Newsletter of the U.S. Province of the OMI USA Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate JANUARY 2019 Vol. 22, No. 1 Oblates Celebrate 150 years in Northeast U.S. The 150th Anniversary The theme of of the Oblate presence in the 150th anniversary is Lowell was celebrated on “Leave nothing Sunday, October 14, with undared for the King- Eucharist at St. Joseph the dom of God.” Oblates Worker Shrine in Lowell. It André-Marie Garin seems strange to imagine that and Lucien Lagier the Oblates began minister- arrived in Lowell from ing in Lowell only seven years Montreal on April 18, after the death of the 1868. Founder! The next day The Oblates in Lowell the two Oblates began Frs. T. Pham, A. Flores, T. O’Connell, J. Orsino, J. Brobst emphasize that this celebra- a parish mission in the tion is not a focus on the basement of St. Patrick Church for nadians, Fathers Garin and Lagier ones who laid the ground- 1,200 French Canadians who had preached to the working people in the work for the Oblate founda- emigrated from Canada and were busy French as found in Quebec. tions in the Merrimack Valley but, rather, keeping the thousands of bobbins turn- In 1883 the First American a celebration of the countless numbers ing in the textile mills. They flocked to Province in the U.S. was established of Oblate Brothers and priests from the mission to hear sermons and con- with Fr. James McGrath, OMI., Pas- many different cultures and countries fess their sins in French and hear the tor of the Immaculate Conception Par- who “Left nothing undared for the King- familiar French hymns as they had in ish, as the first Provincial. (cf; article p.5) dom of God” in coming to the “Spindle Quebec. As the English language was City.” a barrier to many of these French-Ca- Continued on p.2 n Saturday November 17, 2018, the Most OReverend Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of San Angelo, TX, ordained four Oblates, Cosmas Kithinji Kubai, Eleazar Manuel- Lopez, Robby Banda, and Vincent F. Adaikalasamy to the Diaconate at the Oblates’ San Juan de Los Lagos Parish and Shrine in San Antonio, TX. Left: Bros. Adaikalasamy, Banda, Bishop Pfeifer, Bros. Manuel- Lopez and Cosmas Kubai. JANUARY-2019 -1 African Province Trade School A request has been made to the U.S. Province from the Province of Cameroun/Tchad/Nigeria to help them build a trade school for young men and women to help reject the recruitment to the radical Muslim sect Boko Haram. The school would offer young people the opportu- nity to learn a trade so they would not be tempted with money, guns and drugs to join this sect. CROCUS: Back: Frs. Pawel Ratajczak, James Brobst, Ken Thorson; Front: The Oblates believe this school Fr. Alfred Grzempa, Br. Raymond Carriere, Frs. Louis Studer, Ken Forster, will allow greater dialog between the Is- Luc Tardif, Warren Brown, Ms. Danielle Brisson, secretary. lamic and Christian faiths and break Mazenodian Family. Members of each the Shrine of the Immaculate Concep- down some of the current existing bar- of the eight groups of the Mazenodian tion on December 14. riers and misunderstandings for these Family will be present for this event. Mary worked with the Oblates young people of these two faiths. Speakers include Frank 30 years, first as administrative assis- The Novitiate Santucci, OMI, Ron Rolheiser, OMI, Dr. tant for the Oblate Conference in the At the Fall Province meetings, I Tom Bushlack and several members of 1980s and then in the Justice, Peace gave a brief update on the current state the Mazenodian Family who will give wit- and Integrity of Creation office in of the Province, including possibly some ness to their calling from the Spirit to Washington, DC. planning for major repair at the Levis share in the charism of St. Eugene. Her dedicated service, love of House in Godfrey. The plan would in- Interchapter Meeting in Poland the Oblate charism and passion for volve tearing down part of the house and Preparations are beginning al- peace and justice issues make her an rebuilding a new kitchen, dining room, ready for the Interchapter Meeting which ideal candidate for this great honor. common area, bedroom for eight nov- will take place in Obra, Poland, the site Oblate Personnel ices and possibly a new chapel and li- of the Oblate Scholasticate, July 1-13, The Provincial Council de- brary/computer room. A final decision 2019. Each unit of the congregation has voted part of December 13-Decem- about the plan will be discussed at the submitted a report on their current sta- ber 14 to continue developing a min- December Council meeting. tus, detailing personnel and mission com- isterial plan for the U.S. Province. There are currently 19 novices mitments and has been given the oppor- Mission and Ministry Planning in in the intercommunity formation program tunity to suggest possible themes for the the U.S. Province in the St. Louis area, representing ten Chapter to be held in Rome in 2022. Art Flores presented the results religious communities. This program New Ministry in Belleville of an actuarial study of province per- helps provide a well-rounded experience The Belleville diocese has invited sonnel. The report was quite encour- for our Oblate novices. the Province to help with ministry to the aging in reminding us that 48 Oblates Oblate Vocation Congress growing number of Hispanics moving have taken perpetual vows in the U.S. The Oblate Vocation Congress into Southern Illinois. No priests in the Province in the past 20 years (1998- will take place January 22-25, 2019, in Belleville diocese are fluent in Spanish. 2018); only 6 of these 48 have left the San Antonio, bringing the year of Voca- Mary O’Herron: Honorary Oblate Congregation. He further presented tion Celebration to an end. The Con- Mary O’Herron was honored as what personnel numbers will look like gress will be a celebration of each of the an Honorary Oblate of Mary Immacu- vocations of Oblate members of the late at Eucharist at the Oblate Chapel at Continued on page 3 OMI-USA - 2 From the Provincial given an opportunity to give input and Leadership of the region contin- ask questions at this time. ued to consider what current and/or new Continued from page 2 Much of the Fall Province meet- ministries we can collaborate on to- with one, two, or three perpetual pro- ings included presentations by Greg gether, with Oblates from all four prov- fessions per year over the next 20-year Cholewa, OMI, Coordinator of Oblate inces, especially among the poor and period (2018-2038). The upshot seems Elder Care, Bryan Silva, OMI, Direc- abandoned. to be that Oblates will continue to be a tor of Special Services for the Prov- Each of the four provinces has significant presence, though smaller, for ince, and by Frank Santucci, OMI, developed a five to ten year plan of many years to come in the U.S. The Professor at Oblate School of Theol- which of their ministries are priorities and statistics Art presented did not include ogy, speaking about the Mazenodian a list of the Oblates able to serve in these Oblates coming to the U.S. to minister Family, the upcoming Congress cel- ministries. These plans will help us pre- from other provinces. ebrating Vocations and Convocation pare our report for the inter-chapter Jim Brobst presented an update 2020 (April 13-17, 2020). meeting in Obra, Poland, in July, 2019. on mission and ministry planning in the CROCUS Mazenodian Family Update province. Jim continues to visit various Provincials and Vicar Provincials Fr. Frank reminded us that the ministry sites in the Province and invites from the four provinces of the Canada- Holy Spirit is the Founder of the the Oblates to share about their minis- US region and the General Councilor, Mazenodian Family, that it is the Spirit try and discuss what constitutes their Warren Brown, OMI, met at Queen of of God who places an enthusiasm for ministry as specifically Oblate. Using the Apostles Retreat Center in Mississauga, the charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod six ministerial priorities of the 2016 Ont. Canada, November 5-10, 2018. in the hearts of many non-vowed people General Chapter, Jim invites Oblates to Topics of discussion were: a pro- who desire to live out that charism in rank their ministry according to these gram to help form Oblate leaders in the their lives, with us vowed religious. De- priorities. The Provincial Council, at its region, greater collaboration among the spite what some may think, Frank 2017 December meeting, also engaged provinces in our ministries with youth Santucci is not the Founder of the in this process, ranking the “external and young adults, greater exchange of Mazenodian Family! ministries” according to these six pri- personnel in the region for first forma- Frank also reminded us that orities. It will continue this planning at tion, and more “buy in” from the Cana- when Eugene was canonized in 1995, its December 2018 meeting. dian provinces in first formation pro- he then belonged to the Universal Jim will present a more detailed gramming and staffing in the U.S. Prov- Church and so the Oblates no longer plan of U.S. Province “ministry future” ince. have the “sole copyright” on the charism at Convocation 2020. Oblates will be of St. Eugene. Since the canonization and with the realization that he belongs to the entire church, the Mazenodian Family has grown.
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