i May 1937: corpses of Young Libertarians of the Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias JL) murdered by Stalinists and dumped in Sardanyola; later buried in Sant Andreu cemetery. ▲ Cheka torture cells: CNT prison director Mclchor Rodriguez exposed the existence of communist interrogation centres (cnecas) in which prisoners were tortured. These revelatioi were used by Largo Cdoallero to dissolve the communist controlled defence committee and force the resignation of José Cazorla, the Communist chief of public order < Juan Peirö: glassworker who became the CNT's Minister for Industry. Peirö fk-d to Spain in 1^39, but after the fall of France to the Nazis he was capured and sent back to Spain where he was executed, in Valencia, in 1942. % isa CNT-FAI, Via Layetana, Barcelona: office workers w ▲ Casa CNT-FAI: headquarters of the Regional Committee of the Catalan CNT in the former offices of the Employers' Federation, the Fomento A Baleares: the 20,000 ton Nationalist cruiser which bombarded Maiaga (Februar}' 1937) Deutschland: German battle cruiser bombec bv Republican Air Force in Ibiza w The Durruti Column: international volunteers T The Ebro offensive lasted from 1 August to 15 November 1938 and cost around 100,000 casualties in total, with 15,000 Republican and 10,000 Francoist dead. The high command of the Army of the Ebro, from Juan Modesto, commander-in-chief, and Lisiar downwards, was a virtual LINEA DE COMBATE EL 1« DE AGOSTO 12 3 4 5 6 ZONAS OCUPADAS РОЯ EL ENEMIGO EN Loe ATAQUES m m rn m M LINEA a l c a n z a d a a LOS 00 DIAS, a l t e r m i n a r e l •* ATAQUE 7 PRIMERA FASE DEL REPLIEGUE. DEL S AL 8 DE NOVIEMBRE I,,«»« LINEA DE COMBATE AL TERMINAR LA 1» ГАЗЕ DEL REPLIEGUE 8 SEGUNDA FASE DEL REFLIECUE HASTA EL 1S DE NOVIEMBRE CABEZA D I FUENTE DE ПЛХ QU1 PROTEGIO EL PASO A LA ORILLA NORTE LINEA DE CONTACTO EL 16 DE NOVIEMBRE (LA DEL 14 DE JULIO) AL TERMINAR LA MANIOBRA T BATALLA DEL ЕВЯО * Catalonia: hand-over of flags of the 119th, ▲ 26th Division: Juan Plana, technical operator Zlth and 121st 'Mixed Brigades' of the 26th of the Division's film group, preparing his v ision by Mujercs Libres, the women's projector for a screening archist organisation Pedralbes ('Bakunin') Barracks, Barcelona: Ricardo Sanz, CNT delegate responsible logistical support ot the Militia columns, in his office (1936) Rocketmen: Artificers of thp Durruti Column (26th Div.) were the first to use rockets in warfare A ▼ Colonel Cipriano Mera Sanz: a construction worker, Mera became one of the leading anarchist generals of the Spanish Civil War. Commander of the 4th Army Corp of the Army ot the Centre, he participated in all the major battles on the central front From March 1939 Mera joined with Segisinundo Casado and the socialist Julian Beste to establish an anti-Negrin National Defence Junta. * ▼ Colonel Cipriano Mera Sanz: taking a march past of the troops with premier Juan Negrin i white raincoat) and President Manuel Azana y Diaz (black coat). Below: Mera addressing a >ff meeting (Valentin Gonzalez, El Campesino can be seen on the right) Gen. Sebastian Pozas Perca Clpruno Mcr» Sin» Gen. Manuel Matallana Gómez rol Adolfo Pr*i< V(K|urti Gen. Leopoldo Menéndez López Sljrvun Tal Conde Gen. Gómez Jordana v Sousa Dr. )uan Negrín Lope/. IVrw»a OKAHO h u mmaoit m om a h a iw ist a m l ((nm(r.ki) • é ** 4 y Ad»6»„ IHga«l A afl. H _______ S*b«d» U d« o « f Wé d« »M _______ Prxrio IS elm. A ftp n~N«m. S i N DISCURSO CONCRETO Y I N IR OICO DEL JEFE DEL GOBIERNC imeierfs no delito de mamma traición a la patria el espado ie se oirciieoe a aceptar, al ann e i hlofitests, pie se telle in onas tropteras de artíllelo entre ta 7nna PRimiiir u ia ir¡h Castilla Libre: CNT-FA1 daily of the Central Region (15 October, 1938) < Antonio Ortiz (left) anarchist commander of the 25th Division (formerly the Roja y Negra Column) until 1937 when he was given command of the 24th Division based in Seo de Urgel. With him is Juan Garcia Oliver, tellow member of the Nosotros anarchist affinity group ▲ Catalonia: Colonel Seabastian Pozas Perea (centre), head of the Army of the East, with Ricarc San/, (on his left) during a visit to the command post of the 26th Division ▲ General Juan Hernandez Sarrabia, Republican Commander-in-Chief, addressing reserve troops of the 26th Division < Buenaventura Durruti (centre) with Sergeant José Manzana (left) h:- militarv advisor and an unidcntifir officer, possibly his other military adviser, Enrique Pérez Farras. * 1 he Durruti Column: dinamiteros, a specialist unit of the Durruti Column. On February 9, '9, 3:00 a.m.: Colonel Modesto, Commander of the Fifteenth Army Corps crossed into Cerbere m Port Bou. His arrival was preceded by tremendous explosions in which the Port Bou railroad non and quantities ot war materiel were destroyed. He announced that the only republican >ps left in that area were the headquarters section of a machine-gun battalion and a batallion of miteros from the Durruti Column. Oath: milicianos symbolically demonstrating their resistance to Nazi intervention (represented the German steel helmet and shells) ▲ Madrid: City University — Clinical Hospital construction site. Scene of bitter fighting M Madrid, midnight 5/6 March 1939: Colonel Casado broadcasts the news that a National Council of Defence has risen against the Communist- controlled government of Dr Juan Negrin LA "SEMANA COMUNISTA LUG/MtS PMNC/P/V& № ¿4 LUCM DFNTRO Dt MADRID 0-- ~ a titrvnto ¿tot* i V M 6v*rr» 4 Pittt dt Coion i fd de C/M u 6 to <* MgovfS foterr* f * n ‘ s r r r 9 >-v+rU df!~ot 9 P /M <* C jsr#*f >0 M Jr U K Atto&o tk Comu/HC*e>on*s t? AjtrCt or • i f f t IS feJe/tntc* ^ Cttntfr Pn>r*xt*/Oe/ Ptrhdb Cemmntu IS Cam iH ienfrs. *e, ^ no Ptrrido *6 W d (¿..^ «, /s /*0,„sMy> // Com* obnc* de S Ou t 'xhm »'S*0'n&*ef tf Ccbtttm Cmt M /V*>4 ¥ D rtH K i * « < ’ # / f t C + "‘* d f i * r # T I f U*oe fa * ¿J # ’*s & ftipotm**' t 1 C < I ) ▲ 'Communist Week' (5-12 March 1939): Following the formation of the National Council of Defence in opposition to the Communist-dominated government of Dr Juan Negrin (5 March, 1939) Communist-led army units in and around Madrid attempted to close the approaches to the city and seize the central districts, including governmental offices. The Stalinist counter-coup un­ successfully quashed on 12 March by troops led by the anarchist general Cipriano Mera. , ABC 30 March 1939 ► Asesinos! — Franco's troops prepare to take their revenge Fall of Madrid, 28 March 1939: Colonel Prada surrendered the Army of the Centre at 11.00 am, in Madrid the anarchist municipal councillor, Melchor Rodriguez, was accepted even bv the ngists a*; temporary mayor till the final surrender of the capital to Franco's 1st Army mander General Espinosa de los Monteros A Maurid, March 28,1938: fascist sympathisers and Fifth Columnists take to the streets to welcome Franco's troops - ' M | ▲ Catalonia — February 10,1939: At Bourg-Madame, the anarchist Twenty-Sixth Division (the Durruti Column) retreated into France leav ing a suicide unit of 150 men to delay the taking ot Puigcerdâ, the last Spanish town before the French frontier post of Bourg-Madame. * February 5,1939: The Spanish republican army begins its orderly retreat to the frontier. Having n.ibled hundreds of thousands or civilians to cross to France in safety, the army now lett the anarchist .enty-Sixth Division fthe Durruti Column) and troops of the Armv of the Ebro commanded by the .immunist colonels Juan Modesto and Enrique Lister to fight a rearguard action covering the acuation of the other troops and those civilians still on the Spanish side of the border. ' The 43rd Division: under the command of Lt. Colonel Beltral, nicknamed El Esquinazado ('The >dger' — below, centrei, the 43rd Division held out in the Valle del Alto Cinto in the Pyrenees in irlhcrn Aragón, close to the French border. A Madrid prison: Republican prisoners, March 1939 ▼ February 14,1939: Between 12,000 and 15,000 troops emerged from the Col d'Ares (Pyrenees- Orientales) after having evaded pursuing Navarrese soldiers. These were the last organised troops to pass the frontier. According to the French newspaper La Depechc, Franco's forces had captured 35,000 republican soldiers in Catalonia A Road to oblivion: the border with France was opened to women, children and the elderly on the ¡»ht of January 27-28. Refugees were supposed to enter at the ludicrous rate of 2,000 a day. In the ■'otograph a line of lorries with Spanish refugees moves slowly along the road to Ceroere from Port ■u. More than 450,000 of the defeated Republicans crossed the frontier into France to escape the -c-os and slaughter of General Yaglie's Army of Morocco, General Gambara's Italian fascist troops, J Catalan Falangists, Carlists and Catholic Integrists- ■4 February 5 ,1939: The order is given to allow passage to the Spanish republican army at Cerbère at 8:00 a.m. and at Le Perthus at 4.30 p.m. on February 6. Weapons are confiscated from the Spanish republican troops at the French ▼ Colliure, France, February 5, 1939: Republican refugees crowd the streets as they head into exile.
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