1884. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. HOUSE OF 'REPRESENTATIVES. The substitute was agreed to; and the resolution as amended was. adopted. FRIDAY, Febr'ltary l, 1884. Mr. DOCKERY moved to reconsid~r the vote by which the resolution / The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Cha.plain, Rev. JOHN was agreed to; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid oa S. Lnn>SAY, D. D. the table. The Journal of yffiterday's proceedings was read and approved. The latter motion W:lJ! agreed to. ORDER OF BUSL.'fESS. CLERICAL FORCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a letter Mr. SLOCUM. I call for the regular order. from the Attorney-General, asking for an increase of the clerical force Mr. TURNER, of Georgia. I desire to submit a privileged resolu­ in the Department of Justice; which was referred to the Committee on tion. Appropriations. The SPEAKER. Is it of a public or a private nature? DISCHARGE OF EMPLOYEs DURING VACATION . OF CONGRESS. APPROPRIATIO:s- FOR DESTITUTE INDIANS. Mr. DOCKERY. I ask unanimous consent to introduce for refer- Mr. ELLIS. I rise to a privileged question. The Senate have de­ ence the resolution which I send to the desk. sired a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on th~ The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. joint resolution (H. Res. 121) appropriating $50,000 for the support of certain destitute Indians. · The Clerk read as follows: The SPEAKER. That is such a matter of privilege as· the Chair .Resolved, That Rule IT be amended by adding thereto the following: "Prcwided, That no employe shall be removed except for cause during the thinks ought to be entertained even after a call for the regular order on vacation of Congress." Friday, relating as it· does to a communication from the Senate concern­ The resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. ing a conference upon amendments to an appropriation bill. PERNETTA HENDLEY. Mr. ELLIS. I move that the House insist on its disagreement to the­ Senate amendment to t!!e joint resolution and agree to the conference Mr. DOCKERY, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill {H. R. asked by the Senate. 4386) for the relief of Pernetta Hendley; which was read a first and rhe motion was agreed to. second time, referred to the Committee on Pensions, and ordered to be The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints as conferees on the part of the­ printed. House the gentleman from Louisiana, Mr. ELLis, the gentleman from pLERK FOR COMMITTEE. Indiana, Mr. HoLMA.J.'f, and the gentleman from Kansas, Mr. RYAN. Mr. DOCKERY. Mr. Speaker, I am directed by the Committee on COIDIITTEE ON ELECTIONS . .Accounts to submit a privileged resolution for immediate consideration. The SPEAKER. The resolution will be read. Mr. TURNER, of Georgia. The privileged matter to which I desire­ The Clerk read as follows: to call the attention of the Chair. and the House is a resolution that the­ Committee on Elections have leave of the House to sit during the ses­ Resolved, That the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department be allowed a. clerk, who shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. sions of the House. The SPEAKER. The question is upon the adoption of the resolu­ The SPEAKER. The Chair, if there be no objection, will entertain tion. that resolution. The resolution submitted by the gentleman {rom Mr. DOCKERY. There is a substitute- Georgia will be read. MI. HOLMAN. I desire to have the report read, in order that it The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That the Committee on Election.s a.nd subcommittees of said com­ may be spread upon the record. mittee have leave to sit during the sessions of the House. The Clerk read as follows: The resolution was adopted. The Committee on Accounts, to whom was referred the resolution of Mr. YOUNG- 'ORDER OF BUSINESS. " That the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department be allowed a. clerk; who shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House,"­ Mr. HATCH, ofMissouri. Mr. Speaker-­ r~ctfully report the following substitute, and ask that it do now pass : Mr. BAYNE. I call for the regular order. ' Resolved, That the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department This be allowed a. clerk, who shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House at The SPEAKER: being Friday, the regular order is the call of the same rate of compensation now paid committee clerks for the present Con­ committees for reports of a private nature. gress." Mr. BAYNE. I move that the morning hour be dispensed with. Mr. KASSON. I should like the gentleman from l\Iisdouri [Mr. Mr. HEWITT, of Alabama. I n.sk unanimous consent to have· DocKERY] to explain whether this makes a permanent clerk; and also, printed some extra copies of the report of the Committee on Pensions, as the report does not state it, what is the occasion for this. report 115, as the supply is exhausted. I ask the gentleman from Penn­ Mr. DOCKERY. There is a further report which I ask the Clerk t.o sylvania to yield for that purpose. read, and which will expln.in the necessity. The SPEAKER. The regular order is insisted on by other gentle­ The Clerk read as follows: men, and unless that is withdrawn the Chair can not entertain these In support of the resolution we offer the following statement of facts: requests. By the provisions of the thirty-fourth section of the eleventh rule of the House The question being OO.ken on Mr. BAYNE's motion to dispense with of Representatives the Committee on Expenditures in the Interior Department 146, 11. · is charged with the duty of examining the accounts and expenditures of that the morning hour, there were-ayes noes Department of the Government, the manner of keeping the same, the correct­ So (two-thirds having voted iB. the affirmative) the morning hour was. ness of such expenditures, their conformity with appropriation laws, the proper dispensed with. application of public moneys, the security of the Government against unjust nnd extravagant demands, retrenchment, the enforcement of the payment of Mr. SLOCUU. I move that the House now go into Committee of moneys due to the United States, the economy and accountability of public offi­ the Whole House on the Private Calendar to consider the bill for the­ cers, the abolishment of useleSs offices, the reduction or increase of the pay of relief of Fitz-John Porter. And I further move that after two hours. officers, and further provides that all these subjects shall be within the juris­ diction of said committee. and forty-five minutes from the commencement of the consideration of Your committee believe these to be important duties, and that no committee that bill in the committee general debate be closed. of the House can properly discharge them without the aid of a. competent clerk, The SPEAKER. The Chair will state the question. The gentle­ whose entire time and services should be at the command of the committee. In addition to these general duties assigned by law to this committee, your man from New York [Mr. SLOCUM] moves that the House now re­ committee find that other special duties have been assigned it by order of the solve itself into the Committee of the Whole on the Private Calendar House, which will necessarily require a considerable amount of clerical labor, for the further consideration of the bill tor the relief of Fitz-John Por­ and which can not be properly discharged without it. A recent resolution of the House has directed it to make an investigation of the manner in which an ter; and pending that motion the gentleman moves that at the expira­ important public work on the Hot Springs reservation is being conducted, with tion of two hours and forty-five minutes from the time the considera­ a view to ascertain its durability, its conformity to the requirements of law, a.nd tion of that bill shall be commenced general debate shall close. its probable effect upon the health of the town of Hot Springs; a.nd, aJso, with a. view of ascertaining whether or not the money appropriated by the Govern­ Mr. STEELE. There are several gentlemen on the list to speak upon. ment for the construction of said work has been properly expended. This in­ that bill. They have prepared speeches, hoping that they may be heard. vestigation, if properly made, will necessarily involve an examination of a I trust that gentleinen on the other side will not undertake to cut off' number of contracts, plans, specifications, a.nd accounts, which will require more time and clerical labor than a.ny member of a. committee could well de­ debate to-day. Let us have all of to-day for general debate. The gen­ vote to it. tleman from Maine, Mr. BOUTELLE, is prepared to speak and should Your committee also find that the Secretary of the Interior has directed a. let­ have an opportunity to be heard. It was the understanding that he ter to this committee calling attention to the manner of disbursing public money to various inRtitutions under the care of and supported by the Government, and should be given time to speak hj>on this bHl. I trust.that gentlemen suggestio~ that the same be e:xa.mined with a. view t-o greater economy and effi­ on the other side will not OO.ke OO.vantage of numbers to cut off debate­ ciency in 1ts expenditure.
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