Saint Philomena Parish Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Saint Philomena Saint Cyril of Alexandria Roman Catholic Church Worship Site Founded 1898 Founded 1928 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 23, 2019 ! XrrxqhHhrTQuvyrh) #$$ " %#&$'()* ! ! TqhHhr)TQuvyrh) + ,#-, Srp Qh vuPssvpr) .#&$-$#$$-/#$$0 ! "# $ % #&'(' Cy9hsPiyvthvTQuvyrh) Qur)% %!!!#! Vigil 6;00 p.m. ) *+,#'-,..-#.#( %#&$#$$-/0 .#$$ ' ! R* @hvy)uvyrhh vu5 pp ! Xrivr)uvyhp Cy9hvuPiyvthvTQuvyrh) 2+'' TWvprqrQhyTpvr /00 8srvTQuvyrh) Qh vuSrtv hv) 2#&$ ,#$$ /00 2#$$ 2#2, Hv hpyHrqhyIrh 6q hvsur7yrrqThp hr) 1 0 %2 TQuvyrh) IrhvC sT8 vy ,#$$ ) 0 %2 ! @rvtQ hr Wrr hq7rrqvpvsur Qr rhyIrhvu sThvQuvyrh H7yrrqThp hr) ! ! ! ! ! ! ,#&$ Thp hrhyGvsrhq8hrpurv) GrtvsHh 3 ! ! " ! 45 %#-, SAINT PHILOMENA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LANSDOWNE, PA Masses for the Week V:`:`1.1QJV`5 !Q1$RQV'$QJV$RV'H`1GV$Q`$RVJV$ .V$!QC7$2%H.:`1' - > .V !""# Eucharist is the source and summit of the Chrisan life. The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiascal minis- `1V:`V1Q`@Q` .V:]Q QC: V5:`VGQ%JR%]11 . .V $ Eucharisc and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed !""# ! "#$% Eucharisc is contained the whole spiritual good of the % .%`H.5J:IVC75.`1 .1IVC`5Q%`:H.8?RRRR !""# #%&%#' ! V`VHV10V .VQ%`HV:JR%II1 T that gi of our Savior $& '&( ()& every me that we Celebrate the Eucharist. The readings !""# (' & *&&$ .VC]% QIVV .`1 5=% :G`:.:I1:IV G7 .V !""# @1J$Q`!:CVI5:JR .V7QcV`VR .VG`V:R:JR11JV Q .V $& & $(+ ( Lord. Paul; reminds us that we have the obligaon to hand !""# QJ1.: 1V.:0V`VHV10VRV .V!QJQ`$QRV%.V `%V & $&&# IV:J1J$Q` .V&%H.:`1 8.`1 `VR .V]VQ]CV51JR ,!-,# )% *% strucng the disciples to do the same V=% :1V.:0V .!/"# ! + , % been given the same command through our bapsm and -"!""# %- ! the recepon of the Eucharist. We celebrate Christ’s en- -0!""# . 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R%`1J$ .V1VV@Q`QJ .V`QCCQ11J$1VV@VJR8 #&' 1'- ' 8 Your connued generosity has been most welcome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ind your way around it, what the overall story and & $ 2'+#*',#-$2&#' *#'1Q&-52-.075'2&1!0'.230#Q5&7 !!%" ! '()*'* 2&#' *#+22#012-2&#(&30!&Q2-2&#5-0*"2-"7Q,"Q )+,#! $- . +-12#1.#!'**7Q2-&")X *-',31$-02&0##5##)1-,+&301"71S*3*7SS 2& QSZ 2& Q TW 2& Q2YSRR.+2',2&'*-+#,0'1&(#,2#0Q 7: 3'%&*,"4#TQ5,1"-5,#Q +-*#0,+-0#Q-02-1'%,3.!-,2!23*+&#0#1 &; & '(-434 3%%#027QXSRVTW[VTURW-0&%%#027ZU+1,T!-+ ,"$ &+*<&6+0"-4 & # (44)-)463)<?@?F! 2 3 1$ #2 1$. Q%JR.V: V`>1`:HCVQ`.`1 I:?.Q1 :JRIQ`$:GQ`R%JH.VQJ %`1] %VR:75$VHVIGV`5 Q $ 8 G .7JQ ]C:J:.V:R`Q`QIV.QC1R:7`%J11 .`:I1C7:JR friends. Seats are sll available for a one RR:7G% `1] Q .V !1$. :JR !Q%JR %.V: `V :JR !.:R7 .:]CV !IQ`$:R GQ`R /%JH. 1J /:JH: V` Q%J 75 ]QJQ`VR G7 ! 8 .1CQIVJ:.%`H.8 (1$JR%].VV :`VCQH: VR1J .VG:H@ r WD@ phuryhqssr urs hirr ryhvuv Q` .VH.%`H.QJ .V 1QV:VC8 For reservaons or in- formaon, please contact Marie Chenoweth, 610 R R 8.:@VH.VH@]:7:GCV Q! 8.1CQIVJ:.%`H.1J .V ! " # $%% &'(( :IQ%J Q`$ 88 ! 'CV:V=Q1J%8) 11CCGV:`%JR:7** "#$ %&''()'**+' , Since 1949 610- 626-3037 Professional Services Pre-Planning Information By A Lifelong Member Of On Request St. Philomena Parish 83-85 E. Baltimore Ave. Richard M. Doyle F.D. Lansdowne, PA 19050 A Fourth Generation In Lansdowne www.doylestonelake.com Member: National, Penna. and Delaware County Funeral Directors Association Medicare, Obamacare, COBRA LICENSED INSURED MAXIMIZE Replacement - We Are Here For You. Your Return - MEMBER Offering Clear Concise Information, Rely on a Tax Professional We Help You Make an Informed Decision CAMPUZANO Serving the Convenient CONSTRUCTION Delaware Valley Tailored toYour Needs. since 1990 times available Individual and by appointment Call Dave or Paula Est. 1987 Business Tax Home Improvements returns prepared at 484-461-2201. Tony Campuzano www.fhlic.com 27 S Lansdowne Ave. 610-259-0543 Lansdowne, PA Parishioner Kitchens, Baths & Additions Tel: 610-284-2302 GENERAL AUTO & HIGH PERFORMANCE WORK BOB HARTNETT THIS SPACE IS AUTO REPAIR 242 Pembroke Ave., Bldg. C Lansdowne, PA 19050 610-622-0339 Cars, Lt. Truck and Motorcycles Contact Jerry Finley to place an ad today! !`#$%&'()*+,-./0.10 (800) (223(42( 056(78 Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • www.4lpi.com St. Philomena, Landsowne, PA 03-0559.
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