EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL. AN THE RIVER FRON'I AV0on= SAL AUCTION SALS. IN WASHINGTON. IN WASHINGTON. U WAIUIFUTO. Tmmmew. TEmS APPERNOO.W, U. 8. IgiO1Xtm OfTICS, 210 1 r NW JAME W. RATCLiFE, AUCTIONEER. Architectural Drawing. Washington Dramatic T 'AR5 DBaG ALi VIYIM WA8NGTON. D. C.. Sept. 1. IN2L.Ouskmnl Lessons on pract;cal office work by an experienced architeetural evening classes. Ad. THE' BINB m 1rWOBE Valuable Real Estate on 0, draughtsman; ,st AT TEN . at foot of !oaom 52. Atlantic bldg. sel8-l2t*,4 1114 FSt.W. WisCO$W L 1S4)- ldth street'IQlYmmH19a.rthwest. Infertila en a tai". 3d and 4th Sts. N.E. ., E r by FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL. cam W. M. AUQELA ARRINGOr N. Dreuste. H ae Aegs Weason courses 80 lessons to r- GATHLId MIYERSITY h1-sadae forming. Only ML- 494-28t-8 liead er Prespeen. Risk and Auction. nontrae well, speak, read and understand. 5 W erse7.LRg u0t00ofet l Oyster *arket Atva-Om . ON THURSDAY ave, n.w. W. F. DAL 13I ymoEoa WAIER 3. Wrra]iAM & CO., AUCTIONEBRS. A"rNOON SEPTEMBER T. PRI-'HOMME. 314 Ind. (car lin(.). PH.D., mP. If.W,. 3IGUTEET.20,AT HAL PA8r FOUR ael8-tf.4 O boy's h h saal j Pisaure Cran-Othr O'CIOCK I w terf ' GF A y college or for ofher esaisatisas. Fiftte hauling AUTION BALlE Or UNR DERD PLEDG1 P.M., sale, by pubile PRIVATE TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED 1ER A, sry facty:rWIli-ptsBKli BY OEDEE OF F. WARRN JOHNSON, MAN- eaes' saccaifal ezperienee. an2-36t .ac teacher (Johns Hpkins graduate); prepares for WASHINGTON, D. C., p Biter Neow t the 14,I SQ=irnt, colleg,-; asatts pupils noeding indiviual Instruc- Will 1902. HE POLLOCK KINDERGARTEN AND SCHOOL at-ee gntm tu'sted ofeice. se2-Im* open Tuesday, October 7, reopens 22at 142E at. to Year beak at Tms ated at the tim ft on tion. Address Bx 118. %tar Sept. Q S.w.. Washington. aodward * *U and Br. s. $s8 ae- D. C. Normal teachers' W I will sen at the absee eat seee. 1221E Pa. ave. AlR e etc.. at indergarte* Institute or tt copesof. bid.e. eyaacing, the c;asaes resumed October 1. eal-6t* ta e's. ethehe , The Alice which ws a.w., a large and valaabie eo:lectibt of goods_Ia Private Tuition. THE FACULTY O PHILOSOPHY bUIS L, H big dredge Vivian, which interest is dte one or moe, se11-0 JAME W. AATCLIFFE, Atet. t to enter our best also Offers Graduate Courses in LEARN SPANISH. Is year Pupils prepared colleges: Philosophy, Letters, A 160 brought here from Philadelphia to aid of Gold. Sitter and FiRed-ease Watches. West Point and the Naval Academy. SI'ECIAL and the Physical, BIological and Social Sciences, Spanish lady, Yale street. now forming Cher=, Plus. Dw - F'TURa DAYS. and INI IVIDUAL attenrion given to boys. For leading to the degree of Ph.D. For particulars ad- a elass, solicit, pupils. Private lasoses als MANDPER. the Washington barracks Improvemen ned.&a. Tlaket hodets,mi:Stakl notice, circulars and teetimonIals addrmsa postal card to dress of. Maurice F. Egan, Dean, 212 N. Cap. at. given. se12-4t5 ub1 work, began operations yesterday and is ssi3-t* F. WARREN OHNStON. Manager. DUNCANSOfI 3OS. AUCTIONnERS, Dr. S. W. A.M.. 1310 1 street n.w. lsa-.ta.t1 tlTo ;th at a.w. Cur. and b .t a.w. MURPHY. .ATIN. GREEK. MATHEMATICS, ENGLH, -. now a stream e mud fron 0th sw17-Wt*-7 Beokeeping; candidates prepared for F RST PRINCIPLES 1HORTRAND pumping liquid FUTURE DAYS. eoliegs, tst. THOB- the bottomaof the harbor onto the lowland' THE FACULTY OF LAW Annapolis. West Point, civil eervice and other mably am ame. 0. & 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THE Offers Graduate Courses In Law and JurIsprudence, exam s. Prof. F. A. PRINGER, 516 Spruce at. mis ae Oase-attsntoa In the rear of the barracks grounds. Thm G. SWAN 00.. AUOPIONEERS, leading to the degrees of J. D., D. C. L., J. C. D. iot r i1 BRICK DWELLING NO. 1802 FAMON@T SE HARY and LL.D. For particulars Inquire of Prof. Will- - machinery of the dredge having just beet LARGE SALE OF M COR. OF 14TH AND YALE STS. N.W. lam C. Robinson, Dean, 7 B at. n.w. uewtnoa s put together it Is not working to its capac CARPETS, STREET NORTHWEST. uand tse thi By virtue of a certain deed of trust. recorded in t.- -t Ity. ,By. tomorrow morning however, FURNITURE, BLANKETS, Liber 2180, folio 207 et seq., of the land records of SCHOOL OF THE teisoh dredge Wil be ready tae fait work. By th the District of Columbia, we shall at ember I. .et-t.lh& t" time the stone, wal along the west fron BEDDING, MATTRESSES, auction, in frnt et the premises, so.on pblicNS H-OE & DAY SCHOOL - DAY, bC'IOBER FWT, A.D. 1009 AT FIVB TECHOLOGCAL SW9EICE8 of the the dredge wit FOR OF EX- - AND LADIES. and Flectrical Dupont park.is cosspleted ETC., ACCOUNT O'CLOCK P.M., the fllowing descrIbed real s- FOR GIRIS YOUNG Offers Copress In Civil, Mechanical Resident minary. be ready to illn the space between thi tate, situate is the city of Washington. in d Engineering, leading to the degrees of C. E., M. a. aAte -Gis and e up ECUTORS, PRIVATE OWN- Dtstrtet, namely: The west 20 feet one-half ' Coming session beglas Oct. 1. sel-16t-14 and F.. E. For particulars address Prof. D)aniel W. Ladies. S: s.a ;:. new and old waIls. inch Shea, Director, at the University. trent by the full depth of original lot 25 I ., etc. Natonafl mlfe. gular and special courses. The receipts of fresh fish from the shorei ERS, ETC., WITHIN OUR sgtare I4 with the improvements. etr. FRENCH, German, SPANISII, se-u.th,.alm,42 pupils limited. Expenlsee moderate. F~orNbercata- about and Old Point the dealeri edti anle: One.third cash, balance la thiee Method awarded two gold and two silver medals address the principal 1780 Norfolk by ROOMS, 14o7 G ST., SATUR- (3) years, with interest at five (5) per cent per en- at the Paris Exposition of 1900. Its author dec- Q st. D.W. here were not very heavy this morning. The num, payable secured deed of of GREOG SHORTHAND: Ile weri semi-ans,ally, by orated Chevalier of the Legion Honor. No shade. no Half time of other sys- Unifversity demand was fair and prices today SEPTEMBER 2oTH, trust upon the pro y s or all cash at option in peuitlon. IMODAUGHSIS CLASES. DAY, Ability conversing. reading tems. 225 nords minute. Business Sept. 15i in Stenograph1408 NEW YORK about the same as yesterday, bluefish sell of purchaser. A eposit of $300 will be required Record. per noe.-Begin , Tpew.rtt- writing and translating acquired Practice method of Bookkeeping. Managers have lug at 5c. to 7c. per pound; carp. Sc. pei 1902, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. at time of sale. All conveyancing. notary fees and I.. .hort time. had 85 as and g,Spanish. fr.ench, ution and Pebyd-calCl. recording at purchaser's cost. Terms to be com- BERILITZ and class or years' experience teachers account- ture. Other classes O 1. pound; Spanish mackerel, 12c. to 15c. pei Comprising a desirable lot of Furniture for all with within Day evening pri- ants. Terms, $1 a me. of the household. of Wool Blan- plied ten das otherwise the trustees- vate. Established In 1883. Over NATIONAL BUSINESS ach class to members. Memberahip $1 a year. pound; sturgeon, loc. to 12c. per pound prts fifty pairs reserve the right to resell at risk and cost of de Se last school year. COLLEGE, 8-tf Mrm. E. C. black 15c. to 18c. per pound; pan rock t5, lot of ine new Velvet and other 9312 Rage, after five SCHOOL. pnt'lIs nu2l-th.s.tn-13t* 1425 New York eve. LawSchoofl MO TIS. Supt. bass, lot of new Brussels and Velvet Carpets, in rolls; faulting purchaser, days' advertisement Prof. A. GONARD, Principal, 8c. to 10c. per pound; medium rock, 10c. tc in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. 728 14th. Easy terms. sel7-tf :4E DRILLERY, rock. 15c. to 18c lot setod-hand Carpets, Omee Furniture, Books, JOSEPH K. McCA ON, 12%c. per pound; boiling China and Glassware. Toilet Sets, etc. Further FRANCIS If. 11Me lEW TORE ATV[UH per pound; flounders, Sc. per pound; largp particulars tomorrow. selS-dAds SMITH, Ladies' Physical Culture Chase Practical two years' course, lead-0- rWsnbington, D. 0. white perch, 9c. to 10c. per pound; smal AN) AT TWELVE Mi., Trustees. classes will reopen at CARROLL INSTITUTE GYM- Chevy buerthand, Ty p e w ri t ing. white perch, 10c. to 15c. per bunch; catfish Victoria, Harness, etc. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTS., 918 F Sr. N.W. NASIuM on THURSDAY. OCT. 2. at 4:30. Address small Terms cash. to of Bachelor of Laws. Iiatpematic, Bokkeplag. large, 25c. to 40c. per bunch; catfish, C. G. SLOAN & Ancts. for cir., 1' F. MAURICE A. JOYCE, Carroll Inst. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ng degree Bssiaes Tra1ni1g" preparatoan 10c. to 20c. per bunch; eels, 3c. to 5c. each se18-2t,35 CO., TRUSTEES' SALE OF NEARLY NEW RESI- furGtH Service min ations; C. G. SLOAN & AUCTIONEERS. 1407 G SP. ENCE. NO. 1227 HARVARD STREET. CO- sel7-12t* AND course of one gray trout, $4 to $5 per barrel; butterfish CO., LUMBIA HEIGHTS. Post-graduate year, $3.50 to $4 per barrel, and hard crabs, i1 By virtue of a certain deed of trust to us, re- THE STUART SCHOOL, vactim; students ester at any to $2 per barrel.
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