![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2005 No. 94 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, believe we have a good shot at com- called to order by the Honorable SAM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pleting that bill tomorrow night. I BROWNBACK, a Senator from the State Washington, DC, July 13, 2005. don’t know what time that will be. We of Kansas. To the Senate: will go to another bill on Friday. That Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby bill will be determined over the course PRAYER appoint the Honorable SAM BROWNBACK, a of today. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Senator from the State of Kansas, to per- The funding legislation we are cur- fered the following prayer: form the duties of the Chair. rently addressing in the Senate is too Let us pray. TED STEVENS, important to not complete this week. Immortal, invisible God, thank You President pro tempore. We will be using debate time through- for the opportunity to share Your love Mr. BROWNBACK thereupon as- out the course of the day. We will have and compassion with others. Guide us sumed the Chair as Acting President the votes this evening. We will have a to those who need words of encourage- pro tempore. very busy session tomorrow. ment, and make us Your voice of hope f I also wish to take the opportunity to in our world. Use us to bless others, remind my colleagues we will have an RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY all-Senate briefing this afternoon, for and empower us with Your goodness LEADER and mercy. those who are interested, from 3 to 4 Strengthen our Senators for today’s The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- o’clock by Director Negroponte. I be- work. Give them wise speech that will pore. The majority leader is recog- lieve Secretary Chertoff will also be bring life and engender trust. Direct nized. coming by as well. their steps on the roads they travel, f f and bring them safely to their desired SCHEDULE SUPREME COURT CONFIRMATION destination. As they make decisions with potentially cataclysmic con- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today we Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I have sequences, Lord, help them to count will return to the pending business of some brief remarks about confirmation the cost. the Homeland Security appropriations of a new Supreme Court Justice. Bless the many people who work with bill. We have six amendments that As we all have witnessed, the process our leaders. Remind them often that were called up yesterday and are cur- is off to a great start. Consultation is their labors are not in vain. rently pending. The two managers have well underway between the President Search our spirits and purify our mo- been working on the sequencing of of the United States and the Senate. It tives. We pray in Your powerful Name. amendments. Therefore, we should is ongoing. The President and his staff Amen. have an additional lineup of amend- are reaching out to Senators from both ments that are expected during today’s parties to listen to their suggestions, f session. both in person and through phone calls. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE As we stated at closing last night, we To date, the administration, the Presi- have two Senate delegations today, one dent and his staff, have contacted di- The Honorable SAM BROWNBACK led attending the funeral of former Sen- rectly more than 60 Senators, more the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ator Gaylord Nelson and another dele- than two-thirds of the Democratic cau- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the gation in Florida. It is lining up in cus, every member of the Judiciary United States of America, and to the Repub- such a way that we will have very pro- Committee. The President’s approach lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ductive debate over the course of the has been bipartisan and open and un- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. day, but we will be voting later this precedented in scope. I commend him f evening. I do not know exactly what for that effort. time that will be. We will have the As we look ahead, I encourage each APPOINTMENT OF ACTING exact timing of these votes announced Senator to reflect upon the nominee we PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE later today as we look at the appro- will consider and the confirmation The PRESIDING OFFICER. The priate schedules. I doubt that there process we will undertake. As Sen- clerk will please read a communication will be voting before 7:45 or so tonight. ators, confirming a nominee to the Su- to the Senate from the President pro We will be voting tonight. preme Court is one of our highest con- tempore (Mr. STEVENS). I have said on many occasions that stitutional duties. The new Justice, The legislative clerk read the fol- we will be finishing homeland security whomever the President chooses, will lowing letter: legislation before we leave this week. I influence American law for years and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8153 . VerDate jul 14 2003 03:00 Jul 14, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY6.000 S13PT1 S8154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 13, 2005 years to come. He or she will impact Will the nominee approach his or her curred in the Senate, where certain the lives of millions of Americans. role as a Justice as an interpreter of nominees have to be viewed very cau- As Senators, we should ask ourselves, the law and the Constitution and not tiously and carefully. For example, the What kind of Justice does America ex- as a lawmaker who will legislate from person the President has chosen to go pect on the Supreme Court? I am con- the bench? Is the nominee qualified to to the United Nations has caused close fident President Bush will choose a serve on our highest court? Does he or scrutiny of this individual. qualified nominee who will make she have the necessary experience to The other two people the President America proud, someone of dem- serve as a Supreme Court Justice? sent to the United Nations as our Am- onstrated character and integrity, These are the questions nominees bassador are people who the minority someone who is fair, intelligent, open- should be asked to answer honestly and proudly voted for. Ambassador minded, and impartial; he or she will thoroughly. They should not be asked Negroponte went through here very listen to the merits of every case and to prejudge cases or to speculate on quickly. And then, of course, Jack make a determination based on the how they would rule or not rule on a Danforth, the former Senator from facts, the law, and the Constitution, hypothetical scenario that may or may Missouri, whipped through here and not driven to prejudge cases, predeter- not come before the Court. was our United Nations Ambassador. mine outcomes, or advance a personal I look forward to working with our John Bolton is a different story. We political agenda; the nominee will colleagues on both sides of the aisle in had to take a look at him. That is not treat litigants and their attorneys fair- the coming weeks. We should work to- obstructionism. We asked for certain ly and with dignity and respect; and gether to conduct the kind of confirma- information. It was not forthcoming. above all, this person will uphold the tion process America expects from its So as I said, I agree with my friend Constitution and be fully committed to elected representatives, a fair and thor- from Tennessee that this is a process equal justice under the law. ough confirmation process that treats that needs to have the view of the I am confident of all these things be- nominees with dignity and respect and American public, and they need to be cause every day I have seen the care, confirms a new Justice before the Su- proud of the work we do. I think we are seriousness, and the thoughtfulness preme Court starts its new term on Oc- headed in the right direction. I am cau- President Bush brings to this task. tober 3. I am confident the President tiously optimistic we can move In addition to considering the type of will nominate someone who will make through this. I have given President nominee America expects, I also en- America proud, someone who will be Bush the benefit of every doubt that he courage my colleagues to ask them- worthy of this seat he or she will fill. is doing this with his heart in the right selves, What kind of Supreme Court This is what the American people ex- place. I have told him personally and in pect, what our justice system needs, nomination process does America ex- writing how much I appreciate his and what our Nation and the nominee pect from the Senate? The American reaching out to me. And I continually people, through their votes, have put deserves. I yield the floor. will be optimistic until there is no need their trust in us. They have entrusted to do so. us to govern as their elected represent- f It would be so good for the country if atives.
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