TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1924. 1081 MONDAY, June 2, 1924. Met according to adjournment, at two o'clock P.M. Prayer was offered by Reverend Frederick C. Lawrence of Boston. Message from the Governor — Veto. The following message from His Excellency the Governor was filed in the office of the Clerk subsequently to adjournment on May 29: — THE COMMONWEALTH OP MASSACHUSETTS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, BOSTON, May 29, 1924. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives: I am returning herewith, without my approval, House Bill Veto, -"tera'S'68 1377, entitled "An Act Increasing the Salaries of the Registers deeds in Bristol of Deeds and Assistant Recorders of the Land Court for the County- Northern, Southern and Fall River Districts of Bristol County." This measure would establish further exceptions to the uni- form scale of salaries for Registers of Deeds which was estab- lished in 1919. It provides that Registers of Deeds for the three districts in Bristol County shall receive in addition to their base pay fifteen per cent of the average annual gross income as pro- vided by General Laws, chapter 37, section 34, instead of ten per cent which is allowed at present. The only exceptions to the original standardization were for the Registers for Dukes and Nantucket Counties and for the Southern District of Berkshire County, who were given special consideration in view of the small population of the registration district and because of the small receipts in recording fees. In 1921, a further exception was made in favor of the Register of Deeds for the District of Northern Middlesex because of the small receipts in that district. If further exceptions are to be made for the three Registers as provided for by this bill, there seems to be no good reason why all Registers should not receive similar increase. The present salaries received by the Registers of Deeds affected by the bill are as follows: Register of Deeds, Southern District, Bristol County . $3,515 28 Register of Deeds, Northern District, Bristol County . 2,864 75 Register of Deeds, Fall River District, Bristol County . 3,104 56 • There are seven other Registers of Deeds in the Common- wealth, not including those for Dukes, Nantucket and the Southern District of Berkshire, who receive $3,000 or less. The bill is special legislation and if passed, it will be referred to as a convincing argument for setting aside the standardization rates which have been established for the Registers of Deeds, 1082 JOURNAL OF' THE HOUSE, Registers of Probate, Sheriffs and other County positions. The present standardization was established after long investigation and was adopted so that all County officials might be treated fairly and that the General Court might be relieved of the con- sideration of just such special bills as the one in question. CHANNING H. COX. The message (House, No. 1813) was read; and, pending the question "Shall the bill pass, notwithstanding the objections of His Excellency the Governor?" the further consideration thereof was postponed, on motion of Mr. Jewett of Lowell, until after the disposition of the Orders of the Day. Subsequently, the Orders of the Day having been disposed of, the bill was considered further. Veto sustained. The question on passing the bill, notwithstanding the said objections, was determined by yeas and nays, as required by Chapter I, Section I, Article II, of the Constitution; and the roll having been called the bill failed to pass, less than two thirds of the members having agreed to pass the same. The vote was 46 yeas and 145 nays, as follows: — YEAS. Bessette, Alfred M. Harrington, Edward F. Campbell, Hugh J. Healy, Jeremiah J. Casey, James B. Hickey, William P. Cassidy, Francis E. Hourihan, 'Michael F. Clark, Francis P. Howland, Edgar F. Conroy, William S. Jones, John A. Cook, D. Herbert Kelley, Charles A. Curtin, J. Frederick Kelly, Coleman E. Dinsmore, Robert Kelly, Joseph F. Donovan, John F. Manley, Robert L. Donovan, Timothy F. McCarthy, John J. Eaton, Frank W. McCarthy, William H. Farrell, John T. Mellen, James J. Fish, William A. Morton, Thomas J. Foley, Maurice E. Roach, Joseph N. Garòfano, Tony A. Robinson, Everett W. Garrity, Hugh H. Sawyer, Roland D. Garvey, Richard J. Shaw, Michael F. Granfield, Patrick E. Toomey, Joseph D. Grant, Walter B. Wallace, Edward F. Greaney, Maurice F. Winnett, William H. Halloran, Leo J. Winston, Thomas A. Hannagan, William H. Woodward, Harry A. NAYS. Abbott, Charles E. Bentley, James D. Adlow, Elijah Bilodeau, Thomas H. Allen, Albion B. Blanchard, Arthur F. Allen, Walter D. Brennen, Owen E. Ames, Charles W. Briggs, George L. ' Annis, Charles H. Brimblecom, John C. Ashley, Charles H. Brooks, George F. Atwood, Harrison H. Bullock, Albert W. Barrows, Frank E. Carey, Edward J. Bateman, Thomas R. Carman, Julius F. Beck, John E. Casey, William Bell, William J. Clark, Ezra W. MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1924. 1083 demons, Maynard E. S. Larson, Joseph L. Conlon, William J. Lawson, Allen Cooksey, Fred R. Lewis, Wilbur F. Corbett, Thomas J. Linnehan, Jeremiah M. Cotton, Joseph R. Littlefield, Arthur E. Crockett, Elbert M. McCormick, Richard J. Crockwell, Richard D. McCulloch, Elmer L. Crowther, Thomas C. Meins, Carroll L. Cunniff, P. Sarsfjeld Mitchell, John Currier, Bert S. Mitchell, John L. Daggett, Warren C. Murphy, Daniel C. Davidson, Herbert K. Nickerson, Thomas H. Davis, Elbridge G. Nutting, Edward H. Davis, J. Bradford O'Connor, Daniel W. Dawson, Elmer E. O'Dea, James H. Dean, Ernest J. Osborne, Frank W. Dearborn, Hiram N. Pehrsson, Herman 'DesChenes, Louis N. M. Penshorn, George Dewar, Burt Pepin, Chauncey Donahue, Timothy D. Perry, Francis H. Donaldson, M. Sylvia Phinney, Frank B. Early, Bernard Pike, Chester A. Evans, Vernon W. Pond, George K. Everberg, Gustave W. Prout, Everett R. Finkelstein, Bernard Richards, George Louis FitzGerald, Susan W. Ryder, Morrill S. Gilman, George A. Saltonstall, Leverett Gilmore, Charles H. Scott, Frank O. Glazier, Frederick P. Senecal, Leo P. Gleason, Richard D. Shattuck, Henry L. Goewey, Harold R. Sinnicks, George S. Graves, Merle D. Smith, Almond Greenler, William J. Smith, Francis W. K. Griffin, Eugene B. Snow, Fred L. Hale, C. Wesley Snow, Walter H. Hall, Albert Harrison Standish, Lemuel W. Hawson, John A. Staples, William E. Hayes, James W. Stewart, James D. Hays, Martin Stratton, Ralph R. Heffernan, John J. Sutherland, Albert A. Higgins, Matthew A. Sweeney, James F. Hinckley, Edward C. Symonds, Charles Holden, Charles S. Thomas, John Holden, Robert H. J. Thomas, William F., Jr. Hooper, Elisha Thompson, Elwin L. Howard, Harold E. Thompson, Harlie E. Hull, John C. Tirrelf, Prince H. Hunnewell, James M. Torrey, James A. Hutt, Albert E. Underwood, George M. Ingalls, Alfred W. Walsh, Richard M. James, George F. Walsh, Robert B. Johnston, Thomas H. Ward, Joseph M. Jordan, Michael H. Warren, Frederick A. Judd, Frederick E. Warren, James E. Keith, Roland M. Washburn, Slater Kelleher, John A. Whidden, Renton Kelley, Edward J. White, Benjamin F., Jr. Keniston, Davis B. Winn, Herbert F. Kidder, Clarence P. Winsloe, Temple A. Lancaster, William D. Wragg, Samuel H. Larocque, Ernest A. 46 yeas; 145 nays. 1084 JOURNAL OF' THE HOUSE, Messages from the Governor — Bills Returned with Recommenda- tion of Specified Amendment. The following message was received from His Excellency the Governor: — THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, BOSTON, June 2, 1924. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives: ^TatverZ, Under the provisions of Article LVI of the Amendments to the iwont'steeet Constitution, I am returning herewith House Bill 1773, entitled e in Boston. "An Act to authorize the Laying Out, Widening and Construc- tion of Tremont Street from Arlington Square to Its Inter- section with Stuart Street in the City of Boston," with the rec- ommendation that it be amended as follows: By striking out in lines 9 and 10 of Section 2 the words "from the proceeds of indebtedness incurred within the statutory limit of indebtedness or." This amendment would restore the bill to the form in which it was recommended by the Committee on Municipal Finance after careful study and while making possible the improvement of Tremont Street would stipulate that "no loan shall be author- ized under this section unless a sum equal to ten per cent of the loan so authorized is voted for the same purpose to be provided from taxes or other sources of revenue." It has been the un- varying policy of the present Legislature in all cases where a city or town has been given special authority to borrow outside the debt limit to require an appropriation from revenue towards the proposed improvement before it becomes entitled to the authority to borrow. The policy of the present year is in keeping with that established in 1923, which requires all cities and towns to provide from revenue sources a certain sum before loans can be made for any of the purposes specified in the first fourteen items of Section 7, Chapter 44, General Laws. The principle of pay-as-you-go, which is sound for the Com- monwealth and is sound for the cities and towns of the Com- monwealth in general, is also sound for Boston. There is no reason why Boston should not do as much as other cities and towns have been required to do where special legislation is given authorizing borrowing outside the debt limit. Already during this session two Boston acts, — one for hospital purposes and one for a municipal building, — have been approved which require that a contribution must be made from revenue before loans can be issued. The amount which must be contributed from taxation or other Sources of revenue will have but little effect on the tax rate, but a principle is involved which should be followed without any exception.
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