
<p> THE </p><p>NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE </p><p>1946 </p><p>VOL. II </p><p>WELLINGTON, N.Z. BY AUTHORITY: Eo·V. PAUL, GOVERNMEN1? PRINTER </p><p>1946 </p><p>INDEX </p><p>TO </p><p>THE NEW GAZETTE, 1946 </p><p>VOL. II </p><p>From 1st May to 31st August, 1946 </p><p>NOTE.-For the purpose of condensation, Proclamations, Order5 in Council, Warrants, Notices, ApPointments, &c., are indexed under the authorizIng Act or regulatIon pursuant to which they are iflsued or made. RegJIlations are indexed under the heading" Regulation!''' and also under the title of the authorizing Act or regulation.' </p><p>A c Accounts of the Dominion (see Public Accounts). Canterbury University College-Election of Members of the Council, Adoption notices under the Native Land Act (see under that Act). 824,933. Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act- Cawthron Inst.itute Trust Board-Statement of annual accounts, Dairy-produce Levy Regulations 1936, Amendment No.1; 1003. 1182. Hawke's Bay Milk Treatment Corporation Regulations 1946, Cemeteries Act- 990. Appointments of trustees of cemeteries and burial~grounds, . Wanganui Milk Treatment Corporation Regulations 1946, 989. 1052, 1109. Air }"orce Act- Approval of by-laws relating to cremation, 933. Appointments, promotions, &c., in the Royal New Zealand Order in Council delegating powers under the Act, 677. Air Jj'orce, 542, 656, 681, 682, 742, 815, 817, 842, 899, Revocation of delegation of powers, 703, 1052, 1109. 994, 1080, 1165, 1199. Child Welfare Act-Appointment of officers, 946. Delegation by the Chief 'of the Air t)taff for the convening of Chatham Islands County Council Empowering Act-Chatham Islands general courts-martial, 739, 766. Dues Regulations, Amendment No.2, 1206. Alteration of boundaries (see Act concerned or authority for Christchurch District Drainage Act-Alteration of boundaries of alteration). a drainage district, 693, 826, 1011. Air Nav;igation Act- Cinematograph Films Act- Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 12, 923. Cinematograph Films (Storage, Exhibition,and Rentip.g) Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 13, 923. Regulations 1929, Amendment No.3, 923. American Legation (see under United States of Ameri.ca, Legation Cinematograph Operators Licensing Regulations 1938, Amend of the). ment No.3, 923. Appropria~ion Act-Public Service Salary Order 1946, 980. Citrus Canker Regulations-Infected areas declared, 1180. Animals Protection and Game Act- Clerks of Works Act-Appointment of members of Registration Animals Protection and Game Regulations 1939, Amendment Board,973. No.3,720. I Coal-mines Act- Notification of approval of amended rules of an acclimatization Chairman of Board of Examiners appointed, 710. . society, 548. Exempting land from the operation of Part III of the Act, Open seasons for the taking or killing of opossums, 729. 738, 1198. Opossum Regulations 1946, 730. Commissions of Inquiry Act- . Apiaries Act-Bees and Appliances (Introduction) Regulations Extending the period within which a Commission shall report, 1946,823. 739, 1164.' Arbor Day-Notification of date for observance, 996. Royal Commission of Inquiry into certain matters arising out Army Department-Appointments, promotions, retirements, &c., of the disposal of surplus war assets by the War Assets in the- Realization Board appointed, 1018. New Zealand Militarv Forces, 650, 705, 709, 740, 814, 841, Companies Act- 898, 945, 972, 993, 1019, 1053, 1113, 1164, 1199. Chang~ of name of companies, 556, 668, 670, 690, 691,723, Second New Zealand Military Expeditionary Force, 649, 680, 756, 775, 776, 825, 957, 982, 983, 1007, 1009, 1036, 1070, 704, 766, 839, 841, 971, 992, 993, 1019, 1054, 1111, 1164. 1096, 1097; 1147, 1183, 1213. Auctioneers Act-Register of licenses, 1117. DiVIdends-Notices respecting the payment of, 1007,-1008. Awards for gallantry (see Honours and awards). Liquidation notices-Alexander Investment Company, Limited., Award of a Foreign Decoration, 1114. 757; Amalgamated Transport, Limited, 776; Bay of Plenty Associated Builders, Limited, 1036; Braddock's Modern Food Stores, Limited, 1096; Canadian Corporation, B Limited, 1006; Central Egg Floor, Limited, 1153 ; Co operative Investments, Limited, 1212; Delicious Spong~6, Bank of New Zealand--..Statement of the amount of liabilities- and Liniited, 957; Dominion Buying Association, Li)D.ite(J.... assets of the long-term mortgage department (see under Reserve 722; Eastern Buses, Limited, 776; F. J. Armstrong. Bank of New Zealand). Limited, 556; F. N. R. Meadows and Son, Limited, 754; Bank returns, monthly (see under Reserve Bank of New Zealand). Frank Smith . Rangarangai, Limited, 852; Harcourt Bankruptcy Act- Manufacturing Company, Limited, 1008; H. C. Grace and. Notices under, 554, 667, 689, 774, 851, 931, 956, 981, 1005, Sons, Limited, 722; J. R. Hislop, Limited, 555; J. Wood . 1006, 1035, 1067, 1095, 1146, 1181, 1210. and Sons, Limited, 1097; Kenneth Neal, Limited, 1036; 01lieia.l Assignee appointed, 995, 1201. Macraes Flat Gold and Scheelite Company, Lim~ted, BirLhH. and ·Deaths Registration· Act-.--Registrars ap]Xlinted (see 1096, 1182; Maude Bros., Limited, 852; Modern Mechattic!'!. undcr Registrars of Births, Deatl1s, and Marriages appointed). Limited, 1096; Mossbank Coalmining Company, Limite4. Board of Trade Act-Board of'l'rade (Footwear Marking) Regulations 982; Nireaha and Stirling . Co-operative Stores, L~mi~ed, </p><p>19461 823. 957; Otago Investment Trust, Limited, 1147; Ray Boot, Bo b by Calf Marketing RegulaMOl~s-, . Limited,' 1096; Resoturp' Limited, 852; St. ·Matthews'· Declaring a Bobby Calf Marketing Pool Area, 659, 745, 996, Whareokioki Society (Incorporated), 982 ; . Seaneld. 1169. Limited, 556; Sharpe Bros. (Weir and Sealby);·Limitedj ; Bleytion of members <?fa Bobby Calf Marketing Pool, 659, (i60, 1097; Temuka Storage Company, Limited, 852;- The Fei1~~' 714, 715, 745, 746, 768, 819, 820, 916, 917, 949, 1055, ing Vulcanizing and Accessories Company, Limited; 1070; 1056, 1057, 1058, 1084, 1202, 1203. The Mossbank Coal-mining Company, Limited, 982; ~edefininga M!uketing Pool area, 659, 996. The Standard . Timber Company, Limited; 937; The British Nationaljty and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Acts Southern Cross Construction Company,' Limited,'· 1096 ; Declaration of desire to acqujl:({y 947. Tikitapu Estates. Limited, 1037; ,,'Tellington Motor CaDlps, Declaration of d.el':lireto retaip., 947. . Limited, 1006; Whiterig Co-operative, Dairy' '11"~()tofy; .• , Naturalization, certificatesofj gr-anted;948. Company, Limited, 982; Wyteg Proprietary, . Lin,tijied, Building Emergency Regulations- 1096. .. Building Construction COlltrol No:tice No. 20, 660. Liquidators appointed, 555, 556, 722, 754, 776, 852, 957; 982; Building Construction Cop.trol Notice No. 21, 1088. 1006, 1008, 1036; 1070, 1096, 1097, 1153, 1212. Building Construction Control Notice No. 22, 1088. Meetings notified, 556, 668, 722, 755, 756, 757, 824,826, 852, Building Construction Control Notice No.9, revoked, 1176. 932, 957, 982, 983, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1036, 1037, 1068, Revocation of certain control notices, 660. 1070, 1096, 1097, 1147, 1212. IV INDEX </p><p>Companies Act-continued Electric-power Boards Act- Notice of ceasing to carryon business in New Zealand, 983, Amending Order in Council concerning use of electric lines, 1047. 1006, 1036. Authorizing a Board to use water and construct electric works, Notice to creditors to prove, 852, 1006, 1097. 1075. Notice of release of liquidators, 775, 1083. Authorizing purchase of electrical works, 1075. Petition for winding up of companies, 933. Electrical Wireman's Registration Act--'-'- Reduction of capital-Notice respecting, 722, 1096, 1182. Names removed from Registers, 844. Striking off and intention to strike companies off the register, Results of examinations for March, 1946, 1062. 555, 668, 689, 721, 722, 754, 824, 931, 956, 981, 1006, 1035. Electricity Act-Rural Electrical Reticulation Council (Travelling 1067, 1095, 1096, 1146, 1181, 1182, 1210. allowance) Regulations 1946, 1171. Conscience-money-Receipt of sums of money acknowledged, 1061. Emergency Regulations Act- Consular a ppointments- Cinematograph Films Emergency Regulations 1946, 848. Consul, 710, 900, 1166, 1201. Emergency Regulations Revocation Order, No.3, 923. Consul-General, 683, 743. ~Jmergency Regulations Revocation Order, No.4, 1031. Vice-Consul, 657, 683. Expeditionary Force Emergency Regulations. 1940, Amendment Control of Prices Emergency Regulations-Price Orders (see under No.9,1062. Price Orders). Finance Emergency Regulations 1940, Amendment No.4, 753. Copyright Act- Occupational Re-establishment Em,ergency Regulations 1940, Copyright Amending Regulations 1946, 1171. Amendment No. '4, 720. Patents Designs and Trade-marks and Copyright (Hours of PUrchase of Wool Emergency Regulations 1939, Amendment Inspection) Revocation Regulations 1946, 1171. No. 7,950. Coroners- Revocation of Emergency Regulations and Order relating to Appointed, 843, 946, 995, 1054, 1166. registration and licensing of motor-vehicles, 753. Resigned, 1021, 1114. Revocation of the Fire Boards (Insurance Companies' Contribu Corrigenda, 662, 1011, 1189. tions) Emergency Regulations 1943, 1094. Counties Act- Revocation of the Medical Practitioners Emergency Regulations Altering county and riding boundaries and/or adjusting repre 1941, 554. sentation, 1073. Revocation of the Quarantine (Armed Forces) Emergency Loans-Notices respecting the raising of, and results of polls Regulations 1943, 848. by County Councils (see under Local Bodies' Loans Act). Revocation of the Taxi-cab Emergency Regulations 1942, 665. Special order dissolving a Town Board and merging a town Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Emergency Regulations district il). a county, 1138. 1946, 823. Crimes Act- Suspension of Apprenticeship Emergency Regulations 1944, Criminal Appeal Rules, 1946, 848. Amendment No.1, 848. Probation Officers appointed, 1083. Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations 1946, 923. . Criminal Appeal Act- Wool Emergency RegUlations Exemption Order 1946, 950 . Criminal Appeal Rules, 1946, 848. Enemy Trading Emergency Regulations Prisons Regulations 1946, 923. Notice of declaration of enemy traders, 559. Crown land (included under the general heading, Land). Revocation of notice of declaration of enemy traders, 559, 1021. Crown Solicitor appointed, 900. Engineers Registration Act-Annual list of registered engineers, 903. Customs Act- Estates placed under the Public Trustee (see under the Publi" Appointment of Customs examining place, 818. Trust Office Act). Customs Amending Regulations 1946, 1209. Explosive and Dangerous Goods Act Customs Export Prohibition Order 1946, 665. Application of regulations, 836. Customs Export Prohibition Order 1946, No.2, 771. Cancelling appointment of Licensing Authority, 836. Customs Export Prohibition Revocation Order 1946, 1094. Executive Council-Clerk of the, appointed, 973. Customs Import Prohibition Revocation Order 1946, 1031. Exhibitions Act-Suspending the operations of certain statutes in Customs Primage Exemption Order 1946, 1155. connection with t~e New Zealand Industries Fair, 1051. Decisions of the Minister, 953, 1155. Oyster-fishing Regulations 1946, 980.' Customs (Aircraft) Regulations-Appointment of a Customs aero F drome, 548. Factory Emergency Regulations-Revocation of certain control notices, 660. Finance Acts- Local Authorities (Replacement of Debentures) Regulations D 1931, Amendment No. I, 753. .Dangerous Drugs Act-List of persons licensed to deal in, 770. Notice of scheme of development and construction, 671, 725, '"']fefence Acts and regulations- 779, 935, 1039, 1040, 1099, 1185. Appointments, &c., in the New Zealand Military Forces and the Order in Council concerning superannuation rights, 703. Expeditionary Force (see under Army Department). Public Service Remuneration Order 1946, 1094. Formation of a unit of the New Zealand Permanent Force, 1199. Sand-dune reclamation declared to be a public work, 943. Defence Emergency Regulations-Discontinuance of live bombing Fire Brigades Act- and projectile ranges, 751. Date of election for member of Fire Board, 1023. Delivery Emergency Regulations (for notices concerning milk Result of election of member of Fire Board, 818, 1116. deliveries, '. see under Milk Delivery Emergency Regulation, :Fisheries Act- below). Fresh-water Fisheries (Otago) Regulations 1945, Amendment Dental Regulations-Election of member of the- Dental Council of Nc;>. 1, 1094. New Zealand, 660, 818. 1!'resh-water Fisheries· (Southland) Regulationf> 1941, Amend Dentists Act-Appointment of members of the Council, 944. ment No.4, 1094. Destitute Persons Act-Appointment of a Maintenance Officer, Inspectors of Sea-fishing appointed, 658, 900, 1084, 1114, 1201. 1201. Officers appointed under Part II of the Act, 658, '744, 767, 843, Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act-Crown land set apart for, 900, 973, 1114, 1201. 986, 1014. Oyster-fishing Regulations 1946, 980. Domains (see under the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Seal-fisheries Regulations 1946, 771. J:>arks Act). Toheroa Regulations 1946, 980. Trout-fishing (Wellington) RegQ.lations 1941, Amendment No.3,1209. Trout-fishing (Westland) Regulations 1938, Amendment No.2, 980. E Forests Act- Land acquired for a State forest, 824, 1004, 1067, 1146, 1210. Economic Stabilization Emergency Regulations~Wartime Price Land set apart as a prOVIsional State forest declared subject Index, 1001. to the Land Act, 1075. Education Reserves Act-Notice of land open for lease, 981. Land set apart for- Education Acts- Permanent State forest in the lanel district of-Hawke's Education Boards-Members elected to, 554, 950, 1064, 1065, Bay, 808; Marlborough, 896; Nelson, .1014, 1190; 1093. North Auckland, 833; Otago, 1l04. Land set apart &>nd taken for educational 'purposes (see under Provisional State forest in the land district of-Auckland, Land, set &>part, takelJ. for). 696, 1104; Gisborne, 1l04.; Southland, 1075; . ,Soldier Teachers Grading Adjustment Regulations 1946, 1094. Taranaki, 1104; Wellington. 1075. Egmont National Park Act- Notice of proposed exchange ofland under this Act, 813. Appointment of Chairman, 973. Timber for sale by public tender, 666, 1004. Appointment of member of Board, 946. Friendly Societies Act- Electoral Act- Auditors of friendly societies licensed, 996, 1055. Registrars of Electors appointed, 946, 1115. Cancelling the registry of a society, 825. Returning Officers appointed, 1115. Notice of order dispensing with consents or conditions of Electoral Amendment Act-Boundaries of electoral districts defined, amalgamation, U83. 863. Registration of a friendly society, 851, 954. INDEX v </p><p>G J Gaming Act-Regulations respecting admission to racecourses Judicature Act-' approved, 556, 691, 757. Appointing a member of the Court of Appeal, 808. General Assembly- Commissioner of the Supreme Court appointed, 547, 744, 767, Meeting of, for the despatch of business, 731. 1168. Speech of His Excellency the Governor-General at the opening Registrar and Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court appointed, of the Third Session of the Twenty-seventh Parliament, 855. 1055. - Government Railways Act (see heading Railways). Retirement of the Chief Justice, 1083. Governor-General- • Supreme Court Emergency Revocation Rules 1946, 686. Assumption of the office of, 829. Justices of the Peace Act- Commission of appointment of, 830. Justices of the peace appointed, 817. Governor-General, His Excellency the-Appointments to the staff' Officers authorized to take and receive statutory declarations, of, 900, 945, 1080. 542,739,897,992,1079. Removal of a name from the Commission of the Peace and the resignation of a Justice ofthe Peace, 817. H Hal' bours Act- Appointment of members of Harbour Boards, 738. K. Authority to reclaim land, 987. Kauri Gum Industry Act-Land withdrawn from operation of Act, Liceu.ses to use and occupy parts of foreshores. 1017, 1051. Amended, 648. Kings Counsel-Appointment of, 1021. Granted, 943, 1161. Vesting the control of foreshore in trustees, 765, 766. Hauraki Plains Act- Notice of intention to make and levy rates, 768. Notice of making and levying rates, 913. L Health Act- Camping-ground Regulations Extension Order 1946, 720. Labour Legislation Emergency Regulations- Hairdressers (Health) Regulations Extension Notice 1946, Agricultural Workers Labour Legislation Revocation Order No. 1,665. 1946, 1145. Hairdressers (Health) Regulations Extension Notice 1946, Biscuit Industry Labour Legislation Revocation Order 1946, No.2,1209. 1094. Health (Burial) Regulations 1946, 1094. Electrical Apprentices Labour Legislation Revocation Order Honours and awards (including operational awards and awards 1946, 1062. for gallantry) conferred by His Majesty the King, 544, 683, 710, National Carbon Proprietary, Limited, Employees' Labour 842, 945, 972, 973, 994, 1020, 1082, 1083, 1114. Legislation Suspension Order 1944 revoked, 974. . Hop Marketing Regulations-Election of producers repre Timaru Milling Company, Limited (Macaroni Factory), Em sentatives on the Nelson District Committee, 976. ployees Labour Legislation Suspension Order 1944 revoked, Housing Act-Land set apart or taken for ho:tlsing purposes (see 714. under Land). Woollen·mills Labour Legislation Suspension and Modification Howard Estate Act-Smedley Boy's Training Farm Approval Order 1946, 658. Order, 1197. Land- Allocated for roads and streets, 734, 1012, 1101. Authorizing the exchange of, 966. Authorizing the laying. off of roads and streets of less width tha,n 66 ft. (see under Roads and streets). I Commissioners of Crown Land appointed, 683. Consenting to the taking of land for Incorporated Societies Act-- Abattoir, 896. Dissolution of a society by the Registrar, or Assistant Registrar, Buildings of the General Government, 1047. 775, 824, 884, 956, 1067, 1210. Educational purposes, 967. Notice of liquidation of a club and appointment of liquidator, Housing purposes, 763, 1191. 556, 982, 1068. Milk·station 763. Notice of dividend, 1007. Post and telegraph purposes, 734. Revocation of a dissolution by the Registrar, 851. Roads and streets, 968. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act Declared and proclaimed Crown land in the land districts of Cancellation of the registration of a union, 1030. Auckland 986, 1012; Canterbury, 1074, 1102; Gisborne, Notice of proposed cancellation of the registration of a union, 1043; North Auckland, 644, 805, 986, 1012; Otago, 1103; 773, 1203. Southland,.695; Wellington, 833, 961, 1189; Westland, Industrial Efficiency Act- 805. Appointment of a member of Footwear Plan Industrial Com Declared subject to the Land Act, 1075. mittee, 1083. Declared subject to various Acts (see Act concerned). Appointment of a member of Radio Plan Industrial Committee, Directing the sale of land under various Acts, 646, 703, 812, 836, 994. 943, 1047, 1191. Decisions of the Bureau of Industry regarding the application Exchange of land-Notice of proposed, 1052. for licenses, Forfeiture and surrender of land in the land districts of Agar-Manufacture of, 769. Auckland, 1181; Canterbury, 981; Hawke's Bay, 813; Fish-canning industry, 717, 769, 1177. Nelson, 813; Westland, 753. Fish-liver oil, 1031. Intention to take-Notice of, by local authorities Footwear-Manufacture of, for sale, 663, 717, 769, 979, Boroughs and cities---'<Auckland, 691; Hastings, 775; 1031, 1090, 1177. Nelson, 933; Rotorua, 958; Wellington, 668, 1036; Hand-shovels-Manufacture of, 663. Whangarei,932. Motor-spirit-Retail sale.and distribution of, 663, 717, 769, Counties-Clutha, 1070; Cook, 825, 1070; Coromandel, 849, 979, 1031, 1090, 1177, 1207. 852,933; Hutt, 755; Manukau, 723, 756; Otamatea, Pharmacy industry, 717, 769, 1090, 1177. 1070; Taumarunui, 1213; Tauranga, 825; Waiapu, Radio-manufacturing industry, 663, 717, 1031. 1183; Wairoa, 691; Waitemata, 1069, 1147. Industry Licensing (Gut-manufacture) Revocation Notice 1946, Other authorities-Auckland Education Board, 1007; 1031. Auckland Transport Board, 1068; Canterbury Educa Notices to persons affected by the application for licenscs- tion Board, 756; Hawke's Bay Education Board, 827 ; Fish.canning, 955. . Hawick Town Board, 1097; Hutt Valley Electric· Fish.liver·oil industry,685. power Board, 690; Wanganui-Rangitikei Electric· Footwear-Manufacture of, for sale, 662, 685, 718,769,821, power Board, 776; Wellington Education Board, 850, 919, 955, 978, 1030~ 1061, 1090, 1140, 1176, 1206. 776, 1212. Malt extract, 1176. Intention to take-Notice of, by the State under the- Motor.spirits-Retail sale and distribution of, 550, 662, 685~ Public Works Act, 684, 767, 768, 844, 913, 947, 1023, 1055, 718, 751, 769, 821, 850, 919, 955, 978, 1002, 1030, 1061, 1084, 1116, 1168, 1169. 1091, 1140, 1176, 1206. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 685, 844, 914, Pharmacy industry, 550, 769, 850, 919, 955, 978, 1002. 915, 997, 1024, lO64, 1168, 1169, 1203. Radio.manufacturing industry, 769, 821, 850, 919, 1002, Land Boards- 1061, 1140. Member appointed to, 711, 946, 995, 1201. Industrial and Provident Societies Act--'Appointment of auditors, Member elected to, 1145. 995. Lands and Survey Department-Under.Secretary appointed, Industrial Man.power Emergency Regulations-Revocations of lO55. declarations of essentiality, 918, 919. Native land (see under Native Land Act and the Native Purposes Inspection of Machinery Act-Appointment of an Inspector of Act). Machinery, 818, 995. Proclaimed as roads and streets (see under Roads and streets). VI INDEX </p><p>Land-continued . Local Bodies'Loans Act- Reserved for- Consenting to the raising of loans by local authorities (see Buildings of the General Government 1079. under Local Government Loans Board Act). Cemetery, 1018. Result of polls in connection with the raising of loans County buildings, 1110. Boroughs and city-Carterton, 755; Ellerslie, 1209; Educational purposes, 1079. Hamilton, 1176; Hawera, 721. Gravel-pit, 1079. Other authority-WaitomoElectric-power Board, 1176. Municipal buildings, 1018. Special resolutions and orders made by local authorities for the Public utility, 648. providing for the payment of interest and other Recreational purposes, 1018, 1079. charges in connection with the raising of a loan- Revocation of a Warrant setting apart land under the Act, 704. Boroughs and cities-Ashburton, 1068; Bluff, 933; Sale of-Directed under the Public Works Act (see above, under Green Island, 1096; Hastings, 982; Hawera, 1210; Directing the sale ofland under various Acts). Levin, 932; Lower Hutt, 723; Napier, 1097; Nelson, Sale, selection, and lease-Notices by the Under-Secretary of 1211; Palmerston North, 555, 722, 1213, 1214; Lands and Commissioners of Crown Lands in the land Petone, 932; Waimate, 1068; Wanganui, 932. districts of-,-Auckland, 721; Canterbury, 774, 1095; Counties-Egmont, 1036; Hauraki Plains, 1147; Ingle Hawke's Bay, 666, 1094; Nelson, 1180; North Auckland, wood, 1211; Masterton, 983; Waikohu, 755. 1004; Otago, 753, 981; Wellington, 955, 956, 1095. Drainage Board-Makerua, 852. Set apart for- Electric-power Boards-Ashburton, 852; Golden Bay, Buildings of the General Government, 1045. 1211; Horowhenua, 1070; Taranaki, 1212; Wairoa, Defence purposes, 644, 674, 895. 1006; Waitaki, 775; Waitemata,. 1069, 1212. Disposal by sale or lease to discharged soldiers, 986, 1014. Other authority-Otorohanga Town Board, 983. Educational purposes, 1053. Validating proceedings in connection with a loan, 1047, 1196. Gravel-pit, 962. Local Government Loans Board Act- Housing purposes, 833, 961, 1044. Consenting to the borrowing of money by way of bank over Mental hospital, 1l02. draft, 677, 969. Post and telegraph purposes, 696, 1012, 1074, 1l02. Consenting to the raising of loans and prescribing the conditions Roadman's cottage, 644. thereof- Roads and streets, 962, 1012, 1045. Boroughs and cities-Auckland, 700; Birkenhead, 811; State forests (permanent and provisional) (see under Bluff, 542; Carterton,' 969; Christchurch, 942; Forests Act). Dargaville, 647; Devonport, 811; Ellerslie, 1195; Taken for- Geraldine, 836; Gisborne, 941; Green Island, 811; Abattoir, 895, 896. Hastings,542, 1160; Hawera, 763; Lower Hutt, 541 ; Buildings of the General Government, 759, 1044, 1045. Morrinsville, 542; Motueka, 835; Mount Albert, 811 ; Defence purposes, 938, 965, 1044. Mount Eden 811, 1159; Napier, 542 ; Nelson, 1076; Drainage purposes, 806. New Lynn, 811; Newmarket, 811; New Plymouth, Educational purposes (including Native schools), 643, 674, 1076; Northcote, 811; Oamaru, 735, 1195; Onehunga 805, 965, 1157. . 811; One Tree Hill, 811; Paeroa, 1077; Palmers ton Electrical works, 644, 937, 1103, 1190. North, 942; Pukekohe, 941; Timaru, 647; Upper Forestry purposes (see under Forests Act). Hutt, 1077; Waimate, 542; Wellington, 735. Gravel-pit, 1157. Catchment Board-North Canterbury, 1196. Housing purposes, 760, 825, 832, 1043, 1190. Counties-Cook, 941; Egmont, 1077; Hauraki Plains; Irrigation purposes, 694, 937. 541; Inglewood, 941; Manawatu, 1106; Manukau, Linen-flax development, 1157. 811; Piako, 941; Pohangina, 1106; Rangitikei, 1160; Main highways depot, 937. Waikohu, 1195, Waimea, 1160; Waitemata, 811 ; Milk-station, 759. Woodville, 1077. Police purposes, 695, 1l03. Electric-power Boards-Ashburton, 810; Auckland, 1077 ; Post and telegraph purposes, 643, 674, 733, 760, 965, Central Hawke's Bay, 676; Golden Bay, 941, 1077; 985, 1044, 1l03, 1190. Horowhenua, 735; Taranaki, 735; Te Awamutu, Quarry, 805. 763; Waimea, 1077; Wairoa, 810; Waitaki, 1078; Railway purposes, 673, 733, 985, 1011, 1043, 1073, 1101, Waitemata, 941; Waitomo, 1194. 1157. Harbour Boards-Auckland, 1078; Otago, 942; Welling- Recreational purposes, 643. ton, 1077. . Refuse and rubbish disposal, 1074. Hospital Boards-Bay of Islands, 1160; BUller, 969, 1015 ; Roads and streets- Otago, 942; South Otago, 969; Tauranga, 969. Boroughs, cities, and towns-Hamilton, 963; Mos Other authorities-Christchurch Tramway Board, 1077; giel, 1074. Kaikohe Town Board, 1160; Kamo Town Board, 762; Survey districts and hundreds-Belmont, 938, 986; Lumsden Town Board, 1194; Mount Wellington Road Dunedin, 1158; East Cape, 939; East Taieri, Board, 811; Otorohanga Town Board, 647. 1074, 1158 ; Hamilton, 938, 963; Heretaunga, Varying determinations in respect of the raising of loans by 760; Longwood, 806; Maungatautari, 963; local authorities- Opoiti, 1103; Pigeon Bay, 1014; Pohangina, Cities-Auckland, 969, 1107; Wellington, 700, 701. 1044; Rotoma, 695; Waimea, 964; Wairoa, County-Hobson, 1196. 832; Whangara, 938. Electric-power Board-Taranaki, 1047. Sand-pit, 940. Hospital Board-Southland, 736. . Scientific and industrial research purposes, 938, 1014. Lower Clutha River Improvement Act-Appointing a Commissioner Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act purposes, , of the Trust, 767. 549, 658, 684, 685, 744, 745, 768, 820, 821, 914, 946, 974, 997, 998, 1024, 1088, 1139, 1140, 1168, 1169. 1203, Land and Income Tax Act- M Income-tax (Canadian Traders) Exemption Order 1946, 720. Land and Income Tax Regulations 1946, 720. Magistra,tes' Courts Act- Notice to make returns of income, 689, 751. Bailiff appointed, 547; 1115, 1201. Land Agents Act-Register of licenses, 1128. Clerks and Assistant Clerks appointed, 547, 995, 1054, 1115, Land Laws Amendment Act-Defining land to which water is 1201. supplied, 820, 997. Main Highways Act- Land for Settlements Act-Land Purchase Controller appointed, Appointment of Chairman and members of Board, 971. 1055. Cancellation of appointment of Chairman and Deputy Chairman Land Surveyors Examination set clpwn for September, 1946, 998. . of Board, 971. Land Transfer Act-Notices by District Land Registrars, 554, Consent to the raising of a loan, S35. 667, 668, 689, 721, 753, 754, 774, 775, 824, 851, 931, 956, 981, 1i'o1' I'oads (see under Roads and streets). . 100~ 1035, 106~ 109~ 1146, 1181, 1210. Public Highway declared a main highway, 541. Law Practitioners Act-Disciplinary action by the Law Society, Maori lands (see under Native Land) .. 552. Mariners' Notices- Legations (see under the name of the country concerned). Notice No. 11 of 1946 (St. Anne Point Light), 689. Lemon Marketing Regulations-Notices fixing the prices of certain Notice No. 12 of 1946 (Port Nicholson), 718. grades, 659, 915, 949, 1139. Notice No. 13 of 1946 (Waiheke Channel), 751. Licensing Act- Notice No. 14 of 1946 (Thames), 731. Boundaries of licensing districts defined, 887. Notice No. 15 of 1946 (Auckland), 821. Inspectors of Clubs appointed, 1114. Notice No. 16 of 1946 (Cuvier Island), 821. Licensing Committees-Members appointed to, 547, 683,817, Notice No. 17 of 1946 (Hauraki Gulf),821. 900, 973, 995, 1054, 1083, 1114. Notice No. 18 of 1946 (St. Anne Point), 851. Returning officers for certain licensing districts appoi.nted, 1115. Notice No. 19 of 1946 (Port Nicholson), 851. Linen Flax Corporation Act-Linen Flax Corporation' (Travelling- Notice No. 20 of 1946 (Onekaka), 919. . allowance) Regulations 1946, 823. . Notice No. 21 Qf1946 (Cook Strait), 919 . Local Authorities Empowering (Aviation Encouragement) Act Notice No. 22 of 1946 (Port Nicholson), 999~ Consenting to the establishment and maintenance of an Notice No. 23 of 1946 (Port Nicholson), 1025. a,erodrome, 812. Notice No. 24 of 1946 (Bluff Harbour), 1145. tNDEX VII </p><p>Marketing Act- Native Land Act- Hawke's Bay Milk Treatment Corporation Regulations 1946, Adoption notices, 549, 664, 718, 752, 771, 772, 823, 923, 924, 990. 950, 978, 1064, 1091, 1176, 1206. . Meat Marketing Order 1942, Amendment No.4, 1062. Alienation of Native land-Prohibition of, 678. Wanganui Milk Treatment Corporation Regulations 1946, 989. Authorizing the acquisition of land, 675, 727, 734. Marriage Act- Constitution of a development scheme, 999. Additions to the list of officiating ministers, 549, 689, 773, 846, Excluding land from development schemes, 746, 772, 845, 919, 978, 1001, 1065, 1088. 999. Removals from the list of officiating ministers, 549, 689, 1001, Including additional land in development schemes, 746, 772, 1202. 773, 999, 1145. Meat Act- Land declared subject to Act, 673. Extending definition of term "stock" under the Meat Act, Land declared subject to . Part I of the Amendment Act, 772, 1939, 1062. 961, 999, 1145. Rotorua Abattoir District extended, 1139. Native interpreters-List of, 743. Medical Practitioners Act- Native land vested in His Majesty the King, 1043. Applications for registration, 555, 669, 670, 690, 754, 775, 851, Prohibition of alienation of Native lands (see under Alienation, • 932,957, 100~ 1036, 106~ 1070, 118~ 1212. above). Appointment of members of the Medical Council, 898. Revoking the prohibition of alienation of Native land, 679, 738. Mental Defectives Act-Official Visitor of mental hospitals appointed, Variation of prohibition of alienation of Native lands, 679, 838, 710,817. . 839, 1163. Meteorological returns, 719, 920, 921, 1032, 1178. Native Land Court-Sitting of, fixed, 661, 718, 752, 773, 774, 930, Milk Act- 931, 980, 1144. Boundaries amended and redefined of the Auckland Metro Native Purposes Act- politan Milk District, 1050. Appointment of members of a Trust Board, 809. Nelson Milk District Constitution Order, 813. Setting apart land as a Native reservation, 678, 703, 838, 830, Te Puke Milk District Constitution Order, 944. 944, 967, 1051, 1163, 1196. Milk Delivery Emergency Regulations- Vesting control of scenic reserve in Scenic Board, 1080. Greymouth Milk Delivery Notice 1945, Amendment No.1, 548. Naval Defence Act-Regulations for the Government and Payment Hamilton Milk Delivery Notice 1946 Amendment No.1, 548. of the Royal New Zealand Navy amended, 539, 727, 812. Hamilton Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.2, 976. Navy Office-Appointments, promotions, transfers, &c., in the Royal New Zealand Navy and Naval Reserves notified, 649, Hamilton Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.3, 1139. 898, 992, 1053, 1110, 1155. Masterton Milk Delivery Notice 1946, 976. Nelson Raspberry Marketing Regulations Masterton Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.1, 1139. Appointment of members, 973. Palmerston North Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment Election of producer's representatives, 685, 976. No.2,819. New Zealand Insurance Company, Limited-Annual statement, 1153 Picton Milk Delivery Notice 1943, Amendment No.1, 548. New Zealand School of Mines-Rules governing Scholarshil Rotorua Milk Delivery Notice 1942, Amendment No.4, 976. Examinations, 901. Rotorua Milk Delivery Notice 1942, Amendment No.5, 1058. Noxious Weeds Act-:- Wanganui Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.1, 548. Appointment of Inspectors under the Act revoked, 547., Whangarei Milk Delivery Scheme 1942, Amendment No.3, 1139. Inspectors under the Act appointed, 547. Mining Act- Plants declared noxious weeds in certain areas, 659, 714, 9IH., Application for a license for a water-Tace, 669, 690, 755. 976, 1169. Cancellation of a notice in respect of exempted lands, 648. Chairman of Board of Examiners appointed, 710. Mining privilege held by His Majesty the King surrendered, 1116. Withdrawing Crown land from a mining district, 761, 1074. o Ministers, officiating (see under Marriage Act). Offenders Probation Act-Probation Officer appointed, 1083. Minister of the Crown appointed, 900, 946. Officiating ministers (see under Marriage Act). Ministry of Works Act-Appointment of a Deputy Commissioner of Oil Fuel Emergency Regulations-Notice under the Oil Fuel Works, 1021. Emergency Regulations 1939 suspending parts thereof, 711. Motor Drivers Regulations- Opticians Act-Notice authorizing abbreviations, 915. Exemption Order, 686, 974, 1024, 1025, 1088. Orders in Council (~ee under authority for enactment). Testing Officer approved, 819, 901, 996, 1025, 1055. Motor-spirits (RegulatiOIi of Prices) Act-Motor-spirit Prices Regulations 1942, Amendment No.4, 554. p Motor-vehicles Act- Area declared to be a closely populated locality, 684, 744, 1116. Partnerships-Dissolution notices, 668, 690, 755, 757, 825, 932, Exempting certain Railway Department motor-vehicles from 933, 982, 1070, 1147, 1153, 1182, 1211. the operation of section 4 of the Motor Vehicles Amend Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Act- ment Act, 1934-35 (mileage tax), 848. Notice of day fixed by Court for hearing application, 1211, 1213. Excluding streets from limitation as to speed, 901. Notice of intention to petition Court to extend letters patent, Heavy Motor-vehicles Regulations 1940, Amendment No.4, 956, 1006, 1035. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amending Regulations 1946, 1003. l 1171. Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Regulations 1939, Amendment No.5, 753. Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks and Copyright (Hours of Motor-vehicles Registration Regulations 1946, 753, 844. Inspection) Revocation Regulations.1946, 1171. Perpetual Trustees Estate and Agency Company of New Zealand, Prescribing fees payable for registration-plates, 844. Traffic-sign Regulations 1937, Amendment No.1, 720. Limited-Statement of affairs, 824. Plumbers Registration Act-Appointment of members of Board, Municipal Corporations Act- 9014,946. Authorizing the laying-off of streets of certain widths (see under Post and Telegraph Act- Roads and streets). Post and Telegraph (Staff) Regulations 1925, Amendment Board appointed under section 332, 683. No. 20, 980. Boundaries altered or redefined, 711, 896, 1022, 1085. Transmitting and receiving officers for the service of notice by Boundaries-notice of proposed alterations, 1021, 1086, 1138. telegraph appointed, 548, 973, 1116. Constitution of a borough, 807. Practising Opticians Regulations-Notice of resolution authorizil1g Notice of intention to take land by Borough and City Councils additional abbreviations, 915. (see under Land, intention to take by local authorities). Price Index (Wartime) notified, 1001. Notice respecting proposed constitution of borough, 818, 1022. Price Orders- Poll-Arrangements for the .taking of, 1110. Declared Goods (Control of Prices) Notice 1946, No.4, 1175. Mutual Fire Insurance Act-Statements deposited with Public Price Order No. 538 (Milk-Feilding), 550. Trustee, 1002. Price Order No. 539 (Milk-Marton), 550. Price Order No. 540 (Milk-Taihape), 551. Price Order No. 541 (Raw-leaf Tobacco), 552. Price Order No. 542 (Island Oranges), 552. N Price Order No. 543 (Apples and Pears), 665. Price Order No. 544 (Jams), 687. Names-;-Change of- Price Order No. 545 (Jams), 687. Companies (see under Companies Act). Price Order No. 546 (Jams), 687. Private persons, 691, 958, 1007, 1037. Price Order No. 547 (Jams), 687. Nation.al Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Act-Member of the Price Order No. 548 (Jams), 688. Board of Trustees appointed, 743. Price Order No. 549 (Canned Herrings), 688. National Expenditure Adjustment Act-Deposits Interest Restric Price Order No. 550 (Milk-Tekapo), 688. tion Order 1945, Amendment No.1, 980. Price Order No. 551 (Milk-Cambridge), 748. National Savings Act- Price Order No. 552 (Milk-Te Aroha), 749. Rate of interest on national savings investments, 901. Price Order No. 553 (Boys' and Mens' Wear), 749. Trustee of savings-banks authorized to receive investments by Price Order No. 554 (New Zealand Lemons), 749. way of deposits, 901. Price ?rder No. 555 (Apples and Pears), 822. VIII INDEX </p><p>Price Orders-continued Public Service Acts- Price Order No. 556 (Knitted Wear), 846. ·Appointments in the Public Service notified, 547, 683, 744, Price Order No. 557 (Knitted Wear), 846. 818, 900, 946, 995, 1054, 1055, ll15, Ill6, ll68, 1201. Price Order No. 558 (Meat in Abattoir Districts), 846. Office abolished in Administrative Division, 896, 897. Price Order No. 559 (Milk-Opotiki), 846. Office added to the Administrative Division, 896, 897. Price Order No. 560 (Canned Herrings), 846. Public Service Amending Regulations 1946, 1094. Price Order No. 561 (Symington's Essence of Coffee and Public Trust Office Act Chicory), 924. Appointment of agent, 954. Price Order No. 562 (Sultanas, Currants, and Raisins), 924. Alteration and reconstitution of local districts, 929. Price Order No. 563 (Jams), 926. District and Deputy District Public Trustees appointed, 662, Price Order No. 564 (Jams), 926. 683, 685, 715, 744, 1030. Price Order No. 565 (Jams), 926. Elections to administer estates by the Public Trustee, 661, 662, Price Order No. 566 (Jams), 927. 688, 716, 746, 773,850, 930, 955, 1001; 1066, 1094, ll41, Price Order No. 567 (Jams), 927. ll72, 1209. Price,Order No. 568 (.Jams), 927. Notice of intention to exercise powers in respect of unclaimed Price Order No. 569 (Potatoes), 928. lands, 929. Price Order No. 570 (Baking-powder), 928. Notice of the vesting of unclaimed lands in the Public Trustee Price Order No. 571 (Milk-Blenheim), 951. under Part II (Unclaimed Lands) of the Act, 715,929, Price Order No. 572 (Milk-Te Puke), 951. 1002, 1209. Price Order No. 573 (Apples and Pears), 952. Notice closing an agency, 773. Price Order No. 574 (Eggs), 977. Notice that sums of money payable to subjects of Denmark may Price Order No. 575 (Wools, Canvas, Knitting.pins, Booklets), now be paid to the Consul-General of Denmark, 1018. 978. Notice that sums of money payable to subjects of the French Price Order No. 576 (Lavenda Wool), 978. Republic may now be paid to Minister Plenipotentiary, ll63. Price Order No. 577 (Apples and Pears), 998. Public ;Works Act- Price Order No. 578 (Eggs), 999. . Agreement for grant of easement, 902. Price Order ;No. 579 (New Zealand Citrus Fruits), 1027. Agreement for grant of right· of-way, 902. Price Order No. 580 (Milk-Gore), 1028. Authorizing the laying. off of streets of less width than 66 ft. Price Order No. 581 (Eggs), 1029. (see under Roads and streets). Price Order No. 582 (Matches), 1030. Authorizing the use of water for the purpose of generating Price Order No. 583 (Swedish Safety Matches), 1030. electricity (see under Licenses to use water, below). Price Order No. 584 (Eggs), 1059. Consenting to the stopping of roads (see under Roads and Price Order No. 585 (Finnish Safety Matches), 1060. streets). Price Order No. 586 (Main Crop Potatoes), 1060. Directing the sale ofland (see under Land, directing the sale of). Price Order No. 587 (" Wendy" Wools), 1060. Exempting roads and streets from the provisions of section 128 Price Order No. 588 (Apples and Pears), 1061. of the Act (see Roads and streets). Price Order No. 589 (Substantial Meals), 1092. Heavy Motor·vehicle Regulations 1940, Amendment No.4, Price Order No. 590 (Milk-Whakatane), 1092. 1003. Price Order No. 591 (Nails), 1093. Land allocated, set apart, taken, &c. (see respective subheadings Price Order No. 592 (Eggs), ll41. under Land). Price Order No. 593 (Fish-Wellington), ll42. Land taken for a Government road and not required for that Price Order No. 594 (Apples and Pears), ll43. purpose declared Crown land (see Land, Crown land Price Order No. 595 (Eggs), ll72. declared). Price Order No. 596 (New Potatoes), ll73. Licenses to use water for generating electricity and/or to Price Order No. 597 (Rice), 1204. erect electric lines (see also Electric.power Boards Price Order No. 598 (Milk-Whangarei), 1204: Act)- Price Order No. 599 (Milk-Cambridge), 1204. Amended, 941, 967, 1047. Price Order No. 600 (Milk-Opotiki), 1204. Granted, 700, 965, 1075. Price Order No. 601 (Apples and Pears), 1204. Revoked, 838, 987. Prohibition of Sale (Control of Prices) Notice 1946, No.1, ll75. Stopping of a Government road (see under Roads and streets). Revocation of Price Orders, 977. Sand-caune reclamation declared to be a public work, 943. Primary Industries Emergency Regulations..,.- Dairy Supply Control Order 1945, Amendment No.1, 1031. Fertilizer Control Order 1946, 1003. • Sale of Tallow Control Order, 1087. 'R Prisons Act- Gaolers appointed, Ill5. Rabbit Nuisance Act- Prisons Regulations 1946, 923. Boundaries altered and/or redefined; 809. Prisons Regulations 1946, No; 2, ll45. Constituting rabbit districts, 676. Private Bills-Notice of, 690, 722, 754. Members of Rabbit Boards appointed, 657, 658, 659, 683, 710, Public Acuounts-Abstract of revenue and expenditure for the 744, 767, 843, 918, 946, 995, 1054, 1083, 1114, 1201. year ending 31st March, 1946, 781. Rabbit-destruction (Awatere Rabbit District) Regulations 1946, Public Bodies' Leases Act- 665. Declaration of a borough council as a leasing authority, 704. Rabbit·destruction (Flaxbourne Rabbit District) Regulations Notice that land open for lease, 981. 1946,823. Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act- Rabbit·destruction (Kowai Rabbit District) Regulations 1946 Appointing Domain Board to have control of domains-Bluff, 980. ll61; Duntroon, 703; Halswell, 967; Kimbolton, 966; Rabbit·destruction (Waihopai Rabbit District) Regulations Kopuru Town, 1016; Korakonui,943; Mairangi Bay, 1052; 1946,665. Mapiu, ll06; Marshland, ll96; Matiere, 1079; Moeraki, Rabbit·destruction (Wairarapa East Rabbit District) Regulation 702; Nelson Creek, 678; Okarito, 987; Onamatutu, 678; 1946,665. Otekaike, ll61; Poukiore, 837; Simson Park, ll06; Railways (including Government Railways Act)- Tahora, 677; Tairua, 736; Wai·iti, ll97; Waikaka, 677 ; Abstract of the Railways Working Account, 849, 923,979, 1092. Waiotira, 762; Waipori Falls, 837; Whangateau, 1078; Government Railways (Fees for Documents) Order 1946, 848. Whenuanui, 1016. Government Railways Industrial Tribunal (Fees and Travelling. Authorizing Taihape Oval Domain Board to increase days for allowances) Regulations 1946, 1209. charge for admission to domain, 992. Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act- Cancelling the vesting of an endowment, ll04. Notice of intention to levy general rates, 975. Cancelling the vesting of a reserve in a local authority, 701, Notice of making and levying general rates, 1087. 761,966. Rating Act- " Domain and other Boards-Members appointed to, 996, 1197. Judge of Assessment Court appointed, 657. Exchange of land authorized, 966. Validating Valuation List, 971. Land reserves and domains brought under this Act in the Land Rationing Emergency Regulations- . District of Otago, 761. Clothing Rationing Coupon Notice 1946, 1058. Land reserves and domains-Purpose· of, changed in the land Foodstuffs Rationing Coupon Notice 1946, 1058. districts of-North Auckland, 838; Otago, ll05; Registrars appointed (see Act under which appointed). (NOTE. Wellington, ·ll05. Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, including those of Reservations over land cancelled or revoked in the land districts Maoris, are indexed immediately below.) of-Auckland, 1051; Canterbury, 762,838, ll6I; Hawke's Registrars and Deputy Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Bay, 702 ; Nelson, ll61; North Auckland, 702, 1017; appointed (including those of Maori births), 547, 658, 683, 710, Otago, 702, 1017; Taranaki, 678, 987, 1079. 744, 767, 817, 818, 844, 900, 946, 995, 1021, 1054, 1055, 1084, Vesting of domains and reserves in local authorities 1114, 1115, 1116, 1168, 1201. Boroughs and city-Oama,Tu, 761; One Tree Hill, 966; Regulations Act- Wanganui, ll62. Agricultural Workers Labour Legislation Revocation Order County-Taumarunui, ll62. 1946, ll45. Public Hall, Domain, and, other Boards-Clydevale War Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 12, 923. Memorial Board, 1162; Hapuku Public Hall Board, Air Navigation Regulations 1933, Amendment No. 13,923. ll05; Raurimu Public Hall Board, 1017; Wairau Animals Protection and Game Regulations 1939, Amendment Valley Public Hall Board, 701. No. 3,720. INDEX LX </p><p>Regulations Act-continued ' Regulations Act-con#nued Bees and Appliances (Introduction) Regulations 1946, 823. Revocation of Emergency Regulations and Order relating to Biscuit IndustryL~bour Legislation Revocation Order 1946, registration and licensing of motor-vehicles, 753. 1094. ' Revocation of the Fire Boards (Insurance Companies' Contribu Bon,rd of Trade (Footwear Marking) Regulations 1946, 823. tions) Emergency Regulations 1943, 1094. Camping-ground Regulations Extension Order 1946, 720. Revocation of the Medical Practitioners Emergency Regulations Cinematograph Films Emergency Regulations 1946, 848. 1941, 554. Cinematograph Films, (Storage, Exhibition, and Renting) Revocation or' the Quarantine (Armed Forces) Emergency Regulations 1929, Amendment No.3, 923. Regulations 1943, 848. Cinematograph Operators Licensing Regulations 1938, Amend- Revocation of the Removal and Erection of Sawmills Notice ment No.3, 923. 1941, 1062. Copyright Amending Regulations 1946, 1171. Revomttion of the Taxicab Emergency Regulations 1942, 665. Criminal Appeal Rules 1946, 848. Revocation of the Termites Act (Application) Order 1943, 950. Customs Amending Regulations 1946, 1209. Rural Electrical Reticulation Council (Travelling-allowance) , Customs Export Prohibition Order 1946, 665. Regulations 1946, 1171. Customs Export 'Prohibition Order 1946, No.2, 771. t::leal-fishery Regulations 1946, 771. Customs Export Prohibition Revocation Order 1946, 1094. t::lervicemen's Settlement and Land t::lales Emergency Regulations Customs Import Prohibition Revocation Order 1946, 1031. 1946,823. Customs Primage Exemption Order 1946, 1155. t::locial Security (Pharmaceutical Supplies) Regulations 1941, Dairy-produce Levy) Regulations 1936, Amendment No.1, Amendment No.4, 1094. 1003. Soldier Teachers Grading Adjustment Regulations 1946, 1094. Dairy Supply Control Order 1945, Amendment No.1, 1031. Supreme Court Emergency Revocation Rules 1946, 686. Deposits Interest Restriction Order 1945, Amendment No.1, Suspension of Apprenticeship Emergency Regulations 1944, 980. Amendment No.1, 848. Electrical Apprentices Labour Legislation Revocation Order Transport (Passenger) Order 1936, Amendment No.2, and 1946, 1062. Transport Licensing (Passenger) Regulations 1936, Amend Emergency Regulations Revocation Order No.3, 923. ment No.7, 1171. Emergency Regulations Revocation Order No.4, 1031. Toheroa Regulations 1946, 980. Exempting certain Railways Department motor-vehicles from Traffic Signs Regulations 1937, Amendment No.1, 720. the operation of section 4 of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Trout-fishing (Wellington) Regulations 1941, Amendment Act, 1934-35 (mileage tax), 848. No.3,1209. Expeditionary Force Emergency Regulations 1940, Amendment Trout-fishing (Westland) Regulations 1938, Amendment No.2, No.9,1062. 980. Extending definition of term "stock" under the Meat Act, Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations 1946, 923. 1939, 1062. Weights and Measures Proclamation 1946, 686. Fertilizer Control Order 1946, 1003. Wool Disposal Regulations 1946, 950. Finance Emergency Regulations 1940,' Amendment No.4, Wool Emergency Regulations Exemption Order 1946, 950. 753. Rehabilitation Act- Flour Extraction Control Notice 1946, 554. Officers authorized to execute documents, 1198. Food and Drug Regulations 1946, 1145. Rehabilitation (Psychiatric Nurses) Regulations 1946, 1145. Fresh-water Fisheries (Otago) Regulations 1945,Amendment Religious, Charitable, and Education Trusts Act- No. 1,1094. Notice respecting a trust created by James McKeeman, 756, Fresh-water Fisheries (Southland) Regulations 1941, Amendment 757, 1212. No.4,1094. Notice respecting a trust created by Nancy McKeeman, 756, Government Railways (Fees for Documents) Order 1946, 848. 1211. Government Railways Industrial Tribunal (Fees and Travelling- Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act allowances) Regulations 1946, 1209. ' Balance-sheet of the Reserve Bank, 1003. Hairdressers (Health) Regulations Extension Notice 1946, Statement of the liabilities and assets of the long-term mortgage No. 1,665. department of the Bank of New Zealand, 747, 922, 1026, Hairdressers (Health) Regulations Extension Notice 1946, 1208. . No.2,1209. Summaries of trading bank's monthly returns, 747, 922, 1026, Health (Burial) Regulations 1946, 1094. 1208. Heavy Motor-vehicle Regulations 1940, Amendment No.4, Weekly statements of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve 1003. Bank of New Zealand, 554, 661, 686, 716, 748, 774, 822, Income~tax (Canadian Traders) Exemption Order 1946, 720. 850, 921, 95~ 980, 102~ 1059, 1091, 114~ 117~ 1209. Industry Licensing (Gut-manufacture) Revocation Notice Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act-Land declared subject 1946, 1031. to, 696. Labour Legislation Suspension Orders revoked, 665. Revocation of Proclamations, Orders in Council, Warrants, Notices, Land and Income Tax Regulations 1946, 720. &c. (see under the relative Act). Linen Flax Corpomtion (Travelling-allowance) Regulations Roads and streets- 1946,823. Authorizing the laying-off of roads and streets of less width than Local Authorities (Replacement of Debentures) Regulations 66 ft. under the Public Works Act, the Land Act, and 1931, Amendment No.2, 753. the Municipal Corporations Act- Meat Marketing Order 1942, Amendment No.4, 1062. Boroughs and cities-Dunedin, 1107; Gisborne, 645; Motor-spirits Prices Regulations 1942, Amendment No.4, Lower Hutt, 810, 969; Lyttelton, 1191; New Lynn, 554. 1191; Oamaru, 697; Palmerston North, 697, 764, Motor-vehicles Insurance (Third-party Risks) Regulations 1939, 1159; Richmond, 697; Tauranga, 897, 1107; Amendment No.5, 753. Whangarei, 697, 834. Motor-vehicles Registration Regulations 1946, 753. Survey districts and hundreds-Hukatere, 975; Kapiti, Occupational Re-establishment Emergency Regulations 1940, 745; Pukerua, 975; Waimea, 745. Amendment No.4, 720. Closing of- Opossum Regulations 1946, 730. Boroughs-Frankton, 760; Upper Hutt, 986. Oyster-fishing Regulations 1946, 980. t::lurvey districts and hundreds-Belmont, 675; Christ Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Amending Regulations 1946, church, 1013; Clutha, 832, 1013; Glenkenick, 940; 1171. ' Hamilton, 940; Newcastle, 1013; Puketapu, 962; Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks and Copyright (Hours of Punakitere, 807; Rangiora, 807, 1013; Tahoraiti, , Inspection) Revocation Regulations 1946; U7l. 694; Tuhua, 694; Wai-iti, 895; Waimea, 895; Post and Telegraph (Staff) Regulations 1925, Amendment No. Waipohi, 832; West-T8,ieri, 806. 20,980. Consenting to the stopping of roads in the Survey District of Prisons Regulations 1946, 923. Whangara, 1105. Prisons Regulations 1946, No.2, 1145. Defining the middle line of a road or railway, 1014. Public Service Amending Regulations 1946, 109,1. Eiempted from the provisions of section 128 of the Public Public Service Remuneration Order 1946, 1094. Works Act, subject to a condition as to the building PubJ.i,o Service Salary Order 1946, 980. line- Purchase of Wool Emergency Regulations 1939, Amendment Boroughs, cities and town districts-Akaroa, 809, 1193; No. 7,950. Auckland, 736, 765, 970, 1108; Balclutha, 1193; Rabbit-destruction (Awatere Rabbit District) Regulations 1946, Blenheim, 737, 1192; Christchurch, 1192; Devonport, 665. 1191; Dunedin, 680, 698, 699, 737, 764, 834, 944, 970, Rabbit-destruction (Flaxbourne Rabbit District) Regulations 987, 988, 1049, 1050, 1107, 1108, 1192, 1193, 1194; 1946, 823. Feilding, 679 ; Green Island, 1016, 1192; Gore, 699 ; Habbit-destruction (Kowai Rabbit District) Regulations 1946, Hokitika, 1159; Kawakawa, 646; Lyttelton, 698; 980. Motueka, 764; Napier, 765; Nelson, 646, 737, 764, Rabbit-destruction (Waihopai Rabbit District) Regulations 1048, 1050; New Plymouth, 697, 834, 1194; Oamaru, 1946,665. 646; Onehunga, 1048; Richmond, 1049; St. Kilda, Rabbit-destruction (Wairarapa East Rabbit District) Regula 1048, 1049; Takaka, 1109; Wellington, 834, 897; tions 1946, 665. West Harbour, 645, 970. Rehabilitation (Psychiatric Nurses) Regulations 1946, 1145. Counties-Bruce, 1108; Peninsula, ,680; Taranaki, 835; Hevocation of the Charcoal Manufacture and Sale Notice 1940, Waikouaiti, 810, 1049; Waimea, 699, 738, 835, 970, 680. 988, 989, 1015, 1016, 1109; Waitotara, 944. </p><p>II x INDEX </p><p>Roads and streets-continued Supply Control Emergency Regulations- Government roads declared in the survey districts of-Maunga Building Construction Oontrol Notice, No. 20;660. karetu, 837; Ongo, 837; .Tauhara, 1159. Building Construction Control Notice, No. 21, 10.88. Notice of the proposed stopping of a road, 825. Building Construction Control Notice, No. 22, 10.88. Proclaimed under the Land Act- Poultry Mash Control Notice 1946, 1145. Boroughs, cities, and town districts-Auckland, 645, 963 ; Revocation of Building Construction Control Notice No.9, 117U. Hamilton, 733; Hastings, 760, 939; Kaikohe, 645; Revocation of certain Control Notices,660. New Plymouth, 1102; Oamaru, 939; Otorohanga, Revocation of the Charcoal Manufacture and Sale Notice 1940., 674; Wellington, 693, 831, 963, 1189; West Harbour, 686. 1158. . Revocation of the Removal and Erection of Sawmills Notice Survey districts and hundreds-Belmont, 675, 1102; 1941, 1062. . Christchurch, 1013; Clutha, 832; Hawera, 986; Revocation of Timber Control Notices,686. Hokanui, 674; Huiroa, 644; Kaiteriteri, 939; Revocation of the Timber Control Notice No. 55,660.. Kaniere, 940; Kaupokonui, 940, 110.2; Kopuaranga, Timber Control Notice No. 59, 10.04. 962; Mangahao, 1189; Oero, 696; Opuawhanga, Swamp Drainage Act- . 10.46; Otanake, 1046; Rangiora, 10.13; Rewa, N oticeof intention to levy general rates, 975. 693; Rotoma, 694; Takahue, 10.45; Tarawera, 64.5 ; Notice of making and levying generaLrates, 10.87. Tauakira, 80.8; Tokomaru, 1046; Tryphena, 962; Tuhua, 694; Tuturau, 80.6; Waiapu, 1046; Waimea, 940; Waipohi, 832; Waitohu, 760.; Waoku, 734; T Whangape, 80.6. Revoking wholly or partially a Proclamation proclaiming land Termites Act-Revocation of the Termites Act (Application) Order as a road or railway, 895, 1074. 1943,950. Stopping a Government road in, the survey districts of Testing Officers approved lmder the Motor-drivers Regulations (see Maungakaretu; 833; Ongo, 833. under Motor-vehicles Act). Royal New Zealand Air Force-Appointments, promotions, transfers, Thomas Cawthron Trust Act-Members of Thomas Cawthron Trust &c., in the (see under Air Department). Board appointed, 547. Royal New Zealand Navy. Appointments, promotions, transfers, Timber Emergency Regulations- &c., in the (see under Navy Office). Revocation of the Charcoal Manufacture and Sale Notice 1940, Royal Society of New Zealand-Rules amended, 1025. 686. Revocation of the Removal and Erection of Sawmills Notice 1941, 1062. Revocation of Timber Control Notices, 660., 686. Timber Control Notice No. 59, 100.4. Timber for sale by public tender-Notices by the State Forest s Service (see under Forests Act). Sale of Food and Drugs Act-Food and Drugs Regulations 1946, Town Boards Act-,.Arrangements for first election notified, 657. 1145. Town-planning Act-Local authority required to submit a planning Sales Tax Act- scheme, 664. Licenses to retailers Tramways Alnendment Act-Suspension of a part of the Act,~ 941. Cancelled, 553, 10.34. 'rransport Department Act-Classification of road, 819, 90.2. Issued, 553; 1033. Transport Licensing Act- Licenses to wholesalers- Appointment of Licensing Authority, 767, 10.58; 1210.., Cancelled, 750., 848, 100.0., 1171. Transport Licensing (Passenger) Regulations 193(), Amendment Issued, 750., 847, 1000, 1170.. No.7, and Transport (Passenger) Order 1936, Amendment Minister's decisions under, 1089. No.2, 1171. Savings- bank Act- Transport Legislation Emergency Regulations-Exemption orders Balance-sheets, annual, of- declaringlthat provisions of Regulation 7 (1) of the Motor-drivers Auckland Savings-bank, 1148. Regulations shall not apply, 684, 974. Dunedin Savings-bank, 1150. Hokitika Savings-bank, 1150.. Invercargill Savings-bank, 1148. New Plymouth Savings-bank, 1152. Officers of savings-banks appointed, 817, 995, 1114. u Scenery Preservation Act- Union Islands (No.1 of New Zealand) Order-Declaration of name Inspectors and Honorary Inspectors appointed, 704, 992, of Union Island and Fakaofo, 996. 10.53, ll63, 1080. Urban Farm Land Rating Act-Appointment. of members of Land reserved under to be scenic reserves, 987, 1014, 1015, 1158. Assessment Court, 843. Members of Scenic Boards appointed, 1079. Vesting control of scenic reserves in local authorities Counties-Hutt, 1080; Whangaroa, 739. Scenic Boards-Hae Hae Te Moana, 648; Lake Rotoiti, 1080. v Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act- Valuation of Land Act-Appointment of President of Assessment Declarations of land taken" 549, 658, 684, 744, 745, 768, Court, 1163. 820, 821, 914, 974, 997, 998, 1024, 1088, 1139, ll40, Visiting Forces Act-Orders under section 6 of the Act, 766, 10.52, 1168, ll69, 1203. 1110.. Judge of Land Sales Court appointed, 973. Members and Chairmen and deputies of members and Chairmen appointed, 744, 900, 1084. Notice of intention to take land, 685, 844, 914, 915, 997, w 1024, 1064, 1169, 120.3. War Assets Realization Board-Notices by the, in respect of the Revocation of notice declaring land taken, 1088. sale of surplus war assets, 666, 752, 823', 955, 10.0.3, 10.30., lO6U, Shipping and Seamen Act-Amending Tauranga extended river 1145, 120.6. limits, 844. War regulations (see under Emergency Regulations Act). Shorthand Reporters Act-Appointment of shorthand reporter, Waterfront Industry Emergency Regulations- . 1055, lll5. Appointment of Branch Managers and Assistant Branch Shops and Offices Act-Notice fixing closing-hours, 548. Branch Managers, ll6G. ~ Socia! Security Act-Sociql Security (Pharmaceutical Supplies) 'Appointment of General Manager and Assistant General Regulations 1941, Amendment No.4, 1094. Manager, 90.0.. Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act- Appointment of members of Commission, 898. Appointing a non-elective member of a Catchment Board, 992. Appointment of Port Committees, 1167, 1168. , Cancellation of appointment and appointment of Chairman of Weights and Measures Act-Weights and Measures Proclamation, Council, 648. 1946, 686. First meeting-Date of, fixed, 1168. Wheat and Flour Emergency Regulations Statutes Amendment Act- Flour Extraction Control Notice 1946, 554. Authorizing the acquisition of land, 675, 966, 1015. Poultry Mash Control Notice 1946, 1145. Restricting the grant and disposal of mining privileges, 813. Wool Disposal Act-Wool Disposal Regulations 1946, 950.. Stock Act-Appointment of Inspector, 900, 1115. Wool Industry Act-Appointment of member of the Wool Board, Stock-remedies Act-List of stock-remedies registered, 845. 1166. Jlumh.28 539 </p><p>THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE </p><p>WELLINGTON; THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 </p><p>Reg,tdat-ions under the Naval Defence Act, 191.1, amended &h.oolmasters Column 1. Column 2. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General 1939. 1940. ORDER IN COUNCIL Per Diem. Per Diem. £ s. d. £ s. d. At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of SchoolmaRter Candidate 12 0 13 0 April, 1946 o o Present: Probationary Schoolmaster o 12 6 o 13 6 HIs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL Schoolmaster (Warrant Officer) after one year from entry, or on confirmation, N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities con if later ferred on him by section twenty-five of the Naval Defence o 14 6 o 15 6 I After two years from entry 15 Act, 1913, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in o 0 o 16 0 that behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General, with the advice After three years from entry o 15 0 o 16 0 After four years from entry 15 6 of the Execut,ive Council, doth hereby amend and supplement the o 6 o 16 regulations referred to in the Schedule hereto as shown therein. After five years from ent,ry o 15 6 o 16 6 After six years from entry .. o 16 0 o 17 0 SCHEDULE After seven years from entry o 16 0 o 17 0 Regulations for the Government and Payment of the Royal New After eight years from entry o 16 6 o 17 6 Zealand Navy, 1939 After nine years from entry 017 0 o 17 6 ApPENDIX I.-RATES OF PAY: OFFICERS Schoolmaster (Commissioned Officer from Cancel, and substitute:- Warrant Rank) on promotion o 17 6 o 17 6 Subject to the provisions of Article 100 of these regulations After one year o 18 0 o 18 0 and Navy Order 221, the following shall be the daily rates of pay After two years· o 18 6 o 18 6 of the following officers of the Royal New Zealand Navy. The After three years o 19 0 o 19 0 1939 rates take effect on and from 1st June, 1939, and the 1940 After four veal'S o 19 6 o 19 6 rates on and from 1st January, 1940. After five years 1 0 0 1 0 0 After six years 1 0 6 1 0 (j * * * * .. After seven years 1 1 0 1 1 0 Warrant Officers and Officers Promoted therefrom Mter eight years I 1 6 1 1 6 Non-Mechanical Mter nine years I 2 0 1 2 0 Mechanical Branches. Branches. After ten years 1 2 6 1 2 6 (Column A). (Column B). Mter eleven years 1 3 0 1 3 0 Column 1. Column 2. Column lA. Column 2A. (j 1939. 1940. 1939. 1940. After twelve years 1 3 6 1 3 Per Diem. Per Diem. Per Diem. Per Diem After thirteen years 1 4 0 1 4 0 s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Mter fourteen years 1 4 6 I 4 6 Warrant Officer .. 17 6 18 6 16 6 17 6 After fifteen years 1 5 0 1 5 0 After three vears 18 3 19 3 17 3 18 3 Senior Master (Commissioned Officer from After six years 19 0 20 0 18 0 19 0 Warrant Rank) to receive the rate of Mter nine years 19 9 20·9 18 9 19 9 pay to which he would have been en Commissioned Officer from titled as a, Schoolmaster (either Warrant Warrant Rank 21 0 21 0 20 0 20 0 Officer or Commissioned Officer from After three years 23 0 23 0 22 0 22 0 Warrant Rank a.ccording to the time Mter six years 24 0 24 0 23 0 23 0 served from date of entry) with an After nine years 26 0 26 0 25 0 25 0 addition of 0 3 0 0 3 0 I .. ieutenant- Headmaster (Lieutenant) on promotion 1 8 0 8 0 On promotion 28 0 28 0 27 0 27 0 , After three years .. 1 9 0 1 9 0 After three years 29 0 29 0 28 0 28 0 After six years 30 0 30 0 29 0 29 0 Mter six years 1 10 0 1 10 0 IJieutenant-Commander 32 0 32 0 31 0 31 0 Headmaster (Lieutenant-Commander) on Mter three years 36 0 36 0 35 0 35 0 promotion 1 12 0 1 12 0 Comma,nder As for Comma.nder of Branch. After three years •• 1 16 0 1 16 0 A. 540 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>ApPENDIX HI.-SUBSTANTIVE RATES OF PAY: NAVAL RATINGS Regulating Branch AND ROYAL MARINES 1939 Scale. 1940 Scale. Per Diem. Per piem. Cancel, and substitute :- s. d. s. d. Subject to the provisions of Article 130 of these regulations and Regulating Petty Officer . . . . 11 4 12 3 Navy Ord~r 221, the following shall be the caily rates of pay of After three years' service as such 11 8 12 7 Naval Ratmgs and Royal Marines of the Royu': ~ew Zealand Navv. After six years' service as such ., 12 0 12 11 The 1939 rates take effect on and from 1st ..;. me, 1939, and the Master-at-Arms ., .• 12 10 1940 rates on and from 1st January, 1940:- 13 10 After three years' service as such 13 4* 14 4* SUBSTANTIVE RATES OF PAY: NAVAL RATINGS AND ROYAL MARINES Seamen Ratings Sick Berth Staff 1939 Scale. 1940 Scale Sick Berth Attendant Probationer. . . . 5 6 6 0 Per Diem. Per Diem.' Sick Berth Attendant (after training) .• s. d. ' 8 1 8 9 s. d. After three years' service as such, if passed Boy, Second Class 1 0 1 2 for Leading Sick Berth Attendant .. 8 3 8 11 Boy, First Class. . . . 1 9 1 11 After six years' service as such, if passed Boy, First Cla.ss, over seventeen 2 6 2 8 . for Leading Sick Berth Attendant ... 8 5 9 1 Ordinary Sea.man 5 0 5 6 Leading Sick .Berth Attendant . . . . 9 4 10 2 Able Seaman .. 1 9 8 5 After three years' service as such, if passed After three years' man's service 711 8 7 , for Sick Berth Pettv Officer .. . • 9 6 10 4 After six years' man's service 8 1 8 9 Sick Berth Petty Office; ., .. 10 10 II 9 Leading Seaman ...... 8 10 9 8 After three years' service as such 11 2 12 1 After one year's service as such, if passed After six years' service as such .. 11 6 12 5 for P.O...... 9 1 911 Sick Berth Chief Petty Offic<;lr .. 12 4- 13 4 Petty Officer . . . . 10 . 4 11 3 After three years' service as such 12 10* 13 10* After three years' service as such 10 8 11 7 After six years' service as such .. 11 0 1111 Writer and Su.pply Ratings Chief Petty Officer . . . . 11 10 12 10 After three years' service as such 12 4* 13 4* Boy (under seventeen) 2 0 2 2 Boy (over seveuteen) ., ., .. 2 6 2 8 Signal and Telegraphist Branches Writer Probationer and Supply Probationer 5 6 6 0 Signal Boy and Boy Telegraphist.. " 1 9 1 11 Writer and Supply Assistant . . . • 8 3 811 Signal Boy and Boy Telegraphist, over seven After three years' man's time in branch 8 5 9 1 teen 2 6 After six years' man's time in branch 8 7 9 3 Ordinary Signalman and Ordinary Tele- Leading rate ...... 10 4 11 3 graphist ...... 5 0 5 6 Petty Officer rate . . . . 11 6 12 5 Signalman and Telegraphist 8 0 '8 8 After three years' service as such 11'10 12 10 After three years' man's service 8 3 811 Chief Petty Officer rate .. . • 12 7 13 7 After six years' man's service .. . . 8 5 9 1 After three years' service as such 13 1* 14 1* Leading Signalman and Leading Telegraphist 9 4 10 2 Stoker Ratings After one year's service as such (if passed for Yeoman of Signals or P.O. Tele Stoker, Second Class 5 6 6 0 graphist or for higher standard) 9 6 10 4 Stoker, First Class ... 8 3 811 Yeoman of Signals and Petty Officer Tele- After three years' man's time 8 5 9 1 graphist .... 10 10 11 9 After six years' man's time 8 7 9 3 After three years' service as such 11 0 1111 Acting Leading Stoker 9 4 lO 2 After six years' service as such .. 11 4 12 3 Leading Stoker. . ., ., 9 4 10 2 Chief Yeoman of Signals and C.P.O. Tele- After three years' service as such 9 6 10 4 graphist . . . . 12 4 13 4 Stoker Petty Officer . . . . 10 10 11 9 After three years' service a,s such 12 10* 13 10* After three years' service as' such, if in possession of Stokehold Certificate 11 2 12 1 Engine-room Artificers, Electrical Artificers, Ordnance Artificers, After six vears' service as such ., Mechanic'ianst, and Shipwrights 11 6 12 5 Chief Stoker ...... 12 4 13 4 Artificer, Fifth Class 9 4 10 2 After three years' service as such 12 10* 13 10* Mechanician ...... 12 4 13 4 Artificer, Fourth Class, Acting Fourth Class, Armoure1's and Mechanician after three years' service , Probationary Armourer's Crew 8 7 9 3 as such ...... 12 10 13 10 Armourer's Crew 10 6 11 5 Artificer, Third Cla,ss, and Mechanician after Armourer's Mate 10 10 11 9 six years' service as such . . . . 13 4 14 4 Armourer .... 11 6 12 5 Artificer, Second Class, and Mechanician after After three years' service as such 1110 12 10 nine years' service as such •. .. 13 10 14 10 Chief Armourer . . . . 12 10 13 10, Artificer, First Class, and Mechanicic'm after After three years' service as such 13 4 14 4 twelve years' service as such 14 4 15 4 After six years' service as such .. 13 10 14 lO Chief, Second Class 14 10 1.5 10 Chief, First Class 15 10 16 10 Cook Ratin1Js t In the case of mechanicians, these rates are applicable only to those who Assistant Cook...... were provisionally selected as candidates prior to 13t December, 1927. For 5 6 6 0 further rates, see the following. Assistant Cook (S), (0), Officers' Cook, Fourth Mechanicians Class (O.S.) ...... • 5 6 6 0 Cook (O.S.), (S), (0), and Officers' Cook (Applicable to those ratings provisionally selected as candidates Third Class (O.S.) . . ' 8 3 811 after 30th November, 1927) After three years' man's time 8 5 9 1 1939 Scale. 1940 Scale. After six years' man's time .. Per Diem. Per Diem. 8 7 9 3 Leading Cook (O.S.), (S), (0), and Officers' s. d. s. d. Cook, Secon<:l Class (O.S.) .. 9 4 10 2 Mechanician, Second Class 1110 1210 After three years' service as such 9 6 10 4 Mechanician, First Class .. 12 4 13 4 Petty Officer Cook (O.S.), (S), (0)., and After two years' service as such 12 10 13 lO Officers' Cook, First Class (O.S.) 13 4 10 10 11 9 After five years' service as such 14 4 After three years' service as such 11 2 After eight years' service as such 13 10 14 10 12 1 After six years' service as such ., .. 11 6 12 5 After eleven years' service as such 14 4 15 4 Chief Petty Officer Cook (O.S.), (S), (O), and 14.10 15 10 Chief Mechanician, Second Class .. Officers' Chief Cook (O.S.) . . .. 12 4 13 4 Chief Mechanician, First Class 15 10 16 10 After three years' service as snch 12 10* 13 10* Blacksmiths, Plumbers, Painters, .Joiners, and Coopers Fifth Class 10 4 11 3 Ship's Musician'Ratings Fourth Class 10 10 11 9 Ship'S Musician . . . . 810 9 8 Third Class 11 2 12 1 After three years' service as such 9 1 911 Second Class 11 6 12 5 First Class . . 11 10 12 lO Officer8' Stewards After three years' service as such 12 2 13 2 Boy Steward (under seventeen4 Chief .. .. 12 10 13 10 1 9 III BoyBteward (over seventeen) 2 6 2 8 After three years' service as such 13 4 14 4 Assistant Steward After six years' service a,s suoh .. 13 10 14 10 5 6 6 0 Steward .. 8 1 8 9 Sailmaker Branch After three years' man's time 8 3 811 Sailmaker's Mate 9 2 10 0 After six years' man's time 8 5 9 1 After three vears' service as such 9 4 10 2 Leading Steward . . . . 9 4 10 2 After six years' service as such .. 9 6 10 4 After three years' service as such 9 6 10 4 Sailmaker 10 10 11 9 Petty Officer Steward . . . . 10 10 11 9 After three years' service as such 11 2 12 1 After three years' service as such 11 2 12 1 After six years' service as such .. 11 6 12 5 After six years' service as such .. 11 6 12 5 Chief Sailmaker .. 12 4 13 4 Chief Petty Officer Steward .. 12 4 13 4 After three years' service as such 12 10* 13 10* After three years' service as such 12 10* 1310* • With subsequent triennial increments of 6d. per diem. • Withlubsequent triennial inorements of 6d. per diem. MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 54:1 </p><p>~Miscellaneous Revoking the Declaration of a Main Highway and declaring a Public 1939 Scale. 1940 Scale. Highway to be a Main Highway Per DIem. Per Diem. Chief Petty Officer, Instructor for Reservists- On appointment as Chief Petty Officer s. d. Instructor .. 17 0 C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General On re-engagement after five years as C.P.O. ORDER IN COUNCIL Instructor .. 18 0 Additional pay when senior C.P.O. Instructor At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of of an R.N.Z.N.V.R. Division 0 April, 1946 </p><p>(NoTE.-Ratings holding posts of C.P.O. Instructors, Present: R.N.Z.N.V.R., are eligible to receive the Kit-upkeep Allowance of HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL their rating but not eligible for any other of the allowances N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested prescribed by these regulations. Medical and dental treatment at I in him by section three of the Main Highways Act, 1922, and public expense will be allowed as laid down in Navy Orders.) of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, RoyalMar-ines acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council Marine, Musician or Bug]er- s. d. s. d. of the said Dominion, doth hereby declare that on and after the On enlistment (under seventeen) 1 9 1 11 seventh day of August, one thousand nine hundred and forty On enlistment (over seventeen) 2 6 2 8 three, the main highway described in the First Schedule hereto On enlistment (over eighteen) 5 0 5 6 shall cease to be a main highway, and doth further declare that the Marine-- road described in the Second Schedule hereto shall be a main highway After one year or on completion of drills .. 7 9 8 5 within the meaning and for the purposes of the Main Highways After three years' man's service 7 11 8 7 Act, 1922. After six years' man's service 8 1 8 9 Corporal 9 1 911 After three years' service as such 9 4 10 2 FIRST SCHEDULE Sergeant 10 4 11 3 After three years' service as such 10 8 11 7 HIGHWAY DISTRICT No.7 After six years' service as such .. 11 0 1111 Inglewood-Purangi.-All that main highway in the County of Colour Sergeant 1110 12 10 Inglewood declared as the Inglewood-Purangi Main Highway, After three years' service as such 12 4 13 4 described in Order in Council dated the 2nd day of October, 1940, After six years' service as such .. 12 10* 13 10* and published in the Gazette on lOth October, 1940. Royal Marine Bandsmen Band Boy 1 9 1 11 After one year's service 2 6 2 8 SECOND SCHEDULE Musician 5 0 5 6 After one year's service as such .. 7 9 8 5 HIGHWAY DISTRICT No.7 After three years' man's service 711 8 7 Inglewood-Purangi.-All that road or portion of road in the After six years' man's service 8 1 8 9 Counties of Inglewood and Stratford, commencing at the eastern Rand Corporal .. 9 1 911 boundary of Inglewood Borough and proceeding thence generally After three years' service as such 9 4 10 2 in an easterly direction along Junction Road via Kaimata and 13andmaster, Second Class (Sergeant) 10 4 II 3 Tarata and terminating at the south-east corner of Section 3, After three years' service a.s such 10 8 11 7 Purangi Township, being a distance of 23 m. 47 ch., more or less; After six years' service as such .. 11 0 1111 as the same is more particularly delineated 011 plan P.W.D. Bandmaster, First Class (Colour Sergeant) 1110 12 10 107460, deposited in the office of the Main Highways Board at After three years' service as such 12 4 13 4 Wellington, and thereon coloured purple. After six years' service as such .. 12 10* 13 10* * With subsequent triennial increments of 6d. per diem. W. O. HARVEY, W. O. HARVEY, ..Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Acting Clerk of the Executive CounciL (M.H. 62/19.) </p><p>------~---- -~-~~-~ ..~. --.. </p><p>Oonsenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local Authorities and prescribing the Oonditions thereof </p><p>C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of April, 1946 Present: HIS EXOELLENOY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNOIL HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective loans stated opposite W their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loan~ Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called the said Act), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, as required by the said Act, should be given to the raising of the said loans: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine ofthe Finance Act, 1932 (No.2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth here by consent to the raising in New Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned in the first column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the second column of the said Schedule, up to the respective amounts specified in the third column of the said Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- (1) The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised shall be the respective terms (in years) stated in the fourth column of the said Schedule. (2) The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates pe-r centum per annum stated in the fifth column of the said Schedule. (3) The said respective loans or any parts thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments extending over the respective terms as determined in (1) above. (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New Zealand, and no such instalment shall be paid out of loan-moneys. (5) The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any parts thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any amount raised. (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof. </p><p>SCHEDULE Fourth First Oolumn. Oolumn. Fifth Oolumn. ,second Oolumn. II Third OOlttmn. Term of Rate of Name of Local Authority. N a.me of Loan. Amount of Loan. Loan Interest. (Years). ------·----~~I----.---7----~----- £ £ s. d. HaurakiPlains County Council Mangatarata Reserve Loan, 1945 ...... 2,000 20 3 10 Lower Hutt City Council .. Drainage, Water, and Streets-improvement Renewal 30,000 12 350° Loan, 1946 </p><p>W. O. HARVEY, ('I. 40/416/6.) Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. 542 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Oonsenting to the Raising of Loans by ce·rtain Local Authorities and prescribing the Oonditions thereof </p><p>C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of April, 1946 Present: RIs EXCEJ~LENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective loans stated opposite W their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government L~ans Board Act, 1926 -(hereinafter called the said Act), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, as required by the said Act, should be given to the raising of the said loans: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No.2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent to the raising in New Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned in the first column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the second column of the said Sohedule, up to the respective amounts specified in the third column of the said Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- (1) The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised shall be the respective terms (in years) stated in the fourth column of the said Schedule. (2) The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not .produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates per centum per annum stated in the fifth column of the said Schedule. (3) The said respective loans or any parts thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments extending over the respective terms as determined in (1) above. (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New Zealand, and no such instalment shall be paid out of loan-moneys. (5) No amount shall be payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any part!! thereof. (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date .hereof. </p><p>SCHEDULE - '. Fourth First Column. Second Column. I Third Column. Column. Fi/th Cob('mn. -- -- Term-- of Rate-- of Nanie of Local Authority. Name of Loan. I Amount of Loan. Loan Interest., I (Years). </p><p>£ £ s. d. Waimate Borough Council .. .. Housing Loan NQ. 1, 1945 ...... 19,000 15 3 0 0 Waimate Borough Council .. .. Housing Loan No.2, 1945 ...... 31,000 25 3 0 0 Morrinsville Borough Council .. .. Transit Housing Loan, 1946 ., .. .. 8,000 10 3 0 0 Napier Borough Council .. .. T;ransit Housing Loan, 1946 .. " .. 7,500 10 3 0 0 Bluff Borough Council .. .. Housing Loan, 1946 ...... 18,000 20 3 0 0 Hastings Borough Council .. .. Transit Housing Loan, 1946 ...... 8,500 10 3 0 0 - W. O. HARVEY, (T. 40/416/6.) Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. </p><p>Officers authorized to take and receive Statutory Decinration8 The undermentioned are granted temporttry commissions in the rank of Pilot Officers;- MICHAEL MYERS, As Pilot- Administrator of the Government Dated 3rd December, 1945 URSUANT to the authc:rity conferred ~pon me by the three NZ 427498 Warrant Officer Vernon BARTLETT. P hundred-and-first sectIOn of the JustICes of the Peace Act, 1927, I, Sir Michael Myers, the Administra.tor of the Government of As Air Gunner- the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the Dated 18th August, 1945- persons whose names are set out in the Schedule hereto, being officers NZ 42S055 Flight Sergeant Mervyn Alyth \V ADE. in the service of the Crown holding the offices stated opposite their names respectively in the said Schedule, are authorized to take and Promotions receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred-and-first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. Squadron Leader Ronald Graham WATTS to be Wing Com ma,nder (temp.). Dated 26th March, 1946. SCHEDULE Flight Lieutenant (Acting Squadron Leader) Norman Andrew Philip Norton Cryer, Deputy Director-General, General Post MORRISON to be Squadron Leader (temp.). Dated 17th April, 1946. Office, Wellington. Flight Lieutenant Francis William KILGOUR to pe Squadron Charles Oliver Coad, Second Deputy Director-General, General Leader (temp.). Dated 26th March, 1946. Post Office, Wellingt.on. Eric Ernest Curtis, Divisional Director, General Post Office, The undermentioned Flying O:£;icers to be Flight Lieutenants Wellington. (temp.) ;- Aubrey Dormer Baggs, Deputy Chief Engineer, General Post Dated 28th January, 1946; Ian William DUFF. Office, Wellington. Dated 29th January, 1946: George Martin RYAN. Grant· Raglan Milne, Superintending Engineer, General Post Dated 1st February, 1946; Owen James MCCABE. Office, Wellington. ' Dated 14th March, 1946: Joseph William LENNON, D.F.C. Alex Linfield Bell, Chief Postmaster, Blenheim. George Arnold Congdon, Postmaster, Burnham Military Camp. The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying Officers Bernard James Smith, Postmaster, Kaiwaka. (temp.) ;- Herbert Richard John Brewer, Postmaster, Kawhia. Dated 6th April, 1945; William John HUNTER. Rodger Elliott Kemthorne Barton, Postmaster, Opoutere. Dated 7th March, 1946: Arthur Ross Gunnold JACKSON. Cornelius Edward Sweeney, Postmaster, Patetonga. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this 26th day of April, 1946. Reduction H. G. R. J\1ASON, Minister of Justice. Flying Officer Colin George Meares PAYNE was dealt with summarily under section 47 of the Air Force Act rmd was sentenced Appointments, Promotions, Reduction, Relinquishments, and Transfers to take rank and precedence as if his appointment as Flying Officer of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force bore date the 25th August, 1945. </p><p>Air Department, Wellington, 23rd April, 1946. Relinqui8hments IS Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been The undermentioned officers are permitted to relinquish their H pleased to approve the following appointments, promotions, temporary commissions;- reduction, relinquishments, and' transfers of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force ;- Dated 30th March, 1946: Flight Lieutenant Charles Graham PARKER, D.S.O. GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Dated 13th April, 1946: Flight Lieutenant Laurence Bruce Appointm,ents GORDON. As Pllot- Dated 17th April, 1946; Flight Lieutenant Donald Alexander NZ 2482 Harold Aitken OUTRAM, on relinquishing his com LUZMOOR. mission in the Reserve of Air Force Officers (United Kingdom), Dated 28th April, 1946: Flight Lieutenant Stuart David is granted a temporary commission in the rank of Flight Lieutenant, PARNELT~. with seniority as from 17th January, 1942. Dated 24th August, Dated 27th Februa.ry, 1946; Pilot Officer Norman McLeod 1945. , McRITCHIE. MAY 2] rHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 543 </p><p>Amendments The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 48, dated List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Olass B, Section I:- 8th June, 1944, page 693, under the heading "General Duties Dated 29th January, 1946- Branch-Appointments-As Navigators," is amended, so far as it Flight Lieutenant Norman Lambert PURDIE. relates to "NZ 421683 Flight Sergeant Edward Thomas OOSSENS," Dated 16th February, 1946- to read " As Pilot." :Flying Officer Richard Olifford KING. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 50, dated 26th July, 1945, page 948, under the heading" General Duties Dated 22nd February, 1946- Branch-Appointments-As Pilots," is amended, so far as it Flying Officer Harold Langley ROIGARD. relates to" NZ 424490 Warrant Officer Kenneth ,James MCOLEARY," Dated 2nd March, 1946- to read" Dated 29th May, 1946." Flying Officer Norman James Eustace JUDD. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No.7, dated Dated 5th March, 1946- 7th February, 1946, page 129, under the heading" General Duties Flight Lieutenant Thomas Andrew John KING. Branch-Promotions," relating to "Kenneth .James McOLEA;RY," Flying Officer Thomas McKenzie AUSTIN. is amended to read" Dated 29th November, 1945." Flying Officer Stuart Douglas MACKINTOSH. Dated 10th March, 1946- EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SECTION I: EQUIPMENT OFFICERS Flying Officer Marcus Louis LANGLEY, O.G.M. P1'On~otion Dated 11th March, 1946- Equipment Duties- Flying Officer Trevor Frederick HAMMOND. Flying Officer (Acting Flight Lieutenant) Ivan Charles BECK BESSINGER to be Flight Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 26th Apri1, 1946. Dated 13th March, 1946- Flying Officer Eric Morton OHLSON. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH Dated 14th March, 1946- Promotions Flight Lieutenant Robert ELLIOT. Flight Lieutenant Donald Alfred SMITH. The undermentioned Fiying Officers (Acting Flight Lieutenants) Dated 15th March, 1946- to be FHght Lieutenants (temp.) :- Flight Lieutenant Ross Graham DREAD ON, M.B., Oh.B. Dated 3rd May, 1946: William George SEABROOK. Dated 16th March, 1946- Educational Section- Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Oharles LEE. Dated 14th March, 1946: Dona.ld Alfred SMITH. Flight Lieutenant Francis Vivian PILLING. Flying Officer Lewis Douglas Bambridge HOOPER. Amendments Dated 18th March, 1946- The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 37, dated Flight Lieutenant Harold Malcolm HA W'fHORN. 20th May, 1943, page 549, under the heading "Administrative and Flight Lieutenant James Hugh HANNA. Special Duties Branch-Transfer," relatin~ to "Squadron Leader Dated 21st March, 1946- Oharles Idrys KmsoN," is amended to read" Dated 13th June, Flying Officer tT ohn Warwick BLENCOWE. 1943." Flying Officer Maurice Oostello JOHNSON. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 42, dated Dated 2211d March, 1946- 3rd June, 1943, page 629, under the heading" Administrative and Flying Officer Saville Hercules MOON, D.F.O. Special Duties Branch-Educational Section-Relinquishment," Pilot Officer Hugh Brian O'OONNOR. relating to " Flying Officer (Acting Flight Lieutenant) John Duncan McDONALD," is amended to read" Dated 15th June, 1943." Dated 23rd March, 1946- The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. I, dated Flying Officer Graham Gordon SMAILL. 10th January, 1946, page 18, under the heading" Administrative Flying Officer Eric Douglas REX. and Special Duties Branch-Promotions," relating to "Raymond Dated 24th March, 1946- Keith GUNN," is amended to read" Dated lOth December, 1945." Flight Lieutenant James Alexander HENDRY. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No.9, dated Flying Officer Albert Edward LANDER. 14th February, 1946, page 217, under the heading" Administrative and Special Duties Branch-Promotions," relating to "John James Dated 25th March, 1946- Dennis BLACK," is amended to read" Dated 23rd January, 1946." Flight Lieutenant Vernon Ernest MITCHELL. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated Pilot Officer Sidney George SEWELL. 14th March, 1946, page 332, under the heading" Administrative Dated 27th March, 1946- and Special Duties Branch-Promotions," relating to "Flying :Flight Lieutenant Olive Houghton GARLICK, l\I.B., Oh.B. Officer Honald Hamilton HARPER," is amended to read "Dated Dated 28th March, 1946- 15th April, 1946." Flight Lieutenant Harold Everard ONDERMAN. Flight Lieutenant Roderick George HOFFMAN. OHAPLAINS BRANCH Flying Officer Noel Leo FIELD. Squadron Leader the Reverend Seering John MATTHEWS is Dated 29th March, 1946- permitted to relinquish his temporary commission. Dated II th Flying Officer Noel James Andrew HELEAN. March, 1946. Flying ,Officer John Oedric WARD. Dated 30th March, 1946- NEW ZEALAND 'WOMEN'S AUXILIARY AIR FORCE Flying Officer Peter Frederick SHIRLEY. Relinqnishment8 Dated 31st March, 1946- The undermentioned officers are permitted to relinquish their Flying Officer Keith James MORGAN. temporary commissions :-. Pilot Officer Leicester Richard STRINGER. Dated 5th February, 1946: Section Officer Nicoline Elizabeth Dated 1st April, 1946- Swanston HEAD. Flying Officer William Gregg FLOWER. Dated 8th Marc]J., 1946: Section Officer Valda Joyce ROGERS. Dated 2nd April, 1946- 'Flying Officer Albert James OSBORNE. RESERVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS Dated 3rd April, 1946- Relinqn'ishment Squadron Leader Jonas William Henry LETT. Assistant Section Officer Dorothy Gertrude HEWLET'r is per Dated 4th April, 1946- mitted to relinquish her commission. Dated 24th March, 1945. Flight Li~utenant Alister Ernest BoumoN. Flight Lieutenant Brian Desmond POPE. Flying Officer Keith Walter LYNCH. Tran8fers Dated 8th April, 1946- The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class A, Section I :- Pilot Officer Barry Read BLOOMFIELD. Dated 26th March, 1946- Dated 9th April, 1946- 'Wing Oommander Ronald Graham \VATTS. Flight Lieutenant Douglas Cyril MAltRIO'fT. Squadron Leader Francis 'William KILGOUR. Pilot Officer Alan Riddle BURNET. Flying Officer Owen Geffory O'DWYER. Dated 12th April, 1946- Dated 27th March, 1946- Flight Lieutenant Oarlysle James Hartley BLACKIE. Flight Lieutenant George Douglas THORPE, D.F.C. Flight Lieutenant Robert Edward SCOTT. ' Flying Officer Bruce McKINNON. Dated 13th April, 1946- Flying Officer John WA'l"f, D.F.C. Flying Officer David Oampbell SHAW. Dated 28th March, 1946- Flying Officer Douglas Ha~g MANN, D.F.O. Flight Lieutenant vVilliam l'llathias DOWLE. Ii'light Lieutenant Nelson Hastings BRIGHT. Dated 14th April, 1946- Flight Lieutenant Richard Austin OOLLINS. Datecl29th March, 1946- Flight Lieutenant Gordon Fraser JONES. Dated 15th April, 1946- Flying Officer J o11n William OAKLEY. Flying Officer Aidan Patrick Thomas HEALY. Flying Officer Stewart BENTLEY. Dated Blst March, 1946- Flight Lieutenant Robert William NURSE. Dated 17th April, 1946- Flying Officer Douglas ROBERTSON. Squadron Leader Norman Andrew MORRISON. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Dated 23rd April, 1946- Awards approved by His Majesty the King Flying Officer; Norman GREGORY. Flying Officer Eric Claud MCCOOK. Office of the Minister of Defence, Flying Officer Norman William WEBLIN. Wellington, 30th April, 1946. Dated 26th April, 1946- HE following awards to personnel of the New Zealand Military Flight Lieutenant Ian MONTGOMERY. T Forces, which have been approved by His Majesty the King, Flight Lieutenant Ivan Charles BECKBESSINGER. and published from time to time in the London Gazette, have not previously appeared in the New Zealand Gazette :- Dated 28th April, 1946- Flight Lieutenant Lloyd James ApPLETON. Bar to Victoria Oross Dated 1st May, 1946- Flight Lieutenant John Donald RAE, D.F.C. Captain Charles Hazlitt Upham, V.C. (8077), New Zealand Militar Forces. Dated 3rd May, 1946- Captain C. H. Upham, V.C., was commanding a company Flight Lieutenant Thomas Mackenzie McMULLEN. of New Zealand troops in the Western Desert during the Flight Lieutenant William George SEABROOK. operations which culminated in the attack on El Ruweisat Dated 24th May, 1946- Ridge on the night of the 14th-15th July, 1942. Flying Officer Thomas George MOORE. In spite of being twice wounded, once when crossing open ground swept by enemy fire to inspect his forward sections Amendments guarding our minefields and again when he completely destroyed an entire truck load of German soldiers with hand grenades, 'rhe notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 72, dated Captain Upham insisted on remaining with his men to take 22nd November 1945, page 1455, under the heading" Reserve of part in the final assault. Air Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to During the opening stages of the attack on the ridge, "Flight Lieutenant Arthur Vernon BUTCHER," to read "Dated Captain Upham's company formed part of the reserve 15th November 1945." battalion, but, when communications with the forward troops The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 74, dated broke down and he was instructed to send up an officer to 29th November, 1945, page 1488, under the heading" Reserve of report on the progress of the attack, he went out himself armed Air Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "Flight Lieutenant with a Spandau gun, and after several sharp encounters with Francis Roy McBRIDE," is amended to read" Dated 5th January, enemy machine-gun posts succeeded in bringing back the 1946." required information. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, dated Just before dawn the reserve battalion was ordered 6th December, 1945, page 1519, under the heading" Reserve of forward, but when it had almost reached its objective very Air Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to heavy fire was encountered from a strongly defended enemy "Flight Lieutenant William Richard Allan MASON," to read ~ocality consisting of four machine-gun posts and 11 number of " Dated 24th November, 1945." tanks. Captain Upham, without hesitation, at once led his The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 76, dated company in a determined attack on the two nearest strong 6th December, 1945, page 1519, under the heading "Reserve of Air points on the left flank of the sector. His voice could be heard :Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "Flying Officer Alfred above the din of battle cheering on his men, and in spite of the Mather WILKINSON," is amended to read" Dated 4th November, fierce resistance of the enemy and the heavy casualties on both 1945." sides the objective was captured. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No.7, dated Captain Upham, during the engage,ment, himself destroyed 7th February, 1946, page 126, under the heading" Reserve of Air a German tank and several guns and vehicles with grenades, l!'orce Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to and although he was shot through the elbow by a machine-gun "Flying Officer Ivor William ROBYNS," to read "Dated 8th bullet and had his arm broken he went on again to a forward January, 1946." position and brought back some of his men wh.o had become The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. II, dated isol8tted. He continued to dominate the situation until his 28th February, 1946, page 273, under the heading" Reserve of men had beaten off a violent enemy counter-attack and consoli Air Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to dated the vital position which they had won under his inspiring "Flight Lieutenant Kynaston John STANFORD, D.F.M.," to read leadership. " Dated 19th February, 1946." Exhausted by pain from his wound and weak from loss of The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. n, dated blood Captain Upham was then removed to the regimental 28th February, 1946, page 273, under the heading "Reserve of aid-post, but immediately his wound had been dressed he Air Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to returned to his men, remaining with them all day long under "Flight Lieutenant John Stanley ASHER," to read" Dated 31st heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire until he was again March,1946.''' severely wounded, and being now unable to move fell into the The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated hands of the enemy, when, his gallant company having been 14th March, 1946, page 332, under the heading" Reserve of Air reduced to only six survivors, his position was finally overrun Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "Flying Officer Basil John by superior enemy forces, in spite of the outstanding gallantry Francis BRETHERTON, D.F.C.," is amended to read" Dated 23rd and magnificent leadership shown by Captain Upham. January, 1946." The Victoria Cross was conferred on Captain Upham for conspicuous bravery during the operations in Crete in May, The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated 1941, and the award was announced in the London Gazette 14th March, 1946, page 332, under the heading" Reserve of Air dated 14th October, 1941. Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to "Flying Officer Douglas Haswell VAH:iW," to read "Dated 20th To be Additional Members of the Third Class or Oompanion of the February, 1946." Most Honourable <a href="/tags/Order_of_the_Bath/" rel="tag">Order of the Bath</a> (Military Division) The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated 14th March, 1946, page 332, under the heading" Reserve of Air Major-General Howard Carl Kippenberger, C.B.E., D.S.O. (7128). Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "l!'light Lieutenant Ronald Major-General (Acting) Cyril Ettrick Weir, C.B.E., D.S.O. (1523). Hamilton HARPER," is amended to read" Dated 15th April, 1946." Brigadier Harry Selwyn Kenrick, C.B.E. (9384). The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated 14th March, 1946, page 332, under the heading" Reserve of Air To be Additional Oommanders of the Military Division of the ..LWost Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to Excellent Order of the British Empire "Flying Officer Brian Kevern BABER," to read" Dated 26th March, Brigadier Stanley Herbert Crump, D.S.O. (6193). 1946." - . Brigadier Lindsay Merritt Inglis, D.S.O. and bar, M.C. (9495). The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated Brigadier Thomas Joseph King, O.B.E. (6192). 14th March, 1946, page 334, under the heading" Reserve of Air Brigadier Graham Beresford Parkinson, D.S.O. and bar (1522). Force Officers-Transfers," is amended, so far as it relates to Brigadier Keith Lindsay Stewart, D.S.O., O.B.E. (6194). "Flying Officer John HUPPERT," to read" Dated 8th March, 1946." Brigadier (temp.) Cyril Ettrick Weir, D.S.O. (1523). Brigadier (temp.) Russell David King, D.S.O. (31346). The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated Brigadier (temp.) Raymond Candlish Queree, O.B.E. (20001). 14th March, 1946, page 334, under the heading" Reserve of Air Colonel Harry Kenrick Christie (31381). Force Officers-Transfers,")s amended, so far as it relates to The. Reverend James William McKenzie, M.M., Chaplain to the "Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Gerald ORMAN, D.F.C.," to read Forces, 1st Class (26128). . ~'Dated 4th March, 1946." Colonel Francis Prideaux, O.B.E. (6196). </p><p>Oancellations To be Additional Officers of the Military Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No.7, dated 7th February, 1946, page 129, under the heading" Reserve of Air Colonel Robert Allan Elliott (7005). Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "Pilot Officer Norman Colonel William Beaumont Fisher (6166). McLeod McRrI!CHIE," is cancelled. Colonel Herbert Ellery Gilbert, D.S.O. (23245). The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated Colonel James Seaton Martin (31489). 14th March, 1946, page 334, under the heading" Reserve of Air Colonel Douglas Gordon Radcliffe (31439). Force Officers-Transfers," so far as it relates to ".Flight Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence Frederick Rudd, D.S.O. (2116). Norman Lambert PURDIE," is cancelled. Colonel (temp.) William Hawksworth (972). The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 15, dated Lieut.-Colonel Charles Byers Barrowclough (15418). 14th March, 1946, page 334, under the heading "Reserve of Air Lieut.-Coloriel Keith Buchanan Bridge (42289). Force Officers-Transfers," so far as it relates to "Flying Officer Lieut.-Colonel Alaister Edward Barry Burge (5581). Eric Morton OHLSON," is cancelled. Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Gruchy Clark, M.C. (42656). Lieut.-Colonel Robert Vincent Closey (23072). F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Lieut.-Colonel Jack Dinham Cottrell (9818). MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 545 </p><p>Lieut.-Colonel John Mitchell Coutts (5587). British Empi1'e Medal (Military Division) Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Edward Crosse, M.C. (34114). 61283 Sergeant Francis John Corrigall. Lieut.-Colonel Francis Barette Edmundson (991). 26290 W.O. II Edward Adrian Turner. I .. ieut.-Colonel James Kennedy Elliott (2564). 48278 W.O. II (temp.) John Edward Harding. Lieut.-Colonel Reginald William Foubister (34136). 397938 Staff Sergeant Patrick Arthur Fear. Lieut.-Colonel George Raymond Kirk (7123). 38118 Staff Sergeant Charles Lemon. The Reverend George Archibald Douglas Spence, M.C., Chaplain to 32667 Staff Sergeant George Campbell Marshall. the Forces, 2nd Class (3422). 29806 Staff Sergeant Robert Rae. The Reverend Leo Patrick Spring, Chaplain to the Forces, 466556 Staff Sergeant Raymond Augustus Witbrock. 2nd Class (8999). 28657 Staff Sergeant Oswald William Henry Clarke. Lieut.-Colonel Norman Lohmond Uniacke (30237). 42471 Sergeant Charles Horatio Acheson. Lieut.-Colonel Robert Barlow Whitehead (6277). 5520 Sergeant Archer Richard Burge. Lieut.-Colonel (temp.) Robert Peter Reid McGlashan (31526). 38091 Sergeant Robert Reginald Hollinger. Major (temp. Lieut.-Colonel) Edwa.rd Denis Blundell (4038). 38209 Sergeant Graham Lincoln Jackson. Major Douglas Frederick Coleman (30857). 41839 Sergeant Robert Francis Lewis McAlpine. Major George Philip Hanna (31405). 16535 Sergeant William Douglas Mosley. Major Charles Geoffrey Pryor (4559). 4177 Sergeant Horace Leonard Smith. Major Winton Herbert Ryan (2608). 19497 Sergeant Robert Norman Clucas. Major Sydney Allan Sampson (20043). 299050 Sergeant Basil Joseph Gorinski. Major Cuyler Massey Torbet (3437). ' 237846 Sergeant John William Johnston. Major Francis Trewby (2125). 25529 Corporal James Christopher Connelly. Major Roy Ian Blair (7111). 83050 Corporal George Robert James Harvey. Major John Philip Cook (11045). 43254 Corporal George Henry Justice. Captain (temp. Lieut.-Colonel) Robert Reuel Livingstone, M.B.E. 41432 Corporal William Edwin Walker Lewis. (1402). 15687 Corporal John Stanley Sexton. Matron Eva Constance Mackay (22812). 46931 Private Ralph Comyn Blacklock. To be Additional Officers of the Civil Division of the Most 46480 Driver Maurice Evans. Excellent Order of the British Empire 263753 Private William Green. Hon. Lieut.-Colonel Henry Charles Steere (31433). 46758 Driver Sydney John McGuire. Hon. Major William Glenholme Tweedy, Commissioner, N.Z. Red Cross Society. Third Bar to Distinguished Service 01'der Mr. Henry Walter Shove, Y.M.C.A. (34110). Lieut.-General Bernard Cyril Freyberg, V.C., K.C.B., K.B.E., To be Additional Members of the Military Division of the Most C.M.G., D.S.O., LL.D. (4006). Excellent Order of the British Empire Major Henry William Barnett (4292). Second Bar to Distinguished Service 01'der Major Leonard Bean (9429). Brigadier George Herbert Clifton, D.S.O. (31363). Major John Burns (45402). Major Phillip Charles Morgan Carlton (3401). Major Kenneth Christie (38547). Bar to Distinguished Service Order Major Geoffrey Sandford Cox (969). Brigadier (temp.) James Thomas Burrows, D.S.O. (7146). Major Daniel Marcus Davin (978). Brigadier William George Gentry, D.S.O., O.B.E. (40002). Major Hugh Stewart Douglas (65030). Colonel Frederick Melrose Horowhenua Hanson, D.S.O., O.B.E., Major John David Fenton (6295). M.M. (20034). Major Francis Arthur Jarrett (13671). Colonel (te,"!p. Brigadier) Ian Lambert Bonifant, D.S.O. (20041). Major Reginald Richard Joseph Jenkin (23844). Major Joseph Leyland Johnston (29347). Distinguished Service 01'der Major Ernest Gordon Lewis (20225). Major Gordon McCallum (6072). Colonel Benjamin Barrington, O.B.E. (31625). Major Alan Frederick McCook (4342). Colonel (ternp.) Thomas Coats Campbell, M.C. (5953). Senior Commander Meryll Arabella Neely (48402). Lieut.-Colonel Arapeta Awatere, M.C. (39636). Major Leonard Walter Roberts (3430). Lieut.-Colonel Haddon Vivian Donald, M.C. (6011). Major Victor Milton Rowland (1433). Lieut.-Colonel Monty Claude Fairbrother, O.B.E. (7192). Major (temp.) Kenneth Ben Myers (28774). Lieut.-Colonel Richard Lewis Hutchens (4865). Major (temp.) Ian Angus Arthur (14818). Lieut.-Colonel Edward Allan McPhail, M.C. (8044). Major (temp.) William Brown-Bayliss (30326). Lieut.-Colonel Shirley Whitfield Nicholson (1569). Major (temp.) Harold Cordery (61128). Lieut.-Colonel Henry Terence Wyckham Nolan (22899). Major (temp.) Wilton Ernest Henley (534002). Lieut.-Colonel Edward Kinsella Norman, M.C. (6953). Major William Gladstone Middlemass (11667). Lieut.-Colonel Hoani Haereroa Parata (7120). Captain Bryan Boyd (7903). Lieut.-Colonel William Denzel Philp (20009). Captain John Gordon Crawford (22823). Lieut.-Colonel Harold Albert Purcell (7176). Captain William McMeekin Davis (7003). Brigadier Raymond Candlish Queree, C.B.E. (20001). Captain Lionel Clifford Dickey (31643). Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Amuri Robinson, M.C. (1046). Captain Joseph Terence Dodgshun (34921). Lieut.-Colonel Guy Priestly Sanders (2072). Captain Hilary Mervyn Evans (23291). Lieut.-Colonel Warwick Copeland Savage (1477). Captain Charles Gatenby (11014). Major Anthony Maurice Everist (5559). The Reverend Lewis Farquhar Fraser Gunn, Chaplain to the Forces, Lieut.-Colonel (temp.) James Clendon Henare (63390). 4th Class (477461). Major Francis Albert Aldridge (35023). Captain Walter John Heslop (31056). Major George Kent Armstrong, M.C. (34131). Captain Owen Stanmore Hetherington (22000). Major Gladstone Henry Bell (71I51). Junior Commander Margaret King (72007). Major Archibald Russell Currie (35035). Captain Norman Brodrick Mitchell (20205). Major Yorke Kingsley Fleming (4996). Captain John Frederick William Tonge (6475). The Reverend Rona McLeod Gourdie, Chaplain, 3rd Class (74239). Captain Earl Stevenson-Wright (31479). Major Miles Handyside (6506). Captain (temp.) Herbert Yule Gray (22952). The Reverend Harold Frederick Harding, l\I.B.E., Chaplain, 3rd Captain (temp.) Bruce Hamilton Aveling (22907). Class (17901). Lieutenant John Bradford Grant (37344). Major George Henry Hawkesby (23708). Lieutenant Alfred Neville Sexton (47824). Major Duncan MacIntyre (48287). Lieutenant Terence Vaughan (622). Major Leslie Cyril Elsworth Malt (27159). Captain (temp.) Edmund Godfrey Webber (62373). Major George Baillie Nelson (2940). 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant) John Barclay Cowan (36117). Major Charles Kingsford Reed (1466). 2nd Lieutenant Lestock Ryvers Baigent (2074). Major Gordon Anderson Lindell (20052). 2nd Lieutenant Desmond Godfrey Leitch (43350). Captain Peter Valentine Hilary Maxwell (20497). , 19521 W.O. I Edward Oswald Gibson. Captain John Grant Sullivan (8462). 5617 W.O. I Guy Kentish Mayfield. 41250 W.O. I Frederick Maurice Munro. Royal Red Cros8 42873 W.O. I William Anthony Quirke. To be Additional Members of the Royal Red Cross, Fir8t Glass 11895 W.O. I Herbert James Shepherd. 424;87 W.O. II Clair Baxter Cook. . Matron Eva Constance Mackay (22812). 20131 W.O. II Keith John Coombe. Matron Marini Eva Jackson (31570). 14815 W.O. II Alan Frank Curgenven. 6215 W.O. II William George Jude. To be Additional Associates of the Royal Red Gross, Second Class 21148 W.O. II Claude William Nicholass. Matron Edith Florence Worn (6312). 46964 W.O. II Ronald Bishop Orr. 62202 W.O. II Robert Leonard Rose. Sister Jean Gilfillan (31571). Sister Kathleen Grace Hall (9596). To be Additional Members of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Sister Nellie Eileen O'Callaghan (34984). Order oj the British Empire Sister May Harvey (65679). 895 Mrs. Gertrude Helen Hudson Chapman, N.Z. Y.M.C.A. Bar to M1;litary Cros8 34826 Mr. Riga Wells Blair, N.Z. Church Army. 45496 Mr. Rawdon Hargreaves Busfield, N.Z. Y.M.C.A. Major James William Charles Craig, M.C. (6246). 2104 Mr. John Herbert Ledgerwood, N.Z. Y.M.C.A. Major William Francis Titchener, M.C. (7333). 45491 Mr. Basil Watson Potter, N.Z. Y.M.C.A, Captain (temp.) John Sonny B!l.ker, M.O. (64195). 546 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Military Cross 434605 Lance-Sergeant Robert James Roberts. 8282 Lance-Sergeant George Lambie Lochhead. Major Albert William Farnsworth O'Reilly (33180). 249108 I..Iance-Sergeant Leonard Frederick Seaman. Major Arthur Albert Angell (20710). 596013 Lance-Sergeant Henry John Whelch. Major Darcey Arno Cole (1397). 634020 Corporal Harold Frederick Beckham. Major Ian Henry Fletcher (48419). 83223 Corporal Duncan Joseph Boniface. Major Kenneth Frechtling (34087). 633741 Corporal Ronald Henry Dixon. Major Donald Gordon Grant (16605). 811123 Private Leonard Helmbright. Major Jack Lester Griffiths (5984). 37412 Private Francis Marwood Gardner. Major Raymond'Arthur Charles Hollis (23250). 68097 Private Pita Maangi. The Reverend Wit Te Tau Huata, Chaplain, 3rd Class (817470). Major Kenneth Hugh MacDonald (60379). George Medal Major (temp.) William Sydney Jordan, M.B.E. (2627). 276650 Corporal Frederick George Herring. Major (temp.) Ernest Campbell Laurie (23090). Major (temp.) Frederick Johri. Lea (287246). Military Medal Major (temp.) Edward Harden Lyndale Maxwell (48471). Captain George Ramsay Andrews, D.C.M. (2640). 2142 W.O. I William James Kennedy. Captain Thomas Maxwell Vagario Bain (48489). 270173 W.O. I (temp.) John Bremner. Captain Wallacy Bernard Cox (497756). 239464 W.O. I (te,mp.) Bruce Everett Mackenzie. Captain Oliver Patrick Davis (48502). 31047 W.O. II Robert Lacy Craig. Captain Edwin Farnell (294649). 7031 W.O. II George Tom Holden. Captain Jack Finlay (31715). 5241 W.O. II Norman Simon McGregor. Captain John Brownlow Horrocks (428519). 23336 W.O. II Sidney Vincent Welpy Nicol. Captain Albert Arthur KelJer (1l615). 81509 W.O. II William Pierce. Ii> Captain Harry John Gordon Low (13251). 1465 W.O. II Vincent Noel Quigan. Captain James Wilfred McArthur (13199). 448556 W.O. II (temp.) William Brick. Captain Alan Frank Mackay (1517). 455539 W.O. II (temp.) Bruce Henry Grainger. Captain William Sutherland I.aurence McRae (19907). 65512 Serge,ant Mahini Kupa. Captain Malcolm John Mason (30959). 31763 Sergeant Louis Neill Northover. Captain Henry William Northcroft (65423). 259919 W.O. II (temp.) Allan Alexander Fyfe Smith. Captain Charles Sylvester Passmore (1500). 44933 Staff Sergeant Ernest Derek Bougen. Captain Kenneth Walter Paterson (25753). 65197 ~taff Sergeant Kani Rangitauira. Captain Victor Tomlinson Pearse (46814). 35969 Staff Sergeant Ernest John Webb. Captain Robert Pirrie (23144). 377633 Sergeant Bruno Edward Archibald. Captain Wi Reedy (67452). 418570 Sergeant Louis Valentine Berridge. Captain Maurice Maxwell Robertson (26118). 67105 Sergeant John William Brook. Captain Edgar Richard Smythe (505330). 397122 Sergeant Norman Francis Callesen. The Reverend John Spencer Somerville, Chaplain, 4th Class (81229). 63723 Sergeant James Dodds Carson. Captain Reginald Henry Spicer (610075). ' 18897 Sergeant Leonard Alexander Chisholm. Captain William Turimano Swanson (24319). 241339 Sergeant Anthony Gordon Clark. Captain Edgar Kingdon Tomlinson (23085). 801916 Sergeant Ralph Cullen. Captain Garth Graham Turbott (122433). 42832 Sergeant Warren Francis Day. The Reverend Alwyn Keith Warren, Chaplain, 4th Class (637216). 25544 Sergeant Frank Mansel Diver. Captain Bruce John Williams (3596). 61411 Sergeant Ahm Vincent Doak. Captain Denis Lumsden Wood (13246). 22583 Sergeant Patrick John Flynn. L~eutenant (temp. Captain) John Webster Donaldson (2009). 419998 Sergeant Albert John Gardyne. LIeutenant John Ryan Greenfield (45597). 376182 Sergeant Ivor Charles Ross Harvey. Lieutenant Robert Claude McCowan (64994). 451687 Sergeant Kenneth Whitburn Herring L~eutenant (temp. Capta~n) George Stuart Menzies (289487). 254004 Sergeant William Allan Hill. 3040 Sergeant Alex Clifford Holgerson. L~eutenant (temp. Capta~n) Stanley Winston Turnbull (43190). LIeutenant (temp. Captam) Ivon Graham Harris (6102). 31148 Sergeant Richard Aynsleigh Hooper. Lieutenant Donald Forrester Brown (40556). 47524 Sergeant Robert Charles Henry Kirkwood. Lieutenant Philip Leslie Collins (21151). 22387 Sergeant Leslie Charles William Knox. Lieutenant Richard Gerald Fitzgibbon (29774). 44249 Sergeant William Reid Leslie. Lieutenant Clair Dixon Hardy (65569). 441786 Sergeant Robert Maitland. Lieutenant William Henry Harvey (564730). 449482 Sergeant Eric Francis Michie. Lieutenant William Heptinstall (48661). 624772 Sergeant Neil Hendry Mitchinson. Lieutenant James Henry Hodge (14414). 13575 Sergeant Herbert Clifton Moase. Lieutenant Arnold George Hunter (075613). 16592 Sergeant Heathcote Norman Kent Needham. Lieutenant Leslie Joseph Kearney, M.M. (15101). 2882 Sergeant Albert Edward New. Lieutenant Philip Keith McCIiskie (448051). 25770 Sergeant George Albert Ravenwood. Lieutenant Donald George MacNab, D.C.M. (2124). 458681 Sergeant Archie Malcolm Read. Lieutenant Frank Barry Ryan (35858). 417486 Sergeant James RusselL - Lieutenant Laurinston Turner Skipage (815000). 44976 Sergeant Hector Alexander Sinclair. Lieutenant Bruce Russel1 Sneddon (72185). 14366 Sergeant Thomas Gordon Steen. Lieutenant Te Rauwhiro TibbIe (802236). 13306 Sergeant Liesk Stove. Lieutenant Ian Lester Thomas (34163). 424806 Sergeant Morris Tavener. Lieutenant Te Matau-o-Te-Rangi Rongoiti Tomoana (40459). 42448 Sergeant Eric James Upchurch. Lieutenant Albert Veart (48228). 16835 Sergeant Cyril Al1enby Ward White. Lieutenant Logan Woodall Colmore-Wil1iams (60292). 242102 Sergeant James Robert Wilson. Lieutenant Guthrie Edward Wilson (489476). 33305 Sergeant George Edward Buchanan. 2nd Lieutenant Arthur Robert McLay (265580). 277074 Lance-Sergeant Maurice Francis Chaney. 2nd Lieutenant Rodney Wallace Smith (45842). 7284 Sergeant Thomas Edward Doyle. 2nd Lieutenant James Ingram Miles Smail (239463). 437142 Lance-Sergeant Reginald Edmondson. 2nd Lieutenant Graham Mark Bassett (43870). 2105 Sergeant John Christian Farnham. 2nd Lieutenant Derek George Boys (438831). 298001 Lance-Sergeant John Thomas Hosking. 2nd Lieutenant John Grove Crawford (16927). 423913 Sergeant (temp.) Robert McPartlin. 2nd Lieutenant Aussie Huata (68385). 455652 Sergeant (temp.) Charles Richard Monaghan. 2nd Lieutenant Percy Overton Lambly (62740). 8146 Private John Hogg. 2nd Lieutenant Raymond Mollier (30600). 48673 Sergeant Robert James Booth. 2nd Lieutenant Edward Bennis Paterson (468041). 12520 Lance-Sergeant Charles John Courtier. 2nd Lieutenant Grenville Wil1iam Richard Hinton Purchase (505246). 238804 Lance-Sergeant Edward Benjamin Glass. 2nd Lieutenant Raymond John Quinn, M.M. (28532). 447576 Lance-Sergeant Oswald Lionel Howat. 2nd Lieutenant Walter John Sisam (209735). 66880 Sergeant James Arbury McCowatt. 2nd Lieutenant Ronald Adam Vazey (80768). 12063 Lance-Sergeant Frederick Alan Marks. 2nd Lieutenant Eugene Berry Waetford (25415). 62113 Lance-Sergeant Richard David Martin. 63743 Lance-Sergeant Edward Joseph Mullin. Bar to Distinguished Conduct Medal 66548 Lance-Sergeant Douglas Henry Pulford. 24732 Lance-Sergeant Jack Alexander Ralston. 16827 Sergeant Eric Batchelor, D.C.M. 240123 Lance-Sergeant Maurice Norman Reeve. 284639 Corporal John Victor Riddell. Disting'uished Conduct Medal 41299 Lance-Sergeant Sydney Nogi Tsukigawa. 30743 Sergeant Alfred Edison Eades. 20840 Lance-Sergeant Ernest Alfred Williams. 18176 Sergeant James Francis O'Reilly. 40837 Corporal Maxwell Arthur Chapman. 64698 W.O. II Mervyn Wickman. 444040 Corporal Phillip Reginald Poutney. 2010 W.O. II Richard Leonard Lancelot Brooks. 4877 Corporal Reginald Thompson. 273243 W.O. II Douglas Leighton Newlove. 559059 Corporal William Maximus Baker. 16827 Sergeant Eric Batchelor. 46900 Corporal Leslie James Bartlett. 129971 Sergeant James Henry Garwood. 440130 Corporal Sydney Raymond Cook. 64102 Sergeant Arthur Alexander Leech. 462186 Corporal Robert Bruce Court. 48265 Sergeant Gordon John Murray. 500327 Corporal Samuel Alfred Crook. 6988 Sergeant George Henry Palmer. 40823 Corporal John Shelly Kennard-Davis. 68074 Sergeant Colin David Rae. 248078 Corporal Jack Bryce Fletcher. 801846 Sergeant Pou Rakena,. 478465 Corporal ,Albert Grenville. MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 547 </p><p>447836 Bombardier Gerald James Hampson. Member of Licensing Oommittee appointed 15845 Corporal Brian Allison Harland. 3209 Corporal Clifford Hunt. IS Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been 43496 Corporal William Ormond Ingham. H pleased to appoint 435531 Corporal Vernon John Jorgensen. Harold "Vilson Harris, Esquire, 801643 Corporal Robert McLean. 619922 Corporal Vernon Thomas McManaway. to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the District of 616752 Corporal Robert Edwin Cecil Mathieson. Kaiapoi. 252650 Bombardier Frederick Mercer. H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. 12603 Corporal Eric Mills. 33465 Corporal Neville Morgan. Members of Thomas Oawthron Trust Boat'd appointed 26272 Corporal Bruce Murcott. 500728 Corporal Eric Charles Murphy. IS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has been 817636 Corporal George Nia Nia. H pleased, in pursuance and by virtue of the powers confer:ced 28526 Corporal Robert William Nicol. upon him by section 4 of the Thomas Cawthron Trust Act, 1924, 434435 Corporal Frederick Cecil Rawson. as amended b:v section 34, subsection 2, of the Statutes Amendment 285827 Corporal Robert Leslie Rossiter. Act, 1942, to· appoint- 444778 Corporal Henry Eaton Smith. Clarence Farringdon Skinner and 74849 Corporal James Tither. Arthur Rowling 47516 Corporal Lawrence Charles Wilton. 450453 Corporal George Bendall Allen. to be members of the Thomas Cawthron Trust Board, the appoint 430142 Corporal Charles Henery Anderton. ment to have effect as on and from the lOth day of March, 1945. 377059 Corporal (temp.) Fairlie Fergus Curry. D. G. SULLIVAN, 219381 Corporal (temp.) Gregory Ambrose Dodunski. Minister in Charge of Scientific and Industrial Research. 801807 Corporal (temp.) James Kira. 45710 Corporal Keith Oates. Appointment of Inspectors 'under the Noxious Weeds Act, 1928, 444219 Corporal (temp.) Joseph Laurence Rentoul. revoked.-(Notice No. Ag. 4277) 247873 Corporal (temp.) Neville Bruce Trye. 436078 Corporal (temp.) Kevin Ellis Twomey. Office of the Minister of Agriculture, 6796 Corporal (temp.) Desmond Taumauia Peel-Walker. Wellington, 23rd April, 1946. 252145 Lance-Bombardier Clive Alexander Anderson. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to revoke 436511 Lance-Corporal Huon Frederick Cochrane. H the appointment of- 810306 Lance-Corporal Alan Francis De Lury. George Robert Milward, 217190 Lance-Corporal Stanley Vincent Gilchrist. Robert Cos bourne Rea, and 23768 Lance-Corporal Raymond Hildabrand Horsfall. Edward Lamerton Robinson 273695 Lance-Corporal Clifford Ernest Lawrence Hutchison. 800816 Lance-Corporal George David King. as Inspectors for the purposes of the Noxious -\Veeds Act, 1928, for 268961 Lance-Bombardier Neill John McGowan. the district within the jurisdiction of the SouthIa.nd Cou:p.ty Council. 264447 Lance-Corporal Duncan James McLean. C. F. SKINNER, 441377 Corporal Geoffrey August Reynolds. For the Minister of Agriculture. 299228 Lance-Bombardier William Roberts. 45327 Lance-Corporal Terence James Schultz. Appointment of Inspectors under the Noxious Weeds Act, 1928, for 633301 Lance-Corporal Brian Charles Douglas Smaner. Southland Oounty.-(Notice No. Ag. 4298) 3229 Lance-Corporal Edward William Clarke. 7980 Private Harold Ernest Aberhart. Office of the Minister of Agriculture, 273688 Sapper George Edward Armstrong. Wellington, 23rd April, 1946. 16707 Driver Donald John Barr. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to 441259 Gunner Robert Charles Barrett. appoint, on the 11th day of April, 1946- 437596 Lance-Sergeant Peter John Begley. H 82317 Driver Stanley Frank Bishop. Dudley Francis Davis, 441132 Lance-Corporal Maxwell Ray Blacktopp. Alexander Patrious Keogh, 801895 Private Raymond Bluett. Ivan Stuart Paul, and 34103 Sapper James Robert Bodley. Henry Robert Wa,tts 414498 Private Montague James Brown. to be Inspectors for the purposes of the Noxious Weeds Act, 1928, 39590 Private Alfred Nelson Carroll. for the district within the jurisdiction of the Southland County 444836 Private Stanley John Copeland. Council. 460096 Trooper Denzil Eric Craw. C. F. SKINNER, 30756 Private George Alexander Doig. For the Minister of Agriculture. 4313 Driver Harold Eckersley. 47381 Sa,pper Michael John Fisken. Oommi8sioner of the Supreme Oourt appointed 49128 Private Harry Colin Freeman. 80178 Private Lionel William Roy Funnell. AROLD GEORGE WHITTINGHAM BAGLEY, Esquire, of 4557 Signalman John Alexander Gaze. H Suva, in Fiji, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Fiji, has 21575 Private Edward Albert Goodhew. this day been appointed by the Right Honourable Sir Michael 24918 Sapper William Patrick GourIick. Myers, G.C.M.G., Chief .Tustice of New Zealand, a Commissioner 25170 Private Willis Edwin Gundry. of the Supreme Court of New Zealand in Fiji under section 47 of 077655 Gunner Lawrence Finlayson Guthrie. the Judicature Act, 1908, for the purpose of administering and 283749 Private James William Gwilliam. takinD' all such oaths, affidavits, and affirmations as in the said 15038 Private Davi.d Reginald Harvey. sectio; mentioned. 258739 Gunner Raymond Victor Haste. Dated at Wellington, this 29th da'JT of April, 1946. 455734 Driver Robert John Hilton Hawley. 249097 Private Jack Herbert. A. E. REYNOLDS, Registrar, Supreme Court. 11534 Private Hugh Alan Hoare. 45135 Sapper Ronald Alfred John Hooper. Appointments in the PUblic Service 17314 Driver Lester Hubbard. 415604 Driver Hector Keeley. Office of the Public Service CommiFlsioner, 44867 Gunner Frederick Wilson Lee. Wellington, 30th April, 1946. 72670 Private Russell Bruce Litchfield. HE Public Service Commissioner has made the following 443847 Private John Reid McInnes McEwing. T appointments in the Public Service:- - 44649 Sapper Trevor Gordon McIntosh. Trevor Albert Rockell 76371 Private Daniel Clarence McIntyre. 33735 Private Henry McIvor. to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Factories Act, 1921-22, 619185 Private David Goodwin Macleod. on and from the 9th day of April, 1946. 452950 Trooper Everard John Mayo. Phillip John Lamason 091052 Private John Robert Morgan Morris. to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, and a,n 33965 Sapper Roy Spencer Natusch. Inspector for the purposes of the Dairy Industry Act, 1908, on and 62677 Private James Maaka Ngapo. from the 1st day of April, 1946. 62148 Private Patrick O'Rourke. Leslie George Hill 812614 Private Wynyard Panoho. to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the purposes <:>f t~e 81285 Trooper George Nelson Perkins. Weights and Measures Act, 1925, on and from the 12th day of AprIl, 24232 Private William James Pirimona. 1946. 447235 Private John Frederick Prattley. King George Gray 77610 Signalman Gordon Michael Albert Redgrave. 261198 Private Victor George Robinson. to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Meat Act, 1939, on and 29615 Private Robert Henry Stevenson. from the 3rd day of April, 1946. 6612 Private Norman MacBean Stewart. Constable Leonard Frederick Woodsford 270044 Private Ivan Felix Strahl. to be Clerk and Bailiff of the Magistrates' Court at Otaut~u for the 457122 Private J ohn Joseph Lewis Strathel'n. purposes of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1928, and Mamtenance 268590 Private Allen Gilbert Swann. Officer at the Magistrates' Court at Otautau for the purposes of the 6645 Driver Eric Basil Thompson. Destitute Persons Amendment Act, 1928, on and from the 29th day 625006 Private Ivan Tolich. of March, 194ft 802245 Private Tahere Hemi Tuhi. George Dick 511272 Private James Matthew Walker. to be ReD'istrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the 63295 Private Harold Oharles Worth. District ofTe Aroh~v, on and from the 3rd day of April, 1946. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. L. A. ATKINSON, Secretary. B 548 THE NEW .ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Appointment of Oustoms Aerodrome The Shops and Ojfice8Act, 1921-22, and its Amendments.-Fix'ing the Glosing-hour8 of Frititerer8' Shops within the Borough of Wnaleatane </p><p>ARNOLD HENRY NORDMEYER, Acting for the Minister HEREAS a requisition in writing has been forwarded to the I .. of Customs, in exercise of the powers vested in me for this W Minister of Labour from the occupiers of fruiterers' shops purpose by clause 3 of the Customs (Aircraft) Regulations 1935, within the Borough of Whakatane, pursuant to section 32 of the do, by this Warrant, appoint as a Customs aerodrome that area Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22 ; known as Whenuapai Aerodrome, situated in Blocks VI and X And whereas he is satisfied that the signatures to such requi of the Waitemata Survey District, and having boundary-lines sition represent a majority of the occupiers of all thesl::dd shops described as follows :- within the said borough: Commencing at the south-west corner of Lot 39, D.P. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said section 32, the Minister 11504, and continuing as follows: South-easterly along road of Labour doth hereby direct that on and after the 13th day of boundary for distance 2i chains; thence on bearing 23° 06' May, 1946, all the said shops within the said borough shall be closed for distance 914·4 links; thence bearing 105° 08' 30" for on the evening of working-days as follows: On Mondays, Tuesdays, distance 149·7 links; thence bearing 128° 46' for 1850·8 links Wednesdays, and Thursdays a,t 5.30 p.m., on Fridays at 9 p.m., to Karaka Road; thence south-westward along western and on Saturdays at 5 p.m. boundary of Karaka Road and south-eastward along southern Dated at Wellington, this 23rd day of April, 1946. boundary of Punga Road; thence south-westward along JAS. O'BRIEN, eastern boundary of closed portion of Waimarie Road; thence For the Minister of Labour. south-eastward along northern boundaries of Sections 83 and 70, continuing across Kowhai Road, and along northern boun daries of Sections 69 and 56 to western boundary of Kauri The Greymouth Mille Delivery Notice, 1945, Amendment No.1 Road; thence south-westward along the western boundary of Kauri Road and continuing in a general south-westerly direction URSUANT to the Milk Delivery Emergency Regulations along the western boundary of Kauri Road and its extension to P 1945,* the Minister of Marketing doth hereby give notice its intersection with the southern boundary of Section Part 13 ; as follows :- thence north-westward along southern boundary of Part 13 to the eastern boundary of Section 89; thence south-westerly 1. This notice may be cited as the Greymouth Milk Delivery along eastern boundaries of Sections 89, 90, 91, continuing across Notice 1945, Amendment No.1, and shall be read together with Rata Road, south-westerly along eastern b01mdaries of Sections and deemed part of the Greymouth Milk Delivery Notice 1945'r 92, 93, 94; thence on a bearing of 237° 33' 30" for distance of (~ereinl;1fter referred to as the principal scheme). 1887·4 links to the easternmost point of the northern boundary 2. Clause (7) of the principal scheme is hereby amended by- of the closed portion of Brigham's Creek - Hobsonville Road; (1) Revoking the words" Baty Bros., Ltd., Coal Creek, Grey thence on a bearing of 193° 06' to the northern boundary of mouth", and the description of delivery "In zones the deviated portion of Hobsonville Main Highway; thence numbered IX and XI marked on the plan, and to following in a general westerly direction along the northern Harper's Tea Rooms, Ltd., Mackay Street, Herb Moore's boundary of this deviation to the westernmost corner of the Tea Rooms, Mackay Street, Kowhai Cake Shop, Mackay northern boundary of the closed portion of Brigham's Creek Street, and F. L. Bell, Tainui Street " ; HobsonvilIe Road; thence north-westward along public road (2) Revoking the description of delivery against Riversdale boundary to the southernmost corner western boundary of Dairy Supplies, Ltd., Coal Creek, Greymouth, " In zone closed road (Tawa Road); thence north-eastward along such numbered VI marked on the plan, excluding those road boundary for a distance of 1346 links; thence on a bearing premises to which Baty Bros., Ltd., have the right to of 283° 43' for distance 820·8 links; thence on bearing 13° 17' make delivery" ; for distance 1010·6 links; thence on bearing 283° 09' 30" for (3) Revoking the words" F. G. Frankpitt, Coal Creek, Grey distance 731·3 links; thence on bearing 13° 35' 30" for distance mouth", and the description of delivery "In zone 1342·9 links; thence on bearing 103° 35' 30" for distance numbered VII marked- on the plan"; and 639·5 links; thence on bearing 13° 35' 30" for distance 757·9 (4) Revoking the words "A. F. Fairhall, Marsden Road, links; thence south-eastward along southern boundary of Greymouth ", and the description of delivery "In zone Allotment Part 7 on bearing 103° 37' and distance 827·9 links ; numbered XII marked on the plan"; thence on a bearing of 13° 35' 30" to the point of commencement; and substituting against Riversdale Dairy Supplies Ltd., Coal Creek, Greymouth, the description of delivery" In zones numbered VI, and do likewise appoint the buil~gs known as New Air Movements Building and Freight Shed at northernmost corner of Hard Standing VII, IX, XI, and XII marked on the plan". Area, together with all the said Hard Standing Area, to be the Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of April, 1~46. Examination Station at the said aerodrome. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing.. * Statutory Regulations 1945, Serial number 1945/141, page 336. A. H. NORDMEYER, . t Gazette, 29th November, 1945, page 1493. For the Minister of Customs. (M.M.D. 100/5.) Wellington, New Zealand, 29th March, 1946. </p><p>The Picton Mille Delivery Notice 1943, Amendment No.1 </p><p>Notification of Approval of Amended Rule8, Marlborough URSUANT to the Milk Delivery Emergency RegUlations Acclimatization Society P 1945, * the Minister of Marketing doth hereby give notice as follows :- 1. This notice may be cited as the Picton Milk Delivery Notice Department of Internal Affairs, 1943, Amendment No. I, and shall be read together with and deemed Wellington, 24th April, 1946. part of the Picton Milk Delivery Notice 1943t (hereinafter referred to as the principal scheme). URSUANT to the provisions of section 25 of the Animals 2. Clause (6) of the principal scheme is hereby amended by P. Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, I hereby notify that inserting after the word " schools" the words " public hospitals". copies of the amended rules made by the Marlborough Acclimatiza 3. Clause ('7) of the principal scheme is hereby amended by tion Society on the 25th day of June, 1945, have been forwarded to revoking the words "McIsaac Bros., Dairymen, High Street, m~ and were approved on the 24th day of April, 1946. Picton ", and substituting the words" Davis, Esquire, Dairyman, W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. Picton ". Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of April, 1946. B. ROBERTS, Minister of Marketing. * statutory Regulations 1945, Serial number 1945/141, page 336. 'Pransmitting and Receiving Officer8 for the Serm:ce of Notices by t Gazette, 23rd September, 1943, page 1134. Telegraph (M.M.D. 103.) </p><p>The Hamilton Mille Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.1 General Post Office, Wellington, 17th April, 1946. URSUANT to the Milk Delivery Emergency Regulations 1945,* the Minister of Marketing doth hereby give notice as follows :- N pursuance of the powers vested in the Minister of Telegraphs P I by the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 (hereinafter termed the 1. This notice may be cited as the Hamilton Milk Deliverv said Act), and by the regulations made on the 12th May, 1914 Notice 1946, Amendment No.1, and shall be read together with and publi~hed in the New Zealand Gazette of the 21st May, 1914: and deemed part of the Hamilton Milk Delivery Notice 1946"1 the followmg officers, at the addresses set against their names, are (hereinafter referred to as the principal notice). hereby.appoi.nted trans;mitting and receiving officers for the purpose 2. Clause (7) of the principal notice is hereby amended by of dealmg WIth all notIces by telegraph sent under the said Act or revoking the words" D. Clarke, Dey Street, Hamilton East ", in regulations, and of signing such certificates in relation to the service relation to zone numbered 8, and by revoking the words" R. M. of any such notices as are required or authorized to be sio'ned or Smyth, corner of JYIill and Willoughby Streets, Hamilton", in given under the said Act or the regulations aforesaid ;_ b relation to zone numbered 19, and substituting in each case the words" Smyth and Wilkins, Milk-vendors, P.O. Box 556, Hamilton". Frederick William Bailey, Postmaster, Balclutha. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of April, 1946. Alex Linfield Bell, Chief Postmaster, Blenheim. Cyril Ashton Corder, Postmaster, Feilding. B. ROBERTS, Minister" of Marketing. * Statutory Regulations 1945, Serial number 1945/141, page 336. F. JONES, t Gazette, 4th April, 1946, page 426. ' For the Minister of Telegraphs. (M.M.D.77/5.) MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 549 </p><p>The Wanganui Milk Delivery Notice 1946, Amendment No.1 And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of URSUANT to the Milk Delivery Emergency Regulations 1945,* His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: the Minister of Marketing doth hereby give notice as follows :- Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance of P section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land is 1. This notice may be cited as the Wanganui Milk Delivery taken for the settlement of discharged servicemen, a,nd hereby Notice 1946, Amendment No.1, and shall be read together with specifies the 31st day of May, 1946, as the date on which the said and deemed part of the Wanganui Milk Delivery Notice 1946t land shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. (hereinafter referred to as the principal notice). 2. The principal notice is hereby amended as follows:- SCHEDULE (a) In the heading "The W anganui :M1lk Delivery Notice J\iARLBOROUGH LAND DISTRICT 1936," by substituting for the figures" 1936" the figures "1946 " ALL that parcel of land containing sixteen (16) acres and three (3) (b) In clause (8), by revoking the words" A. Seddon, 12 Central roods, more or less, being SE.ct.ions 9 and lOA, Block XVI, Cloudy Avenue, \Vanganui" (in relation to zone numbered 7), Bay Survey District, and being the whole of the land comprised and substituting the words" J. Chalk, 60 Jellicoe Street, in certificate of title, Vol. 13, folio 207 (Marlborough Registry). Wanganui East." ~t\lso all that parcel of land containing twenty-five (25) aeres and three (3) roods, more or less, being Section 11, Block X VI, Dated at Wellington, this 23rd day of April, 1946. Cloudy Bay Survey District, and being the whole of the land com C. F. SKINNER, prised in certificate of title, Vol. 13, folio 209 (Marlborough Registry). For the Minister of Marketing. As witness my hand, tJJis 24th day of April, 1946. '" Sta.tutory Regulations 1945, Serial number 1945/141, page 336. l' Gazette, 28th March, 1946, page 390. C. F. SKINNER., Minister of Lands. (M.M.D.86/5.) (L. and S. 36/1444/548.) </p><p>Defining Extended River Lim,its for Deep-sea Sports Fishing out of Officiating .ll1iniste1's for 1946.-Notice No. 13 Leigh Cove Registrar-Gener8J's Office, N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon me by Wellington, 30th April, 1946. I section 189 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, I, James URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, the O'Brien, Mjnister of Marine, do hereby define the Leigh Cove P following names of officiating ministers within the meaning e~i;ended rivet' limits within which extended river limit vessels may of the said Act are published for general information:- ply for the purpose of deep-sea sports fishing to be within a ten-mile radius of the eastern entrance point of Leigh Cove. The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly called the Ol~urch of England As witness my hand at Wellington, this 15th day of April, 1946. The Reverend Henry Frazer. JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Marine. The Reverend Raymond Selwyn Coldham Fussell. The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice The Reverend Alexander Miller, M.A. declaring Land taken for the Settlement of a Discharged Serviceman The Methodist Chttrch of New Zealand Mr. William Arthur Bridge. . WHEREAS an application has been made for the consent of Mr. I van John Clucas. the Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the Mr. Brian Edward Lill. land described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the Mr. William Edgar Sleep. Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar.General. has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application relates is farm land suitable for the settlement of a discharged serviceman: Officiating Ministers for 1946.-Notice No. 14 And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the Crown had decided not to acquire or armnge for the acquisition of Registrar-General's Office, the land, did on the 20th day of March, 1946, make an order Wellington, 30th April, 1946. determining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the T is hereby notified that the names of the undermentioned said order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act I officiating ministers have been removed from the List of or within any further time allowed by the Court: Officiating Ministers under the Marriage Act, 1908, by request :- And whereas the said land is not the land of any serviceman who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of The .llfethodist Church of New Zealand His Majesty's Forces or in any British ship: The Reverend Frederick Gardner Brown. Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance The Reverend Edmund David Grounds. of section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land The Reverend Howard Harrington Jeffreys. is taken for the settlement of a discharged serviceman, and hereby Mr. William George Peate. specifies the 14th day of May, 1946, as the date on which the said The Reverend George Frederick Stockwell. land shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. Mr. Mervyn David George Turkington. Mr. Geoffrey Raymond Woodfield. SCHEDULE P. H. WYLDE, Deputy Registrar-General. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT ALL those parcels of land containing together six hundred (600) acres two (2) roods and eleven (11) perches, more or less, being Rural Notice of Adoption under Pa1't IX of the Native Land Act, 1931 Sections 21114, 9052, 18657, 21113, and 21261, and parts Rural Sections 5396, 9050, 9051, and 29219, all situated in Blocks I, II, Tokerau Native Land Court Office, V, and VI, Paeroa Survey District, and being all the lands com Auckland, 23rd April, 1946. prised in certificates of title, Vol. 95, folio 89, Vol. 99, folio 8, Vol. 130, T is hereby notified that the order of adoption as set out in folio 255, Vol. 154, folio 134, and Vol. 240, folio 285, and the residue I the Schedule hereunder has been made by the Native Land of the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol. 113, folio 290 Court under the provi8ions of the Native Land Act, 1931. (Canterbury Registry). J. H. ROBERTSON, Registrar. As witness my hand, this 16th day of April, 1946. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Whakaatu tangohanga Tamaiti Whangai i raro 0 Wahi IX 0 te Ture (L. and S. 36/1444/600.) Whenua .llfaori, 1931 Tad Kooti Whenua Maori, Tokerau, 'Phe Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice Akarana, 23 0 Aperira, H146. declaring Land taken for the Settlement of Discharged HE whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te Kooti Ser'vicemen Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga 0 te Ture Whenua Maori, 1931, tetahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga 0 tetahi tamaiti whangai, HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of e whakaaturia nei e te Kupu Apiti i raro nei. W the Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the TE RAPIHANA, Kai-rehita. land described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: SCHEDULE (KUPU APITI) And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application (Nama). Nga Matua Whangai Tamaiti Whn,ngai relates is farm land suitable or adaptable for the settlement of No. (Adopting Parents). (Adopted Child). discharged servicemen : And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition of 1525/K Howard Solomon, alias William Howard, alias the land, did on the 15th day of March, 1946, make .an order deter Haora Horomona, and Wiremu Howard. mining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the Hokiora Solomon, alias said order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act or Hokioramai Otene within any further time allowed by the Court: 550 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Notice to PersonB affected by Applications for Licenses under Part III Price Order No. 539 (Milk) (Marton) of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936 URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* tIle Price 1'ribunal, Pharma,cy Industry acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, O. M. Williams, 3 Torrington Avenue, Frankton, has applied doth hereby make the following Price Order:- for a license to operate a new pharmacy at Commerce Street, Frankton Junction. PRELIMINARY A. R. Pickering, Duke Street, Te Kuiti, has applied for a license 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 539, and shall to operate a new pharmacy at Bow Street, Raglan. come into force on the 1st day of May, 1946. 2. In this Order- Retail Sale and Distribution of Motor-spirit " Marton Milk District" means the district within a radius R. K. S. Harwood, care of Post-office, Athenree, Katikati, has , , of four miles from the post-office at Marton; applied for a license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be " Commercial user" means a person who buys milk or cream installed at proposed garage premises, The Ford, Athenree. for sale for consumption on his premises (whether in A. H. Squire, 40 Hutcheson Street, Blenheim, has applied for the form in which it is received by him or otherwise and a license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed in the whether separately or in combination with any other open yard at the rear of garage premises, 40 Hutcheson Street, substance or substances) : Blenheim. " Consumer" means a person who buys milk or cream for M. L. Chamberlain, 48 Junction Road, Paeroa, has applied purposes other than resale; for a license to resell motor-spirit from one pump to be installed "Shop dairy" means a shop where milk or cream is sold on new garage premises, Hughenden Street, Paeroa. for consumption or use off the premises and not other Applicants and other persons considering themselves to be wise and where the milk or cream so sold is sold in the materially affected by the decisions of the Bureau of Industry on form in which it was received into the shop dairy. these applications should, not later than the 16th day of May, 1946, submit any written evidence and representations they may ApPLICATION OF THIS ORDER desire to tender. All communications should be addressed to the 3. (1) Nothing in this Order shall apply with respect to milk Secretary, Bureau of Industry, C.P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. or cream sold to a Hospital Board for use in any institution under G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. the control of that Board or to milk or cream sold for use in any separate institution within the meaning of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926. (2) Except as provided in the last preceding subclause, this Order applies with respect to all milk and cream wherever produced Price 01'der No. 538 (Amending Price Ot'der No. 415) that is sold- (JJllilk-Feilding) (a) To the occupier of any shop dairy within the Marton Milk District; or (b) By the occupier of a shop dairy or by any other person URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of to· a commercial user or to a consumer within the Marton P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, Milk District. acting with the authority ofthe J\.finister of Industries and Commerce, doth hereby make the following amending Price Order;- FIXING PRICES OF MILK AND CREAM TO WHICH TillS ORDER APPLIES 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order Nb. 538, and shall 4. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No 415t maximum price that may be charged or received for any milk or (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). cream to which this Order applies shall be the appropriate price 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of May, 1946. set out in the Schedule hereto. 3. 'rhe, principal Order is hereby amended by revoking the (2) The prices fixed by this Order are fixed as for delivery as Schedule thereto and substituting the following Schedule;- follows ;- (a) In respect of milk or cream sold by the occupier of a shop SCHEDULE dairy: As for delivery to the purchaser at the shop MAXIMUM PRICES OF MILK AND CREAM SOLD IN THE FEILDING dairy: MILK DISTRICT TO SHOP DAIRIES, COMMERCIAL USERS, OR (b) In respect of milk or cream sold otherwise than at a shop CONSUMERS dairy: As for delivery at the premises of the purchaser. Milk (3) Where an account is rendered to any purchaser for milk supplied to him during a period comprising more than one day, When sold to Shop When sold to Commercial the price that may be charged for the milk to which the account Dairies for Resale. Users'or Consumers. relates shall be computed as follows :- (a) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements of Quantity. During the During the During the During the half-pint or less, the price shall be computed separately Months Months Months Months for each lot supplied at a rate not exceeding the appro May September May September to to to to priate rate fixed by this Order; August April August April (b) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements (inclusive) . (inclusive) . (inclUSive). (inclusive) . of more than half-pint but less than two pints (exclusive of milk so supplied on anyone day of a total quantity Per Per of one gallon or more), the price shall be computed Gallon. Gallon. separately for each lot supplied at a rate not exceeding s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. the appropriate rate fixed by this Order; Any quantity " 1 11 1 7 .. .. (c) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements ~ pint ...... 0 2 0 2 of two pints or more (exclusive of milk so supplied on 1 pint ...... , 0 3t 0 3 anyone day of a total quantity of one gallon or more), 2 pints .. " .. .. 0 7 0 6 the price shall be computed at a rate not exceeding Per Per the appropriate rate fixed in the Schedule hereto for Gallon. Gallon. two pints: 1 gallon but less .. .. 2 3 1 11 (d) Where the quantity of milk supplied to anyone purchaser than 2 gallons in anyone day (exclusive of quantities supplied in 2 gallons but less . , .. 2 2 1 10 measurements of half-pint or less)' is not less than one than 10 gallons gallon, the maximum price that may be charged shall be 10 gallons and over ., .. 2 1 1 9 computed by reference to the total quantity of milk so supplied to the purchaser during that day. (4) Where any milk or cream to which this Order applies is Oream sold otherwise than in one of the quantities specified in the Schedule hereto, or otherwise than in a multiple of any specified quantity, the price shall be computed as follows;- Quantity. When sold to Shop I' When sold to Dairies for Resale. Coo~~~:~~~~~rs (a). Where the quantity supplied is less than the smallest I specified quantity, the price shall be a proportionate part of the price of the sma,llest specified quantity; s. d. s. d. (b) Where the quantity supplied exceeds a specified quantity ! pint o 6 but is less than twice the specified quantity, the price i- pint 1 0 of any surplus over that specified quantity shall be a I pint 2 0 proportionate part of the price of that specified quantity: 2 pints and over 14 0 per gallon 15 0 per gallon (c) Where the quantity supplied exceeds twice the amount of the nearest lower specified quantity but is not an exact multiple of that specified quantity, the price of any Dated at Wellington, this 30th day of April, 1946. surplus over the nearest multiple of the specified quantity The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence shall be a proportionate part of that specified quantity. of- (5) If in respect of any milk or cream the price charged in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this clause is not an [L.S.] W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. H. L. WISE; Member. exact number of pence or half-pence, the maximum price shall be computed to the nearest upward halfpenny. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 29tb August, 1945, Vol. IT, page 1076. * StatutoryReguIations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE' 551 </p><p>SCHEDULE (2) The prices fixed by this Order are fixed as for delivery as follows ~- MAXIMUM PRICES 0 F MILK AND CREAM SOLD IN THE MARTON MILK DrSTRIC1' TO SHOP DAIRIES, COMMERCIAL USERS, OR (a) In respect of milk or cream sold by the occupier of a shop CONSUMERS dairy: As for delivery to the purchaser at the shop Mille dairy: (b) In respect of milk or cream sold otherwise than at a shop dairy: As for delivery at the premises of the purchaser. When sold to Shop , When sold to Commercial Dairies for Resale. Users or Consumers. (3) Where an account is rendered to any purchaser for milk supplied to him during a period comprising more than one day, During the During the During the During the the price that may be charged for the milk to which the account Quantity. Months Months Months Months relates shall be computed as follows :- May September May September to to to to (a) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements of August April August April half~pint or less, the price shall be computed separately (inclusive). (inclUsive). (inclusive). (inclutlive). for each lot supplied at a rate not exceeding the appro- priate rate fixed by this Order: , (b) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements Per Per Gallon. Gallon. of more than half-pint but less than two pints (exclusive s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. of milk so supplied on anyone day of a total quantity Any quantity .. 1 11 1 7 .. .. of one gallon or more), the price shall be computed ,~ pint ...... 0 2 0 2 separately for each lot supplied at a rate not exceeding 1 pint ...... 0 3t 0 3 the appropriate rate fixed by this Order: 2 pints ...... 0 7 0 6 (c) For all milk supplied during the period in measurements Per Per of two pints or more (exclusive of milk so supplied on Gallon. Gallon. anyone day of a total quantity of one gallon or more), 1 gallon but less .. .. 2 3 III the price shall be computed at a rate not exceeding than 2 gallons the appropriate rate fixed in the Schedule hereto for 2 gallons but less .. .. 2 2 1 10 two pints: than 10 gallons (d) Where the quantity of milk supplied to anyone purchaser 10 gallons and over .. .. 2 1 1 9 in anyone day (exclusive of quantities supplied in ------I measurements of half-pint or less) is not less than one gallon, the maximum price that may be charged shall be Cream computed by reference to the total quantity of milk so supplied to the purchaser during that day. (4) Vilhere any milk or cream to which this Order applies is When sold to Shop When sold to Quantity. Dairies for Resale. Commercial Users sold otherwise than in one of the quantities ~pecified in the Schedule or Consumers. hereto, or otherwise than in a mUltiple of any specified quantity, I the price shall be computed as follows :- s. d. s. d. (a) Where the quantity supplied is less than the smallest 6 specified quantity, the price shall be a proportionate ±pint o part of the price of the smallest specified quantity: "~ pint 1 0 1 pint 2 0 (b) Where the quantity supplied exceeds a specified quantity 2 pints and over 14 0 per gallon 15 0 per gallon but is less than twice the specified quantity, the price of any surplus over that specified quantity shall be a proportionate part of the price of that specified quantity: Dated at Wellington, this 30th day of April, 1946. (c) Where the quantity supplied exceeds twice the amount of The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence the nearest lower specified quantity but is not an exact of- multiple of that specified quantity, the price of any W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. surplus over the nearest multiple of the specified quantity (L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. shall be a proportionate part of that specified quantity. (5) If in respect of any milk or cream the price charged in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this clause is not an exact number of pence or half-pence, the maximum price shall be computed to the nearest upward halfpenny. Price Order No. 540 (Milk) (Taihape) SCHEDULE URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of MAXIMUM PRICES OF MILK AND CREAM SOLD IN THE TAIHAPE P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, MILK DISTRICT TO SHOP DAI'RIES, COMMERCIAL USERS, OR acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, CONSUMERS doth hereby make the following Price Order:- Milk </p><p>PRELIMINARY When sold to Shop When sold to Commercial 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 540, and shall Dairi.es for Resale. Users or Consumers. come into fOlice on the 1st day of May, 1946. 2. In this Order- During the During the During the During the Quantity. Months :Months Months Months " Taihape Milk District" means the district within a radius May September May September of four miles from the post-office at Ta,ihape: to to to to August April August April "' Commercial user H means a person who buys milk or cream (inclutlive). (inclusive). (inclusive). (inclusive). for sale for consumption on his premises (whether in the form in which it is received by him or otherwise and whether separately or in combination with any other Per Per substance or substances) : Gallon. Gallon. "Consumer" means a person who buys milk pr cream for s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. purposes other than resale : Any quantity .. III 1 7 .. .. "Shop dairy" means a shop where milk or cream is sold t pint ...... 0 2 0 2 for consumption or use off the premises and not other 1 pint .- ...... 0 3t 0 3 wise and where the milk or cream so sold is sold in the 2 pints ...... 0 7 0 6 Per Per form in which it was received into the shop dairy. Gallon. Gallon. 1 gallon but less .. .. 2 3 III ApPLICATION OF THIS ORDER than 2 gallons 2 gallons but less .. .. 2 2 1 10 3. (I) Nothing in this Order shall apply with respect to milk than 10 gallons or cream sold to a Hospital Board for use in any institution under 10 gallons and over .. .. 2 1 1 9 the control of that Board or to milk or cream sold for use in any separate institution within the meaning of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1926. C1'ea-rn (2) Except as provided in the last preceding subclause, this Order applies with respect to all milk and cream wherever produced When sold to Shop When sold to that is sold- Quantity. Commercial Users Dairies for Resale. or Consumers. (a) To the occupier of any shop dairy within the Taihape I District; or (b) By the occ~pier of a shop dairy or by any other person s. d. s. d. to a commercial user or to a consumer within the T{tihape ! pint o 6 Milk District. t pint 1 0 1 pint 2 0 FIXING PRICES OF MILK AND CREAJY! TO WHICH THIS ORDER APPLIES 2 pints and over 114 0 per gallon 15 0 per gallon 4. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the maximum 'price that may be charged or received for any milk or Dated at Wellington, this 30th day of April, 1946. cream to which this Order applies shall be the appropriate price The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence set out in the Schedule hereto. of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] ... Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. H. L. WISE, Member• THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>Price Order No. 541 (Raw-leaf Tobacco) MAXIMUM WHOLESALE· PRICES 8. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, the maximum price that may be charged or received by any wholesaler for any URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Island oranges shall be- P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, (a) When sold to a retailer carrying on business in any of acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, . the metropolitan areas of Auckland, Wellington, doth hereby make the following Price Order:- Christchurch, or Dunedin, or in any of the cities 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 541, and shall or boroughs of Whangarei, Hamilton, Gisborne, come into force on the 2nd <:lay of May, 1946. New Plymouth, Stratford, Wanganui, Palmerston North,Napier, Hastings, Blenheim, Nelson, 2. In this Order- Greymouth, Timaru, Oamaru, Gore, or Inver "Flue-cured leaf" means leaf th~t has been treatel;! in the cargill- s. d. kiln for at least three successive days immediately after Per bushel-and-a-half case 28 0 picking-for the purpose of yellowing, fixing colour, (b) When sold to a retailer carrying on business else drying, and drying mid-ribs: where- " Air-dried leaf" means leaf other than fiue-cured leaf. Per bushel-and-a-half case 26 0 (2) The wholesale prices fixed by this Order are fixed as for ApPLICATION OF TillS ORDER delivery at the wholesaler's store or other premises from which 3. This Order applies with respect to all raw-leaf tobacco grown delivery to the purchaser is effected. in New Zealand during the 1945-46 season: Provided that the (3) Where delivery is effected by a wholesaler elsewhere than Tribunal may, in any case where it considers it proper so to do and at premises occupied by him, he may add to the appropriate price subject to such conditions (if any) as it thinks fit, exempt any such fixed by this Order the reasonable cost of delivery, not exceeding tobacco from the operation of this Order. in any case the cost that would have been incurred by him if delivery had been effected by a common carrier at current freight rates. FIxmG AVERAGE PRICES OF RAW-LEAF TOBACCO TO WillCR TillS ORDER APPLIES MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICES 4. (1) The average price to be paid by any tobacco manufacturer 9. (1) Subject to the provisions of this clause, the maximum for raw-leaf tobacco to which this Order applies shall be not less retail price that may be charged or received by any retailer for any than- Island oranges shall be computed at the rate of 7d. per pound. (a) For fiue-cured leaf: 2s. 2d. per pound. (2) If in respect of any lot of oranges sold by a retailer the (b) For air-dried leaf: Is. lld. per pound. maximum price calculated in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this clause is not an exact number of pence or half (2) For the purposes of this clause the weight of any raw~leaf pence, the maximum price of the lot shall be computed to the nearest tobacco shall be deemed to be its weight at the time and place of upward halfpenny. delivery by the grower to the manufacturer or to his agent in the district in which it is grown: Provided, however, that in any case SPECIAL PRICES WHERE EXTRAORDINARY CHARGES INCURRED where the grower and the manufacturer or his agent agree that the moisture-content of the leaf in any lot of tobacco is excessive, then 10. Subject to such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit, the for the purpose of calculating the value of the lot the weight of the Tribunal, on application by any wholesaler or retailer, may authorize lot shall be deemed to be reduced by a reasonable amount to make special prices in respect of any Island oranges to which this Order allowance for the excessive moisture. applies where for any reason extraordinary charges. (freight or otherwise) are incurred by the wholesaler or retailer. Any authority 5. This Order shall be read subject to the provisions of the given by the Tribunal under this clause may apply with respect Board of Trade (Raw Tobacco Price) Regulations 1943t. to ~ specified lot or consignment of oranges or may relate generally Dated at Wellington, this 1st day of May, 1946. .to all Island oranges to which this Order applies sold by the whole The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence saler or retailer while the approval remains in force. of- DUTY IMPOSED ON RETAILERS W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. [L.S.] 11. Every retailer who offers or exposes any Island oranges for H. L. WISE, Member. sale in any shop shall keep in a prominent position in such proximity * statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. to the oranges to which it relates as to be obviously descriptive t Statutory Regulations 1943, Serial number 1943/59, page 124. thereof, a ticket, placard, or label on which shall be stated in legible and prominent characters the following particulars,:- (a) The retail price per pound of the oranges: (b) The word " Island ". Price Order No. 542 (Island Oranges) </p><p>SCHEDULE URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of Prices DEFINITION OF METROPOLITAN AREAS P Emergency Regulations 1939,* the Price Tribunal, acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, Name of doth hereby make the following Price Order:- Metropolitan Area. Districts included therein. . 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 542, and shall come into force on the 6th day of May, 1946. Auckland The City of Auckland, the boroughs of Birkenhead, 2. (1) Price Orders No. 224t and No. 338~ are hereby revoked. Devonport, Ellerslie, Mount Albert, New Lynn, (2) The revocation of the said Orders shall not affect the liability Newmarket, Northcote, Onehunga, One Tree of any person for any offence in relation thereto committed before Hill, Otahuhu, and Takapuna, and the road the coming into force of this Order. . districts of Mount Roskill, Mount Wellington, 3. (1) In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires, and Panmure Township. "The said regulations" means the Control of Prices Wellington The cities of Wellington and Lower Hutt, the Emergency Regulations 1939* : boroughs of Eastbourne and Petone, and the "Bushel-and-a-half case" means a case of the type used in Town District of Johnsonville. the ordinary colirse of trade for packing the quantity Christchurch The City of Christchurch, and the boroughs of ofl Island oranges recognized as one and a half bushels : Lyttelton and Riccarton. " Island oranges" means oranges grown in any of the Pacific Dunedin The City of Dunedin, and the boroughs of Green Islands and imported into New Zealand. Island, Port Chalmers, St. Kilda, and West Harbour. (2) References in this Order to metropolitan areas are references to the metropolitan areas described in the Schedule hereto. (3) Terms and expressions defined in the said regulations, when Dated at Wellington, this 1st day of May, 1946. used in this Order, have the meanings severally assigned thereto by The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the presence those regulations. I of- 4. The maximum prices fixed by this Order include the prices [L.S.] W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. of the cases or other containers in which the oranges are delivered to H. L. WISE, Member. ' the purchaser. APPLICATION OF TmS ORDER Law Practitioners Amendment Act, 1935 5. This Order applies with respect to all Island oranges. 6. The maximum prices fixed by this Order apply with respect URSUANT to the Law Practitioners Amendment Act, 1935, to sales by auction as well as to other sales. P notice is hereby given that the Disciplinary Committee of 7. The provisions of this Order as to maximum wholesale the New Zealand Law Society on the 15th day of March, 1946, prices shall apply notwithstanding that any Island oranges are sold ordered that the name of Edward Tabrum Moody, of Wellington, otherwise than in bushel-and-a-half cases, and the provisions of this but late of Shannon, be struck off the Rolls of Barristers and Order as to maximum retail prices shall apply notwithstanding that Solicitors of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, and that he pays any such oranges are sold otherwise than by weight. the sum of twenty guineaseosts. Dated at Wellington, this 29th day of April, 1946. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057. t Gazette, 20th April, 1944, Vol. I, page, page 388. A. E. REYNOLDS, :I: Gazette, 22nd February, 1945, Vol. I, page 229. Registrar, Supreme Court, Wellington. MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 553 </p><p>Licen8e8 issued to Manufacturing Retailers ~{,nder the Sales Tax 1- Act, 1932-33 LicelllSe Name of LicelllSee. operative Place at which Business from is carried on. Customs Department; Wellington, 2nd May, 1946. T is hereby notified for public information that licenses to act Q.E.D. Fibrous Plasters, Ltd. 1/7/45 Lower Hutt. I as manufacturing retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, have been issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and com Rawlings, H. J. (Miss) 1/1/46 Christchurch. panies carrying on business at the places stated. Reid, W. A. 1/4/46 Auckland. Reid's Furnishings, Ltd. 1/11/45 Hamiltono E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs. Richards and Henshall 1/1/46 Christchurch. Richardson, J. 1/4/45 Wellington. License Ro binson, K. J. Stratford. Name of Licenaee. operative Place at which Business 1/11/45 from is carried on. Robinson's Joinery Factory 1/1/46 Christchurch. Royal Oak Plaster Works 1/12/45 Auckland. </p><p>Aitchison, J. H. (Estate of the 1/3/46 Auckland. Spearman, R. H. 1/4/46 Petone. late) Speden Wiles, Ltd... 4/2/46 Gore. Alston Clothing Co. 1/4/46 Auckland. Super Style 1/1/46 Auckland. Archer, W. G., Ltd. 1/3/46 Auckland. Superior Battery Co., Ltd. 1/1/46 Hastings. Bailey, W. F. 1/1/46 Wanganui. Tait, J., Builder and Contractor 1/3/46 Christchurch. "Belle Vue" 13/11/45 Wellington. Taylor, T. M., and Sons, Ltd ... 1/10/45 Kaingaroa. Blay and Wilson 1/2/46 Christchurch. Brewer and Son 1/12/45 Tauranga. Veeni Robes 1/3/46 New Plymouth. Bridge, Cecily, Ltd... 1/2/46 Wellington. Broadway Cabinet Co. 1/1/46 Wellington. Walters Concrete Products Co. 19/2/46 Auckland. Browne and Heaton, Ltd. 1/1/46 Christchurch. Wardell's (Dn.) Ltd. 1/3/46 Dunedin. Buchan, Peter 1/4/46 Wanganui. Whangarei Sash and Door Co. 1/9/45 Whangarei. Whiting, C. F., Ltd. 5/2/46 Wanganui. Canterbury Fibrous Plaster Co. 1/1/46 Christchurch. "Vilson, D. C. 12/2/46 Wellington. Clark and McMillan, Ltd. 1/3/46 TeAwamutu. Wire Industries 1/1/46 Wellington. Clarke, L. E. 1/11/45 Christchurch. Clarkson, Eric 1/2/46 Christchurch. Young, T. F. 1/3/46 Christchurch. Clement, C. A. 3/1/46 Hamilton. Younger, B. W., Ltd. 1/2/46 Christchurch. Collins and Trim, Ltd. Auckland. Colville, F. J. and A., Ltd. 1/1/46 Waimate. Zealandia Terrazzo Manufac 1/4/46\ Nelson. turing Co. Davis, Peter 1/4/46 Dunedin. De Lina Gowns 1/4/46 Auckland. Duleys' 1/9/45 Wairoa. The licenses as manufacturing 1'etailers issued to the under Edhouse Studios 1/10/45 Petone. mentioned persons, firms, and companies have been cancelled:- Fly and Dixon 1/12/45 Masterton. Lioense Friedlander, M. M. 1/2/46 Wellington. Name of Licenaee. ca,ncelled I Place at whi~h" BUSlllCSS from was carrIed on. Garnham, G. R. 1/12/45 Wellington. Gee, J. 1/12/45 Palmerston North. Gould, H., and Co., Ltd. 1/1/46 TimMu. Acme Photo Services 30/9/45 Petone. Green, H ... 1/3/46 Wellington. Adams and Barclay 30/11/45 Christchurch. Grocott and Young 1/4/46 Dunedin. Adlerstein, H. H. 31/8/45 Wellington. Groves, J. H. 18/2/46 Wanganui. Aitchison, J. H. 28/2/46 Auckland. Guise and Co. 25/1/46 Wellington. Archer, W. G. 28/2/46 Auckland. </p><p>Harlen and McCaughey 1/3/46 Paremata. Barnsley's 31/1/46 Wellington. Hatwell, N. 1/8/45 Palmerston North. Ba.ttersby and Co. 30/9/45 Wellington. Helene Gowns 1/3/46 Auckland. Billings Radio Construction Co., 31/8/45 Wellington. Higgs,A. J. 1/2/46 Wellington. Ltd., The Holmes Bros. 1/1/46 Auckland. Broderick, B. F. 31/3/46 Palmerston North. Hulbert, I. C. 1/1/46 New Plymouth. Hutt Plaster Co., Ltd. 7/1/46 Trentham. Carpenter, J. H. M., Ltd. 31/12/45 Auckland. Hutt Valley Wholesale Furni 1/2/46 Petone. Carrad, G. W. 11/1/46 Wanganui. ture Factory Chainey Bros. 6/3/46 Marton, Foxton. Cheesman, I. T. 1/2/46 Invercargill. "Irene" .. 1/2/46 Christchurch. City Knitting Service 28/2/46 Christchurch. Clark and McMillan .. 28/2/46 TeAwamutu. Jenny Wren 6/11/45 Wellington. Cochrane, A. 30/11/45 Auckland. "Jo-Ann" 1/12/45 Dunedin. Collins and Trim Auckland. Johnston, G. M. 14/9/45 Wellington. Coo-ee Tailoring and Dry Clean 30/6/45 Palmerston North. Josephine's Kitchen, Ltd. 1/2/46 Christchurch. ing Co., Ltd.,' The "Juliette" 1/3/46 Christchurch. Davey, Elene 31/1/46 Wellington. Kay, .J. L., and Co. 1/4/45 Wellington. Del-Favero and Da-Vanzo 31/3/46 Nelson. Dick, E. V. 15/12/45 Hamilton. Lankshear, A., and Co. 1/3/46 Tahunanui. Dixon,H.R. 30/11/45 Masterton. Letetia Gowns 1/11/45 Christchurch. Duley and Thomson 31/8/45 Wairoa. Liddle, C. B. 1/2/46 Wellington. Dux Engineers, Ltd. 31/1/46 Wellington. Lipscombe's Furniture Factory 4/2/46 Nelson. Enoch, Dan 31/12/45 Wellington. McAffer,N. 1/7/45 Palmerston North. McDonald and Dunlop, Ltd. " 6/2/46 Ashburton. Fenton and Prendergast 30/11/45 Auckland. McLauchlan, P. G., Concrete 1/9/45 Invercargi1l. Products Harman Clogs 30/11/45 Auckland. Manawatu Concrete Co., Ltd... 23/1/46 Palmerston North. Mills, G. A. 1/2/46 Rotorua. Jewellery Co., The 30/11/45 Auckland. Model Gowns 20/1/46 Dunedin. Morris, Leslie 1/2/46 Christchurch. King,A. J. 31/1/46 Lower Hutt. Morse, R. M. 14/2/46 Wellington. Kitson, M. and S. 1/2/46 Wanganui. Myra-Louise Lingerie and Gowns 1/2/46 Gisborne. Leman, P. T. 31/12/45 Henderson. Nanrae 1/3/46 Auckland. Lincot, Ltd. 30/11/45 Wellington. Neill, V. J., Furniture-manufac 1/3/46 Lower Hutt. turer McDonald and Dunlop 5/2/461 Ashburtoll. Nelson, George 18/2/46 Ohakune. McElwee's Ltd. 25/12/45 Christchurch. Manson, G. and J. 1/4/46 I Dunedin. Palmerston North Concrete Tile 1/11/45 Pa.lmerston North. Mitchell, D. M. 31/1/461 Gore. and Roofing Co., Ltd. Pearson, R. E. 1/2/46 Hastings. Presows 28/2/46 I Masterton. </p><p>Pegley, G. H. 14/2/46 Blenheim. Probert and Retemeyer 20/12/45 II Napier. Pergomet and Son .. 1/2/45 Auckland. Prosthetic Processes; Ltd. 1/11/45 Wellington. Presstool Engineering Co. 1/11/45 Christchurch. Purdeu, Geoffrey 1/5/46 Auckland. Rugby Cycle Works 31/12/45 I Christchurch, 554 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>License Name of Licensee. cancelled Place at which Business from was carried on. I N pursuance of the provisions of the Education Act, 1914, and I regulations made thereunder, I hereby notify that James Shooter, E. J. 28/2/46 Wellington. Frederick McDougall has been elected as a member to represent Speden, Adam 4/2/46 Gore. the North-west Ward of the Canterbury Education District. Superior Battery Co. 31/12/45 Hastings. The ballot in the election resulted as follows :- Thackery and Gee 30/11/45 Palmerston North. Votes. Thomson Bros. 28/2/46 Wellington. Thornton and Rickard 18/3/46 Christchurch. McDougall, James Frederick 206 Topp, Edgar Charles 116 Walker, W. P. 31/1/46 Hamilton. Guthrey, Charles Henry .. 40 Wood, T. W. 31/3/46 Auckland. Wright Enterprises 12/2/46 Wellington. L. E. ROWLEY, Returning Officer. </p><p>Younger, B. W. 31/1/46 Christchurch. Christchurch, 24th April, 1946. </p><p>RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND </p><p>STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF THE RESERVE BANK OF NEW Z~ALAND AS AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON MONDAY, 15TH APRIL, 1946 Liabilities A8sets £ s. d. 7. Reserve £ s. d. 1. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 0 (a) Gold 2,801,877 10 () 2. Bank-notes 44,212,3~3 10 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 72,819,306 15 1 3. Demand liabilities (c) Gold exchange (a) State 25,970,226 8 0 8. Subsidiary coin 12,790 8 7 (b) Banks 52,613,506 5 1 9. Discounts- (c) Other 627,689 16 6 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills 4. Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body bills 5. Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 53,846 15 0 (a) To the State or State undertakings 6. Other liabilities 3,464,609 7 II (1) Marketing organizations 1,553,254 7 5 (2) For other purposes· .. 45,000,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) ()ther n. Investments .. 5,191,752 5 7 12. Bank buildings 13. Other assets .. 1,063,220 15 10 </p><p>£(N.Z.)128,442,202 2 6 £(N.Z.)128,442,202 2 6 </p><p>==~==;,;,,= • Expressed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No.7 less No.5) to notes and other demand liabilities, 61·225 per cent. W. R. EGGERS, Chief Accountant. </p><p>Notices under the Regulations Act, 1936 </p><p>NoTICE is h~rebY given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders as under :-</p><p>Authority for Enactment. 1 Short Title or Subject-matter. 1 Number.Serial Enactment.Date of I. PriceId.extra). (Posta. ge </p><p>Emergency Regulations Act, 1939 Revocation of the Medical Practitioners Emergency 1946/58 1/5/46 ld. RegUlations 1941 Motor-spirits (Regulation of Prices) Act, Motor-spirit Prices Regulations 1942, Amendment 1946/59 1/5/46 Id. 1933 No.4 Wheat and Flour Emergency Regulations Flour Extraction Control Notice 1946 1946/60 26/4/46 Id. 1939 . </p><p>Copies can be purchased at the Government Printieg and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number._ _ E. V. PAUL, Government Printer. </p><p>BANKRUPTCY NOTICE PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of a A provisional register in the name of LAUGHLAN HENRY In Bankruptcy.-Suprem.e Oourt JAMES McPHERSON, of Te Rehunga, Farmer, for all that parcel of land containing 80 acres 1 rood and 37 perches, more or less, EORGE CAMPBELL, of Raumati South, Clerk, was adjudicated being Section '5, Block VI, of the Tahoraiti, Survey District, and G bankrupt on the 30th day of April, 1946. Creditors' meeting (}omprising all the land in Provisional Register, Vol. 25, folio 19 will be held at my office on Monday, 13th May, 1946, at lO.30 a,.m. (Hawke's Bay Registry), and evidence having been lodged of the S. TANSLEY, Official Assignee. loss or destructiQ!l of the said provisional register, I hereby give notice that I will issue the provisional register as requested after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Dated this 17th day of April, 1946, at the Lands Registry Office, Napier. ' LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES E. S. MOLONY, District Land Registrar. </p><p>VIDENCE of the loss of Deed of Lease No. 73947, affecting VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 468, folio 31 E part Allotment 9 of Section 95, Suburbs of Auckland, being all E (Wellington Registry), for twenty-five perches, more or less, the lann in certificate of title, Vol. 581, folio 201 (Auckland Registry), situate in Tilley Road in the Town of Paekakariki Extension No.8, whereof the Auckla,nd Grammar School Board is the lessor and being part of Section 10, Wainui District, and being also Lot 2 on IIANCOCK AND COMPANY, LIMITED, is the lessee, having Deposited Plan No. 6691, in the name of GRU'FITH EDWARDS, been lodged with me together with an application to register a formerly of Wellington, but now of Paekakariki, Club Stewfl,rd, partial surrender of the said lease without production of the out having been lodged with me together with an application (K. 26073) standing copy thereof (in terms of seetion 40 of the Land Transfer for the issue of a provisional certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice Act, 1915), notice is hereby given of my intention to register slJch is hereby given of my intentioIl, to issue such provisional certificate partial surrender after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette of title after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing containing this notice. this notice. Dated this 18th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Dated this 13th day of April, 1946, at the La~d Registry Office, Auckland. Wellington. " R. F. BAIRD, District Land Registrar. E. C. ADAMS, District I..Iand Registrar. MAY 2] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 555 </p><p>VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 448, folio 247 THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) E (Wellington Registry), for one rood and five-tenths of a perch, more or less, situate in Tilley Road in the Town ofPaekakariki OTICE is hereby given that the na,me of the undermentioned Extension No.8, being part of Section 10, Wainui District, and N company has been struck off the Register and the company being also Lot 1 on Deposited Plan No. 6691, in the name of HILDA dissolved :- . MURIEL EDWARDS, formerly of Wellington, but now of Paekaka The Morris Loan and Finance Company, Limited. 1936/54. riki, Married Woman, having been lodged with me together with an application (K. 26073) for the issue of a provisional certificate Given under my hand at Wellington, this 30th day of April, 1946. of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my intention to H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. issue such provisional certificate of title after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Dated this 13th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Wellington. E. C. ADAMS, District Land Registrar. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) OTICE is hereby given that the names of the undermentioned VIDENCE having been lodged of the loss of the outstanding N companies have been struck off the Register and the E duplicate of Mortgage No. 191708, in the name of SARAH companies dissolved:- LAVINIA ROSS, of Dunedin, in Otago, New Zealand, Widow (as The Canterbury Steam Trawling Company, Limited. 1927/22. mortgagee), affecting all the land in certificate of title, Vol. 213, Macdonell Limited. 1928/89. folio 1 (Wellington Registry), and application having been made Commerce Buildings, Limited. 1929/88. to me to register, firstly, a transmission of the said mortage to W. D. Ramsay, Limited. 1934/64. Cecil Gordon Ross, of vVellington, Government Employee, and Dalzell's Motors, Limited. 1934/78. Frederick George Duncan, of Dunedin, Solicitor, as surviving Midland Finance Company, Limited. 1938/49. executors, and, secondly, a discharge of the said mortgage, without Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 17th day of April, production of the said mortgage, I hereby give notice that it is my 1946. intention to dispense with production of the said mortgage under J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. section 40 of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, and to register such transmission and discharge as requested after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Dated this 30th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Wellington. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (3) E. C. ADAMS, Distlict Land Registrar. AKE notice that at the expiration of three months from the T date hereof the name of the undermentioned company will, VIDENC.E of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 50, folio 130 unless cause is shown to the contrary, be. struck off the Register E (Nelson Registry), for Lot 4, Deposited Plan 1288, being and the company will be dissolved :- part of Section IV, District of Suburban South, Bl06k III, Waimea The North Brunner Syndicate, Limited. 1929/102. Survey District, in favour of LEWIS, RICHARD COTTON, of Nelson, Nurseryman, having been lodged with me together with Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 26th day of April, an application for a new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is 1946. hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. after fourteen days from 2nd May, 1946. . Dated this 29th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Nelson. A. FOWLER, District Land Registrar. MEDICAL REGISTRATION </p><p>WALTER MACDUFF LATHAM, M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), 1940, OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land hereinafter· I tt now residing in Nelson, hereby give notice that I intend N des cribed will be brought under the provisions of the Land applying on the 6th May, 1946, to have my name placed on the Transfer Act, 1915, and its amendments, unless caveat be lodged Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I forbidding the same within one calendar month from the d'Me of have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the publication of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice:- Department of Health at Wellington. No. 13629. EDWARD COULL. Two and two-tenth perches. Dated at Nelson, this 5th day of April, 1946. Lot 2 on Deposited Plan 12863, part of Town Section 1063, WALTER MACDUFF LATHAM:. City of Christchurch. Occupied by Auto Parts, Limited. Ngawhatu Hospital, Nelson. 65 Diagrams may be inspected at this' office. Dated this 29th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Christchurch. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. J. R.. HISLOP, LIMITED </p><p>IN LIQUIDATION VIDENCE of the loss of certificates of title, Vol. 187, folio E 175, and Vol. 220, folio 286 (Otago Registry), for Sections Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Re80lution 25 and 1248R, Block VI, Tarras District, containing 2 acres 34 URSUANT to section 222 of the Companies Act, 1933, notice perches, in the name of WILLIAM REID AND SONS, LIMITED, P is hereby given that at an extraordinary general meeting of having been Jodged with me together with an application for a the above-named company, duly convened and held on the 15th new certificate of title in lieu thereof, notice is hereby given of my day of April, 1946, the following special resolution was duly passed :- intention to issue such new certificate of title on 17th May, 1946. Dated this 26th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, "That the company be wound up voluntarily, and that JAMES Dunedin. EDWARD KNOWLING, of Auckland, Public Accountant, be and is G. H. SEDDON, District Land Registrar. hereby appointed liquidator of the company." Dated this 17th day of April, 1946. 66 J. E. KNQWLING, Liquidator. PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of a A certificate of title in the name of THOMAS ALFRED MORGAN, of Invercargill, Farmer, for Sections 741 and 742, Block LIX, Hokonui District, and being aU the land comprised in PALMERSTON NORTH CITY COUNCIL certificate of title, Vol. 114, folio 35 (Southland Registry), and evidence having been lodged of the loss of the said certificate of RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE title, I hereby give notice that I will issue the new certificate 'of title as requested after fourteen days from 2nd May, 1946. Tran8it Housing Loan, 1945, £5,000 Dated this 18th day of April, 1946, at the Land Registry Office, Invercargill. N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it in that I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Palmerston C. L. HARNEY, District Land Registrar. North City Council hereby resolves as follows:- "That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other charges on a loan of £5,000, authorized to be raised by the Palmerston North City Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the esta ADVERTISEMENTS blishment of transit housing centres, the said Palmerston North City Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of three-fortieths THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) of a penny (3/40d.) in the pound on the rateable value on the basis of the unimproved value of all rateable property in the City of Palmerston North; and that such special rate shall be an annually OTICE is hereby given that the name of the undermentioned recurring rate during the currency of such loan and shall be payable N company has been struck off the Register and the company yearly on the 1st day of July in each and every year during the dissolved :- currency of such loan, being a period of ten (10) years or until the Red Bus Service, Limited. P.B. 1936/12. loan is fully paid off." Given under my hand at Gisborne, this 24th day of April, 1946. Carried this 18th day of March, 1946. J. LAURIE, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 67 A. E. MANSFORD, Mayor. c 556 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28 </p><p>SEAFIELD LIMITED RESOLUTION </p><p>IN LIQUIDATION HE following regulations were laid before the members of the T Waiapu Racing Club at a meeting held on the 16th day of Notice of V oluntary Winding-up Resolution March, 1946, at Ruatoria, with a recommendation by the Chairman URSUANT to section 222 of the Companies Act, 1933, notice of such club, Mr. Joseph Oates, that the same be passed at once P is hereby given that on the' 16th day of April,. 1946, as a with a view to their approval by His Excellency the Governor special resolution by memoranda signed for the purpose of becoming General in pursuance of the Gaming Act, 1908, section 33. an entry in the minute-book of the company, as provided by sub Mr. Joseph Oates, the Chairman of such club and the meeting, sections (1) and (3) of section 300 of the Companies Act, 1933, it moved, and Mr. P. G. Burton seconded, and it was resolved, that was resolved- such regulations should be adopted and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to sign the same in authentication thereof. "(1) That the company be wound up voluntarily; The following are the regulations referred to :- "(2) That MR. FRANK RHODES, of Christchurch, Public Accountant, be and he is hereby appointed liquidator of the THE W AIAPU RACING CLUB company." REGULATIONS Dated this 16th day of April, 1946. (Under the Gaming Act, 1908) 68 F. RHODES, Liquidator. IN pursuance and exercise' of the powers in that behalf contained in section 33 of the Gaming Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities it enabling in that behalf, the Waiapu Racing Club, a racing club within the meaning of the said Act (hereinafter referred CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY to as the said club), doth hereby make the following regulations controlling the admission of persons to that part of the,racecourse OTICE is hereby given that THOMAS PERRY & SON, LIMITED, situated in the district of Poverty Bay, and known as the Makaraka N has changed its name to THOMAS PERRY & SONS, LnvfITED, Racecourse, willIe the said racecourse is used or occupied by the and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of said club for race meetings. Companies in place of the former name. Dated at Christchurch, this 17th day of April, 1946. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the date of the same being published in the New Zealand Gazette. 69 J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 2. In these regulations the words" bookmaker," "racing club," and "race meeting" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms respectively by section 2 of the Gaming Act, 1908. 3. The following persons shall be and are hereby excluded CHANGE OF NA1.IE OF COMPANY from the racecourse above described while the same is used [,;>1' occupied by the said club for a race meeting, namely :- OTICE is hereby given that G. T. BOYLE, LIMITED, has changed (a) Bookmakers: N its name to HARWOOD AND BOYLE, LIMITED, and that the (b) Bookmakers' clerks, bookmakers' assistants, and book new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in makers' agents: place of the former name. . (c) All persons under disqualification inflicted by any racing Dated at Wellington, this 17th day of April, 1946. or trotting club in the Dominion of New Zealand, the 70 H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Commonwealth of Australia, or elsewhere if affiliated to the New Zealand Racing Conference, or the New Zealand Trotting Conference,' or the New Zealand Trotting Association: F. J. ARMSTRONG, LIMITED (d) Common prostitutes and peisons who habitually consort with thieves. or persons who have no lawful visible IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION means of support: (e) Professional tipsters, persons convicted of house-breaking Notice of Appointment of Liquidator or pocket-picking, forgery, uttering or possessing counter feit coin, theft, false pretences, receiving stolen goods, In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter of mischief, assault, or any offence or crime of any kind F. J. ARMSTRONG, LIMITED (in Voluntary Liquidation). under the Crimes Act, 1908, anq also idle and disorderly BERNARD VAUGHAN ARMSTRONG, of Wellington, persons, rogues, and vagabonds,'·and incorrigible rogues I , Company Director, hereby give notice that by special resolu convicted under the Police Offences Act, 1908, and tion duly passed by minute entered in the minute-book of the persons convicted of an offence under the Gaming company, pursuant to the provisions of section 300 of the Companies Act, 1908: Act, 1933, F. J. Armstrong, Limited, went into voluntary liquidation Provided always that the Executive Committee appointed by on the 26th day of April, 1946, and I hav;e been appointed liquidator the New Zealand Racing Conference, upon being satisfied by evidence of the company. as to character and otherwise that any person who, by reason of Dated the 29th day of >April, 1946. any conviction, comes within the scope of this regulation, should B. V. ARMSTRONG, Liquidator. have relief from the effect thereof, may grant exemption to any such person, and may at any time revoke any such exemption without 180 Owen Street, Wellington. 71 notice to such person, and without assigning a~y reason for such revocation. The foregoing regulations of the Waiapu Racing Club were THE TANGITU HALL COMPANY, LIMITED made and passed by such club on the 16th day of March, 1946, and signed by the Chairman and Secretary. NOTICE OF FINAL WINDING-UP MEETING J. OATES, Chairman. L. R. BRIGHT, Secretary. URSUANT to section 232 of the Companies Act, 1933, notice The foregoing regulations of the Waiapu Racing Club are P is hereby given that the final meeting of the Tangitu Hall hereby approved this 29th day of April, 1946. Company, Limited, will be held at the office of the liquidator in the King Oountry Chronicle Building, Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti, MICHAEL MYERS, at 3 p.m. on Friday, 24th May, 1946, for the purpose of having 74 Administrator of the Government. .an account laid before it showing how the winding-up of the company has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of. 72 A. PATERSON, Liquidator. THE UNITED INDUSTRIES CLUB (INCORPORATED) IN LIQUIDATION </p><p>ROTORUA TRUCTOR COMPANY, LIMITED URSUANT to section 24 of the Incorporated Societies Act, P 1908, notice is hereby given that at a general meeting of the IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION club held on 18th March, 1946, it was resolved, and confirmed at at a subsequent meeting on 17th April, 1946, that the club be wound In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter up, and that I, JOHN MURPHY, of Wellington, Public Accountant, of the ROTORUA TRUCTOR COMPANY, LIMITED (in Voluntary be appointed liquidator for the purpose of such winding up. Liquidation). JOHN MURPHY, Liquidator. OTICE is hereby given that a general meeting of shareholders Feil, Morrison, and Murphy, Public Accountants, Southern N of the Rotorua· Tructor Company, Limited (in Voluntary Cross Building, Brandon Street, Wellington. 75 Liquidation), will be held at the office of the liquidator, National Buildings, Tutanekai Street, Rotorua, on Friday, the 17th day of May, 1946, at 7.30 p.m., for thetpurpose oflaying before such meeting the liquidator's accounts showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the assets of the company disposed of, NEW ZEALAND GQVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS .and to offer any explanation the liquidator may wish to give, and for the purpose of passing an extraordinary resolution as to the disposal of the books, accounts, and documents of the company as ROYALTY IN NEW Z. E A LAN D required by the Companies Act, 1933. Dated this 26th day of April, 1946. SPECIAL PICTORIAL SOUVENIR, 1927 '73 A. H. DUKES ON, Liquidator. Price, 28. 6d. Postage, 3d. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE ~57 </p><p>SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA. By Professor HUT'DON. Royal 8vo. 3s. Postage, 7d. MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA. By HENRY SUTER. Cloth boards, lOs. Postage, Is. 2d. Atlas of 'T HE following Scientific Works, published under the authority of the Government, are now obtainable from Plates to accompany the above volume. 'Price, lOs. ihe GOVERNMENT PRINTER, "WELLINGTON, to whom all orders Postage, Is. 2d. ,should be addressed:- ROCKS OF CAPE COLVILLE PENINSULA. By Professor ,GEOGRAPHICAL REPORT ON THE FRANZ .TOSEF SOLLAS, F.R.S. Crown 4to. Vols. i and ii, lOs. 6d. GLACIER. By.T. M. BELL. Is. Postage, 2d. each. Postage, Is. 2d. each. STUDENTS' FLORA OF NEW ZEALAND AND THE .GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.1: The Geology of the OUTLYING ISLANDS. By THOS. KIRK, F.L.S. Crown Hokitika Sheet, North Westland Quadrangle. By DR. 4to. Cloth, lOs. Postage, 7d. BELL. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. -GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.2: The Geology of the SPECIAL REPORT ON EDUCATIONAL SUBd ECTS Area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, Central Otago CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF NEW ZEALAND: Division. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. Indigenous and Naturalized Species. By T. F. CHEESE -GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.4: The Geology of the MAN, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Price, Is. Postage, 1d. Coromandel Subdivision, Auckland. By C. FRASER, assisted by .T. H. ADAMS. Cloth, 6s. 6d. ; i-calf, lOs. Postage, 6d. ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ,GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.' 16: The Geology of the Aroha Subdivision, Hauraki. By.T. HENDERSON, assisted by .T. A. BARTRUM. 2s. 6d. Postage, 6d. THE NEW ZEAL.AND COMPANY'S NATIVE RESERVES. By R. L . .TELLICOE. Cloth bound. Price, 6s.; postage, 3d. ·-GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 26: Geology and Mines of the Waihi District, Hauraki Goldfield. By P. G. MORGAN. Paper, lOs.; i-cloth, 12s. 6d.; cloth, 148. THE FRENCH AT AKAROA. By T. LINDSAY BUICK, Postage, 6d. F.R.IDsT S. Price, 128. 6d.; postage, 7d. 'GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 27: Geology of the Whangarei - Bay of Islands Subdivision, North Auckland. HISTORICAL RECORDS OF NEW ZEALAND. By RoBERT By H. T. FERRAR. i-cloth only, 16s. Postage, 6d. McNAB. Cloth boards, Vol. II only. Price, lOs. 6d.; GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28: Geology of Huntly postage, 7 d. Kawhia Subdivision, Pirongia Division. i-cloth, 208. Postage, 6d. NEW ZEALAND WARS. By .TAMES COWAN. Vol IL ,GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 29: Geology of the Egmont Priee, £1 Is.; postage, Sd. per volume. Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. MORGAN and W. GIBSON. i-cloth, 15s. Postage, 6d. ~EOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30: The Geology of Waiapu NEW ZEALAND'S FIRST WAR. By T. LINDSAY BUICK. Subdivision, Raukumara Division. By M; ONGLEY and Price, 15s.; postage, 7 d. E. O. MACPHERSON. Paper, 13s.; i-cloth, 158. 6d. Postage, 6d. ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND. DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE -GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31: The Geology of the OF THE VISIT OF THEm RoYAL HIGHNESSES THE DUKE Tongaporutu-Ohura Subdivision, Taranaki. By L. I. AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK. (1902.) Royal GRANGE. Paper, 12s.; i-cloth, 14s. 6d. Postage, 6d. 4to. Price, 1013.; postage, Is. 2d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 32: Minerals and Mineral Substances of New Zealand. By the late P. G. MORGAN. STATUTORY REGULATIONS Paper, 5s. 6d.; i-cloth, 78. 6d. Postage, 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 33. The Soils of Irrigation Areas in Otago Central. By H. T. FERRAR. Paper NDER the Regulations Act, 1936, statutory regulations covers, lOs.; i-cloth, 12s. 6d. Postage, 6d. U of general legislative force are no longer published in the New Zealand Gazette, but are supplied under anyone GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 34: The Geology of the or more of the following arrangements:- Dargaville-Rodney Subdivision, Hokianga and Kaipara Divisions. Paper covers, 17s.; i-cloth, 18s. 6d. Postage, (1) All regulations serially as issued (punched for 6d. filing) subscription 30s. per annum in advance. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 37. The Geology of the (2) Annual volume (including index) bound in buckram, Rotorua-Taupo Subdivision, Rotorua and Kaimanawa 25s. (Volumes for years 1940, 1941, and 1942 are Divisions. By L. I. GRANGE. Paper covers, 148.; cloth, out of print.) 16s. Postage, 6d. (3) Serially as issued and annual bound volume, as in (1) and (2) above, on combined subscription basis <GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 38: Geology of the 428. per annum in advance. .' Kaitangata - Green Island Subdivision (Eastern and (4) Separate regulations as issued. Central Otago Division). By M. ONGLEY. Paper covers, (5) Loose-leaf binder for filing serial issues, lOs. 6d.; lOs. 6d.; i-cloth, 12s. Postage, 5d. postage free. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 39: Geology of the Naseby Subdivision, Central Otago. By.T. H. WILLIAMSON. , The price of each regulation is printed thereon, facili Paper covers, 21s.; i-cloth, 22s. 6d. Postage, 7d. tatmg the purchase of extra copies. ,GEOLOGICAL. MEMOIR No.1: The Geology of the , Orders on the subsc~iption basi,S sb.ould be placed now Malvern Hills. 4s. 6d. Postage, 3d. WIth the Government Prmter, Wellington. Separate copies maJ: be purchased at the Chief Post-offices at Auckland ·GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.2: The Geology of the Lower ChrIstchurch, or Dunedin. f Awatere District. Price, 2s. 6d. Postage, 3d. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.3: The Geology of the Mount Somers District. Price 5s. Postage, 4d. CAMPAIGN STARS ·GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.4: Experiments in Geophysical Survey in New Zealand. Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, 4d. UMMARY of White Paper issued in the United Kingdom on 18th May, 1945. GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No.5: Metamorphism in the Lake S Wakatipu Region, Western Otago, New Zealand. By C. O. HUT'DON. Price, 68. Postage, 3d. PAMPHLET-ROYAL 8vo SIZE ·GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND: Reports for 1881-82 (postage, 7d.), 1887-88 (postage, 6d.), Containing particulars of certain a wards and qualifica 1888-89 (postage, 7d.), and 1892-93. Royal 8vo. 2s. 6d. tions for them. each. Later reports are contained in Mining Reports Price, 6d. Postage, 1d. each year. Postage, 3d. BIOLOGICAL EXERCISES. (1 and 2 out of print.) 3. The Anatomy of the Common Mussels. 4. The WI L D L I F E INN E W Z E A LAN D Skeleton of the New Zealand Crayfishes. Is. each. Postage, Id. Manual No.5 INTRODUCTORY CLASS-BOOK OF BOTANY FOR USE Part ~I: Introduced Birds, Frogs, and Fishes. IN NEW ZEALAND SCHOOLS. By G. M. THOMSON, F.R.S. Demy 8vo. Cloth, 2s. 6d.; paper, Is. 6d. Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage 2d.); cloth, 7s. (postag/" 3d.). Postage, 3d. .MANUAL OF THE GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS EPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO USEFUL TO NEvV ZEALAND. Part I. By THOMAS APP~NTICESHIP AND. RELATED MATTERS MA.CKAY. Numerous Plates. Price, 5s. Postage, 6d. R MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND FLORA. CHEESEMAN. .T ust published. Price, 9d.; postage, 1d. New edition, 25s. Postage: Inland, Is. 2d.; abroad, 2s. 6d. Apply GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLINGTON. 558 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 28: </p><p>TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK GOLD-MINES OF THE HAURAKI DISTRICT I </p><p>By JAMES COWAN, F.R.G.S. By J. F. DOWNEY HIS publication contains 156 pages of letterpress, together T with 39 full-page illustrations, and gives an account Price, lOs. Postage, 7 d. of its Topography, Geology, Alpine, and Volcanic Features, History f!,D.d Maori Folk-lore. Price: 3s. 6d., plus 4d. postage. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE </p><p>UBSCRIPTIONS.-The subscription is at the rate of HE BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS OF NEW S £3 3s. per annum, including, postage, PAYABLE IN T ZEALAND ADVANCE. Single copies of the Gazet,te as follows:- Ordinary Weekly Gazette: For the first 32 pages, 9d.,.. By G. V. HUDSON, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst. increasing by 3d. for every subsequent 16 pages or part thereof; postage, 1d. Comprising 450 pages, including letterpress, index, and Supplementary and Extraordinary Gazettes: For the sixty,two plates. Bound: in half-morocco. first 8 pages, 6d.; over 8 pages and not exceeding 32 pages, 9d., increasing by 3d. for every subsequent Price, £6 8s. per volume. Postage, Is. 2d. extra..' 16 pages or part thereof; postage, Id. , Advertisements are charged at the rate of 6d. per line' SUPPLEMENT TO ABOVE for the first inse!I'tion, and 3d. per line for the second and any subsequent insertions. Price, £2 2s. per volume. Postage, Is. ex(;za. All advertisements should be written ion one side of the' paper, and signatures, &c., should be written in a legible' hand. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY REGULATIONS 1935 The number of insertions required must be written 3s., post free.] across the face of the advertisement. ?-,he New Zealand Gazette is published on Thursday evenmg of each week, and notices for insertion must be ANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, received by the Government Printer before 12 o'clock of the H 1940-41 day preceding publication. To 31st August, 1941. </p><p>ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ANI>' INCLUDES legislation issued under the Public Safety Con TECHNOLOGY servation Act, 1932, and the Emergency Regulations Act, 1939, as well as the Acts themselves. Volume I, 1939: 3s. 6d. Postage, 4d. extra. SUBSCRIPTION, 158. PER ANNUM (2 VOLS.) , Volume II, 1939-40: 6s. Postage, 6d. extra. (POST FREE) Volume III, 1940-41: 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. Volume IV (Selection of Consolidated Reprints to 31st Agricultural Section: Section A lOs. per annum. ' January, 1942): 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. General Section: Section B •• lOs. per annum. Volume V (to 15th June, 1942): 7s. 6d. Postage, Sd. </p><p>GREEMENT . BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND NEW A ZEALAND MADE AT CANBERRA ON THE 21ST CONTEN'!'S JANUARY, 1944 PAGE ADVERTISEMENTS 555, APPOINTMENTS, E'l'C. 547' PAMPHLET--RoYAL 8vo SIZE BANKRUPTCY N: OTICE 554:- Containing Agreement as signed by the two Governments. DEFENCE NOTICES 542. Price, 6d. Postage, 1d. LAND- Also available at post-offices ,at AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, Main Highway, Revoking the Declaration of a Main High- and DUNEDIN. way and declaring a Public Highway to be a .• 541 Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act Notices declaring Land taken under ' 549' LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES ILLUSTRATED 554 Manual No.2 M!SCELLANEOUS- Part I ..,-Mammalia Acclimatization Society: Notification of Approval of Amended Rules .. 54& By the Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Awards approved by His Majesty the King .. 544 Customs Aerodrome, Appointment of 548, Education Board, Election of Member of •. .. 554- Price: Part I, paper, 3s., cloth, 5s.; postage, 2d. extra. Industrial Efficiency Act, Notice to Persons affected by Part II, Introduced Birds. Frogs, and Fishes, cloth, 7s., Applications for Licenses under .. , . 550 paper, 4s. 6d. Parts I and II in one volume, paper, 7s. 6d. Law Practitioners Amendment Act: Name struck off the (postage 3d. extra). Rolls of Barristers and Solicitors 552: Loans, Consenting to Raising of .. 441{ 1ST NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, 1914-18 Milk Delivery Notices, Amendments to 548· Native Land Act, Notice of Adoption under 549 Officiating Ministers for 1946. . . . 549' OLL OF HONOUR published in 19,24 by the DEFENCE Price Orders Nos. 538-540 (Milk) .. DEPARTMENT, giving- 550 R Price Order No. 541 (Raw-leaf Tobacco) 552" (1) A list of members of the 1st New Zealand Expedi Price Order No. 542 (Island Oranges) .. •. 552 tionary Force killed in action, died of wounds Regulations under the Naval Defence Act amended 539,' inflicted, of accidents occurring, or disease eon Regulations under the Regulations Act .. .. 554 tracted while on active service. Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Weekly Statement of (2) Those who died after discharge from the 1st New Assets and Liabilities .., . . .. .• 554 Zealand Expeditionary Force from wounds inflicted Royal Commission to Inquire into and Report upon or disease contracted while on active service up Gaming Matters in New Zealand (Gazette No. 27) .. 537' to 31st December, 1923. Sales Tax Act, Licenses issued to Manufacturing Retailers (3) Those who died from accident occurring or disease under ...... 553 contracted while training with or attached to the Shipping and Seamen Act: Defining Extended River 1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force of New Limits for Deep-sea Sports Fishing . . . . 549" Zealand. Shops and Offices Act, Fixing Closing-hours of Fruiterers' Price, 3s. 6d.; postage free. Shops under ...... 548 Statutory Declarations, Officers authorized to take and Apply- receive .... " 542 GOVERNMENT, PRINTER, or CmEF POSTMASTERS AT Transmitting and Receiving Officers for the Service of AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, OR DUNEDIN. Notices by Telegraph ...... •. 548· </p><p>By Authority: E. V. PAUL, Government Printer, 'Wellington. Price 9d.] </p>
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