PROBITY COMMITTEE 28 NOVEMBER 2017 3:00PM, BOARDROOM, WHITE ROSE HOUSE AGENDA No. Agenda Item Lead officer 1. Apologies for Absence – Richard Hindley 2. Declarations of Interest Richard Hindley 3. i) Minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2017 Richard Hindley ii) Action sheet from the meeting held on 24 October 2017 4. Matters Arising Richard Hindley 5. Outwood Park – Wrenthorpe Branch closure application Chris Skelton 6. Station Lane application to change practice boundary Chris Skelton 7. Crofton list closure application Chris Skelton 8. Improvement in Prescribing Plan (ImPP) 2016/17 Annual Report Carly Day 9. Co Commissioning Update (Verbal) Chris Skelton 10. Practice Resilience and Virtual Practice – Strategic update (Verbal) Dr Greg Connor 11. Any Other Business The Committee is recommended to make the following resolution: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest” (Section 1 (2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1970)”. 12. Date and Time of Next Meeting 23 January 2018, 3:00pm, The Boardroom, White Rose House 1 Agenda item: 3i NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group PROBITY COMMITTEE Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 October 2017 Present: Melanie Brown Programme Commissioning Director Integrated Care Sandra Cheseldine Lay Member Dr Greg Connor Executive Clinical Advisor Stephen Hardy Lay Member Richard Hindley Lay Member (Chair) Dr Hany Lotfallah Secondary Care Consultant Andrew Pepper Chief Finance Officer In Attendance: Liz Blythe Network Development Manager Cllr Pat Garbutt Health and Wellbeing Board Representative Anna Ladd NHS England Representative Ruth Unwin Associate Director of Corporate Affairs Pam Vaines Minute Taker 17/073 Apologies Apologies were received from Nichola Esmond, Diane Hampshire, Pat Keane, Jo Pollard and Jo Webster. 17/074 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest made. 17/075 (a) Minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2017 The minutes from the meeting held on 28 September 2017 were agreed as an accurate record, subject to a correction that the non-quorate agenda item was item 17/060, not item 17/054. (b) Action sheet from the meeting held on 28 September 2017 The action sheet was noted. 17/076 Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 17/077 Wakefield Practice Premium Contract – Performance Update. Liz Blythe presented the Committee with an overview of the Wakefield Practice 1 Premium Contract (WPPC) during Quarter 2. Action plans have been updated following submissions by practices. Practices which fall below the expected trajectory are being monitored. The submissions show that all practices are currently compliant with the Access Domain. Phlebotomy activity has decreased, possibly due to some practices reducing the number of requests. Liz Blythe highlighted an increase in Spirometry requests and noted that all practices continue to provide ear irrigation. Sandra Cheseldine asked for future reports to contain more detail relating to the outcome of verification visits and funding variations made as a result. Dr Greg Connor agreed to provide details of all payments made to practices. He is confident that all practices will achieve the targets. Liz Blythe confirmed that the six month targets within WPPC are benchmark figures and not a contractual condition. It was RESOLVED that: (i) Probity Committee noted the update of the Wakefield Practice Premium Contract (WPPC) for Quarter 1 and 2 (ii) Receive a further WPPC performance report for Quarter 3 2017/18 17/078 Additional Patient Access Contract Quarter 2 Performance Report Liz Blythe informed the Committee that Patience Lane Practice had corrected the 44 contact shortfall that they had reported in Quarter 1. All other practices, except Stuart Road, had achieved target and are eligible for payment. The Practice Manager at Stuart Road had misinterpreted the target for Quarter 2, which resulted in a shortfall in Quarter 2. The practice has plans in place to rectify the shortfall in Quarter 3. Andrew Pepper commented that nationally the work carried out in Wakefield is highly valued and suggested the CCG should look for opportunities for publicise this work. It was RESOLVED that: i) Probity Committee approved the report of the APAC Scrutiny Panel including the proposals for payments to 35 practices. 17/079 Virtual Practice Update – Verbal Dr Greg Connor informed Committee members that a verbal update on the Virtual Practice will be given at the November meeting. 2 17/080 Outwood Park Branch closure consolation – Verbal Update Liz Blythe informed Committee members that a verbal update on the proposed closure of the Outwood Park Branch would be given at the November meeting. Mel Brown confirmed that consultation would finish at the end of October. The findings will be presented at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee which will inform the CCG’s decision. Two petitions have been received and the Morley MP, Andrea Jenkins, is involved in this matter and has met with CCG representatives. 17/081 Premises Re-imbursement Andrew Pepper suggested that Premises Re-imbursement does not need to be a standard agenda item and should only be included in future when required. He confirmed that details of GP rents will be presented to Audit Committee. It was RESOLVED that: i) The Probity Committee accepts that Premises Re-imbursement will no longer be a standing agenda item. 17/082 Probity Committee Terms of Reference Ruth Unwin presented revised Terms of Reference to the Committee for consideration. The members were advised that it had been proposed that the committee should take responsibility for seeking assurance on implementation of plans that had been approved by the Committee. Following proposed changes to the Terms of Reference of Clinical Cabinet, additional responsibilities regarding Medicines Optimisation will pass to the Probity Committee. Changes to the membership of the Committee are being proposed together with quoracy requirements The revised Terms of Reference will be presented at Governing Body for approval. It was RESOLVED that: i) The Probity Committee noted the update. 17/083 Any Other Business No items were identified for discussion. 17/084 Date and Time of Next Meeting Tuesday 28 November 2017, 15:00pm, The Board Room, White Rose House 3 Agenda item: 3ii NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group ACTION POINTS FROM PROBITY COMMITTEE HELD ON 24 OCTOBER 2017 Minute Topic Action required Who Date for Progress No completion 17/034 Late Visiting Provide pilot evaluation to Probity Katie Roebuck 23 January Specification Committee once completed and 2018 or April incorporate all costs at evaluation stage 2018 Outwood Park Branch To bring back proposed closure to Chris Skelton 23 January 17/035 Closure Consultation Probity once Patient Engagement 2018 Complete Co-commissioning A new constituent needs a GP Melanie Brown 28 Sept 2017 Completed 28 September 17/037 Update allocation. Melanie to arrange on behalf 2017 of Cllr Garbutt. Delegated Guidance is requested for financial Melanie Brown Awaiting NHS NHS England’s Response; 17/047 Commissioning support England Our finance teams have responsibility for Primary always worked with CCGs Medical Care Services around what level of MOU support is needed by each CCG. Completed September 2017. Understanding schemes Training regarding the names and Ruth Unwin 1 December and organisations which relationships of the developing 2017 17/054 CCG is involved with. organisations and schemes at a Board Development Session Wakefield Practice Quarter 3 performance report will Dr Greg 23 January 17/077 Premium Contract include details of the outcome of Connor 2018 monitoring and of payments made to practices 17/079 Virtual Practice Verbal update Dr Greg 28 November Connor 2017 1 Title of Probity Committee Agenda 5 meeting: Item: Date of 28 November 2017 Public/Private Section: Meeting: Public Private Paper Title: Outwood Park (B87013) – Wrenthorpe N/A Branch Closure Request If private, insert here reason for inclusion as a private paper Purpose (this paper is for): Decision Discussion Assurance Information Report Author and Job Chris Skelton, Head of Primary Care Co-Commissioning Title: Responsible Clinical Dr Greg Connor, Executive Clinical Advisor Lead: Responsible Mel Brown, Director for Integrated Care Governing Board Executive Lead: Recommendation (s): Is it recommended that Probity Committee; a) Formally receives the request by Outwood Park Medical Centre to close the branch surgery at Wrenthorpe, Wakefield b) Notes the content of the documents produced by the practice c) Notes opposition to the closure and concerns raised by the local community d) Accepts or rejects the request Executive Summary: Probity Committee previously agreed to the commencement of a period of patient and stakeholder engagement and has received regular progress updates throughout the process. At the Probity Committee meeting in July 2017, the Outwood Park Medical Centre presented an interim Engagement Report and permission was agreed for the engagement with patients to commence before a formal application was submitted for a decision. Following the consultation, the practice has now submitted a formal application for a branch closure. Link to overarching principles from the Reduction in hospital admissions where appropriate strategic plan: leading to reinvesting in prevention New
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