- 411, -Jo Higher S. Education in France A Handbook of Information Corating Fields ofStudy 7--1 ISI Institution By -Kakskr Is Bulletin g'No. 6 = A :4 SECURITY3 M.W OSCARR. EWING, khalifs's? ) N. OfficeofEducation v j- 1.1[13*-5' MCGRATH,.4 tiFIA - 1 1 . 4 a 1 . r . 11.4 1 sr Iry .,.? ..'4, . 4 1", I. tri',141%, t 4i 4Tt'V A CONTENTS Page Foreword ow41. VII E F r- g F ; LEI it7 of HigherEducationinFrance!. 1 anation of Symbols. IMO 3 - _ -.7-a 1 -caUcMie _ _ _ d'Alger_ or or. ........ 6 Academie 1 3 E a I eine-, 7 aiaUTIONS OF Acaueni-Cde HIGHER LEARNING ancon 9 AcadCrnie m. de _ _ ..1r. trticaux... la Or LASSIF-ED BY .... 9 A clde_Caen ACADEm REGIONS 11 catic-TmeaeClermont- r-an%, _ a or .12 Academiede Dijon _ - 12 Académiede C;r-enoble 13 A 3 0..IMP Mram. OP arm. de Lille_ .10 MIMI. AIN r a a aro 14 Academiede Lvon elb. ea- - 15 A - AEI deriontpeller_4. .. AO 6. ow IP a 1 ad ..... 1; de Nancy__ 12 Ac,-7dits- deParis 19 1 1 dePoitiers 3o AcadEnieae Apnries ..... QM. 31 = fn e deStrasbourg 37 AcademieeToulouse - .35 4 PART2 I.LANGUAGE:uAd Y I"--rT 7 a. lassic: INSTIUlcilW_T OF Egv-p Hebrew,Sanskrit... 39 .dIGHRALEARNING Gre:eLatin Lv 39 CLASSIFIED B.Romance: FIELDOFSTUDY treiicn 39 renen -cjai 411011'Pa Coursesfor ForeignStudents_ . 39 rovença kDasque.Catalan, fa- a tc___.. - . .... ...... _ __ _ 39 Spanish 40 talian. -ortuguese,Rouma. 40 C. Celtic . VI D. k-Irrnanic Arnertr-a- English . 40 German 40 a--=RUE Dutch,etc 40 v7-"i AI LP I auu Ivz Greek' 41 F.GLE.-in....,..,_____. t 6 a t , --a a 44 7 Innie--Iteman ncan_ 41 a Arabic ab 41. stern 41 G. .v_-L.-z.4 Courses: 4., Linguistics andPhonetics.._I01. 41 ,4-_-waparativeLiteraune 41 _ t 4 . 40 f 42'\11:t7-Pi . `C A. - sO. 6; 1+ .1k-.;4 "4' -A- 't .; sti v , V ! . r t v_ " ..t-1 .)- Air!= -:Nitit Iv CONTENTS psis 41.e II. PHILOSOPHY .... NM OW III. M M am .... 41 THEOLOGYandHISTORYOF RYLIGIONS Wm; ..I am Iv. ____ GEM ow. _ _ 41 EDUCATION___ ___. , .. ___.. __ _ V.FINEARTS: 4. 4. 41 _ a. Archeoogy b. _ 42 HistoryofArtandMusic_____ 42 C. Graphic,ElasticandDecora- tive Art _ Q., - ... .go ' s..+a 42 . d.ArchitectureandCityPlan- -, ninf ....._ ..._ _ _ e. Drama ___ 42. andMusic_. *. ___ f. 4 1 ..._... moir Aesthetics__ __ a . 0 .__ .. 42 I.HOMEECONOMICS: a.Child Care.ChildPsychology__ 42 b.Home 4 Management_ _ _ _ _ __ 42 Intlatiffiffillommehmus C. Nutrition__ _ _____ _ __ _ _ _ . ar. 43 d.Textilesand Clothing. _ _ _ .._ 43 VII.SOCIALSCIENCE4ei of a. Anthropology ____ . ..... , b. ... _ _. 43 History ______ _ ...._ ...... , C. Economics_ 43 .. ______ __I__ 43 d.Rusiiiess Management_____ __ 410 , e.Law 1 43 ....__ ______ 44 f.PoliticalScience__ __ ___ g.Public 44 Administratipn__........ hi 4(... 44 S<x_-iology 0.411.______ .........4.11.OP W. 44 i.Press,'Film, LibraryScience..__ 44 VIII.PSYCHOLff3Y IX. ...... 44 MEDICALSCIENCES: . a. Dentistry N. li . _____ b. 44 Medicine a. .10. ..... ______ C. Pharmacology_ 45 .__ __________ X.BIOLOGY: 45 a.General Biolog.__ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ 45 P b.MarineBiology.. Al. a 45 C. -Iiiprobiology _ _ .. 45 . 4 yPhysiology............ - ...._. _ _ 45 lia.LAAjLAAb3y c a. 7.3o1 4411 General 414 ogy_ 411. IV.. OM b. Pal 46 __ 4144 44, .410' 46 XII.BOTAN _ fa, _______ 1... US4N. SO 46 .XIII.CBEFilFRY: a. Gtneral IP 111M. .1.. AS. .M. O. i Chemistry NO aWNW b. eta 4e; kJ-mnic Chemistri epo . we 410. ____ _ 4101 46- A c,.. , Inore.a717. c Chemistry _ OM 46 d.Nuclear Chemistry ..4 46 le.Physical (Themistry_........411!.... OW IIM... f. 47 Biochemistry . ........... 47 is a 4 N. .. .. .,.r$4,- i, ? v.-4' ' ' ,., 7 -CONTENtS V de .PHYSICS: Pair; a.GeneralPhysics : 47 b. TheoreticalPhysics Ad - - 47 C. _ Optits_ _ . Ir 47 d. NuclearPhysits 47 .MATHEMATICS: a.Pure Mathematics - e en. 411 MIN 47 b. Mechanics_ 4. 44. Mr I 48 . C.Statistics__ 48 .ASTRONOMY and ASTRO- _ PHYSICS_ .... 40. ... 48 'XXII. METEOROLOGY 4.4 ed. IMO 414 OPP 48 XVIII. _ w. GEOPHYSICS__ 40 am 11. 48 GEOGRAPHY OP PO. AD O. 48' GEOLOGY: a.'General Geology_ ----- IM 49 _ _ _ b. Mineralogy__ ___ 42. 49 C. _ Crystallography .8P 49 XXI.AGRICULTURE_ _ 49 XXII.ENGINEFR1NG: a.Aeronautical___ -49 b. Chemical 49 C. Civil andSanitary _ 50 d. Electrical 50 esHydraulic S , f:Mechanical__________ _ Wm .44 410 50 g. Mining andMetallurgy_ -50 XXIII. ILITARYSCIENCES__ 50 dr 4 momeamosoimai 4 a .41 a eir 11. 1 1)i5* 0 "imilimmnrrn71171111171111111111111111111'71-111711111 d IS _L 1952 r 5 am 8. I, 'R Office deuxdI==== d'Ulm, 1 1.1 - je fr I lefi L. a-eco.tes a- - t I superieur T.7 8 = et rue -t. sentiments T-- =ir tbien. L. 29, ill e tots1 - dr. de 1-7; I _ r t=fleilt= rn_ i1 =Iircteu Paris, -vet1 que nouvelless ,e.1 merle- n 11.E A et ,=ij Le et - inse_ =7=1 ft - 00' faire el1 I -4- 1.71 lour = me trt-±iins a des a Inter mi$ en l'expression voulu n ce%.7.4 tEas r - - l'avoir - =P & I inform:1Es - 311 avez aA'a_ de aA s'effectuer tEEfEI A,== T-A I..--- = pu =a avez 17(3.11 inthet FA" _ puleseht = A=g-71fl FD_ que 'Ay VOUS E Ea part: :mn rr-r-cin auraient Idr rij de 720 j I eventuellement t FLAELER, 'r k_JIN1 TrykTA Pedagogique 4. m'a plus = 72" . = qui = fixTyc==y V_ f = UE AFiiThJ A 8 vous - - :e F Edit" I le . -1 rilVe! _ r - t ---;--t= ENTRF lerBINo. 2-2 de E r;=-AjtAr= renseignernents a t ko. '71 .r 1 v12 g==., travail ==. _ -A g E y A.= distinguis. cie(7()). Ref.: a MADEMOISELLE: examen 171_a Ce *." T rue JM/GF Det--,--T ip et ff heureux ans americains E ties -hdemoiselle 39 Dltras o A - ft. TIVIS.NG STIYIENTSwIowishto*study hi other countriesis- oftenIuIt becauseac- curate, uptodate,and deWied informationabout ===._ rind the0E4 in their h*h&Ainstitutions is fizz:- queiitlyunal--Auaine.e g g Astudentwiahingto study inagivencounw toknowwhat the several ,6 _Li LdLionseffernt only in hisown subjwcarea -_- e ----I_ E.-7-7- E t-4_imi f"E"*. inis bulletin nrmentsananalysis of offerings in i'4.1dUpe N A-,oEo LI is ortanizad toshow all the higherinstitutionsin the 17ac.A- 4 04 = Gila r=2 -efilregion.oi 2-1 AU-I--- 1uy _ 4 eft M jecisenabliligtaLam_lit,&.&2- to readilywhIrnof these instirutionsonerMeamebic fieldoi st * J. 2 A V Ea § Akeviru nnmuerr 3 D 7_ ei 3 +bw._o _ 4 .P a 0 0 Nvg -.7==== luLtwi=-3:Lue"AAMLAILtIREIP`Mi%.4e. uie 1118U tution is .mtated;its Vwf " rAa -re ft.- 6 whether natiomi, vg-46..w.,9 = the ovemment,orprir4L,ana not at prv3er,r Y-; nimi by thego, and the - --- catttory to which the instild-11--;==-a410n-ds WZMin4 the framework d higheredlIMV--_-;4--,tx)th inside and outside the univwsim Edith Kahler, the authorof tIO bulletin,wasfor 3yearsamember of the staff inftheCultural Rela tiuns Division, Ministere dal MansEtrangère!,in France where she aWstwl foreign4tidents studying in France and Frenchstudents :IA to study abroad.Later tatewaswith the 1-itht Com- . minion in Park-,In both of theposltkjn.the rizslizt4 the need forapublication which couldbe used b.-- American studentsandtr advisers indicating the educationalopportunities in higher institutions.She, *adore, undertookto analyz--_- theofferinasin each of thew institutionsin France VII .1 W. s 61 At, '7 T671 ,,,, FaRLW3-: to devit====f and the_ ofewa:=1 tioa cn=would ...lest Doc..cit*, ri,-. , _ _ - make.6 for- 1 ne Gral--flai- thus .-_- broughttogetrf,---37for thisbulletin--1 -,L7alealL. A ,-----:-- -a - -;.-- -_-_,-_,-e'r. rtibr-_--- --,, -- checkedforaccuracy ___ .ty ...a by the A q 7 An FrenchMinistryof Nation--;izzaition,as mAA AA A A= A --=La by tbeletter V4Vti 1711Afil; ma AA- wa to Miss Uhler V * ffnthesummon of MCI. BeulahC of the HonEconomicsBranchinthe Officeof ,411 invited ,=theFrench was Government =come to Frwttnsoldvwhatwasavailablein lion-m---=cco .nomicsin erinstitutions.MissKahlez-wk arrangtx1 446%_ for hatto the Frenchinstitutions planned at that timeto kt,_ananalysis the A a -- = -AA A m ME VA A W44:4 = - g Z' °WA programsar all levels.This propcw-edanalysis al likelyto -betx) e a4 umiulthat lar 711 was cdtobringcopies to the Office ofEFL.,L4 t_ LI II polZ= _ Li sothat Itmightbe consideredfor A $ I I i& .One*2L t. the Disidonof Higher . , Mucationpr- Tirw.-....A....1,thwilwev-_-,-%c--le,.tAlie-4... blication asa-Thrpirnme-=pupil a A A- .. 4 3--=_.t _ . 1L .q. dr_,Ed.ESSE %.0 = = Thisbullvals =- A A r CI- 7 C m a will báuWu:to Iffis.T.W ti 1 .a. P 4 6 #, agencies, a -f%- and Adualsin4.--------....terstwn 1.-..1170:-:-410 about edwationai1D.W ft ini_a.m. a_sti .74 0. I happy.. to uknowledgour1.....d...,,ten to the authorfor hetpain Oltanalysis_T---t-r===±1 claw .y prewataton dthe edwatimtl inkathihm IIIIIIIII 111111111[1111 MI nim institutionsin France. f EARL J.Mr-Ar".H9 0 A 9 r _ ff 0-M CIaCfPirilia93;°. 1 -7, ,E-tPlti. r- 6 it wt.' _V tatitk board _ A of private tZ TrL;LA TEE - of ==== - = 9 viumfional d'acactemie." g an Ministry = - L- 4 to the r- "recteur - - 2=7= ; - - = - A- - - - 9 _- - _=- ==.
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