jummm Slw Colontn Cmtri^r VOL37 COLOMA, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931 NO. 18 WATERVLKT VICTOR LEGION AND AUU COMMUNITY WELEARE RED CROSS ROLL CALL EVERY VOTER MUST OLD FOOTBALL TEAMS IN tNNIML CLASSIC MET IN DISTRICT WORK IS OUTLINED SEEKS YOUR SUPPORT REGISTER NEXT YEAR TO PLAY FOR WELFARE Mrs. ( lias. Smith and Mrs. C. L. Residents of Milages Must lie En- Defeated Coloma Squ*d by 13 to 0 200 Members and Guests Attended Parent-Teariier s.VisoriatJon Will Again 1020. which was undefeated. Among Coloma's Championship Team* 1925 Ihe boys who will come home from Fourth Distrirt Meeting In Coloma Have Charge of DlHtribulion of Newton Are Committee Women For rolled in Both llieir Town and Score—C'atiaopolls Plays at Coloma school to participate in this Thanks- And 1929 Will Put on Charily (iame Coloma Township Their Township. New Law Provides giving Day game are Captain Charles Friday of Thin Week I-aM Snnday When a Fine Program Supplies. On Hiankagiving Day. Coach Rob- Baker from the University of Michi- This Is the year to tell the story of Ann Arlsir. Mich.. Nov. 17—With (By Prancewwe Belter) Was Given The community welfare work in Co- gan; David Friday from the Michigan every election precinct. In Michigan The Watervllet high school football loma township will again this year be fifty years of service to humanity on erf Wright Will Come to Have Slate College; Carl Johnson from A real old-fashioned reunion of the the part of the American Red Cross. providing a new system for registra- team, with a atreak of gooii luck on arrled on through the Parent-Teach- Northweslern University; and Burson Fourth District of the American I^-- On the lips of a quarter of a million tion of voters, the state is provided Charge of His 1925 Team Friday, November 13th. defeated Colo- ers Association, whose members will Sink from the Western State Teachers glon and the American Legion Auxil- roll call workers. It stirs the very- with an excellent example of the cost- ma hlRh. their rival for many years, work In conjunction with Supervisor College: others who will have a share iary was held at the school house In heart and soul of the nation. The liness and nuisance of Itelng a village, rnlvendty football teams are not by a score of 13 to 0. Odoma has Baker in providing clothing and other I In the work of the 11»20 team will In- Coloma, Sunday. Novemlier 15, 1»31. drive for the renewal of old memlters according to Clarence V. Smazel. of been victorious In most of the con- necessities for the needy families. the only ones that will play for the clude Fritz Velek. Leland Lorenz, Over 200 members and guests attend- and the enrollment of new members the Michigan Municipal League staff. tests for several years and It wag time A committee consisting of Mesdames sake of "sweet charity" tills fall, for Kenneth Miller. George McKee, Geo. ed the gathering, which is reported to started on Armistice day and will l>e "Not only will two registration sys- that Watervllet won its slut re of the A. W. Baker, J. Oelsler. CJeorge Paul the old football players of Coloma Breldlnger. Webrando Pantaleo, Mortla have been one of Ihe largest and best carried on until Thanksgiving day. tems have to lie provided for each vil- victories, and Coloma's record Is now and A. C. Stark will have charge of have realized that they, too. can do Williams. Arthur Henke and George that has ever Ix-en held, and the local We think of the Red Cross flag as lage voter—one for village elections, the distribution. Anyone having cloth- something to help the welfare work in Muth. shattered. |M»stK were complimented by Past flying from a mast altove the swirling and one for township and general The score seems to be the only un- ing. shoes or other wearing apparel Coloma. As a result of arrangements The 1020 team will be clad In the Commander ('. V. Spawr of Benton waters of the Johnstown flood, as car- elections—hut each voter residing in lucky thing for Coloma on Friday, which can be used Is asked to get In which have been completed, there will colors of the C. H. S.. wearing the liarlMtr for the suit-ess of the event. rying relief to the sufferers from Ihe 14 village will have to go to the trouble the 13th. for the weather was Brand touch with some member of the com- be a big welfare game in Coloma on green and gold suits; matched against A very fine banquet was served at midwest tornado and the Florida hur- of re-registerlng twice." Mr. Smazel and the fan turnout was more than a mittee, who will coll for the articles, Thanksgiving Day. them will be the nd and white suits 12:30 at tables prettily decorated In or packages may Ite left at the school ricane: the remarkable work that was points out.. success, and was appreciated by both Roliert Wright, who had charge of which were the colors of the 1925 a red. white and blue. Wakeman Uyno. house. Superintendent Alwood Is co- done during the Spanish American "The cost of a township registra- team: t(ie snlts for the lt>25 boys will nchotda. Even Martin Builwuse, •• the coaching at the Coloma high the commander of the Coloma Post Amerl- operatlnK in the movement and has ar- and the World Wars: the earthquake tion system will range from pert laps graduate of the class of 1»31 of school for four years, and In 1025 put lie furnished by the Watervllet high to ean Legion, extended greetings to ranged for a sewing room and supplies In Japan: the relief work done during $."» to about $2,000. depending upon the Coloma schools, traveled 40 miles out a team that was undefeated. Is school which defeated the Coloma boys the visitors and Introduced H. C. War- in one side of the Boy Scout room. the Mississippi flood; the providing population of the township and the see the game. coming to Coloma early next week to last Friday. Which will It lie?—the rlner as toast master. Honored guests There will he a day set aside for sew- of food, clothing and medicine at var- ty|»e of system installed. Permanent Watervllet's school band, In clever get the players who were on the 1J>25 green and gold, or the red and white? who extended greetings were State ing In the near future. ious times In ease of lire, earthquake registration systems, the most expen- uniforms, pranced out on the gridiron team lined up and put them through Vice Commander L. (T. Robinson of All who can and will help In this and many other emergencies. sive type but the only system that EnthuKiasm is RiHuung High before the game and during the halyen. stiff practice for the big game. i'nlon City; Mr. Cone of Sturgls, sec- movement should reiiort to some mein- But there Is more to Ihe lied Cross gives assurance of the proper and ef- This afforded a big attraction and one Wright's team will lie opposed by ond vice commander of the fourth dis- her of the committee now, so that they story. In one year the Bed Cross ficient c mliict of elections In populous Final arrangements for the gamo would think he was attending a big Coach McDnnlel's team of 1020 which were completed Wednesday morning trict: District Commander Carl Sch- may Ite ready to help those who need awarded 72.004 certificates in lir-^t aid: eomnnmltles. should lie installed In all university game. Nothing was too won the Berrien county championship rumpf of Nlles; Past National Chap- assistance. There have already been 00.475 in life saving: they answered townships containing major villages. and already the interest in the wel- elaborate for these teams, and even in Class C in P.»20. lain Mrs. Minerva Olsen of St. Joseph, alls for children's clothing, so it you to 8,000 drownings and 100.000 acci- It has lieen estimated that the cost of fare battle is running at high pitch. the goal posts were decorated with the The Pa rent-Teachers Association and and Mr. and Mrs. (Seorge Dorman of have anything to offer. CALL UP TO- dents annually: within twelve months. installing this type of syystem will Im Members of the 1025 team include colors of the two schools. In the tlrst Battle Creek. Mr. Dorman Is super- Red Cross public health nurses madt about 20 cents |»er voter in the voting Claude Pangliorn. who at present is a members of the American Legion are quarter the ball was In Watervllet's DAY. intendent of the American Legion hos- 1.342.145 visits to patients: 21.70S to units of .j.ooo and less popululion. star player at Olivet College; "Dutch" taking an active part in the prepara- territory throughout. According to the pital at Camp Custer and s|M)ke on the schools, ami ministered to the sick, dis- "Each city, village and township Zlelkie. a member of the Western State tions for the game which promises to plays It was a punting game back and splendid work being done by hospital- closed remedial defects in children, must lie prepared to re-register all elec- Teachers College tenia at Kalamazoo; be one of the most Interesting ever forth by Williams and Kedzlor; Colo- ization. He stated that there U still maintained valiant partnership with tors before next May 1.
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