(Written JUly 19f2) Ten Generations of A.bbotts in America -- -----.. ~- - -- - ( Compiled by Mar~aret T. Abbott) Tre tistory of the A.bbott family in America heP-8,n about 1637 wnen GeorG'e Abbot, a Puri tan, came to New Enpland from Yorkshire, England. he first settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Later he moved and was among the first settlere of Andover, !'I1assachusetts in 164:3. On .uecember 12, 1646, Geor",e Abbot was married to Harmah Chandler in Roxbury, 1.~assachusetts bv the Reverand .John Eliot, the Indian mis9ionary called "The Apostle". The record of their marriape is in ~liot's };&ndwritin~ in ~ljot Church in RoxburY. The Reverand Abiel ab'bot's end. iJr. Georf"e Chandler's p-enealo€!,ies' of the families recoTd that George Abbot and I-Iannah Chandler "pobably came (to this country) on the Bame s}~ip~' "William (1) and Anni s (Weld or Al cock) Chandl er were in Roxbury in 1637 v:i th four small cr.ildren (one of whom WFcS l-.annah), all of whom had been born in :8n@'land." George"received his bride into his humble cabin which was a garrison house for man v vears." This house stood on the east side of-the road, now Central S~reet, less than a quarter of a mile south of the meeting-house in Andover. Later in 1704 a larger house called the "Cld Red Iiouse" was buil t near the erot where the ori~rina1 @'arrison house stood. Anna ";;ale 5 (6) A'hbott made a fi ne drawi ng of the "Old :rted Eouse." She was the dau@'rter of Reverand Abiel-Abbott (f) who was born in the "Cld Red house" in 17'70. Todav a hupe old elm tree mar~{s the spot VI.There thi s house stood refore j t vras ra7ed :in 1,01'; Q In 1796 another house was built on the orip-inal Abbot home- stead si te." The detail of tre doorway (of th j s houee) is of speci a1 interest ~itt its fluted pillars and Greek fret worked jnto the nedjment." Locally, tl-:if type is c811ed tte "Hill" t'r:pe of house because it is the same style as t:tose built rv ".'iil~iam 'Bartlett for the founder and f&cultv'mem'cers ~f Prillips A~adern.y. '!'he bectionof Andover where the Aeade_llV 8.nd Theo:l..oai ca.l Semi narv vere located was kno'~-n as "Zi Cln 's Hill." T::is wti te house 2t fo6 Central ',street i e nov.' owned by Jotn R. and Georpe j;. Abbott. On tte occasi0n of the ~80~:t arnivererv of Andover, ~aBsachuset. a monum8nt W8E erected in the Scuth Srurch Cemeter} in honor of Georve .i\.bl:-ot and 1"1 s ,·.ife, lian'1ah. The monument v'as erectedbv hbbot desendant s on Septemb~r 26, IP43. It was cut from Quincy ~ranite, is six feet tall and stands on a base ttree feet hv trree feet. These vards ~ere inscribed on t}-:e !"cnvment: "Georg-e Abrot Born .in En~land Was one of the first settlers of Andover A. D. 1643 jVhere in 1647 he married hannah Chandler He died Dec. 1681 at 66 She died June 1711 at Q·2 Their descendants in reverence for their moral worth and Christian virtues Erect this monum~nt A. D. 1 '343 Geor~e and Fannab Abbot had thirteen chjldren. They ,"ere: 1. Jo:t1". b. t~ar. ~, 164~ - d. Mar. 19, 1721. 2. Joseph b. ~lor. 11, 1640 d. June :-'4, 16f'0 ( first death on t O"''Yl record) T " 'l: 9, 16~O d. ~.":2r • ;, 1'":40 " . E211:r.ar: b. <June , "Q 4. Jor-epr- ~:nc. b. ~,br. ;:0, 16~2 d. Apr. " , 16"76 (first inhabitant of Andover killed by Indians) h loS:= p. ~"1 1 "7';l:"-. , . Geor~e b. June 7, d. Feh. ' , 6. '~",. i 1 ~ j. e,-trr.i. O. l-Jov. 1:: , If;F? d. Oct. "4, 171.) ''fr • SRra}~ h. Nov. 14, 16f9 d. ';une ?g, 1711 8. Benjbmin b. Dec. ?O, 1661 d. Mar. 30, 170;: 9. T j 1'!J.0 t};\~ r, • Nov. '17, 1e63 d. Sept. 9, 1 'I:z.() J (..!. T!-'omas b. T.ifa;r 6,11366 d. Apr. 2'::, 1'128 11 • ..::.dV'ard b. d. (drowned) 12 .~Tatr.aniel "b. Julv 4, 1671 d. Dec. 1749 13 .~li zabe-:h "b. Feb. 9, 1673 d. nav 4, 1 'I:) 0 Our hrtlnch of +:he Abbot fami ly de scends from Georp-e and Eannah'~~bot's sixth c}'1ild, WillialJl, who v'as born Novembt::r 18, 11')~"7. Wil1ia.rll is descrihed 3.8 reing;r "a Puritan in fa.ith and C};ristian conduct." In 1622 he built his home on the "uplands" in Andover. It is belieVed tr2t r.i s tornestead murt tave been lncated on the V.'e!"t side of Main Street opr:osi te w};ere the 1lJemoria,l Tov.'cr nov' stands. On Ju~e 19 (?) 16::'~ ',Vi 11 1 am Ahbot marri ed 31i 7a.beth /jerrY, daug-hter of NaU~.niel G'?~rv of Roxbur,r. She and ter sister S'Jra.h ~.~'{k"'-... sent .L 0 Andover .. to be f'Tarded j n mt flori tv lw Abhot or Crandler." In };is uGenealo,Q'ica1 Reg-i8tr of t'be Ahbot Familv". Pev. Abiel Ah:--ot miste~enJv stated thot ~il'i3m Abhot married 31izaoeth GrAY, ~r?"d­ dall,Q'};ter of ~[arY Ch,11ton C'f tre M8',flo1'er. ':'ri8 5 s definitelv in­ correct, ~n~ cur br3ncr o~ +he Ahhott fqmilv is not elivible for membership in the Ma7f1cw~r ~ncietv. The oldest rf"use YlO'," Ftandin~ in Andover, rllClSSOch)setts v:&s rt'ilt in ISO;: bv Benj",min Abbot, p yOt:!",Q'er brother of V,'illi<lm. 3en~?min b~ilt t}'1s ori~ifl~l nert of t~c roupe on lRnd 0Yl thA west ~~~e of the :'hav.'8teenLiy~r ,... :ri":C·!·~-·,'3 C'J'i":e r to tilf. (,}' :~:.s ~c~rer Y'nen re 'lr •ma~ri;....J ,.J- . ., it _C;a""'SlY __;...1......- ';;'urnum~.. .... 'v·'r'i""l"na-J.lv..... P"- .,. +'h", ,""__ 1 r -".~.....,'l":::',' ~ "''''",.~~_ \,., "- oJ.. "-_,,,+-.,,,~ l..J .... \.A. ".7~ -- .~,...,c.." ,. ";'- " .... '..-'" ~,..."• ..,. .• , ,.:O~::l::1teG. r,~ ..-:. ~·_U~e fir::.;f,l;~'.ce ~~'~~i~r ~tt~_"1 Gt.:~_!!dS ~~"j~)": p',S it ~:.·:::,E Ir :6 ::~." .:..1:GVC:: U"j:3 t'C'nID wae a l:n" 10ft wric-}, '.\·a,s .0rohnrlv :;2':0<1 for -2- ~tora~e and p~~ha~s as sle3uinv auarters for the children in the ::~ ~.,~: -; 2l • ~ater the r~of was raised and tte loft was made jnto a room. H:Jnd rrf,J.0 bri ("1q, Wi"re placed netvreen the i rmer and outer walls of these two ori~inal ro~mp to provide protection either a~ainst the ',','eat:er or s'f:'ainrt Indian attack. TIlere semms to be sorre disaQ"reement ~S LO ~~i~h of these r9~sons is tte correct one. These bricks' were tr':,,! covered v. i t:r a plaster made of clay and straw. T11i s plaster cas 1"c;"n p:;"eserved on one wall of the loft room. A small section' of the plast01' };BS 'cc-:en removed so ttat visitors to the couse may see how the brick~ werd placed between the walls. Over the .vears the old 3enjamin Abbot Homestead hae ex- perienc2u mar::' cl,anves. Tbe \~'est end "f the house was ad~ed about . 177f :::n,~ L'C'e 2.dditi"ln on the back at the east end was bUIlt some tIme '. :' CO! L. Xl{ Y t c::en'·:PI.ffii "JIp-'s tarfS:''1:5~?irWornx:1(M:'fM:'~2rcr{il[~C-::Ylrr.J~]flPC15~cnC'':n~'=nre.. 'OfD~ A l:j tch::)1 a.nd G.nother upstirs hedroom were added inthe back at the west end (If th:3 r:Ol';o,e in t:te e~rl'\T 1900 's. Hecently a modern bathroom VlTas built 1JP~t[;Jrs. Cne of t:be most interestin€", feRt.ures in the ?'3nJa'1lin Abbot hOl se iE;", loy' vo("den bed w1Jicr is built into a cupboard in the livin~ r;:?m.~Trje bc:d '{:?s callec;l &- "Je'lt1] r-8.1." It Vl9S ta1{"en do~m 9no. used Wl.t;n., :nember 01 the farf;)l~r v-as SlCV.. Trere V'BS no reat In the hedfoC1m8 0:: the old r.0use in t}1e early davs f'Cl t}1e 81 ck rad to be l.(ept in +he livi~~ ~o~m wtere there was a fireplace to pr0vide reate From the rather f"rim na:r:e c-iven to this hed, live may a8sume that many of the patients 1.;YO used jt did T1::lt r:::cover from tteir illnesses. At the east end of the house there still stands a quaint old well touse whicr: enabled the members of the famfly to draw water ';,j thout :be_vi nv to po ot.:t of doors. Tr is convenience must have been especiall~ arpreciated durin the cold New 3nvland winters. The I")l,d :Sen,iamin i>.hhot romeste8d '.':as in possession of his d.escendants to tlle eivl~tt [,"3neration. The house no InmQ'er belonQ's to the .;bbot family. It is >10W o\'ned rv ~:rrs. Llovd r,1or~dne, daug-nter of a memcer 6r the Society fOr tr~e Preservation of New ~n9'land Antiqui ties • .h.
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