UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (iongrcssional1Rccord d PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 92 CONGRESS FIRST SESSION VOLUME 117-PART 15 JUNE 10, 1971, TO JUNE 16, 1971 (PAGES 19109 TO 20408) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, 1971 June 16, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 20175 was proud, proud of this young man and needed change and stlll avoid needless yield to the Senator from West Virginia of our educational system which has violence. "ith the understanding that the time Fellow graduates, our society is in need of taught him to think so soundly and many changes and it is up to each of us to not be counted against my time. brilliantly on his own. effect those changes, but may I urge you to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. President, I also am proud to ask resort, not to violence, but to the peaceful objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the remarks of processes outllned in our United States Con­ UNANIMOUS-CONSENT AGREEMENT William D. Woods, a young Arizonan, stitution. I challenge you to verify the truth Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ shall be printed in the RECORD. in Abraham IJncoln's statement: "The ballot is stronger than the bullet." dent, I ask unanimous consent that time There being no objection, the remarks on amendment No. 149, offered by the were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, Senator from New York (Mr. BUCKLEY) as follows: CONCLUSION OF MORNING be limited to 1 hour rather than the 3 GRADUATION SPEECH BUSINESS hours previously ordered, the time to be (By William D. Woods, valedictorian of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ equally divided between the mover of Washington High Sc.hool, PhoeniX, June the amendment and the manager of the 3, 1971) pore. Is there further morning business? bill. If not, morning business is concluded. Tonight, I have come to protest. I would The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without like to call your attention to what I feel is an unfortunate situation in the United objection, it is so ordered. States today, that is, the increasing use of MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT EQUALIZATION OF TIME TODAY ON AMENDMENT NO. 143 violent means to promote change in Ameri­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ can society. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ The foremost reasons for my feeling lie in dent of the United States were com­ municated to the Senate by Mr. Leonard, dent, I ask unanimous consent that as of our own Constitution, Which outlines the the time when the unfinished business principles of American democJ:acy. These one of his secretaries. principles essentially include the guarantees was laid before the Senate today. the that the will of the majority shall rule­ time on the amendment No. 143 be equal­ that a minority, even as small as one person, EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED ized so that both sides may have equal may attempt to sway the majority oplnion­ time today thereon. and that all laws, once made, are binding on As in executive session, the Presiding The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without all persons In the society. Officer (Mr. SPONG) laid before the Sen­ objection, it is so ordered. Finally, our country is founded on the ate messages from the President of the Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, yes­ basic principle that any major change In United States SUbmitting sundry nom­ terday I addressed the Senate in a government may be Instituted only through inations, which were referred to the lengthy speech to express my reasons for a vote of the people or their elected repre­ appropriate committees. sentatives. opposing the amendment. Today, I would Fortunately for all of us, there is no pro­ (The nominations received today are like to reiterate some of the major points vision for violence in our governmental proc­ printed at the end of the Senate and add some new ones to reaffirm my ess; If there were, social stability would be proceedings.) position that this amendment is a fatal impossible. Today, however, some persons mistake. It would remove the last incen­ have Ignored the foundation upon which tive for the Communists to negotiate a American self-government is built. In an at­ THE MILITARY SELECTIVE settlement and to resolve the tragic tempt to change our society, too many have SERVICE ACT resorted to violent civil disobedience. Grant­ prisoner-of-war problem. A vote for this ed, our country, as any country, has many The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ amendment is a vote for the enemy. problem8---'poverty, crime, racial discord, the pore. Under the previous order, the Chair It is inconceivable that some of my dis­ Viet Nam war. It is essential that these is­ lays before the Senate the unfinished tinguished colleagues fail to weigh the sues be brought into focus through peaceful business which the clerk will report. facts. These facts are that all evidence dissension; however, dissension ends where The legislative clerk read as follows: demonstrates to the world that the others' rights begin-that is to say, legiti­ U.S. participation in the war is rapidly mate protest ends where violence begins. Calendar No. 95, H.R. 6531, a bill to amend The irresponsible destruction of property the Military Selective Service Act of 1967; to coming to an end. Proponents of the and llves is just as megal as peaceful dis­ lncrea,se military pay; to authorize milltary amendment refuse to admit this, or to agreement is legal. Furthermore, civil hostil­ active duty strengths for fiscal year 1972; allow the Presidentr-our Commander in Ity is pointless-It does not gain support by and for other purposes. Chief-a few additional months to com­ its obviousness, rather, it loses public sup­ plete a successful and orderly withdrawal. port by its offensiveness, and to forfeit pub­ The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill. They refuse to recognize that success is lic sympathy Is to abandon the only passi­ being achieved. blllty of correcting the prOblem-a vote of The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the people. In this way, civil strife defeats SAXBE). The question is on agreeing to EVIDENCE SUPPORTS SUCCESS its own purpose. It was once said that "civ11­ amendment No. 143. Mr. President, I would like to repeat ity costs nothing and buys everything"; this Who yields time? some of these facts I stated yesterday to statement Is nowhere more true than in a Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I sug­ convince any skeptics who doubt that democratic society such as our own. gest the absence of a quorum and ask U.S. involvement is coming to a success­ Because our Constitution provides no place ful end. These facts are: for violent destructive disagreement in that the time be equally divided. American s:lciety, it must, by necessity, pre­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without A total of 365,000 troops will have been sent a peaceful, constructive alternative. objection, it is so ordered. The clerk will withdrawn by December. Over 66,000 will Such an alternative Is what we call "the right call the roll. be withdrawn in the next 5 months. to vote." This procedure guarantees every The legislative clerk proceeded to call J...ess than 184,000 will be left on mature person the opportunity to express his December 1 compared to 549,000 in Viet­ opinion, whatever it may be, and also en­ the roll. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ nam when President Nixon took office in sures that the majority opinion '1\'111 In the January 1969. end prevail. ident, I ask une.nimous consent that the By voting, a democratic society not only order for the quorum call be rescinded. In October, the Commander in Chief may choose how It is governed and by whom The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will announce the schedule for addi­ It Is governed, but also may reject those objection, it is so ordered. tional thousands to be withdrawn. Our measures by which it does not want to be national interest will determine the governed; therefore, a minority which must ORDER OF BUSINESS timing of these withdrawals and not the resort to violence to Influence the majority is Mr. STENNIS. Mr. President. I yield national interest of North Vietnam. only making the feeble adm1ss1on that its 15 minutes to the Senator from E'outh The United States "ill announce the alms are what society does not want. TO Carolina. final \\-ithdrawal date when our Govern­ effectively exert its influence, a minority must first prove the validity of its aims to Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ ment is sure that the prisoners are going the majority and thereby sway the balance ident, will the Senator yield to me for a to be released. of society to its cause. Through this process, unanimous-consent request? The U.S. ground combat role "ill end the American people may secure much- Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I this summer. U.S. advisers \\ill no longer 20176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE June 16, 1971 be assigned to all Vietnamese battalions has been p.roposed time and time again President must provide for the safety of as of next month. through all channels of communications our men, but, nevertheless, he must with­ American air sorties have been reduced with the Communists. He has proposed: draw 80,000 men in the next 2 months by more than 50 percent of the peak First, an internationally supervised which is contrary to the advice of the levels. cease-fire in place throughout Indo­ President's military experts. South Vietnam will assume full respon­ china.. It would sacrifice a tremendous invest­ sibllity for the DMZ \Vithin the next few This was rejected.
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