Georgetown Law Weekly The Student Newspaper of Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. “Uninhibited, robust, and wide-open” VOLUME 40 MONDAY, SEPT. 15 TO FRIDAY, SEPT. 19, 2003 NUMBER 2 Premiums Law Center, nation remember 9/11 by Lan Hoang skyrocket Guest Writer On Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists for married hijacked four U.S. planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and rural couples with Pennsylvania, killing more than 3,000 people. Behind the staggering number of deaths are the individu- children als, each of whom left behind fami- by Feras Gadamsi, 1L ly, friends and co-workers who feel Law Weekly this national tragedy on a personal level. A dramatic increase in premiums Last Thursday, on campus, highlighted the Georgetown throughout the country, and University's student health insurance around the world, many people plan for the 2003-04 academic year remembered, reflected and unveiled in July. mourned the loss of friends, co- The plan, provided by MEGA workers and loved ones. Campus Photo courtesy msnbc.com Life and Health Insurance Company, Ministry held a gathering in the Police officers from the UK lined up in a show of solidarity with their US counter- increased nearly 30 percent for single campus ministry office for individ- parts at the World Trade Center pit during the memorial service on Sept. 11. students, married students, and sin- ual prayer, spiritual comfort and students were invited to go to the ones in the intimacy of small rooms gle parent families. A more than 100 reflection followed by an interfaith Chapel or Moot Court room to and churches. For the second percent increase was administered mass in St. Thomas More Chapel. pray, reflect, and write down anniversary, even President Bush's for married couples with children, This year's comemorations took thoughts in a book of reflection. schedule was low key - attending with an annual rate for insurance set on a different air from last year's The major events at the Law Center an early morning prayer service at at $8,920. large-scale events. Last year the took place in the afternoon with a St. John's Episcopal Church and a Every full-time student at every Law Center's recognition and tree-planting ceremony and inter- gathering of his staffers on the Georgetown campus must have reflection on the tragedies began at faith service, concluding with an White House South Lawn to health insurance, although the school 8:46 a.m. when those on campus Interfaith Service that was held on observe a moment of silence at 8:46 plan is not required to fulfill the obli- paused and participated in the the 12th floor of Gewirz. a.m., the time the first plane hit the gation. National Moment of Silence. This year family, friends and Following the moment of silence See 9/11, page 5 See INSURANCE, page 5 co-workers remembered their loved Club Fair introduces GULC students SBA will to range of extracurricular activities look at by Matt Dalton, 2L Law Weekly raising the Students converged on the Quad last Wednesday afternoon for the Law Center Club Fair, sponsored by grade curve the Office of Student Affairs. The by Mark Leighton, 3L Office of Student Affairs coordinates Law Weekly the activities of the student organi- zations at the Law Center, which The Student Bar Association met include a wide range of academic, last Monday night and agreed to political, ethnic, religious, communi- look at the possibility of raising the ty service, and artistic interests. It grade curve. While the student sponsors the fair to allow students to group does not have authority over meet with representatives of over 60 the curve, they could bring the pro- such student organizations, and to posal to the administration to con- sign up or ask questions about sider. Photo by Matt Dalton, 2L organizations that interest them. Any aces up those sleeves? Bridge Club members engaged in their favorite SBA President Nathan The event was well-attended, past time last Wednesday at the Club Fair on the quad. Headrick, 3L, noted that the median with students at nearly every booth “[The] turnout was great. We had said Katy Allen, 2L, a member of the of the curve currently sits on the speaking with representatives of the lots of people, from all years at the American Constitution Society for grade of a B. The general guidelines clubs, mingling and eating jalapeno law center, stop by to ask questions Law and Policy (ACS). “I think the are: 25% of a class will receive an A poppers, chips and salsa, and popsi- and sign up to receive more infor- or A-; 25% will receive a B+; 30% cles while sipping on fruit punch. mation about our organization,” See CLUB FAIR, page 4 See SBA, page 4 Admissions office compiles Shakespeare in Hollywood Got advice if you want it best incoming class ever shines in local theatre page 14 page 6 page 11 PAGE 2 GEORGETOWN LAW WEEKLY NEWSNEWS MONDAY, SEPT. 15 TO FRIDAY, SEPT. 19, 2003 BriefsBriefsBriefsBrie fsBriefsBriefs!BriefsBr October Interview Program Rule of Law in the Americas Smaller and medium size firms as The inaugural event of the newly well as government agencies and pub- named “Center for the Advancement lic interest organizations will inter- of the Rule of Law in the Americas” view Georgetown students for sum- (CAROLA) will be held in the 12th mer and permanent positions. The floor of Gewirz on Wednesday, Sept. bidding deadline is Sept. 26 and the 17 at 3:30 p.m. Linn Hammergren, a program takes place Oct. 7 - 10. Public Sector Specialist at the World Bank, will lecture on the Rule of Law Reform in Latin America, joined by commentator Christina Biebesheimer Public Interest Career Fair of the Inter-American Development Resume collection for this gather- Bank. ing of public interest and government employers will take place all week in OPICS. Fair information, a list of employers and a schedule of panels is Are you older and wiser? available at the EJW website at O.W.L.S. (Older and Wiser www.equaljusticeworks.org. Students) - mix and mingle with fel- low students who are 26 and older on Tuesday, Sept. 16 at 7:45 p.m. in the Gewirz TV lounge. Food and drinks Externship Applications will be provided. Interested in applying for an externship for the Spring Semester? Externships are two credits and are graded pass/fail, using up two of your University of Arizona six pass/fail credits. Applications are Government Honors Program due at the Office of the Registrar on Handbook Available Online Friday, Sept. 26 at 5 p.m. The applica- tion and additional information are The best source for information on over 60 agencies which federal and available from Professor Michael Crossword solution on page 5 Frisch, the Program Coordinator, or state internships is now available the Office of the Registrar. online. E-mail OPICS at [email protected] to request a password to access the site. Remember to put “University of Arizona” in the subject line. GULC Republicans Georgetown Student Animal See the Supreme Court Join us for our first meeting of the Legal Defense Fund A limited number of reserved year on Wednesday, Sep. 17 at 4:30pm The kick-off meeting is Thursday, seats are available for the October in Room 109. Pizza will be provided! Sept. 18 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in Room E-mail us with questions at republist- 109. Drinks and snacks will be served. term. Sign up in the office of Student Women’s Law and Public Affairs, Room 170. [email protected]. Think occasionally of the suffering of Policy Program - Celebrating which you spare yourself the sight. 20 years The Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program is celebrat- Mass Schedule ing 20 years of enabling talented and Work up a Sweat at the The Catholic Forum Sunday Mass will be celebrated in committed women's rights advocates Fitness Center The Catholic Forum is a group for the Chapel at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Daily to work in the nation's capital with New to weight training or do you all students interested in Catholicism masses will continued to be held daily organizations involved in legal and want to learn how to use our equip- to discuss Catholic faith and beliefs at 12:15 p.m. and Mondays and policy issues affecting women. We ment? The Fitness Center offers and how to act as a Catholic Lawyer. Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in the Chapel. invite you to join us as we commemo- weight training classes on a regular Join our e-mail list by writing to rate the Program's achievements and basis. Our next workshop will be [email protected] or honor Botswana High Court Justice Wed., Sept. 17 at 4 p.m. Sign up in the visit our table at the Club Fair on Sept. Unity Dow and U.S. Supreme Court Fitness Center. 10. Join us for refreshments at our first Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the The main campus intramural cal- Student Tickets Available meeting on Sept. 16 at 12:15 p.m. in evening of Thursday, Sept. 25. For endar has been posted in the Fitness at Office of Student Affairs Room 154 as we discuss our plans for information on purchasing tickets, Center. Sign up now for early bird bas- the year and consider additional ideas Tickets to see the Baltimore please contact the Fellowship Program ketball, volleyball and flag football.
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