MUSEMENTS. /7 f ( RAHOUSE 'The Vidette-Reporter. Y, M4B~1 ~4J '!?, VOL. XIX. IOWA CITY, 100WA, ATURDAY, MA l< H 26, 1887. NO. 23 ols, A.B. table, )finnie Pre ton and ~lay desired to·day than it was a century ago. more excellent a department already ex­ The Vidette· Reporter, Williams. We congratlllate them all. But m n seem not to recognize tbis fact; cellent. The 'hair of J':ng1ish Litera­ . L. DAVIS, I88U11D hnt rou t bind th m. Iv with obliga­ tllTe i in our opinion on of the harde t The enior U rmnn cl are di eu World-HeoOWDfcl - .TlIRY SATURDAY AFTERNOON, tion~ which n v r help, but always hin­ in the niversity to fill ~a ti facLoral1y, DlIrlil OoUertaw Tlar B. tI.!. ing the question of purcha in~ bu t!l of der. or cour e an iation formeJ by and therefore, as we think, ome special Publi.hed at Republica'l Office, W88hinlrton 8t. loeth nnd .'chiller with the pro eeds college papers could be no very [llarming care !!hould b taken in electing n per­ of the herUlan play. This would be 1\ onree of dang or to our country or to in­ SOil worthy to lake I~p the thread of Mis8 1. B, NOBLII. E.n. NIOHOL8, W. H. DART, most appropriat u~e of the pro 'ceds, divid11al comfort, but as it conld be of no mith'R work where he ll'aves it. To n. Joslin. MalWoing Editor•. and we hOI to be nble toannollnl'e in a pas ibl~ advantal!e, si nce collngl' journal fill four such plnces n.~ will SOOIl be mpty 0, Eo MILUI, II. L·. CRAVIIN, B. n_ DW18 few weeks that the bu t have b en e­ Qlli t of nece sity be indt'I)Cllllent, lind is n tll.l!k such Ilq the H elIe nl ~ hnve not Ahociate Edit or•. cured. Rince it would be all,lin),( 0111' mill' to tbe had to do for years. We hope and be­ E.l'1. NIOHOLS, R. C. ('RAVIN, Bulinu, Manager,. We rel'eivet! II. communication yeo ter­ nnmbtH of Ilbllminablc nl·gani7.ation , w li eve that Uwy will prol'c master of day from A. B. .Toble, givi ng Rome inter­ \\'oullllllo t emphati('ally I'ay Ilay." the. ituation. TB:RlI&8: SOLO ORCHESTR~ e~ting items picked np on hi!! wily home. - AND- OII'oop" nne y86/', in advanoe, - t100 OIl, OOP7, nne year, if nnt paid in advance, 1 2!1 We hn\-(' not 1'0001 to publish it in full. Th ){efTeuts halTe Ho m!' important Is view of lhe ('xlldollR 1\ hkh look work before th em ill eho . in).( SIICCCK.-O r CHALLENGE BAND. ~L800PJ, 06 At Burlin~tol\ he ran acr R Fultz, H_ W. place toi we k, we IIllly remark that the 'nIe paper will be soot to oLd subscribers uotil Craven nnd W. n. tutRman. I'tlltsmnn to Pre~. Pickard, (·han. Ho; and Prof... ,'eni or !'Ias3 ha.~ be II aboli~hcd, and that ordertd ,tnpped and arrea1'8ges paid. Rmith lind Philbrkk. We presume that · ·S cenery. will be in 'chool ne.-t tl'rm. ~oble wa. the J lInior '10 s i. now tbe hiJ,!h e t at lor we at the Boobtol'8fl and Fink's. pre l'nt at Galer' wedlling. lda Twint­ withOlll Iloubt lIon. Wm. It lIammond thp Univer~jty. Ju t the pred e olr TbGee not receiving their papers regularly will iUII, ' G, is CII. hier in her father's large will re 11ll1e his old plat:c a C'han('ellor joet th e a.uthorities hall in doing away und '.j rpDI~. IIl\11ornd Mlst, .... inform ue, and they will he forwarded, r,;e. Jor "al~ tit j<jllk's Wt'\'J- ~rOCl'ry tore nt Mt. 1'Iease.nt. The Iowa ofthl\ Lnw Departtllent. A better cl'oice with lhe old ord I' of thing., and tryilJg 411 oommunioatiODl! should be addre ed , Wesleyau nive1'8ity was vl·ite.d i}y OUI' could hardly have been malle. ::010 one th experim nt of making .he Juniors THE VlDETTE-REPORTER, wandering euitor, and some int I' tinjZ yet knows who will be Ollt' n xt Pr!:'Si­ the highe t dllsHl11 en in the in titulion, Inwa City, Inwa. facts I' ported. dent. Many nam hllVl' been mention­ we 61'(' in doubtabollt. 'fhe .Junior rlass ed, and we understand that other candi­ may well /latter itseJr, Th e old l4en;or GILLOTT'S Tny, University of Paris, til ld es t ,'PE(,IAL Commenccment honurs are date Cur th office will meet the Regent cia' was one of fineabilily, and its mem­ university in the world, was founded in trow n thing of the past. 'l'hi year no here at the end of this term. The news­ bers 1\ a rille stoot! high in ~el1eTRl col­ 1200, six years before the foonding of one will deliver the sahltatory, and no paper... of the 'tate that are alive to the le e allail1m ot , I\nd to be allowed to tf rttl ~ . ()x(otd. one will be de. ignated 1'u/e-C/ icere, to say welfat'e of Olll' ,tate in titntion are dis­ stllud in it t ad and as.~utne senorilll farewell. And the firt en commence­ CllS iog th e matter pretty freely, and now dignity, thOllllh not the t!enoril\l appela­ The extra week of va('ation which it ment speakers weI' chosen simply by aud then making suggestion. We tTII t tion, i indeed 1\ very high honor, and hlBOOen cn tomary to give the, eniors, tbe markings, no chance being given all the intere t thus far show n will in­ we may perhap be pardon d for pr('­ bas ror the first time in many veal'. , b 'en to "g n fal ability" in any way whatso­ erea (> and concentrate in the minds of suming that the promotion isa te timony \his year added to the rring 1n call of ever. With 'regard to wh tb r the.abo­ tho e "11 in whom the power to choo e of the great r pect with wbich tbe aij­ Winter vacation. Iition of class honors was be 8~ or not, we resides. A man tit to tRk plllrp. s thoritieR r gard us. In the I' moval of bave no opinion, and are di po ed to chief of the able m n compo iug our tbe 'eniors t110 U nil· ~ity 1 'C:i au ex­ A NEW University, named Wichita, has tru t the good judgm ot of those who facu lty, and as head of the tir t educa­ cellent body of Rlutlents. This we cheer­ been founded in Kansas; 100,000 worth bad control in the matter. hould we try tional institution of the tate should be, fully confe . Antlm llwdihting on tbi oCproperty has been promi ed, and al­ pretty hard we think we would find it we believe, a man ofa broad and general change the \'mt;'rrE-Jh:I'OR'rEIl is keenly ready 25,000 has been raised by th e dimcult to furni h many valid arguments rather than () f II pecial or technical erlll­ reminded of its 108 . The paper i tbus Eastern Synod. of the Reformed hurch. in favor oC the valedictory and saluta­ cation. Only n man of thi kind wOllld deprived of:\1 rs. 'ichols and ::oIoblt', tory, and we have very little to urge b\l nble duly to gra p, aopr ciate, and two of the managing editorK. What The Chicago Tribune said the other against these honors. Meanwhile we aid in the \'arions departments of our meallires will be taken for supplying day: Dr. Edmund J. Janes, Profess( r their pltll'e. haR not yet h('cn del rmin­ " have no objections to the new Rrmnge­ Univer itl'. The Prcsident should be of Finance in the University of Pennsyl­ ment, aud ,\I'e very well plea..'led with it partial to no departml'nt or single line ed . 1t i not consider'rl wllrth "hile or vania, has decli ned the Pre lidency of From this time on we prl: llme it i. to of work. lIe shoultl be the friend nnd expedient to do any thin!! ill tid lli rec­ lhe Iowa tate niver ity, with double be understood that if OLle wallt to be cultor of all. Be. id thi , it i Bearcely tion till the b('J,!inning of nl':'C term when­ his preson t S6 lary . ure of making a speech on gra(ln:llion necp ar)' to ay that h should ue a ntan no (IOllut, aati~fndory arrallgen1l'llt day h mURt, throngh his cout'fe, do exemplifiing in him, If Rl P rfectlyas will he made. nllt it behoo\'e. the Jun­ hotogra phs ! TilE notice goi ng the round of the faithful work in the elm. -rootll_ po. ible all the mental strength, aC('olll­ ioT'll to romport thelll elves with th e_ pr a few daYfI since that Prof.. Jan l'~ , plishll1ellt and manner of th e highl' r greatc~t cirCIIllIl'pection, for we hOllr it ofPennflylvanitl University had declined The Monmouth Co/l'.gia II , one of our e(\m'ation of which he claim,; to he a rumored that in 1'1\ e tl'c pre. cut expcTl­ tbe Pre~idcn cy ofthe 1 01 vprsily of Iown, very bl.' t exehan 'es, has this to ay rl'­ r<'pre entalive.
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