0. GENERAL REFERENCES 0.1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES, General and Country-centered [The steady general bibliographical references are ordered, to easy their use, according to titles instead of authors, which may vary along the years. Otherwise, the alphabetic order according to author’s name is followed.] 0.1.0. General Linguistic Bibliography for the Year // Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année …, Brill 1939 -. 0.1.1. The Nostratic Level (a selection) V. Blažek, “Sou …asný stav nostratické hypotézy (fonologie a grammatika)” (The Present State of the Nostratic Hypothesis [Phonology and Grammar]), SS 44, 1983, 235-247. V. Blažek, “Finský pÍisp vek k nostratické hypotéze” (Finnish Contribution to the Nostratic Hypothesis), SS 44, 1984, 235-247. A.R. Bomhard, J.C. Kerns, “References”, in idd., The Nostratic Macrofamily. A Study in Distant Linguistic Relationship (TL SM 74), Berlin/New York 1994, pp. 715-864 [the most complete bibliography on the subject.] I.G. Hegedüs, Bibliographia Nostratica 1960-1990 (A List of Publications on, or Relevant for Nostratic Studies) , Szombathely 1992. 0.1.2. The Afro-Asiatic Level “Afro-Asiatica in general Linguistic Publications (since 1970-)”, AAL 6/4, 1979, 11-17 (153-159); “Bibliographic Bulletin”, AAL 8/4, 1981, 1-35. Bibliographie linguistique des Années / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1939-1947, 1948- , Utrecht(-Bruxelles)-Anvers 1940- [“Langues Chamito-Sémitiques / Hamito-Semitic Languages”]. W. Bilh, Orientalistik an der Universität Wien. Forschungen zwischen Maghreb und Ost- und Südasien : Die Professoren and Dozenten , Wien 2009 [rev.: WZKM 100, 2010, 364-366 (S. Wentker)]. G. Burrini, “Profilo storico degli studi sul camito-semitico I”, AION 38, 1978, 113-153. G. Burrini, “Profilo storico degli studi sul camito-semitico II”, AION 39, 1979, 351-384 [To be continued] J. Bynon, ed., Current Progress in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics ... , Amsterdam 1984 [rev.: Or 46, 1985, 187-192 (K.G. Prasse); Language 61, 1985, 887-891 (A.S. Kaye); JAOS 106, 1986, 588-589 (R. Ajello); BSOAS 49, 1986, 426-429 (A.B. Dolgopolskij)]. I.M. Djakonov, G. Š. Šarbatov, eds, Afrazijskie jazyki: semitskie jazyki , in G.P. Serdju ćenko, ed., Jazyki Azii i Afrikii . Tom IV, Kniga 1, Moskva 1991 [rev.: LPosn 41, 1999, 198-209 (G. Takács)]. L. Galand, “Le lybique et les études sémitiques”, Semitica 38, 1990, 121-124 [bibliographical survey]. H.F. Idris, “Swedish contributions to African linguistics, with a focus on Nilo-Saharan and Afro- Asiatic languages”, Africa & Asia 3, 2003, 53-63. R.N. Ismagilova et al ., Izu …enie kul'tury i jazykov narodov Afriki v Sovetskom Sojuze 1917-1985 , Moskva 1986 (Bibliography of Soviet studies on the culture and languages of Africa). H. Jungraithmayr, Was is ‘primitive’?: Zum Stand der Sprachgeschichtsforchung in Afrika (SWGJWGU, 23/5), Stuttgart 1987. J. Lukas, “Linguistic research between Nile and Lake Chad”, Afrika 12, 1939, 335-349. D.A. Ol’derogge et al ., Jazyki Afriki. Annotirovannaja bibliografija (African Languages. Annoted Bibliography), Moskva 1974. V.E. Orel, O.V. Stolbova, “Main Works of Reference”, in idd., Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary. Materials for a Reconstruction (HdO, 18), Leiden 1995, pp. XXXII-XXXVIII. 4 K. Petrá ćek, “Quelques travaux en russe sur le chamito-sémitique dans un context archéologique”, ArOr 54, 1986, 284-286. G.Š. Šarbatov, “Semito-chamitskie jazyki” (The Hamito-Semitic Languages in the USSR), in F.P. Filin et al ., Sovetskoe jazykovnanie za 50 let (Soviet Linguistics, 1917-1967), Moskva 1967, pp. 391-403. G. Takács, “Werner Vycichl and his Contribution to Afro-Asiatic (Semito-Hamitic); Comparative Ohonology and Etymology”, in FdL 2 , 151-171. G. Takács, Development of Afro-Asiatic (Semito-Hamitic) Comparative Linguistics in Russia and the Former Soviet Union ., München & Newcastle 1999. E.G. Titov, “On the history of the study of the Semito-Hamitic (Afrasian) language family”, in Fs. Leslau 1991 II, pp. 1549-1568. W. Vycichl, “L’état actuel des études chamito-sémitiques”, in A2CILCS , pp. 63-76. W. Vycichl, “Hundert Jahre hamitosemitischer Forschung”, in P5IHSC 1, pp. 103-109. “Vostokovedenie i afrikanistika v sovetskoj periodike za 1990 g.” (Oriental and African studies in Soviet journals in 1990), Vostok 1, 1991, 191-206. 0.1.3. The Semitic Level: Common Semitics E. Bär, Bibliographie zur deutschsprachigen Islamwissenschaft und Semitistik vom Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute , 2 Bd., Wiesbaden 1985/1991. V.I. Beljaev, I.N. Vinnikov, “Arabistika i semitologija v Peterburgskom-Leningradskom universitete (Napravlenija i linii razvitija)” (Arabic and Semitic studies in the University of St. Petersburg- Leningrad. Trends and development linies), VLU 24, 1969, 137-142. “Bibliographie. I. Algemeines”, AfO 14, 1941-1944, 104-105; 237-239; 383-385; 15, 1945-1951, 206-208 ; 16, 1952-1953 , 407-409 ; 17, 1954-1956, 239-241, 501-503 ; 18, 1957-1958, 236-237, 493-495 ; 19, 1959-1960, 275-27; 20, 1963, 316-319 ; 21, 1966, 283-285 ; 22, 1968/1969, 226- 228 ; 23, 1970, 228-229 ; 24, 1973, 257-258. “Bibliographie sémitique, 1-3”, by S. Moscati: 1 [1939-46], Or 16, 1947, 103-129; 2 [1.XI.1946-l.X.1947] Or 17, 1948, 91-102; 3 [1.X.1947-1.IV.1950], Or 19, 1950, 445-478; “4-7”, by G. Garbini: 4 [1.IV.1950-31.XII.1952], Or 22, 1953, 1*-38*; 5 [I.I.I953 - 31.XII.I956], Or 26, 1957, 50*-115*; 6 [1.1.I957-31.12.1958], Or 28, 1959, 50*-90*; 7 [1.1.1959 - 31.12.1960], Or 30, 1961, 42*-61*; “8”, by P. Matthiae): [1/1/1961-31/12/1962], Or 32, 1963, 83-113; “9”, by M. Liverani, P. Matthiae: [1.1.1963-31.6.1964], Or 33 1964, 79*-123*. H. Blanc, “Semitic” (on Soviet and East-European linguistic studies in the field of Semitics), in CTL/I , pp. 374-391. F. Cantera, “Reseña del estado de las cuestiones. Linguística semita”, Sefarad 1, 1941, 169-177. A. Caquot, “Cinquante ans d’orientalisme en France. Les études sémitiques”, JA 261, 1973, 57-68. “Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus”, by E. Bürgi, Biblica 21, 1940 - 29, 1948; by P. Nober, Biblica 30, 1949 - 48, 1967 (with a section: “Philologia biblica: linguae semiticae et aliae populorum Orientis / linguae semiticae et chamiticae / lingua hebraica et proxime cognatae / hebraica grammatica et linguarun affinium / ....”; Biblica vol. 44, 1953 – 48, 1967: “elenchus vocum discussarum”/ “voces (hebraicae et relatae) discussae”. From vol. 49, 1968 the Elenchus appears as an independent publication compiled by P. Nober; from vol. 60, 1979, entitled Elenchus (Bibliographicus Biblicus) of Biblica , under the responsability by P. Nober and R. North, and finallay from 1995 on (-2002) by R.Althann . G. Garbini, “Linguistica semitica 1969-1971”, AION 33, 1973, 81-92, 263-276. J.D. Garcia Domingues, “A linguística semítica e o interesse do seu estudo em Portugal”, RPF 23, 1958, 441-464. C.H. Gordon, “Philology and the Ancient Near East: My Seventy Years in Semitic Linguistics”, in Fs. Knudsen , pp. 9-101. M. Goshen-Gottstein, “The Present State of Comparative Semitic Linguistics”, in Fs. Leslau 1991 I, pp. 558-569. A. Hamilton, Fr. Richard, André Du Ryer and Oriental Studies in Seventeeth-Century France , Oxford 2004 [rev.: FO 42-43- 2006-2007, 464-467 (E.Siemieniec Gołaš)]. 5 E. Hammershaimb, “Semitic Philology”, in The Humanities and the Sciences in Denmark during the Second World War , Copenhagen 1948, pp. 147-150. J.H. Hospers, ed., A Basic Bibliography for the Study of the Semitic Languages , 2 vols., Leiden 1973, I, pp. 365-383 (“Comparative Semitics”) [rev.: JAOS 94, 1974, 500-501 (J. Renger); JSS 19, 1974, 269-275 (J. Barr/D. Brady); FO 16, 1975, 322-325 (Z.J. Kapera); ZDMG 125, 1975, 369-370 (E.Wagner); JNES 34, 1975, 296 (R.D. Biggs); UF 6, 1974, 508-509 (W.C. Delsman); AAAS 12, 1976, 298-299 (L. Drozdik); GLECS 18-23/1, 1973-79 (1981), 201-204 (S. Elbaz)]. J.H. Hospers, “A Hundred Years of Semitic Comparative Linguistics”, in Fs. Vriezen , pp. 138-151. J.H. Hospers, “Synchronic and diachronic studies in Semitic linguistics”, in W. Zonnerveld, É. Weerman, eds, Linguistics in Netherlands (Publication in Language Sciences 1), Dordrecht 1980, pp. 183-197. J. Huehmergard, “New Directions in the Study of Semitic Languages”, in Fs. Albright 1996, pp. 251- 272. “Jazykoznanije v Institue vostokovedenija AN USSR, po dannym ‘Kratkych soobš …enij Instituta vostokovedenija’” [Linguistic studies in the Oriental Institute of the Accademy of Sciences of the USSR. Review of the linguistic articles published in KSIV I-IX, 1951-1953], VoJa 4, 1954, 136- 140. J. Jedlicka, K. Petra ček, “Die Semitologie in der Georgischen SSR”, AUC-Ph 1, 1960, 83-95. A.S. Kaye, “Semitic Iinguistics in the new millennium”, JAOS 123, 2003, 819-834. “Langues sémitiques”, in P.-É. Langevin, Bibliographie biblique ... III: 1930-1983, Quebec 1985, pp. 335-338. “Langues sémitiques / Semitic Languages. A. Généralités / General Works”, in BLA/LBY 1939-1947, 1948-. W.S. Lasor, A Basic Semitic Bibliography (Fuller Theological Seminary, Bibliographical Series I), Weaton, Ill. 1950. S. Mangold, Eine ‘weltbürgerliche Wiessenschft’ – Die deutsche Orientalistik im 19. Jahrhundert (Pallas Athene, 11), Stuttgart 2004 [rev.: WZKML 94, 2006, 485-488 (S. Wentker)]. S. Moscati, “La semitística italiana desde el comienzo de la guerra”, Sefarad 8, 1948, 411-427. S. Moscati, “Sur quelques publications de sémitologie parues récemment en Italie”, ArOr 19, 1951, 63-66. M. O’Connor, “Arabic and Biblical studies: chapters from the history of Semitic studies in England”, CLN 23, 1992, 9-10 [W. Bedwell (1561?-1632) and E. Pococke (1604-1691)]. K. Petrá ček, “Les études arabes et islamiques et la sémitologie en Tchécoslovaquie”, ArOr 19, 1951, 98-107. J.J. Plam et al., “Sovremennoe sostajannie vosto ćnogo jazykoznanija v SSSR ” [The present situation of the Oriental linguistics in the Soviet Union], in M. Miklu ’, ed., Jubilejn ŷ zbornik k 15.

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