DECEMBER 2009 your free COMMUNITY newspaper ALBERTA AVENUE DELTON EASTWOOD ELMWOOD PARK PRREE PARKDALE EEEKK P SPRUCE AVENUE T CCSSRRE WESTWOOD RSRSAAT BUILDING COMMUNITY . ENCOURAGING COMMUNICATION . IN CREASING CAPACITY CIRCULATION 13,000 PH: 780.479.6285 EMAIL: [email protected] What to do to avoid the flu CompilED by karEn Simple steps to help prevent Take the homeopathic version mykiETka virus growth in your system: of the flu vaccine itself. Eat a healthy balanced diet With all those healthy You can do more than get and drink plenty of water. additions to your daily routine a flu shot to reduce your Eating processed and refined the only other thing you need chances of the flu this season. food can greatly depress our to do is stay well rested with The symptoms of H1N1 immunity. plenty of sleep, and nice and (fever, headache, chills, Gargle twice a day with warm with a hot cup of tea! nausea, sore muscles, runny warm salt water or tea tree. nose) are the same as the A spray of Colloidal silver in Sources: seasonal flu. The problem your mouth a few times a day Brenda Shaw published in is that it is very contagious, is a great way to add antibac- SNAP Newsmagazine Dec 01. spread when the virus enters terial and antiviral assurance. http://www.snapseatosky.com/ the body through the eyes, Blowing the nose hard nose, or mouth. once a day and swabbing both Dr. Vinay Goyal at http:// nostrils with cotton buds countrylife.lehmans. To reduce chances of dipped in warm salt water com/2009/09/28/simple-ways- exposure: is very effective in bringing to-prevent-influenzah1n1- Avoid close contact with down viral population, or try swine-flu/ people who are sick and who a Neti pot. have symptoms of H1N1 flu. Drink as much warm Resources: Wash your hands with liquid as you can (such as teas, Chart comparing symptoms: soap and water frequently and soups and broths). Influenza vs cold vs stomach thoroughly, for at least 15 Take probiotics in high upset. http://www.health. Buterman Jan seconds. Use alcohol-based potency form which ensure alberta.ca/health-info/influenza- sanitizers if handwashing is that we have enough good compare-symptoms.html PREgNANT wOMEN AND CHILDREN AwAIT H1N1 vACCINATIONS ON FRIDAy, not convenient. bacteria in our system to keep NOvEMBER 6. AFTER A SUPPLy SHORTAgE, PREvIOUS vACCINATION SITES Try to not touch your everything in balance and pro- Polar Bear Health & Water, ELSEwHERE IN THE CITy wERE CLOSED, REOPENINg AT THOSE SITES AND face especially after shaking tect from invaders. 9342 118 Avenue, Edmonton, ADDINg ADDITIONAL SITES—INCLUDINg COMMONwEALTH STADIUM. hands or touching hard sur- Boost your antioxidants: 780-477-1328 for natural ACCORDINg TO TADRA BOULTON, ACTINg DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS faces like counters and door Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, health products. FOR ALBERTA HEALTH SERvICES, THE COMMONwEATH STADIUM SITE wAS handles or other surfaces. Beta carotene, Bioflavanoids, IDEAL BECAUSE IT HAD gOOD ACCESS AND gOOD PARkINg, ALONg wITH Keep such surfaces clean. assorted green blends, and anti Nutrition Plus Pharmacy, gOOD INDOOR wAITINg SPACE SUITABLE FOR HIgH-RISk INDIvIDUALS Do not share personal 10002 82 Street, Edmonton, viral herbs. Medicinal mush- AwAITINg THEIR TURN FOR THE SHOT. PEOPLE ARRIvINg BEFORE THE 9 A.M. items or drinks. 780-439-5920 for room blends also build up the CLINIC START TIME wERE ABLE TO SIT ON CHAIRS PLACED IN THE LINE AREA. Cough or sneeze into your immune system. homeopathics and natural sleeve rather than your hand. health products Making sense of a complicated issue Dr. Tamara EriksEn, nD viruses.) In response, your H1N1 influenza. That repre- family/social network: How dangerous is the swine body develops antibodies sents roughly a 4.5% chance • work on or around a pig flu? Getting quality, complete against these proteins. It of death among affected indi- farm. In 1918, the H1N1 flu information about the H1N1 takes about three weeks viduals. That is significant, • are a healthcare worker. (“Spanish flu”) caused vaccine is a challenge, and for your body to develop but it’s MUCH lower than hundreds of thousands of often we’re left feeling that theses antibodies. For a time annual incidence of death due You have higher risk of severe deaths all over the world. either the decision was made thereafter, if you encounter a to “regular” seasonal flu! illness and/or complications H1N1 viruses reappeared in for us, or we made a decision virus that contains the specific • As of November 6, from H1N1 infection if you: 1976/77 and caused major half-armed. Here are some vaccine proteins, your body worldwide there have been • are pregnant. outbreaks mainly in those things to consider when recognizes it and swiftly “flags” more than 112,425 confirmed • a pre-existing medical aged 25 or younger over the making your decision. the virus for destruction by cases of H1N1 and approxi- condition that affects your following few years. The your immune system. mately 6000 reported deaths lungs or immune function. 2009 H1N1 virus closely How does a vaccine work? Because the H1N1 “swine (worldwide). continued on page 3 . In general, vaccination works flu” vaccine contains virus • There are around by injecting patients with proteins (but not live viruses) 500,000 deaths (worldwide) a small amount of selected the vaccine itself cannot give attributable to the seasonal flu proteins extracted from a live you the flu. It may make you in any given year. AN ALBERTA virus (or a combination of more susceptible to other People contracting the influenza viruses. “swine flu” tend to be rela- HEALTH SERvICES 2009 swine flu pandemic SIgNBOARD FOR AN CONTENTS tively young and healthy. But To date,* there have been 144 it is important to note that H1N1 vACCINATION Editorial.........................................2 confirmed cases of swine flu in North America nearly all CLINIC INSIDE in the Edmonton area. Even of the reported deaths related COMMONwEALTH News Briefs.................................3 if the incidence of H1N1 to “swine flu” are caused by STADIUM. THE CLINIC goes up ten-fold with the new immune systems that are taxed wAS ONE OF FIvE Business Spotlight...................5 round of outbreaks, you have by the flu virus, resulting in NEw CLINICS ADDED a 0.01% chance of contracting a bacterial infection in their TO AvAILABLE Renewal .........................................6-7 the swine flu. (*Based on Nov. lungs. vACCINATION CLINICS 10/09 data.) IN EDMONTON. The Rat Pack.....................................8 In Alberta, 28 people Individuals particularly at risk (out of 615 comfirmed cases You may be at higher risk Columns.................................10-14 province-wide) have died due of getting H1N1 if you or Buterman Jan to complications following someone in your immediate Community Calendar.............15 RAT CREEk PRESS DECEMBER 2009 • vOLUME 11, ISSUE 12 PHONE 780.479.6285 December is the time to look within wEB www.ratcreek.org MANAgINg EDITOR it, you’ll get sick and get over Jan buterman month is Renewal. Let’s all it doesn’t happen by accident. [email protected] EDITORIAL take a moment to think about You can complain all you like, it. But the person next to you wITH MARI SASANO the things that truly make us but if you’re not trying to make might have a chronic condi- EDITOR mari sasano happy at this time of the year: things better, nothing’s going to tion— don’t be healthy for [email protected] time to see family and friends change. yourself, be healthy for your Welcome to the end of gRAPHIC DESIgN is usually more important than Renewal also means choos- more vulnerable neighbours. leanne mcbean 2009! December often becomes shopping. Why feel guilty about ing good habits over bad. First Extend that idea to other [email protected] the busiest time of the year for not having a things first: parts of your life: if you are ADvERTISINg many families, with social and “perfect” holi- taking care stressed out, you can’t be there family commitments, holidays, day, when we Renewal also of ourselves, for those who might need you sandy mcCubbin and then the inevitable crunch [email protected] all know that it so that we during a crisis. And if you’re the of trying to get everything done doesn’t exist— can give one who needs help, just ask. DISTRIBUTION Canada post means choosing in what amounts to a short not in the way the best of You’d be surprised how much BOARD MEMBERS month. And on top of that, TV commercials who we are. easier it is when you don’t have Jordan batty money’s usually tight. It’s easy say they do, good habits Our cover to deal with everything alone. Patricia Foufas to become overwhelmed by it anyways. Sure, story about Even if it means just talking angie klein all, but here at the Rat Creek it’s great to be over bad H1N1 isn’t about it, having a sympathetic Joanne siebert, Eastwood Press we believe in more sanity, able to cook a about scar- ear and different perspectives Harvey Voogd, Delton rather than less, at this special perfect turkey ing people can help a lot. For the rest of us: lori youngman, Alberta Avenue time of the year. and host dozens of people who about a killer illness. In fact, do try and help those in need: it More board members welcome. How? Our theme this all miraculously get along. But for most people if you do catch feels good! RAT CREEk PRESS ASSOCIATION 2006 recipient of the solicitor General Crime prevention award Box 39024 RPO Norwood Edmonton, Alberta T5B 4T8 Letter to the editor: OUR MISSION The mission of the rat Creek press A couple of months ago I read an article about the old Cromdale Hotel.
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