r buyers and sellers of radio advertising e. VOL. 5 - NO. 3 VS MARCH I 1961 i IO 35 CENTS KLIFs Gotta Secret! Passed on by C. E. HOOPER, INC. Jan.- Feb., 1961 (Mon.- Sat. 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.) the McLendon Stations Dallas Houston San Antonio Shreveport ?Ai Dallas in dep Buffalo (f) 00/q Louisville San Francisco www.americanradiohistory.com MERCHANDISING IS LIKE THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE CURL. e.. "...WHEN SHE WAS GOOD AND WHEN SHE WAS BAD SHE WAS VERY, VERY GOOD, SHE WAS HORRID! KSTP Radio believes that advertisers should receive strong, mailing pieces, survey facts and figures relating to your consistent and professional merchandising support for their sales problem and special promotions by the score. There advertising campaigns in the vitally important North- is no charge to the advertiser for these services which are west market. offered at the discretion of the station. To this end KSTP maintains a full -time merchandising Our files are full of letters from advertisers who appre- and promotion staff working closely with each advertiser ciate dependable,quality merchandising assistance. If you'd to create, develop and implement the selling aids which like to know more about it, contact a KSTP representative most effectively add to the success of his campaign. or your nearest Petry office. Among the activities which have made KSTP the Northwest's leader in merchandising are the exclusive KSTP "FEATURE FOODS MER- CHANDISING PLAN" and "FEATURE DRUGS 50,000 watts, 15oo kc. MERCHANDISING PLAN" which provide spe- cial in -store displays and product -checks in 200 top -volume super- markets and 65 key drug out- lets in the Twin City area. Bargain Bar displays in key chain and independent food outlets every week include coupons, samples, registration for prizes, distribution of product literature and demonstrations by the KSTP hostess in attend- ance. Each activity is designed to move your product from shelf to shopping basket -the final link in the chain started by your advertising on KSTP Radio! tithe sound of the sixties" In addition, KSTP's expert merchandisers turn out shelf- talkers, banners, window streamers, bus cards, posters, www.americanradiohistory.com -N and hap - py home to far us off a hun -dred men or to o pen wide the i - ron irring songs of battle, sorrow and victory... commentary that fit the mood..." "The WBBM provoking and, above all, interesting. According )ixie," "John Brown's Body," "Yellow Rose of Orchestra, the Northwestern University Men's to one listener, "A Ballad of the North and -xas' , these and other melodies recalled the Glee Club and various soloists performed with South" was: "Best I've ever heard." Wouldn't a ,lion and sweep of the Civil War on `A Ballad style and humor." man in that frame of mind be receptive to your the North and South." Produced by WBBM Small wonder that it was chosen as one of the advertising message? icago, one of the CBS Owned Radio Stations, top two Radio Documentaries of the Year by 358 When people listen attentively to stimulating, cl presented over the CBS Radio Network, this of the nation's Radio -TV editors in Radio -TV provocative programs, they pay attention to the ugram of authentic Civil War music had the Daily's 19th Annual All- American Awards. sponsor's sales message. And it is a matter of tion'scritics cheering. Among their comments: The CBS (Nned Radio Stations create ra- record that attentive, active, responsive audiences lie melodies were happily blended with a dio programs that are adult, informative, thought- listen to the idea stations: EI,WCBS,WCAU,WBBM, HMOX,SKCBS,tRNX,THE CBS OWNED RADIO STATIONS www.americanradiohistory.com Now, thanks to the complete cooperation of the record companies (including all the majors), there's an un- matched, one -stop record source for broadcasters! Now, through RSI, you can get the hit record product (albums as well as the singles we've been delivering) of every top label in the business. You get the best of the new releases ... the "Spotlight Winners" selected by the Record and Music Staff of The Billboard. Six different record services available They're services that fit your programming as neatl 5- as they fit your budget. And each is sold with an uncon- ditional guarantee of complete satisfaction! "SPOTLIGHT" singles 9 Rates effective March ist (U.S. i "Hot 100" 52 Weeks 18 Weeks 10 new records weekly $175.00 $60.00 "Easy Listening" ** BEGINNING MARCH 1 6 new records weekly 110.00 40.00 "Country" 5 new records every 2 weeks 50.00 (Not available) RSI RECORD "SPOTLIGHT" albums "Popular " ** 12 Months 4 Months ALBUM SERVICE 10 new albums monthly $150.00 $55.00 "Classical" 10 new albums monthly 150.00 55.00 "Jazz" WILL INCLUDE 5 new albums monthly 75.00 30.00 Regular mail. Domestic air -nail and foreign shipping coats on request No rock 'n' roll ALL THE TOP LABELS! Already, over 600 satisfied stations subscribe to one o r more RSI services. Make sure you, too, get the best o f the new releases ... faster than you could otherwise - through RSI. Fill out and mail the coupon below, today RSI, 333 East 46th Street, New York 17, New York Payment is enclosed for our subscription to the RSI service s checked. Singles 52 Wks. IS Wks. Albums Is Mos. 4 Mos "Hot 100" "Popular" "Easy Listening" "Classical" "Country" Music "Jazz" Station Call Letters Attention Company Name Address City State RSI grants and reserves the right to cancel subscription services on a pro rata basis. RECORD SOURCE, INC. It is a condition of Otis subscription that records supplied by RSI will be used fo broadcast purposes only 2 U. S. RIDIO March 1961 www.americanradiohistory.com airwaves Radio's Barometer Spot: National spot billings of Daren F. McGavren Co., New York, in- creased 32 percent in the first 60 days of 1961 over the saine period last year, the representative firm announced this month. Network: Frito Co. was the leading network advertiser in terms of total home broadcasts, according to A. C. Nielsen Co.'s monthly index for the period ending January 8. There were 348 broadcasts used for a total of 161,519,000 home broadcasts delivered. Pharmaco Inc. held second posi- 156,394,000 Sets in Use tion with 131,941,000 total home broadcasts delivered. Following in third, fourth and fifth places were Standard Brands Inc., R. J. Reynolds Tobacco and Liggett & Myers Tobacco. In terms of total commercial 15,500,000 Fm Sets in minutes delivered, the Nielsen study shows that Pharmaco held the num- ber one position was Use (RAB est.) with 90,050,000. Frito second with 80,049,000. Standard Brands, Vick Chemical Co. and Liggett & Myers ranked third, fourth and fifth. 40,387,000 Car Radios (RAB est.) Local: KCBS San Francisco revealed in an annual report that sales in 1960 exceeded the highest previous year by 19.3 percent. Local sales were 1,090,073 Sets Made up 7.3 percent over 1959. Sales reached the highest peak in the station's (January -EIA) history during the week ending November 5. 3,556 Am Stations Stations: The number of am and fm stations on the air at the end of an increase of 27 am and 18 fm) over the 839 Fm Stations February totaled 4,395, (9 previous month. Commercial AM Commercial FM Stations on the air 3,556 839 Applications pending 596 76 Under construction 138 204 Sets: Total radio production in January was 1,090,073, including auto receivers, according to the Electronic Industries Association. Total radio sales, excluding car radios, was 580,680. Fm set production reached 50,421 in January, according to the EIA. U. S. RADIO March 1961 3 www.americanradiohistory.com for buyers and sellers of radio advertising 4141110 MARCH 1961 VOL. 5 - NO. 3 ... IN THIS ISSUE ... Program Services in Evolution 17 Study of Burgeoning Field Reveals Dynamic New Aids for Local Stations 1 Program Services Index 20 Up -to -Date Listing of Program Services Packagers Compiled from u.s. RADIO Survey Milnot Spreads the Word 25 D'Arcy Leads Milk Compound Producer In Radio Push with 'Soft' Commercials How Good Is Your Radio Vocabulary? 29 Glossary of Radio Advertising Terms Compiled for U.S. RADIO by Ohio Broadcaster Trends in Radio Programming 34 Three Prominent Broadcasters Discuss Programming's Path in the '60s Question and Answer 38 Ratcliff of N. W. Ayer Outlines Relation of Agency to Program Packagers ... DEPARTMENTS .. Airwaves 3 Report from Agencies 50 BPA Memo 46 Report from Canada 53 GO REGIONAL! Commercial Clinic 44 Report from Networks 52 Editorial 56 Report from RAB 48 COVER ALL KELO -LAND! Focus on Radio 40 Report from Representatives 49 42 There's no stopping a radio spot Hometown U.S.A. Silver Mike 14 when you place it on KELO Sioux Letters to Editor 15 Soundings 6 Falls. 13,600 -watt franklinized Names and Faces 55 Station Log 45 power Burls your message through- Radio Registers 47 Time Buys 7 out all KELO -LAND. And KELO Radio Research 54 Washington 10 program power ( built on sensible music picks, full NBC news, color- ful weather reporting, on -the -spot sportscasts) drives your message Norman R. Glenn Editor and Publisher Member of Business Publications home co;icincingltt Bernard Platt Executive Vice President Audit of Circulations Inc. NBC Elaine Couper Glenn Secretary- Treasurer Arnold Alpert Vice !'resident and Assistant Publisher BPA K E L Jonah Gitlitz Editorial Director 13,600 WATTS RADIATED POWER U. S. RADIO is published monthly by Mary Lou Ponsell Senior Editor Arnold Alpert Publications, Inc.
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