. It is definitely an eye-opener native narratives on issues like prestigious award that is there the debut film in the 11th IDSFFK. A for many to question the very exis- Babri Masjid demolition, roots for documentary film mak- of patriarchy in India, Narma- tale which mixes up the horrendous tence of human lives and its varied ing, Patwardhan is among the vicissitudes under unfavourable cir- da Bachao Andolan etc have most respected and relevant realities of the human world with the brought into perspective, the sobbering predicament of the despi- cumstances. film makers of our times. cable human lives, Ai Weiwei’s work The Chinese director has al- apprehends the staggering scale of ref- ready established his political stands Short Reels Starts Rolling: IDSFFK 2018 begins... ugee crisis and its profoundly personal through an array of documentaries OPENING FILM he 11th edition of International chief guest. Anand Patwardhan has been cho- films, animation and music videos. To human impacts. The way it delves into which includes Disturbing the Peace, T be held at Kairali, Sree and Nila Theatres So Sorry, The Squad Storm, Beijing Documentary and Short Film Festival sen for the Life time achievement award, which the multiple narratives of 23 world na- carries a cash prize of ₹2 lakh and a sculpture. under the Kerala State Film Development tions and 65 million refugees offers us 2004 and The Beautiful life. of Kerala (IDSFFK) will begin from 20th July, 2018. The opening ceremo- Human Flow, a documentary directed by Chi- Corporation, there will be 64 productions in the competition section in addition to ny will be inaugurated by the honour- nese conceptual artist Ai Weiwei, that focuses on the large-scale migrations and refugee crisis 13 music videos and nine animation films. able Chief Minister of Kerala Pinarayi A special package produced by the Public Festival Director Kamal, Chairman, KSCA l Artistic Director Bina Paul, Vice Chairperson, KSCA l Executive Director and Vijayan at 6 pm. Cultural affairs min- across the globe, will be the opening film. Chief Editor Mahesh Panju, Secretary, KSCA l Deputy Director (Festival) H Shaji l Deputy Director (Programmes) N.P Sajeesh Service Broadcasting Trust titled ‘Engag- ister A.K Balan will preside over the The five-day international fest will screen ing with sexuality’ will also be screened. l Executive Editor Rajesh Chirappadu l Associate Editor Nowfal N l Sub Editors Anil Kumar KS, Goutham V S, Rahul S, Ramees function. The venerable documentary about 206 productions, including long and Five films of feminist historian and cultur- Rajaji l Photography Vincent Peter l Design and Layout Sivaprasad B l Illustration Sudheer PY l Team Chandramohan, director Rakesh Sharma will be the short documentaries, short fictions, campus al critic Lata Mani will be screened. Jayakumar, Resmi Anil l Printed at Akshara Offset, Thiruvananthapuraml Printed and Published by Mahesh Panju, Secretary, KSCA on behalf of Department of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Kerala l Email [email protected] MESSAGE The Era of the Documentary The Kerala State Chala- In the present age of rap- In an age of visual bom- CS Venkiteswaran chitra Academy is happy id digitalisation, many bardment, fake news and to welcome the cinephiles young filmmakers have media empowerment the In the history of documentary hitherto unknown and unexplored areas of human life and to the 11th edition of the succeeded in making creative political docu- films in India there are two social experience were made visible and audible. IDSFKK which is truly proper use of the im- mentary and the short decisive moments: first, the But this proliferation of images, image-making practices the key annual platform proved accessibility to film have a special place.

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