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GLENMOOR VICAR'S LANDING 235 Towerview Drive 1000 Vicar 's Landing Way St. Augustine, Florida Pont e Vedra Beach, Florida ~ 800-471-2335 • 904-940-4800 800-288-8810 • 904-285-6000 OPPORTUN1TY THE United by Christ On the consecration of a new bishop LIVING in the Episcopal Church, the Presiding Bishop says these words to the bishop­ elect: "You are called to guard the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church." CHURCH Priests pledge themselves to a similar responsibility: "Will you undertake to be THIS ISSUE I March 13, 2011 a faithful pastor to all whom you are called to serve, laboring together with NEWS them and with your fellow ministers to 4 Parishes, Dioceses Reach build up the family of God?" Amicable Settlements The primary theme of this Parish Administration Issue is the role of Chris­ FEATURES tian leaders in preserving the Church's unity - not unity for its own sake, or as 10 OUR UNITY IN CHRIST series hiding from conflict, but as faithfulness An Ardent Longing to our identity as redeemed in Christ. BY CHRISTOPHER WELLS 22 ANGLICAN FACES James Theodore Holly: First Bishop of Haiti BY RICHARD J. MAMMANA, JR. 33 Find Your Parish's Calling and Empower Your People BY DONALD V. ROMANIK BOOKS 13 Baptized into What? One Baptism BY MARY TANNER More Books 15 The Beauty of the Eucharist; We Have Seen His Glory; Lift High the Cross; Making the Sign of the Cross; The Cast of the Kingdom; Kingdom Encounters CATHOLIC VOICES 29 Signs of Hope for Egyptian Christians BY KHALED ANATOLIOS OTHER DEPARTMENTS 27 Cultures 35 People & Places 36 Sunday's Readings The Living Church is published by the Living Church Foundation. Our historic mission in the PARISH Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion is to support and promote the Catholic and ADM IN ITRATION evangelical faith of the one Church, to the end of visible Christian unity throughout the world. ISSUE March 13, 2011 • THE LIVING CHURCH 3 NEWS March 13, 2011 Parishes,Dioceses Reach Amicable Settlements Four congregations have reached cell, Bishop of New Jersey, and St. metta, the Standing Committee and I amicable property aIT"angementswith George's Church, Helmetta. Bishop are clear that we acted in the best three different dioceses in recent Councell and the diocese's standing interests of the Diocese of New Jer­ weeks. For three of the congregations, committee agreed to sell the prop ­ sey," Bishop Councell said in the arrangements await approval by erty to St. George's, which will remain announcing the agreement in late courts and would mean they are freed a congregation of the Convocation of December . "We are satisfied that this from continuing litigation. Anglicans in North America and the agreement is the right sett lement for The most generous agreement Anglican Church in North America. this particular circwnstance and we involved the Rt. Rev. George E. Coun- "In the matter of St. George's, Hel- wish our brothers and sisters well." "Bishop Councell asked that they continue to try to negotiate a resolu ­ East Tennessee Elects Florida Rector as Bishop tion to the use and ownership by the The Diocese of East orders. The two orders were divided new Anglican paris h," attorney Ray­ Tennessee has elected in their voting for the first few bal­ mond Dague wrote in explaining the the Rev. George Young lots . agreement, which he helped negoti­ III, 55, as its fourth Hunt ran first among clergy on the ate . "St. George's took no legal action bishop. Young, rector first two ballots, and her support against the diocese to challenge this of St. Peter's Church, began fading on the third ballot. in court. But the diocese likewise did Fernandina Beach , Young Devall ran first among laity on the not go to court. The bishop and the Fla., since 1997, was elected on the first four ballots, tying with Young diocese continued to talk and nego­ eighth ballot Feb. 12. on the third ballot. His support tiate with the parish ." Other nominees in the election began weakening on the sixth ballot. In another case, St. Philip's Church, were: No nominee won two -thirds sup ­ Moon Township, will buy property • The Rev. Frank B. Crumbaugh port in either order unt il the final from the Diocese of Pittsburg h and III, 57, rector, Holy Innocents' ba llot. On that ba llot, Young sur ­ sever its ties with the AGNA for at Church, Beach Haven, N.J. passed the required majority among least five years. • The Rev. Frederick D. Devall IV, clergy by three votes and among In the same diocese, Somerset 41, rector, St. Martin's Church, laity by 12 votes. Anglican Fellowship will surrender Metairie , La. "I thank you for the trust and faith leased property and some liturgical • The Rev. Lisa W. Hunt, 51, rec ­ you place in me and in this great artifacts to the Episcopal diocese but tor, St. Stephen's Church, Houston, office," Young wrote to the diocese will stay affiliated with the AGNA. Texas . after the election. "We have all been "We have some princip les to • The Rev. Joseph R. Parrish, 69, anticipating the future with great upho ld, but we don't want to be rector , St. John's Church, Elizabeth, thanksgiving, and I look forward cruel," said the Rt. Rev. Kenneth L. N.J. Parrish joined the slate as a with such great hopefulness to us Price Jr., Bishop of Pittsburgh, in an nominee by petition in January. building up the Body of Christ interview with THE LIVINGCHURCH. Diocesan canons require a two ­ together in East Tennessee for Price said the diocese consulted with thirds majority in the clergy and lay many, many years." David Booth Beers, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's chancel­ lor, throughout the negot iations. East Tennessee The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Ballot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 led by Archbishop Robert Duncan of L = Laity; C = Clergy L C L C L C L C L C L C L C L C the AGNA, objected strongly to both Needed to Elect 95 56 of those settlements. It characterized the St. Philip's settlement as raising Crumbaugh 22 6 8 3 2 0 issues of church -state separation Devall 46 23 54 27 57 30 63 30 65 29 57 25 45 19 31 15 Hunt 28 33 29 31 26 28 17 21 6 14 6 12 5 11 4 9 because of the stipulation that the Parrish 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 parish must break its previous ties. Young 43 25 50 27 57 30 62 37 70 44 79 49 92 54 107 59 Bishop Duncan issued a godly 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • March 13, ·2011 Visit livingchurch.org for daily reports of news about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Commun ion. direc;tive that requires his clergy to current legal situation, and look for­ spend another third of a million dol­ consult with the Anglican diocese ward to working energetically for our lars and another 18-20months in new before engaging in any discussions ongoing Christian mission together litigation with a dubious chance of with the Episcopal diocese. free from the burdens, distractions success when any Fairfax decision is In the Diocese of Virginia, Church and costs of continued litigation. This sure to be appealed to that same of Our Saviour, Oatlands, will lease frees us to put all our efforts into Supreme Court of Virginia." property from the diocese for five God's work," the Rev. Elijah White, Douglas LeBlanc years and will not affiliate with the rector since 1977, wrote to his con­ Anglican DistJ.ictof Virginia, CANAor gregation. theACNA. "Loudoun County appraises our "It is truly heartening for us to property at $314,500.We have already S.C. DioceseRevises come to an agreement," said the Rt. spent some $400,000in our own legal its Constitution Rev. Shannon S. Johnston, Bishop of defense and contributions to our joint Virginia."This settlement ensures that efforts with ADV-CANA. Given an The Diocese of South Carolina's the legacy entrusted to the Episcopal unfavorable decision by the Supreme 220th convention has revised six Church continues, while providing a Court of Virginia last June, and their articles of its constitution, distanc­ clear way forward for the Oatlands sending our cases back to the Fairfax ing itself from canon-law revisions congregation." County Circuit Court to be retried approved by General Convention in "I am not glad about this, but I individually under a different set of 2009. heartily endorse these decisions, have legal standards and criteria, our alter­ The revisions met the required spoken out in favor of them as the natives were either to negotiate the two-thirds majority for a second best arrangement obtainable in our best settlement we could now or to (Continued on next page) ECF provides the tools congregati ons need to succeed.
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