2011 World Celebration 1 Futurity, Weanling Mares Total Entries: 4

2011 World Celebration 1 Futurity, Weanling Mares Total Entries: 4

40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 1 Futurity, Weanling Mares Total Entries: 4 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 200 LOOSE ON CASH GREG JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON 2 125 SOMETHING ABOUT TITLEIST JARRED JOHNSTON J. FRED JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON 3 454 MY DADDY'S PERFECT ALEISHA GRUBB ALEISHA GRUBB ALEISHA GRUBB 4 1194 DIFFERENT KIND OF FINE BRANDON GRUBB ALEISHA GRUBB ALEISHA GRUBB Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 125 454 200 194 JEROME ZAHND 200 454 125 194 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 200 454 125 194 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 200 125 454 194 RICKY KEITH PARKER 125 200 454 194 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 4 Futurity, Yearling Mares Total Entries: 4 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 200 EXTRA CASH LINE GREG JOHNSTON J. FRED JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON 2 466 SHE'S A NATURAL PUSHOVER BARRY W TROXTELL SYLVIA LUTTRELL BARRY W TROXTELL 3 454 PAY PREVIEW ALEISHA GRUBB BRANDON & ALEISHA GR ALEISHA GRUBB 125 EXTRA CASH LINE JARRED JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 454 200 466 JEROME ZAHND 200 466 454 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 200 466 454 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 200 454 466 RICKY KEITH PARKER 200 466 454 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 5 Futurity, Two & Three-Year Old, Trail Pleasure Total Entries: 2 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 466 INFERNO RED TRAVIS R LUTTRELL SYLVIA LUTTRELL TRAVIS R LUTTRELL 2 142 TAPOUT JULY ANGELA LEACH JULY ANGELA LEACH JULY ANGELA LEACH Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 466 142 JEROME ZAHND 466 142 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 466 142 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 466 142 RICKY KEITH PARKER 466 142 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 7 Futurity, Weanling Stallions Total Entries: 3 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 454 SODBUSTER ALEISHA GRUBB RANDALL (PETE) SLEMP ALEISHA GRUBB 2 466 AMARILLO SLIM BARRY W TROXTELL SYLVIA LUTTRELL BARRY W TROXTELL 3 194 THE FINAL SALUTE BRANDON GRUBB GARY BLACK ALEISHA GRUBB Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 454 466 194 JEROME ZAHND 454 466 194 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 454 194 466 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 454 466 194 RICKY KEITH PARKER 454 466 194 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 8 Futurity, Mare and Foal Total Entries: 2 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 454 REWARD'S CHABLIS ALEISHA GRUBB BRANDON & ALEISHA GR ALEISHA GRUBB 1454 AMARILLO SLIM BARRY W TROXTELL SYLVIA LUTTRELL BARRY W TROXTELL Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 454 JEROME ZAHND 454 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 454 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 454 RICKY KEITH PARKER 454 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 9 Lead Line Pony (Lead by Adult) 6 & Under (Judged) Total Entries: 6 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 350 LITTLE MISS ROCK STAR JENNA,JARED,MARTHA JO JEFF JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON 2 637 STAR LIGHT LEXY L. BEAVERS LEXY L. BEAVERS LEXY L. BEAVERS 3 440 SHORT STUFF ROBERT TODD ROBERT TODD ROBERT TODD 4 466 PEPPERMINT PATTY LUCAS LUTTRELL LUCAS LUTTRELL LUCAS LUTTRELL 5 86 KENNY CHESNEY MASON GOLLENWATER KAMERON THOMPSON ANTHONY M. HUNGATE 6 233 SHADOW'S DIP & DOT ABIGAIL GAINES ABIGAIL GAINES ANISSA GAINES Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 350 637 440 466 233 86 JEROME ZAHND 350 637 440 466 233 86 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 350 440 637 86 233 466 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 637 350 440 466 86 233 RICKY KEITH PARKER 637 350 440 86 233 466 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 10 Trail Pleasure RHPA Members Only Total Entries: 9 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 444 THE BOOGIEMAN BROOKE S. MORRIS JIM & JASON MORRIS JIM MORRIS 2 222 MY DIXIE CHICK JIM MORRIS JIM & JASON MORRIS JIM MORRIS 3 911 PRIDES FIRST QUEST CARMILETTA STEELE JAMES & CARMILETTA ST JAMES E. STEELE 4 87 HAWKS LOOK ALIKE TERRY STONE CHARITY H. LATHAM DAVID LATHAM 5 344 MY PURE PLEASURE JASON TODD JASON TODD JASON TODD 6 466 PUSHER'S WENDY GIRL DONNIE R. LUTTRELL DONNIE R. LUTTRELL DONNIE R. LUTTRELL 7 111 PT'S PERFECT LOLA DARLENE S HARRIS DARLENE S HARRIS DARLENE S HARRIS 8 63 SHOOKERS SUNSET QUEEN MACIE MUSICK MACIE MUSICK MACIE MUSICK 9 116 LIZ' VALENTINE LIZ NUNNELLEY LIZ NUNNELLEY LIZ NUNNELLEY Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 444 87 911 222 344 63 466 111 116 JEROME ZAHND 444 222 344 911 87 466 111 116 63 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 911 444 344 466 222 87 111 63 116 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 222 87 911 344 444 466 63 116 111 RICKY KEITH PARKER 444 222 911 87 466 344 116 111 63 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 11 Speed, Open, Female Rider Total Entries: 9 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 454 RAWHIDES APRIL BREEZE ALEISHA GRUBB JOHN R BENITT RANDALL (PETE) SLEMP 2 241 MR. EVOLUTION SUE DUNN JOHN & JANICE DASH SUE DUNN 3 244 GREASED LIGHTNING SAMANTHA PARKER SAMANTHA PARKER SAMANTHA PARKER 4 101 HOT PATCHES JIGOLO AMY MARVEL AMY MARVEL/BOB BRUM AMY MARVEL 5 160 STROKERS POWER HOUSE SUSIE WRIGHT SUSIE WRIGHT SUSIE WRIGHT 6 150 DRAGON FIRE MISTY SHOUSE MISTY SHOUSE MISTY SHOUSE 7 172 SINGING SAM WENDY CURTIS WENDY CURTIS WENDY CURTIS 8 217 MILLER'S MISTY MOON CONNIE HOOD LARRY MILLER ANTHONY STURDIVANT 9 195 EAGLES CHARLIE DONNA CAMPBELL RANDALL CAMPBELL RANDALL CAMPBELL Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 241 454 244 101 160 150 172 217 195 JEROME ZAHND 454 241 244 150 160 172 101 195 217 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 454 241 101 244 160 150 195 172 217 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 241 454 101 160 244 217 195 150 172 RICKY KEITH PARKER 454 241 244 160 101 217 172 150 195 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 12 Pleasure Racking, Amateur Lady Rider Total Entries: 17 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 20 E'S LITTLE BIG MAN JAMI L. GULLIC JIM & JASON MORRIS JIM MORRIS 2 72 THE RED BARRON TAMMY ELMORE TAMMY ELMORE MIKE ETHEREDGE 3 454 PRETTY YOUNG THING ALEISHA GRUBB TIM BROWN TABITHA BROWN 4 223 STRUT'S CHARM MICHELLE LEE JARRED MICHELLE LEE JARRED MICHELLE LEE JARRED 5 245 DOING THE TWIST JUDY HOEPKER JUDY HOEPKER DANNY D. ODUM 6 169 PUSHER'S GOLD CHANGE EDNA DECKER EDNA DECKER EDNA DECKER 7 63 JASMINE JOY MACIE MUSICK GINGER EVANS MARTIN CLOUGH 8 648 JAZZ MANS INDEPENDENCE TONYA L. PARSONS-BEAV RON WILSON RON WILSON 9 57 BARELY LEGAL DEBBIE GROVES DEBBIE GROVES DEBBIE GROVES 10 98 ANGEL FROM ABOVE LAURIE E. HUDSPETH PRESTON KELLEY JERRY WILHOITE, JR 178 GEN'S SHOWCASE LADY TONA KAY REED TONA KAY REED JOE DAN CARTER 116 KAPOW! LIZ NUNNELLEY LIZ NUNNELLEY LIZ NUNNELLEY 11 FABLES OLD MAGIC GLORY ASHLEY KISER ASHLEY KISER ASHLEY KISER 624 ROLLIN ROCK KELLY FRANCE KELLY FRANCE STEVE FRANCE 5 NOT GOLD BUT SILVER BELINDA S GARZAREK BELINDA S GARZAREK BELINDA S GARZAREK 788 SILVER GEM BECKY J. SINIARD RANDY & BECKY SINIARD BECKY J. SINIARD 622 DESERT RAIN TAYLOR FRANCE KELLY FRANCE STEVE FRANCE Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 454 20 648 223 169 245 63 624 11 5 JEROME ZAHND 20 72 454 5 245 57 169 63 11 178 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 72 20 648 169 245 223 63 57 11 454 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 20 72 223 98 788 454 57 11 63 116 RICKY KEITH PARKER 20 454 98 72 245 223 63 57 648 169 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 13 Specialty Action Style, Open Total Entries: 9 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 95 RED WINE AND CHOCOLATE DANNY D. ODUM COLLINS FAMILY DANNY D. ODUM 2 202 ROCKY MARCIANO JONATHAN BELLAMY JILL PEAVY JONATHAN BELLAMY 3 262 THE SILVER PRIDE EDDIE BARROW BOB & TAMMY COLE EDDIE BARROW 4 225 THE SANTINI JOE DAN CARTER BILL EASLEY JOE DAN CARTER 5 177 SKYWATCHER KODA DOWNS GLORIA & ORLANDO GRE CHAD E. SIMMONS 6 350 SHINE ON SILVER GREG JOHNSTON J. FRED JOHNSTON JEFF JOHNSTON 7 345 SUNFIRE'S SUN DANCER KEITH RABON JUDY GRIGGS HOYT RABON 8 243 EVIL KATRINA KENNY DOTSON SHOFNER FARMS SHOFNE KENNY DOTSON 9 709 GENERATOR'S TOTAL PACKAGE MIKE MORRIS MIKE MORRIS MIKE MORRIS Judges Score Cards Judge 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th BRENT CARTER 262 225 95 345 243 202 350 709 177 JEROME ZAHND 177 95 345 350 202 225 262 243 709 LANCE MEISENHEIMER 225 202 350 345 709 177 95 262 243 MARY ALICE BOHANNON 177 95 243 262 202 345 350 709 225 RICKY KEITH PARKER 262 202 350 225 177 95 345 709 243 Racking Horse Breeders' Association of America 9/25/2011 @ 1:07:20 AM 40th Annual 2011 World Celebration 14 Juvenile Rider 12 Years & Under Total Entries: 3 Plac Back Horse Rider Owner Trainer 1 129 IMPULSIVE JALYNN N.

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