STATEMENT OF HERITAGE IMPACT Campbells Cove Promenade, The Rocks November 2017 Issue G CAMPBELLS COVE PROMENADE, THE ROCKS ISSUE DESCRIPTION DATE ISSUED BY A Draft for Review 2/01/16 GM B Issued for DA submission 21/12/16 GM C Draft Response to Submissions 28/06/17 GM D Amended Draft 30/06/17 GM E Finalised for Submission 24/07/2017 GL F Update for Submission 21/09/2017 GM G Amended Masterplan for Submission 07/11/2017 GM GBA Heritage Pty Ltd Level 1, 71 York Street Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T: (61) 2 9299 8600 F: (61) 2 9299 8711 E: [email protected] W: www.gbaheritage.com ABN: 56 073 802 730 ACN: 073 802 730 Nominated Architect: Graham Leslie Brooks - NSW Architects Registration 3836 CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 REPORT OVERVIEW 4 1.2 REPORT OBJECTIVES 5 2.0 HISTORICAL SUMMARY 9 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY OF THE LOCALITY AND SITE 9 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 12 3.1 URBAN CONTEXT 12 3.2 VIEWS TO AND FROM THE SITE 12 4.0 ESTABLISHED HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SUBJECT SITE 14 4.1 ESTABLISHED SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ROCKS CONSERVATION AREA 14 4.2 ESTABLISHED SIGNIFICANCE OF CAST IRON GATES & RAILINGS 15 4.3 ESTABLISHED SIGNIFICANCE OF HERITAGE ITEMS IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUBJECT SITE 16 4.4 CURTILAGE ANALYSIS 20 4.5 ARCHAEOLOGICAL POTENTIAL 22 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 23 6.0 ASSESSMENT OF HERITAGE IMPACT 25 6.1 INTRODUCTION 25 6.2 RESPONSE TO SUBMISSIONS 25 6.3 OVERVIEW OF THE POTENTIAL HERITAGE IMPACTS 26 6.4 CONSIDERATION OF THE GUIDELINES OF THE NSW HERITAGE DIVISION 26 6.5 EVALUATION AGAINST THE 2014 CMP POLICIES OF CAMPBELL’S STORES 27 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 29 7.1 CONCLUSIONS 29 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 29 8.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY 31 Campbells Cove Promenade Statement of Heritage Impact November 2017 1.0 • consideration of the objectives and recommendations INTRODUCTION outlined in the Conservation Management Plan for The Campbell’s Stores; • requests further consideration be given to redesigning or relocating the boardwalk to reduce the visual and 1.1 REPORT OVERVIEW heritage impacts to the seawall. This report has been prepared as part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for State Heritage Council of NSW Signifi cant Development (SSD) application number The only applicable comments of note that warrant a SSD 7246, for proposed alteration works to the response refer to the impacts on ‘... the character of Campbells Cove foreshore and promenade. the precinct’, including the Campbells Stores: The Secretary’s Environmental Assessment The grey tones of the paving materials, as well as the Requirements (SEARs) for this project note the design of the seating and light poles, present a hard, following in relation to European heritage: contemporary, urban character that is inappropriate to the aesthetic values of this sensitive heritage precinct. Prepare a heritage impact assessment for the This area, as part of the recommended curtilage for proposed works which includes: Campbell’s Stores, should aim to maintain and enhance the distinctive identity and character of the Precinct, • An assessment of any potential impacts of the including the broader Rocks Conservation area and proposal on all heritage items (state and local) its heritage buildings, by using existing materials and within and in the vicinity of the site (including colours as a point of reference. While the proposed Campbells Stores and the ASN co building), and infl ections in the paving respond to the fi ne grain of any conservation areas; the Precinct, a warmer tone should be applied to better • An assessment of any aboriginal and non- complement the area. aboriginal archaeological impacts, including any impacts on the overall archaeology of the rocks; It is noted that the proposed stairway adjacent • Detailed mitigation measures to offset potential to Campbell’s Stores is a contemporary insertion impacts on heritage values; and replacing the current stairs (which are identifi ed • An assessment of the visual impacts on the as intrusive in the CMP). However, its colours and historic streetscape of Hickson road and the materials should similarly be modifi ed to refl ect the Sydney opera house buffer zone. materials and colours of the Precinct. The scope of this report does not include archaeological The Heritage Council Response also makes reference assessment, which is carried out by others. The report to the proposal regarding the cast iron railings, evaluates the proposed development, designed by the boardwalk and seawall, as above for the DPE Context Landscape Architects. response. This report has been updated to comment on Response Further applicable recommendations include: to Submissions from a number of government agencies, with the following pertaining to heritage The HIS should also advise whether the works impact and as summarised. will require a referral to the federal Department of Environment under the Environmental Protection Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) Biodiversity and Conversation Act, 1999. The main matters for consideration: A Heritage Interpretation Strategy should be prepared • a detailed consideration of the proposed design by a suitably qualifi ed and experienced interpretive particularly with regards to providing a more sympathetic specialist. The strategy should address the history relationship with the existing materials and colours of and signifi cance of the site and be integrated into the the precinct; development of the detailed design for Campbell’s • a Conservation Schedule of Works outlining the Stores project. methodology for the proposed relocation of the cast iron gates and railings; Campbells Cove Promenade 4 Statement of Heritage Impact November 2017 The City of Sydney 1.2 REPORT OBJECTIVES The extracts regarding impacts: The main objective of this Statement of Heritage Paving Impact is to determine the suitability of the design The City recommends that consideration be given and the heritage impact of the proposal in relation to simplifying the design to better unify the space. to the provisions established by the NSW Offi ce Consideration should also be given to replacing the concrete boardwalk with timber to unify the edge of the of Environment and Heritage, Heritage Division cove. guidelines, and the policies of a relevant CMP to an adjacent property. The report will also address the Granite materials concerns of the DPE, the Heritage Council of NSW ....while the City considers it acceptable to have a and the City of Sydney, summarised above from the predominantly granite fi nish around Circular Quay, Response to Submissions. infl ections in the paving of a different colour/texture, should be used to highlight special moments around the Quay, such as this location. Customs House 1.3 METHODOLOGY AND STRUCTURE Square is an example of where infl ections in the standard city palette have been used to refl ect the This Statement of Heritage Impact has been prepared special nature of the place. It is recommended that infl ections at Campbell’s Cove could be of a warmer in accordance with guidelines outlined in the Australia tone to complement the sandstone heritage buildings. ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Signifi cance, 2013, known as The Burra Charter, and the New South Shoreline interpretation Wales Heritage Offi ce (now the Heritage Division of the While the proposed shoreline interpretation is legible NSW Offi ce of Environment and Heritage) publication, when drawn in plan, the City is concerned that it will NSW Heritage Manual. not be very legible as a built element given that only a small portion of it exists in in the open public domain The Burra Charter provides defi nitions for terms used area. in heritage conservation and proposes conservation processes and principles for the conservation of an It is recommended that the interpretive shoreline item. The terminology used, particularly the words paving detail should be deleted and replaced with place, cultural signifi cance, fabric , and conservation, bronze inlays, as currently exists in Circular Quay East. is as defi ned in Article 1 of The Burra Charter. The Levels NSW Heritage Manual explains and promotes the The proposal to lower the plaza level in front of standardisation of heritage investigation, assessment Campbell’s Stores by 490mm should be treated with and management practices in NSW. caution, as it creates additional risks in the context of future sea level rise. 1.4 SITE IDENTIFICATION As above for the DPE response, the City of Sydney Response also expresses concern to the proposal The subject site at the Campbells Cove foreshore, is regarding the cast iron railings, the boardwalk and located in the area bounded by: seawall. • The Circular Quay West round-about to the south, adjacent to the Overseas Passenger Terminal The revised design for the project has addressed (OPT) some of these issues by: • The forecourt of the Campbells Stores to the west • The Park Hyatt to the north. • Not proceeding with the proposed relocation of the heritage listed gates, posts and railings; and • Not procedding with an extended boardwalk over 1.5 HERITAGE MANAGEMENT the sandstone seawall. FRAMEWORK A further review of the amended design concludes that, The area of the subject site at Campbells Cove, The subject to the recommended mitigation measures, the Rocks is not listed as an item of heritage signifi cance proposal will have an acceptable heritage impact. in any statutory instrument. However, it is located in The Rocks Conservation Area, listed as a conservation area of State signifi cance under the Heritage Act, s.170 of the NSW State agency heritage register of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA, now Government Property NSW). Campbells Cove Promenade 5 Statement of Heritage Impact November 2017 N N Park Campbells Cove Hyatt Mining Museum Hickson Campbell’s Road Stores Promenade George Metcalfe Street Bond Stores ASN CO Overseas Building Passenger Terminal Figure 1.1 Location map showing the subject site marked with a red circle Source: Street-Directory.com The subject site of Campbells Cove contains cast iron railings and gates, located on the foreshore that are listed as items of heritage signifi cance under the Heritage Act, s.170 of a NSW State agency register of Figure 1.2 SHFA, as well as on the State Heritage Register.
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