... Crookeddomer -page 5 VOLUME XV, NO.7 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1980 Strikes end Polish workers reach agreement GDANSK, Poland , Earlier in the day, the police yesterday in response to Holdout strikers nine^government sent acommission strikers’threats to scuttle the coalmines in southwest Polandled by Wloozimierz agreement over the issue of reached a tentative agreement Lajczaka, minister of coal political prisoners. Five other last night with government mining, to Katowice to dissidents were released Sun­ negotiators, virtually ending negotiate with the striking day, but it was not known if all the widespread labor disputesminers. It was not clear how dissidents held in Polish jails that had paralyzed Poland, the many had left the pits. had been freed. official Polish news agency PAP A government spokesman in Kuron, chairman of the reported. Warsaw said the miners were Committee foi Social Self Shipyards, factories and pressing for specificguarantees Defense, said the Gdansk e transportation systems had re­ for the industry, presumably agreement would lead to major turned to life in most Polish including improved safety changes in Polish society with­ cities a day after the historic standards. A source in Katowiceout threatening theCommunist settlementsof the Baltic port also said a key issue was Party or the socialist system. strikes. The government, also conditions in underground“We think it will hold for a freed nearly all political work areas, suggesting the very long time because the dissidents. strikes there were primarily a government wants tocommun- The coal miners reportedly single-industry dispute. icate with the community,” he were demanding improved In the last three months of saidof the agreement covering safety conditions, and PAP, 1979, three accidents in Upper about 300,000 strikers in the shortlybefore it announced theSilesia pits claimed 62 lives, Gdansk-Gdynia area. tentative agreement,reported including 43 workers killed at a Despite the continued strikes eight miners killed and 18 minein Ciechowice. in the coal district, PAP While these students express their affection for one another, the injuredin an accident at a mine “The strikes were under­ declared, “Today,normal work everpresent mosquitos are also undoubtedly expressing their affection near the UpperSilesian city of taken with the purpose of was resumed in Poland.” for this couple. (photo by John Macor) Katowice. That mine was settling just problems of among many that had not been coalminers and (at the same struck. time) to supportdemands of the Still more talk! PAP said loaded wagons in ancoastal workers,” PAP re­ undergroundshaft went outported. of control, “devastating the place In Warsaw, dissident leader Iran to discuss hostages where the miners were Jacek Kuronsaid he and 30 working.” other dissidents were freed by by the Associated Press of the response. In Moscow, Soviet television Rajai referred to objections commentatorLev Nikolayev Iran’s prime minister will to his newlyappointed Cabinet welcomed Ghotbzadeh’s discuss publiclya request by. by President AbolhassanBani- replacement and called him a U.S. Secretary of State Sadr during an interview“directagent of the United EdmundS. Muskie for the earlybroadcast byTehran radio. States” andan“inveterate foe of C oit and safe release ofthe 52 Rajai said when Bani-Sadr the Soviet Union.” American hostages, the Iranian agreed to his becoming prime Ghotbzadeh often had newsagency Pars said yesterday minister,“he gave me a free criticized theSoviet Union, as Parliament begandiscussinghand in selecting all the once referring to it as 'no less its response to a similar request ministers except defense and. satanic than the U. ■gppii|figa byU.S. congressmen. theinterior.” Pars said a letter from Muskie - illiyuwifi to PrimeMinister Mohammad ' "in* Ali Ragai was delivered bythe ----- Swiss charge d’affaires in Tehran Carroll Hall, Log Chapel; onSunday and added that the A contrast in signs at 1026 Corby Blvd. (photo by John Macor)prime ministerwould “discuss the letter at his next public interview.” It did not say when struck by lightning that would be. by Paul McGinn City attorney prepares In Washington, State Department spokeswoman This past weekend, two freak lightning-related events took Sondra McCarty said Muskie place:on Saturday night, Carroll Hall was hit by a lightning bolt: anti-Corby’spetition sent the messageto Rajai “on and on Sunday night,the Log Chapel was also struck. the occasion of the new prime When Carroll Hall was struck late Saturday evening, the dorm Cy. John Higgins against” the license held bv the minister’s appointment...callig temporarily lost power due to a malfunction in the electrical bar, the ABC must revoke the his attentionto the hostage circuitry system caused bythe bolt’s charge. Some sparks issued The South Bend City license. issue and urging thefrom one of the light switch boxes andcaused concern over the Attorney'sOffice is preparing a A Corby’s bartender was hostages’early and safe re­ possibility of fire. Although no fire ensued, precau cions were petition. residents opposing convicted last spring of distri­ lease.” taken, including the reduction of power so as to meet only the renewal of Corby’s buting alcohol to minors; Other State Department thenecessary requirements for hall and bathroom lighting. Tavern’s liquor license. If the therefore, in the case of Corby’s sources said the Muskieletter Mr. Edwin Lyon, Director of Maintenance, commented that the drive is successful, it couldthe law applies. also congratulated Rajai on hisdorm was rewiredonly last year and that a serious fire threat was result in the revocation of the “At last count we had over appointment and wished himaverted because of the new electrical equipment. He also added license. half the signatures we need well in selecting hisCabinet. that had the system not been grounded,much more damage would Assistant City Attorney ’’Masters said Monday. “I don’t The Swiss Embassy in Tehran have occurred. By early Sunday, full electricalpower was restored. James Masters announcedthink we’ll have _ any has handled U.S.dealings with About 11:10 p.m. Sunday, a lightning bolt scored a direct hit on duringhearings before theproblems getting the rest.” the Iranian revolutionary the LogChapel. At the time, Mass had just ended; sophomore Jeff Indiana Alcoholic Beverage According to Masters, if the regimesince President Carter Brown and FatherMario Pedi were talking in the sacristy. Commissionthat his office was proper number of signaturesare broke diplomaticrelations with Brown remarked, “It scared the hell out of us! Mario and I then in the process of gathering gathered and verified, the Iran in April. Yesterday was checked to be sure we were all right. I then made sure the air signatures oi registered voters Commission has no recourse thehostages’ 303 rd day in conditioning was disconnected.” residing in the same precinct but to revoke the license. captivity. The bolt’s charge was centered at the rear of the chapel, directly where Corby’s is located who However, he also has some Iran’s Parliament took up a overthe lake side of the sacristy. The blow caused minor holes in oppose renewal of Corby’s doubtsas to whether or not the draft response toa letter written the roof and (knocked off some cedar shingles. liquor license. Commission will act on the in July by about 200 U.S.con­ ' The Director of Maintenance stated that the replacement of the Under Indiana law, if a bar ispetition.“We have considered gressmen appealing “fervently” shinglesand repair of the roof would be “a day’s work for a couple convicted of a violation of what we would do if the for a quicksolution to the of carpenters.” liquor laws and if 66 percent of statewere to be faced with that hostage crisis, but sent it backto At the time of the chapel incident, sparks were seen coming out the registered voters residingin petition and did not responda committee for rewording, of the airconditioning system, but it was determined that no major the same precinct in which the according toTehran radio. The damage was done to the unit. bar is located “remonstrate (continued on page 5)state-run radio gave nodetails News Briefs Tuesday, September 2 , 1980-page 2 by The Observer andThe Associated Press Inside Tuesday COHtf3.Ct talks between representatives of Bar closings fuse keg actors and the filmand TV industry resumed yesterday afternoon, following a 16-hourrecess, as the strike became the Students can be a lot like steam and college longest one in the Screen Actor’sGuild’s history. There was no can be a lot like a pressure cooker. I don’t know indication of progress. if that analogy has ever been made before, but I As the strike entered its 43rd day, no one would say think it could say a lot about Notre Dame and whetherthe negotiators were any closer to a settlement. The Saint Mary’s students this year in the wake of McGrath m strike began July 21. recent happenings at the lower end of Notre News Editor In the current strike, actors had asked for 6 percent of Dame Avenue. theproducers’ profits on videodiscs and videocassettes after Thousands of words have been dedicatedtq despair. a$ 10,000 advance per actor. Producers had countered with how demanding N.D. academic life is and hoj Sure the bars weren’t exactly the most proven anoffer of 3.6 percent on pay-TV dramas, comedies and bad social life is, and it’s not my design to i haracter and morals builders, but at least they varietyshows, and 2 percent on talk and game shows after the the same complaints that have been* ffered the time-proven opportunity to meet programs had run for two years on pay TV or sold 100,000 around here for years.
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