&very Cornellian's Taper CORNELL ALUMNI NEW In the News this Week: Undergraduates Plan Cornell Day Entertainment as Sixteen Clubs Announce Com- mittee Chairmen. Rowing Schedule Announced as Crews Take to Water for Sixteenth Season Since First Victory at Saratoga. Polo Team to Enter New York Indoor Intercollegiates — Women Play to Crowded Gallery. Faculty Disapproves Athletics Tax but Favors University Control. First Unified Summer Session Under New Plan Offers Innovations. Dean Richt- myer Ό4 Describes Ideals of University. Volume 37 fe-ivfpa] Number -n. March 21, 1935 PROFESSIONAL New Books by DIRECTORY OF CORNELL ALUMNI A. W. Smith '78 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT (Formerly Dean of Sibley College and one time Acting President of the University) THE BALLOU PRESS Ezra Cornell - - - $2.75 Printers to Lawyers CHAS. A. BALLOU, JR., »21 A story of his life from boyhood to the founding of the 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 8785 University and its early development DONALD MACDONALDJNC Poems REAL ESTATE LEASES MANAGEMENT BROKERAGE These reflect the spirit of the man you love so well D. S. MACDONALD, '26, Prβs. J. D. MACDONALD, *24, Sec. 640 Madison Avβ. ELdorado 5-6677 Morgan's Cornell Calendar $1.55 WALTER S. WING '07, GenΊ Sales Mgr. CORNELL CO-OP. SOCIETY BARNES HALL ITHACA, N.Y. 60 East 42nd Street, New York City BALTIMORE, MD. WHITMAN, REQUARDT * SMITH Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Plans, and General Consulting Practice. EZRA B. WHITMAN, CE. Ό1 G. J. REQUARDT, C.E. *09 One Special Friend. B. L SMITH, CE. Ί4 West Biddle Street at Charles will thank you, now, for bringing the Alumni News to his attention. It needn't cost you anything. The next KENOSHA,WIS. time you write to that particular friend of college days, just say, as so many others are doing, "Have you seen the Alumni News lately?" MACWHYTE COMPANY Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire • Or send us his name and address and we'll mail him a Rope Slings, Tie Rods, Strand and Cord for Aircraft. sample copy, telling him it comes at your suggestion. Literature furnished on request • Better yet, of course, ask us to enter him as a sub- JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3, VICE-PRESIDENT scriber and send you the bill. It costs only four dollars R. B. WHYTE, M.E. *13, GEN. SUPT. a year. He'll thank you for your thoughtfulness each week as he reads the news of Cornell. Your request on WASHINGTON, D. C. a postcard will do. Dr. Henry P. deForest, secretary of THEODORE K. BRYANT the Class of '84, writes us: "At the LLB. 97—LL.M. '98 Cornell Club of New York, of which Master Patent Law, G.W.U. Ό8 I am the librarian, the Alumni News Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively has been much more in demand dur- ing the past few months than for 309-314 Victor Building some years past." Mention us in your letters and write 1715 G Street, N. W. Y2 block west State War and Navy Bldg. The Cornell Alumni News BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON & DINNER Box 105 Ithaca, N.Y. RUTH CLEVES JUSTUS *16 Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July August, and September. ELL ALU VOL. XXXVII, NO. Z2. ITHACA, NEW YORK, MARCH XI, I935 PRICE 15 CENTS TO HUNT ANCESTORS perhaps a million years, as the rocks FACULTY DISLIKES TAX Seek Fossil Remains now exposed in the ravines and gorges at the head of Cayuga Lake. When the Will Support Athletics Within a month a party of students Ithaca rocks are traced toward the south The University Faculty on March 13 of the Department of Geology will set and especially toward the east, they be- head the report of its own committee on out to hunt in the hills east of Ithaca the come red and green, and it is here that the athletic situation, headed by Profes- fossil remains of the earliest land-living probably are lurking the ancestors of sor Frederick G. Marcham, and did not vertebrate animals. They will be led by Paramphibius." favor the proposed compulsory tax for Dr. Kenneth E. Caster 'x^, and the trip In this region the Cornell party, after which 1,517 students voted in the poll will furnish field experience for the mem- visiting the scene of Dr. Willard's dis- conducted by the Student Council, as re- bers of his class in historic geology. If covery, will search for signs of the early ported in the ALUMNI NEWS last week. successful, its results will be of inestim- ancestor of man and beast. The Pennsyl- It is expected that this committee will able value to science. vania tracks were wide and sprawling, represent the Faculty at future meetings 'The recent discovery near Susquehanna, with a groove between where presum- of the Trustees' committee, the next of Pa. by Dr. Bradford Willard of the foot- ably a heavy tail was dragged. The prints which is scheduled for March ±9. prints of a previously unknown animal of the hind feet show normal toes, but Dean Cornelius Betten of the Univer- which lived three to four hundred mil- those of the fore feet show delicate rays sity Faculty issued the following state- lion years ago leads to the supposition such as might have been made by fins. ment after the meeting: that in older rocks not only the foot- Dr. Caster has asked nature lovers and "At the meeting of the University prints but even the fossil remains of an amateur fossil hunters of the region to Faculty held on Wednesday afternoon, earlier fish-like ancestor will be found. communicate with him if they find any the special committee which is repre- Because of the greater age of the rocks similar imprints. senting the Faculty in the study now east and south of Cayuga Lake, Dr. being made of the Athletic situation, Caster says there is no area known on GIVE FOUR MORE PLAYS presented a report of its own tentative earth where the search for this missing The Dramatic Club presented four conclusions for the purpose of drawing ancestor of man and beast could be under- original plays Saturday night in the out Faculty opinion. taken with more basis for success than University Theatre.'' Through the Door'' "The Faculty declared its opinion in in the area from Ithaca to Norwich and by Deane Dunloy was coached by Betty general terms, showing clearly its pur- south to the Pennsylvania line. Stout '35 of Auburn. Lewraine T. Magee pose to support both intercollegiate and "All living quadrupeds," says Dr. '36 of York, Pa., who will be remembered intramural athletics. It also indicated a Caster, "developed from Paramphibius, for her performance in'' Clear All Wires,'' determination to bring these activities as Dr. Willard called the animal whose did well in a poor spot as the neglected more definitely under University control footprints he found. Until recently, how- wife, as did Stanley D. Metzger '36 of than heretofore. ever, no one dreamed that this ancestor New York City as her lover. The majority opinion seemed to favor of all of us had lived much before the age "Written in the Stars" by Annette R. bringing intercollegiate athletics to a of coal. The footprints in Pennsylvania Baker '35 of Hudson gave opportunity self-supporting basis. The proposed com- were made at least a million years before for an outstanding performance by Eva pulsory tax on students met with no the age of coal began. Wolas '36 of New York City, as a hard- favor as a means to that end. The existing '' From these footprints it is suggested boiled stenographer to a movie mogul committee was continued for the purpose that Paramphibius still retained fin-like who was inspired to bigger and better of representing in the future discussions fore feet while its hind feet had developed pictures without ballyhoo and stars. The the general points of view expressed." toes rather similar to those of newts and play was coached by Laura B. Maughan salamanders. If true, the animal comes '35 of Etna. WHILE THE REST of the University closest to being the 'missing link' be- The idealistic artist in '' Aprons with- community votes and hears reports on the tween fishes and land-living vertebrates out Strings" by Ruth Beck, directed by situation of athletics, fifty or more em- of any fossil yet found. However, from Marie A. Prole '36 of Batavia, was well ployees have organized their own Uni- the fact that the hind feet are not as done by Andrew C. Hartnett '38 of El- versity Employees' Athletic Club, with simple as those of the very earliest land- mira. The lines were good and the cast Edgar A. Whiting '2.9, manager at crawling animal would have been, it is did admirably. Willard Straight, as president. The reasonable to suppose that still older But "Co-ed" by Violet J. Brown '35 initiation fee of $1 and annual dues of rocks may disclose fossils of an even more of Brooklyn, co-winner of this year's $2., payable in installments, make the ancient, more fish-like ancestor. Heermans' Prize, was a grand play. Nine organization self-supporting and competi- "While the muds and sands and ooze co-eds in a women's dormitory, in various ' tion is keen now in basketball, Willard in the inland sea which covered the stages of undress, are bull-sessioning Straight having recently defeated College Ithaca region were being transformed when in walks a man, played by John A.
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