Light for the Line, THE SOOTH AFRICAN CHURCH RAILWAY MISSION MAGAZINE, No. LX.. Q u a r t e r l y . JULY. 1913. 2/- PER ANNUM, 2/6 TOST F R E E . South Hfrican Cburcb 1Railvpa\> illMssion. STAFF. Head of the Mission : Postal Address: LIEV. F. A. ROGERS, M.A. Chetnole, Bournemouth, England. Vice-Head: Rev. O. W. L. Skey The Vicarage, Germiston. Rev. T. de Launce Faune«, B.A. Naauwpoort. Rev. S. R. Griggs Bishopsbourne Cottage, Grahamstown. Mr. A. C. Bickerdike Bishopsbourne Cottage, Grahamstown. Mr. H. L. Woodhouse Bishopsbourne Cottage, Grahamstown. Miss Beckwith The Hermitage, Grahamstown. Miss Holmes On furlough. Miss Glasier The Hermitage, Grahamstown. Nurse Brownlow ... Railway Hotel, .Cookhouse. Rev. 8. Weaver ... The Vicarage, Fordsburg. Rev. W. M. Austin c/o R. E. Berney, Esq., Brakfontein, Dealsville, O.F.S. Mr. J. J. Coombs The Vicarage, Germiston. Mr. H. J. Coles ... The Vicarage, Germiston. Mr. A. H. P. Austin The Vicarage, Germiston. Nurse Ward ale Box 53, Volksrust. Miss Attlee Fordsburg. Miss Ramadge 7, Monument Road, Bloemfontein. Miss Watson On furlough. Miss Heddv 7, Monument Road, Bloemfontein. Rev. E. G. Holden, M.A. P.O. Box 616, Bulawayo. Native Catechists, Headers and Teachers: Johannes Magxaka, James Makambi, Samuel Susela, Samuel Kula, Archibald Mbolikwa and Priscilla Hewu. Hon. Editor and Children’s Secretary: Miss Burt, the Hermitage, Grahamstown. 2 LIGHT FOR THE LINE. LETTER FROM THE HEAD. have hopes of seeing a good many more before I leave. Mr. Austin’s coming will mean that Chetnole, we shall have to lose Mr. Renaud’s Bournemouth, help. For nearly eight years he has England. given much of his time and thought to Though 1 failed to write last quarter the arduous task of keeping our ac­ I Lave not altogether forgotten South counts, and has borne long with some Africa, and liave been running’ round of our unbusinesslike habits, and we England getting a certain amount of owe him our very warmest thanks. But money, trying to arouse interest in our it will be more convenient in many work, and I know getting man}' praj-ers ways to have a member of our own staif for us. I have also succeeded in partly who is always on the spot to keep ac­ replenishing our sadl3T diminished staif. counts. The Rev. Everard Esdaile, from All W e must all regret the shortness of Saints, Battersea Park, hopes to sail Mr. Turner’s stay, but a letter which with me on July 26th. Mr. Austin I have just received from him speaks sails in June to act as accountant and with such enthusiasm of his enjoy­ secretary to the Mission, and will, I ment of he six months he was with us hope, set me free to take services from that I hope some day he may return. time to time. Miss Attlee also starts I hope that we shall remember him, as in June to return to her work at Fords- well as Mr. Bickerdike and Mr. Harris, burg, taking with her Miss Heddy, who in our prayers, during the time of their will probably start itinerating work in preparation for Holy Orders. the Transvaal. Meanwhile Miss Wat­ I am thankful to say that there are son and Miss Holmes are taking a well- several priests who are considering the earned and much needed rest, and will possibility of offering to join us, and I probably return to us early nest year. hope that next quarter I shall be able I got a clear month’s holiday in to tell you of some definite promises. Italy and France at Eastertide, where W ill you go on praying that God will I found many South African friends, move the right men to answer to His call ? including Mr. Hands, whom I ran into quite unexpectedly at Pisa. England F. A. R o g e r s . also seems full of old Railway Mission- ers, and during the last month I have Germiston Vicarage, seen Mr. Douglas Ellison and his bro­ June 19, 1913. ther, Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Tyrwhitt-Drake, My dear Friends, Very soon after this letter appears Mr. Thomas, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Harris, in print we shall have Mr. Rogers Mi ss Fuller and Miss Marlande and I amongst us. He has found one priest, SOUTH AFRICAN CHURCH RAILWAY MISSION QUARTERLY. 3 Mr. Everard Esdaile, to come back with strong backing and much faithful and him, who will probably take Mr. Hop- useful help. kyns’ section at Waterval Boven. Miss I might just say in conclusion how Attlee returns in July and with her grateful I am to the staff and friends another lady worker, Miss Heddy. We of the Mission generally for the sup­ must also extend a welcome to Mr. A. port that I have received during the H. P. Austin, who is going to act as months that I have been acting as Vice- secretary and accountant to the Rail­ Head. I could not have done it with­ way Mission. There is one more re­ out the assistance of Mr. Coles as sec­ cruit to our ranks in the person of retary, or without the kindly forbear­ Mr. H. L. W7oodhouse, who has been ance of the workers. As things have residing in Johannesburg for a short turned out, it has been an easy task. time, and who is going to work under 0 . W . L au r ie Sk e y . Mr. Griggs in the Grahamstown Dio­ cese. It is cheering indeed to write of these new workers, and I hope that as GRAHAMSTOWN and KIMBERLEY a result of the Head’s labours in Eng­ land there may be several more priests DIOCESES. on our staff before long. ALICEDALE, COOKHOUSE AND Mr. Coles and I went down to Water­ val Boven for the farewell gathering MIDLAND SECTION. to Mr. Hopkyns and were thus able to get a glimpse of the affectionate re­ ALICEDALE. The second week in gard all down that w~ay have for him. June is one that will live long in the All three centres for which he was memory of those dwelling in and responsible gave him generous gifts, around Alicedale. At the conclusion of and he left for England better off than the Children’s Service on June 8th, the he has probably ever been before. In children of our Sunday School, to­ six months he hopes to return to this gether with several of their parents, country and work in the Diocese of assembled for the purpose of milking a Pretoria. He is a great loss to the small presentation to Mr. Bert Harvey Mission. — the lay superintendent— and of con­ We had a flying visit from Mr. veying their hearty good wishes in his Holden during last quarter, and, found approaching wedding. During the six­ him, as ever, full of plans and enthu­ teen years that Mr. Harvey has been teaching in St. Barnabas’ Sunday siasm. There is no doubt that the full School, he has shown himself an earn­ work that one man can do in that huge est and painstaking teacher and has country, is actually being done by Mr. Holden at the present time, but he done much to influence for good, not only the present “ young life” of badly needs a fellow worker. Alicedale, but many who are now scat­ As will be seen by the cover of this tered far and wide and are in the thick magazine, the Rev. S. Weaver lias of life’s battle. The presentation, con­ joined our staff as Yicar of Eordsburg. sisting of an A. & M. tune-book and We welcome him and shall be glad if Cathedral Prayer Book, was subscribed his connection with the Railway Mis­ to by all the scholars of the Sunday sion proves helpful to him in his work. School. I am glad that Mr. Rogers has arrang­ On June 12th Mr. Harvey was joined ed for Miss Attlee to return to Fords- in holy wedlock to Miss Annie Mary burg, for we shall certainly feel that Grace Wood. A band of ladies had Mr. WeaATer will receive from her a made the little Church look as beauti­ 4 LIGHT FOR THE LINE ful as floral decoration could make it. for the way everything passed off. Never, I should think, has the seating Quite a unique number of people were accommodation of St.* Barnabas’ been present. In the course of the evening put to such a test— and it failed; there the priest-in-charge was called upon to were as many, or even more, outside made the presentation of a very beauti­ unable to gain admission, as there were ful silver centre-piece, suitably in­ within. The service itself can only be scribed, which had been subscribed to described as beautiful. The bride, who by a large circle of friends. The bride was given away by her father, was ac­ and bridegroom left by “ 103 down” companied by Miss Ada Harvey, as for Port Elizabeth, where they joined bridesmaid, and her sisters as two little the boat for the Old Country, where flower girls. The choir attended and they are spending their honeymoon. Miss Beckwith was at the organ and The extraordinary number of persons ably accompanied the singing of the which attended the wedding and the hymns and psalm, as well as rendering evening function is ample evidence of the Wedding March. Mr. Hubert the very high respect in which Mi-. Harvey acted in the capacity of best- Harvey is held : our great joy is that man. he has not left us, but after a well- On the morning of the wedding the earned holiday is coming back to carry bride and bridegroom, together with on his good work, in which he will be their relatives, attended God’s altar to helped by a devoted wife.
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